Below you will find a short document prepared by Police Chief Bob Jordan. It
describes how the photo radar van's operation has reduced traffic accidents,
deaths and property damage since its inception. The contract for operation of
the van is due to end in January 2011. The Chief has asked the Public Safety
Advisory committee (PSAC) to obtain public comment and provide input to him as
to whether or not to continue with this program. Mary Weaver, our NDA Chair
and PSAC representative, would like to hear comments from neighbors no later
than January 24th. Please email her at [email protected].
Photo Radar Program Audit
The City of Milwaukie has been authorized to utilize photo radar by the Oregon State Legislature for speed enforcement since March 2008. The main purpose of photo radar has been to enhance traffic safety through the reduction of motor vehicle accidents in the City of Milwaukie. We are uniquely situated for the successful deployment of this technique because of the presence of two major highways, Route 224 and McLoughlin Boulevard, which bisect the city and are adjacent to residential neighborhoods.
The photo radar program is operated by the Milwaukie Police Department (MPD. The MPD has contracted with a vendor named ACS, to facilitate the program. Essentially, the photo radar program consists of an officer assigned to a marked police van. The van is equipped with state-of-art radar and photographic equipment. When deployed on the highway, this equipment will measure the speed of traffic, and take simultaneous photographs of the driver and the license plate of the speeding vehicle. Those photographs are used to identify the registered owner of the vehicle. The driver’s license photograph of the owner is then compared with the actual photograph taken on the highway. If there is a sufficient match of the two photographs, a citation is issued.
The enabling statute requires that the van be occupied by a police officer and that the measured speed be ten miles or more over the posted speed limit. ACS, our vendor assists in the processing of the data. That contract is set to expire in January, 2011.
The City’s operation of the program has been the occasional subject of regional media focus since the program’s inception. Most of the coverage has been balanced; some coverage, especially in the electronic media, has been critical.
The purpose of this audit is to use the occasion of the opportunity to renew the vendor contract, or not, to examine the overall benefit of the program; its track record in reducing motor vehicle accidents, its costs, its ability to offset the costs through revenue generation and its acceptance among our residents.
The plan is to put this factual information in the audit and ask MPD’s Public Safety Advisory Committee to share this information with their respective neighborhoods and provide feedback. This feedback will ultimately be provided to the City Council for their interest in continuing with the photo radar program.
Motor Vehicle Accident Prevention
"There are three kinds of lies: lies, damned lies and statistics."
- Mark Twain's Own Autobiography: The Chapters from the North American Review
The only way to accurately measure the reduction of motor vehicle accidents is through the use of statistics. Although there is some truth to Mark Twain’s quote above, statistics can be helpful in understanding the impact of photo radar on the prevention of accidents.
The raw figures are set forth below:
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 (To June 1)
Total Crashes 172 165 168 137 63
Fatalities 0 1 1 1 0
Injuries 42 41 32 28 17
Property Dam. 130 123 134 108 46
McLoughlin 37 25 31 28 14
Hwy 224 18 6 10 18 6
One extrapolation from these statistics is that traffic crashes were down almost 20% in 2009 from 2008. Another extrapolation is that not only did we have fewer traffic accidents, but they were less serious as made evident by the reduced number of personal injury accidents. I will leave other more detailed extrapolations to other analyses, but I believe these figures show significant but varying rates of crash reductions since the start of the photo radar program in Milwaukie.
Fiscal Year 2009 Fiscal Year 2010 Fiscal Year 2011
Revenue Amount % of Revenue Amount % of Revenue Amount % of Revenue
Photo Radar Citations $474,000 87.6 693,000 90.5 693,000 90.5
Training Fee - Photo Radar 67,000 12.4 73,000 9.5 73,000 9.5
Total Revenue 541,000 100 766,000 100 766,000 100
Municipal Court - Allocation 209,000 38.6 275,000 35.9 275,000 35.9
Police - Direct Personnel Costs 106,000 19.6 111,000 15.3 117,000 15.3
Contractual Services 106,000 19.6 155,000 20.2 155,000 20.2
Equipment Lease 30,000 5.5 30,000 3.9 30,000 3.9
Vehicle Costs 12,000 2.2 12,000 1.6 12,000 1.6
Police - Indirect Costs 38,000 7 46,000 6 47,000 6.1
Total Estimated Program Expenditures 501,000 92.6 629,000 82.9 636,000 83
Net Surplus/(deficiency) program 40,000 7.4 137,000 17.9 130,000 17
A brief look at these figures indicates that the photo radar program has netted the City of Milwaukie approximately $135,000.00 annually after its costs are deducted from revenue. Although these are not exact figures (our primary photo radar officer has other collateral duties in the Department) the two full years of operation do depict a revenue stream to the City of about $135,000.00 a year. Although not a princely sum, when put with the reduction of traffic accidents, described above, it makes a modest case to continue the program.
