Saturday, December 3rd, 3:30pm
Decorate an umbrella in the theme of your choice and join us for the Milwaukie Umbrella Parade and Tree Lighting!
Convene in the Waldorf School School parking lot by 3:30 p.m. (21st and Monroe).
The Milwaukie High School Marching band will lead the procession up Main Street and back to City Hall where the festivities will be capped with the Tree Lighting and refreshments. City Hall is located a 10722 SE Main Street.
Santa Claus will join the festivities and treats will be served!
For more information contact Beth Ragel at (503) 786-7568
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Umbrella Parade & Tree Lighting
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Saturday, November 19, 2011
Noveber Meeting Notes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, co-Chair, led the meeting. Present: Chief Bob Jordan, City Staff Liaison Pat DuVal, Co-Chair Linda Hedges, Parks Coordinator Sarah Smith, and 5 neighbors. Paige Richardson, Milwaukie baseball consultants, also attended, and Mary later apologized for not doing introductions so that it was clear someone from the consulting firm was present.
Milwaukie Police Update: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly property crime stats. He reported that a rise in home burglaries in the Ardenwald neighborhood recently was part of a string of local burglaries that had been broken up by the thorough investigation by MPD. Recovery of some stolen items and the results of a search warrant resulted in two arrests from houses on 32nd near Balfour. A recent residential strong-arm robbery in our neighborhood resulted in one arrest, identification of a male suspect who is still at large. This case does not pose a threat to the public at large. An armed robbery with the display of a gun at Shari’s over the previous week-end is probably one of several being done by one or more of the same suspects in the Portland-Vancouver area. The Chief reported on the recovery of a missing elderly woman from Milwaukie by alert BPA workers, which probably saved her life.
a. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
b. Treasurer and Grants Report – David Aschenbrenner via email
Reported that we have about $19,000 in our accounts. Much of this money is already allocated to projects such as the WSMP pathway, Homewood Park, the Community Garden and other neighborhood projects.
i. Grants Requests
Linda Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded a grant award for the Police Officer of the Year Award dinner of $450.
Linda Hedges moved and Sarah Smith seconded an award of 1/7th of the total cost for school guard crossing equipment from our WSMP $500 awareness and education fund.
c. City Liaison Pat DuVal reported that the Umbrella Parade is on Saturday December 3rd and Winter Solstice event is Saturday December 17th.
One of the City’s 3 free leaf drops is this Saturday at the JCB building. Bring your city utility bill to prove residency.
Pat reported that the city has hired a new parking code enforcement officer who will begin enforcing parking downtown as of Monday.
Joe Sandfort, the Library Director for many years, recently retired. The city has 3 finalists for the position to replace him.
The City recently joined in a county-wide drill for emergency preparedness and did well.
e) Parks Report: Sarah Smith reported NCSD has approved our Campbell School Neighborhood Garden. Sarah has emailed a list of people who have expressed an interest in the garden so a meeting can be held to start the process. There will be some expense which she hopes the NDA will support, such as paying for water line and meter. This could be somewhere in the range of $3500. Fencing could cost from $2500 and $4500 depending on volunteer or professional labor costs. She hopes to have donations and grants to help subsidize the cost of getting the garden going. Once it is running it should be self-sustaining. Those in our neighborhood will have first priority for the 28 lots in the garden, and a few people on the waiting list from the garden at St. Paul’s Methodist church. Linda Hedges moved and Wally Bischoff seconded a motion to empower Sarah Smith to negotiate with NCSD in regard to the Community Garden. Sarah Smith moved to allow her to spend up to $100 for planning purposes. The move was seconded by Wally Bischoff and was approved.
A Homewood Park work party is scheduled for Nov 19, Jan 14 and Feb 11th. Contact [email protected] or 503-653-0015 if you have questions or want to volunteer to help. North Clackamas Parks replaced the damaged and aged split rail fencing near the Garrett Drive end of the trail.
PS: Sarah later asked this to be added to the minutes: “I’m taking a class at CCC in December about Food Safety in the Farm & Garden ( it looked interesting, so I signed up a month or so ago. I think I’ll learn things to use in our community garden, especially relating to food to donate to church food pantries, etc.”
f) PSAC Report: Mary reported that a HS senior has been appointed to serve as a non-voting member of the committee.