I am hopeful that our PSAC will discuss the above with their neighbors and provide feedback, based on some factual information.
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Photo Radar Van Audit
Posted by Anonymous at
10:40 PM 2 comments:

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Last Chance to Participate in the Neighborhood Survey!
NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY If you havn't done so, please take it now; we will be closing the survey in just a few days!
Your NDA Leadership Team is seeking your concerns about vehicle and pedestrian safety, and your ideas about neighborhood improvement. Think along the lines of paths for pedestrians, traffic circles or islands that slow traffic, signage, or benches in places where it would be nice to stop and enjoy a quiet spot as you walk to the store.The results of the survey will inform the NDA Leadership in deciding what projects we can propose to be funded this coming year. Please take the brief survey and help us decide how to improve our neighborhood!Link to Survey Page: NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY

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Monday, December 27, 2010
Relay for Life KickOff - American Cancer Society
Greetings Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association,
You are invited to attend our Relay For Life of Milwaukie KICK-OFF EVENT, January 22, 2011 at the Clackamas Park Friends Church 8120 SE Thiessen Rd. at 6:pm.
Relay For Life is the signature fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. As you know, cancer affects friends and family of all ages. Relay for Life is an opportunity for neighborhoods to come together, as a community in the fight against cancer.
The Relay For Life Of Milwaukie will be held again this year at Milwaukie High School, July 9th and 10th. The Relay goes for 24 hours, to represent that cancer never sleeps. The Relay is a celebration of our fundraising efforts and a celebration of those who have won the battle from cancer with the recognition of survivors. It’s also a remembrance of those who have lost the battle of cancer, through the Luminaria Ceremony.
So please attend our Relay For Life Kick –Off Event to learn more about our Relay and register your team. This is a great time to have a friendly competition between neighborhoods, to see who can raise the most money and have the most fun!
For more information, please contact:
Whitney Welches, Event Chair
[email protected]
You are invited to attend our Relay For Life of Milwaukie KICK-OFF EVENT, January 22, 2011 at the Clackamas Park Friends Church 8120 SE Thiessen Rd. at 6:pm.
Relay For Life is the signature fundraising event for the American Cancer Society. As you know, cancer affects friends and family of all ages. Relay for Life is an opportunity for neighborhoods to come together, as a community in the fight against cancer.
The Relay For Life Of Milwaukie will be held again this year at Milwaukie High School, July 9th and 10th. The Relay goes for 24 hours, to represent that cancer never sleeps. The Relay is a celebration of our fundraising efforts and a celebration of those who have won the battle from cancer with the recognition of survivors. It’s also a remembrance of those who have lost the battle of cancer, through the Luminaria Ceremony.
So please attend our Relay For Life Kick –Off Event to learn more about our Relay and register your team. This is a great time to have a friendly competition between neighborhoods, to see who can raise the most money and have the most fun!
For more information, please contact:
Whitney Welches, Event Chair
[email protected]
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3:54 PM No comments:

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Thursday, December 16, 2010
HCNDA Dec 13 2010 Meeting Minutes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, and 13 neighbors. City liaison Pat DuVal was unable to attend.
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in domestic violence incidents but in general our neighborhood is very quiet and has a very low crime rate. He reported that the Bank Robbery Task Force has arrested the suspect and two others from the Bank of the West robbery. A client of the halfway house at 50th and King Road has gone missing. He is 6’6 and 250 pounds and has an affinity for creeks, rivers and lakes. If seen call 911. The Chief reported that a resident of the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility has been reported for inappropriate behavior toward a female police officer. This behavior has also been reported to the Psychiatric Review Board. All residents who go out are accompanied by a staff member. The Chief and other citizens attend monthly dinners at the facility. There have been very few instances of problems at this or other secure treatment facilities and our police department closely monitors it and the residents. The Chief advised that he is considering purchasing a couple speed display signs that are pole-mounted and can be placed around the city by Public Works staff at the direction of the NDAs. This equipment captures data that can be downloaded for analysis.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: the bank account is in good shape. No large grants or charges are outstanding.
Light Rail monthly meetings - not held in December.
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith said there was nothing to report.
Grant Requests: Mrs. Gentile and Mrs. Criss reported that $205.08 was spent on purchasing new underwear for children at the Wichita Family Center. Linda Hedges reported that the 10 Neighborhood Meeting signs had been received and were placed around the neighborhood on the Saturday prior to the meeting. All in attendance had observed the signs. Linda Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded a request to approve an additional expenditure of $5.08 for the clothing purchase for the Wichita Family Center and $20 for the shipping for the signs. Motion was approved unanimously.
Mary Weaver asked for a grant of $250 to be provided to the Police Officer of the Year Award dinner. Darlene Albertson made a motion and Linda Hedges seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. The dinner will be held in March 2011 and honors the police officer, reserve officer and cadet officer chosen by their peers each year as being the most outstanding officer.
Linda Hedges asked if there was an interest in adopting a needy family from Campbell School to provide food and clothing during the holiday. There was some discussion, and it was decided that since the School District has a wonderful resource in the Wichita Family Center, which does provide clothing and has a food pantry, that these families should be referred to the Center.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program A workshop will be held on Thursday December 16th to provide training to NDAs who are gathering information and writing reports in preparation for project identification.
Neighborhood Survey Sarah Smith reported that 47 online surveys had been attempted and 42 completed. A few paper copies are waiting to be added. Over half of responders had not been to an NDA meeting before or not in a long time. Mary Weaver asked neighbors to start thinking of a vision they have for our neighborhood, how we want it to grow and what will help make it more livable.
Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association: Neighborhood Survey has a brief survey we are asking all neighbors in our neighborhood boundaries to take to gather information and opinion about the livability of the neighborhood, what issues people have, and what traffic issues exist. The results of the survey will provide some of the data the NDA Leadership will use to write the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program report and to select projects to propose for funding. These projects will be brought to the regular meetings for a vote prior to the proposal bids being submitted.
There was discussion over the NDA boundaries and whether or not to pursue changing it to coincide with the school district’s boundaries. It is very unlikely the city would do this since the SD changes boundaries often and the city uses the NDA boundaries in a variety of ways. Change would be very costly.
a) NDA Leadership Team Changes: NDA officers have begun to meet monthly rather than bi-monthly, and probably will meet quarterly with Council at work sessions to increase the dialogue between the NDAs and Council and to assure better communication so that neighborhood issues are brought directly to the Council members.
b) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Next Meeting will be 7pm on January 10th, 2010 at the Public Safety Building.
(no – the Ducks game will not be televised!)
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges December 15, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in domestic violence incidents but in general our neighborhood is very quiet and has a very low crime rate. He reported that the Bank Robbery Task Force has arrested the suspect and two others from the Bank of the West robbery. A client of the halfway house at 50th and King Road has gone missing. He is 6’6 and 250 pounds and has an affinity for creeks, rivers and lakes. If seen call 911. The Chief reported that a resident of the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility has been reported for inappropriate behavior toward a female police officer. This behavior has also been reported to the Psychiatric Review Board. All residents who go out are accompanied by a staff member. The Chief and other citizens attend monthly dinners at the facility. There have been very few instances of problems at this or other secure treatment facilities and our police department closely monitors it and the residents. The Chief advised that he is considering purchasing a couple speed display signs that are pole-mounted and can be placed around the city by Public Works staff at the direction of the NDAs. This equipment captures data that can be downloaded for analysis.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: the bank account is in good shape. No large grants or charges are outstanding.
Light Rail monthly meetings - not held in December.