Sarah Smith asked about the removal of the signage relating to school crossings. It was both Mary and Linda’s impression from Engineering staff that other appropriate signage would replace it, such as children at play or some other symbol to keep speed down at the former school crosswalks. This will be raised at the Dec. 1st PSAC meeting.
Action: PSAC query by Mary Weaver, Linda Hedges
g) Boards and Commissions report No reports were made.
BASEBALL: Questions were asked about the baseball stadium, such as whether the process of having consultants survey the community and have the listening post meetings was just a process being gone through and that the proposal would be “shoved down our throats like light rail”. Linda Hedges responded that this was not the intention of Council and that Council expected the results of the survey to be a correct reflection of the community’s opinion. If it is negative in the majority then the project will be stopped. Mary suggested that people should read the reports and analysis relating to other baseball stadiums with an analytical eye and to regard Ardenwald/Johnson Creek NDA’s concerns over noise, lights and traffic. Those with further questions were encouraged to either attend the last listening post meeting Thursday night the 17th 6-7pm at Linwood Elementary School cafeteria or to contact Councilor Hedges.
WEB LINKS: Linda said that she would like to know whether people wanted us to put links to our political representatives on our website, as she receives a number of emails from them monthly and by posting the links people could easily see what the politicians are working on. Linda does not forward the emails as she felt it would overload the email distribution group. The consensus was that neither did we want the links as most people know how to look those up if they want to anyway, nor do we want to add local business links to our website.
TOOL LIBRARY PROPOSAL –There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 17th at 6:30pm at the PSB, 3200 SE Harrison, to discuss forming a steering committee for this community project.
CCFD#1: Mary passed around the report sent out by CCFD1 regarding their previous month’s activities and encouraged those who haven’t to read their monthly newsletter on calls in our community at and monthly in the HCNDA’s email at [email protected]. The Fire District has named its successor to Chief Ed Kirchhofer when he retires in June next year. Fred Charlton will become the new Chief. He was at Milwaukie Fire when it was still part of the city, and we congratulate him and look forward to his leadership.
Announcements: Operation Santa Claus will be Saturday and Sunday nights of December 9th and 10th between 6-9pm in Milwaukie. Sarah will post the routes on Hector Campbell’s website ( a couple days beforehand. In the meantime, you can see the route as it is posted on the CCFD1’s website. People can donate unwrapped new toys or food to the officers and volunteers on the engines as they drive slowly through our neighborhoods.
Relay for Life – a cancer fundraising 24 hour relay, will be held at LaSalle HS July 14, 2012. We have been invited to enter a neighborhood team. There was little enthusiasm expressed to do so.
There was no further business. The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday December 12th at 7pm at the PSB
Milwaukie Police Update: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly property crime stats. He reported that a rise in home burglaries in the Ardenwald neighborhood recently was part of a string of local burglaries that had been broken up by the thorough investigation by MPD. Recovery of some stolen items and the results of a search warrant resulted in two arrests from houses on 32nd near Balfour. A recent residential strong-arm robbery in our neighborhood resulted in one arrest, identification of a male suspect who is still at large. This case does not pose a threat to the public at large. An armed robbery with the display of a gun at Shari’s over the previous week-end is probably one of several being done by one or more of the same suspects in the Portland-Vancouver area. The Chief reported on the recovery of a missing elderly woman from Milwaukie by alert BPA workers, which probably saved her life.
a. Minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
b. Treasurer and Grants Report – David Aschenbrenner via email
Reported that we have about $19,000 in our accounts. Much of this money is already allocated to projects such as the WSMP pathway, Homewood Park, the Community Garden and other neighborhood projects.
i. Grants Requests
Linda Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded a grant award for the Police Officer of the Year Award dinner of $450.
Linda Hedges moved and Sarah Smith seconded an award of 1/7th of the total cost for school guard crossing equipment from our WSMP $500 awareness and education fund.
c. City Liaison Pat DuVal reported that the Umbrella Parade is on Saturday December 3rd and Winter Solstice event is Saturday December 17th.
One of the City’s 3 free leaf drops is this Saturday at the JCB building. Bring your city utility bill to prove residency.
Pat reported that the city has hired a new parking code enforcement officer who will begin enforcing parking downtown as of Monday.
Joe Sandfort, the Library Director for many years, recently retired. The city has 3 finalists for the position to replace him.