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith said there was nothing to report.
Grant Requests: Mrs. Gentile and Mrs. Criss reported that $205.08 was spent on purchasing new underwear for children at the Wichita Family Center. Linda Hedges reported that the 10 Neighborhood Meeting signs had been received and were placed around the neighborhood on the Saturday prior to the meeting. All in attendance had observed the signs. Linda Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded a request to approve an additional expenditure of $5.08 for the clothing purchase for the Wichita Family Center and $20 for the shipping for the signs. Motion was approved unanimously.
Mary Weaver asked for a grant of $250 to be provided to the Police Officer of the Year Award dinner. Darlene Albertson made a motion and Linda Hedges seconded. The motion was approved unanimously. The dinner will be held in March 2011 and honors the police officer, reserve officer and cadet officer chosen by their peers each year as being the most outstanding officer.
Linda Hedges asked if there was an interest in adopting a needy family from Campbell School to provide food and clothing during the holiday. There was some discussion, and it was decided that since the School District has a wonderful resource in the Wichita Family Center, which does provide clothing and has a food pantry, that these families should be referred to the Center.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program A workshop will be held on Thursday December 16th to provide training to NDAs who are gathering information and writing reports in preparation for project identification.
Neighborhood Survey Sarah Smith reported that 47 online surveys had been attempted and 42 completed. A few paper copies are waiting to be added. Over half of responders had not been to an NDA meeting before or not in a long time. Mary Weaver asked neighbors to start thinking of a vision they have for our neighborhood, how we want it to grow and what will help make it more livable.
Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association: Neighborhood Survey has a brief survey we are asking all neighbors in our neighborhood boundaries to take to gather information and opinion about the livability of the neighborhood, what issues people have, and what traffic issues exist. The results of the survey will provide some of the data the NDA Leadership will use to write the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program report and to select projects to propose for funding. These projects will be brought to the regular meetings for a vote prior to the proposal bids being submitted.
There was discussion over the NDA boundaries and whether or not to pursue changing it to coincide with the school district’s boundaries. It is very unlikely the city would do this since the SD changes boundaries often and the city uses the NDA boundaries in a variety of ways. Change would be very costly.
a) NDA Leadership Team Changes: NDA officers have begun to meet monthly rather than bi-monthly, and probably will meet quarterly with Council at work sessions to increase the dialogue between the NDAs and Council and to assure better communication so that neighborhood issues are brought directly to the Council members.
b) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Next Meeting will be 7pm on January 10th, 2010 at the Public Safety Building.
(no – the Ducks game will not be televised!)
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges December 15, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
3:09 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Christmas Ships & Bonfire, Saturday at the Riverfront
Saturday December 18th, 4:30 to 6:30 pm

Join hundreds of your neighbors for the annual Christmas Ships & Winter Solstice Bonfire on Sat, Dec 18th from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Milwaukie Riverfront Park near the Jefferson Street Boat Ramp.
• Come View The Christmas Ships around 5:30 p.m.
• Enjoy Hot Cocoa, Coffee, Hot Dogs & Desserts from the Lewelling Neighborhood Association. All proceeds go to the Neighborhood Association to fund its activities, such as its summer concert series
• Listen To the Dickens Carolers sing Holiday favorites
• Warm By The BonfireDue to parking restraints, please park on the east side of McLoughlin and walk to the event.For more information please call Beth Ragel at (503) 786-7568.
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Saturday, December 11, 2010
Sandbag Information

The City of Milwaukie provides a sandbag site for Milwaukie citizens and businesses during the flood season. This site is a self-serve site located at the City’s Public Works Facility at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, Milwaukie, OR. Bring a shovel.
If you need sandbags or you are having flooding issues due to heavy rains, contact (503) 786-7600 Mon. - Fri., 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. All other times, weekends and Holidays, contact (503) 786-7500. Residents need to check in at the Johnson Creek Facility's front office for sand bags.
Clackamas County Fire District #1 also has sand and bags available at Station 4, 6600 SE Lake Road, Milwaukie, OR. For information contact (503) 742-2600.
- Sandbag Safety Tips
Use proper lifting techniques to avoid injury and fatigue. Lift with your legs and bend at the knees to save your back. - Sandbags are treated to prevent deterioration when stored. Use work gloves and avoid contact with your eyes or mouth.
- Stay in eye contact with heavy equipment operators and keep alert for truck backup alarms.
- Floodwaters can be polluted. Use rubber gloves and appropriate clothing if contact with water is unavoidable.
- Wear adequate clothing in layers and watertight boots. Reflective material on outer clothing is essential for night work.
For more information on locations of sand and sandbags please click HERE. During localized flooding events, contact the specific jurisdiction to ensure availability. Sand bags are for residential use only. All sites are self-service… Bring your shovel!
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Monday, November 22, 2010
Plowing and Sanding Routes
The City just sent out a new plowing and sanding map. The map below is just our neighborhood area, you can see the entire map HERE.

If you get snowed in, use the time to take our neighborhood survey! If you see neighbors out playing in the snow, tell them about the survey; we need as many neighbors to contribute their concerns and opinions as possible. Tell your neighbors to Google "Hector Campbell Neighborhood" and they will find our website.
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9:45 AM 1 comment:

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Saturday, November 20, 2010
Be Prepared for Winter Weather!
Now is the time to prepare for the upcoming winter weather and other emergencies. Here are a few items to get you started:
Emergency Kit: Oregon Red Cross' Together We Prepare Oregon booklet (the link may load slowly) has a good list of supplies to stock in an emergency kit. Make getting prepared a family event: FEMA has a site just for kids to help them prepare for an emergency: FEMA Kids Get Ready... Get Set... If you are a senior or care for a senior or person with disabilities check out The Red Cross guide to Preparing for Disaster for People With Disabilities and Other Special Needs. The Clackamas County Department of Emergency Management's website has lots of links to other information. And the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation has a brochure with even more information!
Plowing and Sanding: The city’s street crew will plow the City’s primary arterial and collector streets in an effort to keep them safe and passable. The goal is to help our residents get to and from their places of business and to keep the City’s primary roads open to emergency response equipment. Due to limits of City’s resources and staffing levels, snow plowing will be limited to this route. Take a look at the City's plowing routes and sanding routes maps.
Flooding: The City of Milwaukie provides a sandbag site for Milwaukie citizens and businesses during the flood season. This site is a self-serve site located at the City’s Public Works Facility at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, Milwaukie, OR.
For more information, contact Public Works Front Counter 8 AM to 3:30 PM at 503-786-7600. Residents need to check in at front office when going to Johnson Creek Facility for sand bags; after hours contact 503-786-7500 to arrange pick up of sand bags. LINK
Utilities: Clackamas County has a information sheet that covers information about utilities in an emergency.
Sign up for Code Red: The City of Milwaukie has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the City in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action. The system is capable of dialing 50,000 phone numbers per hour or about 1,000 numbers per minute. It then delivers our recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number. (The number will show up as 9999119999 if you have caller ID screening.)It is important that residents and businesses have their phone number and address registered in Milwaukie's CodeRED system, especially if using unlisted numbers, cell phones or VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Those who do not register their address and phone number may not be notified with CodeRED in the case of an emergency. Registration is confidential, free, and easy. CLICK HERE to register.
Power Outages: The Red Cross has a good TIP SHEET on how to prepare for an outage, what to do during an outage, and what to do after an outage.
Help Your Neighbors: In an emergency, your first priority should be to take care of your self and your family, but once you are all set, check in on your neighbors who may not be as prepared or as able bodied.
Emergency Kit: Oregon Red Cross' Together We Prepare Oregon booklet (the link may load slowly) has a good list of supplies to stock in an emergency kit. Make getting prepared a family event: FEMA has a site just for kids to help them prepare for an emergency: FEMA Kids Get Ready... Get Set... If you are a senior or care for a senior or person with disabilities check out The Red Cross guide to Preparing for Disaster for People With Disabilities and Other Special Needs. The Clackamas County Department of Emergency Management's website has lots of links to other information. And the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation has a brochure with even more information!