The City recently joined in a county-wide drill for emergency preparedness and did well.
e) Parks Report: Sarah Smith reported NCSD has approved our Campbell School Neighborhood Garden. Sarah has emailed a list of people who have expressed an interest in the garden so a meeting can be held to start the process. There will be some expense which she hopes the NDA will support, such as paying for water line and meter. This could be somewhere in the range of $3500. Fencing could cost from $2500 and $4500 depending on volunteer or professional labor costs. She hopes to have donations and grants to help subsidize the cost of getting the garden going. Once it is running it should be self-sustaining. Those in our neighborhood will have first priority for the 28 lots in the garden, and a few people on the waiting list from the garden at St. Paul’s Methodist church. Linda Hedges moved and Wally Bischoff seconded a motion to empower Sarah Smith to negotiate with NCSD in regard to the Community Garden. Sarah Smith moved to allow her to spend up to $100 for planning purposes. The move was seconded by Wally Bischoff and was approved.
A Homewood Park work party is scheduled for Nov 19, Jan 14 and Feb 11th. Contact [email protected] or 503-653-0015 if you have questions or want to volunteer to help. North Clackamas Parks replaced the damaged and aged split rail fencing near the Garrett Drive end of the trail.
PS: Sarah later asked this to be added to the minutes: “I’m taking a class at CCC in December about Food Safety in the Farm & Garden ( it looked interesting, so I signed up a month or so ago. I think I’ll learn things to use in our community garden, especially relating to food to donate to church food pantries, etc.”
f) PSAC Report: Mary reported that a HS senior has been appointed to serve as a non-voting member of the committee.
Sarah Smith asked about the removal of the signage relating to school crossings. It was both Mary and Linda’s impression from Engineering staff that other appropriate signage would replace it, such as children at play or some other symbol to keep speed down at the former school crosswalks. This will be raised at the Dec. 1st PSAC meeting.
Action: PSAC query by Mary Weaver, Linda Hedges
g) Boards and Commissions report No reports were made.
BASEBALL: Questions were asked about the baseball stadium, such as whether the process of having consultants survey the community and have the listening post meetings was just a process being gone through and that the proposal would be “shoved down our throats like light rail”. Linda Hedges responded that this was not the intention of Council and that Council expected the results of the survey to be a correct reflection of the community’s opinion. If it is negative in the majority then the project will be stopped. Mary suggested that people should read the reports and analysis relating to other baseball stadiums with an analytical eye and to regard Ardenwald/Johnson Creek NDA’s concerns over noise, lights and traffic. Those with further questions were encouraged to either attend the last listening post meeting Thursday night the 17th 6-7pm at Linwood Elementary School cafeteria or to contact Councilor Hedges.
WEB LINKS: Linda said that she would like to know whether people wanted us to put links to our political representatives on our website, as she receives a number of emails from them monthly and by posting the links people could easily see what the politicians are working on. Linda does not forward the emails as she felt it would overload the email distribution group. The consensus was that neither did we want the links as most people know how to look those up if they want to anyway, nor do we want to add local business links to our website.
TOOL LIBRARY PROPOSAL –There will be a meeting on Thursday, November 17th at 6:30pm at the PSB, 3200 SE Harrison, to discuss forming a steering committee for this community project.
CCFD#1: Mary passed around the report sent out by CCFD1 regarding their previous month’s activities and encouraged those who haven’t to read their monthly newsletter on calls in our community at and monthly in the HCNDA’s email at [email protected]. The Fire District has named its successor to Chief Ed Kirchhofer when he retires in June next year. Fred Charlton will become the new Chief. He was at Milwaukie Fire when it was still part of the city, and we congratulate him and look forward to his leadership.
Announcements: Operation Santa Claus will be Saturday and Sunday nights of December 9th and 10th between 6-9pm in Milwaukie. Sarah will post the routes on Hector Campbell’s website ( a couple days beforehand. In the meantime, you can see the route as it is posted on the CCFD1’s website. People can donate unwrapped new toys or food to the officers and volunteers on the engines as they drive slowly through our neighborhoods.
Relay for Life – a cancer fundraising 24 hour relay, will be held at LaSalle HS July 14, 2012. We have been invited to enter a neighborhood team. There was little enthusiasm expressed to do so.