Plowing and Sanding: The city’s street crew will plow the City’s primary arterial and collector streets in an effort to keep them safe and passable. The goal is to help our residents get to and from their places of business and to keep the City’s primary roads open to emergency response equipment. Due to limits of City’s resources and staffing levels, snow plowing will be limited to this route. Take a look at the City's plowing routes and sanding routes maps.
Flooding: The City of Milwaukie provides a sandbag site for Milwaukie citizens and businesses during the flood season. This site is a self-serve site located at the City’s Public Works Facility at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, Milwaukie, OR.
For more information, contact Public Works Front Counter 8 AM to 3:30 PM at 503-786-7600. Residents need to check in at front office when going to Johnson Creek Facility for sand bags; after hours contact 503-786-7500 to arrange pick up of sand bags. LINK
Utilities: Clackamas County has a information sheet that covers information about utilities in an emergency.
Sign up for Code Red: The City of Milwaukie has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the City in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action. The system is capable of dialing 50,000 phone numbers per hour or about 1,000 numbers per minute. It then delivers our recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number. (The number will show up as 9999119999 if you have caller ID screening.)It is important that residents and businesses have their phone number and address registered in Milwaukie's CodeRED system, especially if using unlisted numbers, cell phones or VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Those who do not register their address and phone number may not be notified with CodeRED in the case of an emergency. Registration is confidential, free, and easy. CLICK HERE to register.
Power Outages: The Red Cross has a good TIP SHEET on how to prepare for an outage, what to do during an outage, and what to do after an outage.
Help Your Neighbors: In an emergency, your first priority should be to take care of your self and your family, but once you are all set, check in on your neighbors who may not be as prepared or as able bodied.
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Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Campbell PTA Newsletter
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9:44 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Please participate in our survey!
If you haven't taken our neighborhood survey, please take it NOW! We want to hear from as many households in our neighborhood as possible. Here is a link to a previous post that tells about the survey and the Walk Safely Milwaukie program: So far we have gotten a lot of great comments on the survey, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to fill it out.
Please spread the word to your neighbors and have them fill out the survey too. If someone needs a printed copy of the survey they can contact Linda Hedges at 503-343-0022.
Please spread the word to your neighbors and have them fill out the survey too. If someone needs a printed copy of the survey they can contact Linda Hedges at 503-343-0022.
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2:54 PM No comments:

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Sunday, November 14, 2010
November Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes
November 8, 2010, 7pm Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City Recorder Pat Du Val (City Liaison), and 10 neighbors
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in domestic violence incidents, which he attributed to the economy placing strains on relationships. We have had a few larceny and burglary incidents, but in general our neighborhood is very quiet and has a very low crime rate. A neighbor asked what she should do when observing a suspicious activity near her home and he advised her to call either 911 or the non-emergency police number, 503-786-7500.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that a small amount of money was spent on administrative costs this month.
Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. This next meeting will be about design issues relating to our station, such as lighting, artwork, garbage cans, fencing, etc. As an example of creative and utilitarian design, one neighbor reported on a YouTube video that showed a statue in a park of a goat that sucks up garbage placed in its mouth; Children were actually hunting for garbage to be able to “feed” it. (see a video of the Garbage Goat at Spokane's Riverfront Park at the bottom of this post!). A neighbor asked whether it was worth investigating making our station “closed” and was advised to bring the suggestion to the meeting. “Closed” design refers to creating a barrier that prevents non-ticket holding individuals from entering the station platform. Due to our station’s location and site position, it might be possible to initiate this into the design. It could be a crime deterrent.
Report on holding meetings at Campbell Elementary School Linda Hedges contacted Facilities at North Clackamas SD and was advised that since the custodian’s schedule at Campbell requires the school to be closed at 6pm, if we were to meet there we would have to pay for 2 ½ to 3 hours of overtime pay for the custodian (approximately $115 per meeting). Additionally, the heat is turned off at the school during the early afternoon which could make it quite uncomfortable during the winter months. Also, the school would be unavailable during school holidays and on Mondays that are official holidays. It was decided to continue to have our meetings at the Public Safety Building.
Hector Campbell PTA Linda Hedges moved and David Aschenbrenner seconded a motion that HCNDA annually join HCPTA as an organization. The cost is $10 per year. The motion passed unanimously. This is part of our NDA’s effort to create a closer connection between the PTA and NDA. Sarah Smith will also place a link to the PTA’s website from our website. Actions: David Aschenbrenner, Linda Hedges, Sarah Smith
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: A work party needs to be scheduled for ivy pulling. Contact Sarah Smith if you would like to help.
Grant Requests: There was discussion about a previous request sent by email by the PTA to Linda Hedges, regarding assistance for a running track at the school. No grant request has been submitted, and it is not clear that the school district has cleared the project, nor how much money it would cost. There will be further discussion when and if the PTA applies for a grant or attends a meeting to discuss the project.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
School Safety Zones – City staff, in response to federal and state guidelines, has made changes to school zones around the city, reducing their size and installing better signage. No additional changes have been made to our zones from what was discussed at a previous meeting. No flashers will be installed on 47th by the school, but signage will be installed at the top and bottom of the zone indicating 20 mph from 7am-5pm school days. The flashers on Monroe will be removed.
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program Mary Weaver and David Hedges reported on the contentious discussion with Kenny Asher, Community Development Director, over his decision to minimize PSAC’s role in deciding which projects are funded under the new Walk Safely Milwaukie Program. Mary Weaver remarked that the program was written and taken to Council for approval without consultation with the NDAs, and that there are a number of concerns over the criteria to be used for project funding allocation. Under the current criteria, the NDA leadership will each have to spend many hours gathering data from which to prove or indicate the need for a project or community support for a project. It is likely that NDA Leadership will attend the November 16th Council meeting to discuss these ranking criteria, but to encourage the program to continue forward, as it will be beneficial in providing funding for various traffic safety and neighborhood livability projects throughout the city. (Refer also to September’s minutes for further discussion of this project)
Neighborhood Survey Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association: Neighborhood Survey has a brief survey we are asking all neighbors in our neighborhood boundaries to take to gather information and opinion about the livability of the neighborhood, what issues people have, and what traffic issues exist. The results of the survey will provide some of the data the NDA Leadership will use to write the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program report and to select projects to propose for funding. These projects will be brought to the regular meetings for a vote prior to the proposal bids being submitted.
Linda Hedges offered to prepare a half page flyer to take to the school to send home with children in their homework envelopes that invites parents to take the survey. Sarah Smith suggested we put the NDA meeting dates on the back of the flyer. Action: Linda Hedges
Other Information:
a) Land Use Review Committee: Sarah Smith, David Aschenbrenner and Mary Weaver attended the city’s Land Use Review Board training this past week. Anyone else interested in serving on the NDA’s Land Use board is encouraged to contact Mary Weaver. This board is informed when any property use application is submitted to the Planning Commission, and the NDA Land Use Committee has 2 weeks during which to comment on the project. Here is a link to the slide presentation from the training:
b) NDA Leadership Team Changes: NDA officers have begun to meet monthly rather than bi-monthly, and quarterly will meet with Council to increase the dialogue between the NDAs and Council and to assure better communication so that neighborhood issues are brought directly to the Council members.
c) Sandwich Boards: As a method of advertising for our monthly meetings, the use of sandwich boards placed at 3 or 4 locations around the neighborhood will be pursued. David Hedges offered to investigate the cost of purchasing corrugated plastic to use on sandwich boards. Linda Hedges moved and Wally Bischoff seconded a motion to spend up to $100 on signage. The motion carried unanimously. Action: David Hedges
d) Fill a Stocking Program: Linda Hedges mentioned this program that is being sponsored by the Milwaukie Rotarians. For more information refer to the Community Connections page on the city’s website.
e) Wichita Family Center: Willie Gentile and Teresa Chriss reported on their discussion with the woman at the Center who runs the family support section. They are in desperate need for donation of new underwear and socks for the children who come into the Center. Teresa Chriss moved and David Aschenbrenner seconded to spend up to $200 purchasing new underwear and socks to donate to the Center. The motion passed unanimously. Action: Linda Hedges, Willie Gentile, Teresa Chriss
f) Emergency Preparedness: Linda Hedges provided handouts on 72 hour kits, how to turn off utilities, and other preparedness information and reminded everyone to have their 72 hour kits ready.
g) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email messages, if you want to be included on our neighborhood email list, send us a message at .