There was no further business. The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday December 12th at 7pm at the PSB
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Sunday, November 13, 2011
November Meeting Agenda
7:00pm, November 14, 2011
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Co-Chair
2) Milwaukie Police Update - Chief Jordan
3) Information:
a) Minutes from previous meeting
b) Treasurer and Grants Report submission by D. Aschenbrenner
i. Officer of the Year Award Dinner – grant request $450 (includes 6 special guests (Sellwood bike shop owner and his wife, and two BPA employees who saved an elderly Milwaukie woman lost on a forestry road in Estacada, saving her life)
ii. School Crossing Guard Eqpt. From WSMP Education fund – up to $200
c) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
i. Grant request for Community garden funding
d) Home Avenue Path completion
e) Baseball Listening Lounge: Nov. 17: Linwood Elementary School Cafeteria, 6 to 7p.m.
f) Relay for Life team request 7/14/12 LaSalle HS –fundraiser for cancer fight – requesting neighborhood team
4) City Staff Liaison Pat DuVal report/comments
5) Query regarding neighbors position on links placed on NDA’s website
5) City Boards and Commissions members’ reports
a) PSAC – Mary Weaver and Linda Hedges
6) Any other Business
Next Meeting will be at Monday, December 12, 2011 at the Public Safety Building, 7pm.
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Co-Chair
2) Milwaukie Police Update - Chief Jordan
3) Information:
a) Minutes from previous meeting
b) Treasurer and Grants Report submission by D. Aschenbrenner
i. Officer of the Year Award Dinner – grant request $450 (includes 6 special guests (Sellwood bike shop owner and his wife, and two BPA employees who saved an elderly Milwaukie woman lost on a forestry road in Estacada, saving her life)
ii. School Crossing Guard Eqpt. From WSMP Education fund – up to $200
c) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
i. Grant request for Community garden funding
d) Home Avenue Path completion
e) Baseball Listening Lounge: Nov. 17: Linwood Elementary School Cafeteria, 6 to 7p.m.
f) Relay for Life team request 7/14/12 LaSalle HS –fundraiser for cancer fight – requesting neighborhood team
4) City Staff Liaison Pat DuVal report/comments
5) Query regarding neighbors position on links placed on NDA’s website
5) City Boards and Commissions members’ reports
a) PSAC – Mary Weaver and Linda Hedges
6) Any other Business
Next Meeting will be at Monday, December 12, 2011 at the Public Safety Building, 7pm.
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Thursday, November 3, 2011
Leaf Drop Off Program: FREE!
The City of Milwaukie encourages you to participate in its Eight Annual Leaf Drop Program.
This program is FREE to all residents who live within the City of Milwaukie Utility Billing area. Participants will need to provide a copy of their utility bill as proof of residency each time they visit our site to dispose of leaves.
The leaves can be loose or bagged in paper or plastic. Residents will need to be prepared to empty plastic bags and/or loose loads.
The drop site, located at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Boulevard, will be open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the following Saturdays:
November 5th and 19th
December 3rd, 10th & 17th

The City’s Public Works crews do their best to keep the stormwater drains clear of leaves and debris, but downpours like we have throughout the fall months make things challenging. Help from residents to reduce excessive leaf pile up during this time of year is much appreciated. Not only can you enjoy the benefits of a leaf-free yard, but you can also help reduce the localized flooding during heavy rains and improve the quality of water going into our streams and rivers.
As always, the City appreciates the cooperative effort its citizens display in helping keep our City beautiful.
If you have any questions, please contact Ronelle Sears, Stormwater Division Supervisor at 503-786-7615 or .
This program is FREE to all residents who live within the City of Milwaukie Utility Billing area. Participants will need to provide a copy of their utility bill as proof of residency each time they visit our site to dispose of leaves.
The leaves can be loose or bagged in paper or plastic. Residents will need to be prepared to empty plastic bags and/or loose loads.
The drop site, located at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Boulevard, will be open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m. on the following Saturdays:
November 5th and 19th
December 3rd, 10th & 17th
The City’s Public Works crews do their best to keep the stormwater drains clear of leaves and debris, but downpours like we have throughout the fall months make things challenging. Help from residents to reduce excessive leaf pile up during this time of year is much appreciated. Not only can you enjoy the benefits of a leaf-free yard, but you can also help reduce the localized flooding during heavy rains and improve the quality of water going into our streams and rivers.
As always, the City appreciates the cooperative effort its citizens display in helping keep our City beautiful.
If you have any questions, please contact Ronelle Sears, Stormwater Division Supervisor at 503-786-7615 or .
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