Video of Garbage Sucking Goat at Riverfront Park in Spokane WA
November 8, 2010, 7pm Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City Recorder Pat Du Val (City Liaison), and 10 neighbors
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in domestic violence incidents, which he attributed to the economy placing strains on relationships. We have had a few larceny and burglary incidents, but in general our neighborhood is very quiet and has a very low crime rate. A neighbor asked what she should do when observing a suspicious activity near her home and he advised her to call either 911 or the non-emergency police number, 503-786-7500.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that a small amount of money was spent on administrative costs this month.
Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. This next meeting will be about design issues relating to our station, such as lighting, artwork, garbage cans, fencing, etc. As an example of creative and utilitarian design, one neighbor reported on a YouTube video that showed a statue in a park of a goat that sucks up garbage placed in its mouth; Children were actually hunting for garbage to be able to “feed” it. (see a video of the Garbage Goat at Spokane's Riverfront Park at the bottom of this post!). A neighbor asked whether it was worth investigating making our station “closed” and was advised to bring the suggestion to the meeting. “Closed” design refers to creating a barrier that prevents non-ticket holding individuals from entering the station platform. Due to our station’s location and site position, it might be possible to initiate this into the design. It could be a crime deterrent.
Report on holding meetings at Campbell Elementary School Linda Hedges contacted Facilities at North Clackamas SD and was advised that since the custodian’s schedule at Campbell requires the school to be closed at 6pm, if we were to meet there we would have to pay for 2 ½ to 3 hours of overtime pay for the custodian (approximately $115 per meeting). Additionally, the heat is turned off at the school during the early afternoon which could make it quite uncomfortable during the winter months. Also, the school would be unavailable during school holidays and on Mondays that are official holidays. It was decided to continue to have our meetings at the Public Safety Building.
Hector Campbell PTA Linda Hedges moved and David Aschenbrenner seconded a motion that HCNDA annually join HCPTA as an organization. The cost is $10 per year. The motion passed unanimously. This is part of our NDA’s effort to create a closer connection between the PTA and NDA. Sarah Smith will also place a link to the PTA’s website from our website. Actions: David Aschenbrenner, Linda Hedges, Sarah Smith
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: A work party needs to be scheduled for ivy pulling. Contact Sarah Smith if you would like to help.
Grant Requests: There was discussion about a previous request sent by email by the PTA to Linda Hedges, regarding assistance for a running track at the school. No grant request has been submitted, and it is not clear that the school district has cleared the project, nor how much money it would cost. There will be further discussion when and if the PTA applies for a grant or attends a meeting to discuss the project.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
School Safety Zones – City staff, in response to federal and state guidelines, has made changes to school zones around the city, reducing their size and installing better signage. No additional changes have been made to our zones from what was discussed at a previous meeting. No flashers will be installed on 47th by the school, but signage will be installed at the top and bottom of the zone indicating 20 mph from 7am-5pm school days. The flashers on Monroe will be removed.
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program Mary Weaver and David Hedges reported on the contentious discussion with Kenny Asher, Community Development Director, over his decision to minimize PSAC’s role in deciding which projects are funded under the new Walk Safely Milwaukie Program. Mary Weaver remarked that the program was written and taken to Council for approval without consultation with the NDAs, and that there are a number of concerns over the criteria to be used for project funding allocation. Under the current criteria, the NDA leadership will each have to spend many hours gathering data from which to prove or indicate the need for a project or community support for a project. It is likely that NDA Leadership will attend the November 16th Council meeting to discuss these ranking criteria, but to encourage the program to continue forward, as it will be beneficial in providing funding for various traffic safety and neighborhood livability projects throughout the city. (Refer also to September’s minutes for further discussion of this project)
Neighborhood Survey Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association: Neighborhood Survey has a brief survey we are asking all neighbors in our neighborhood boundaries to take to gather information and opinion about the livability of the neighborhood, what issues people have, and what traffic issues exist. The results of the survey will provide some of the data the NDA Leadership will use to write the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program report and to select projects to propose for funding. These projects will be brought to the regular meetings for a vote prior to the proposal bids being submitted.
Linda Hedges offered to prepare a half page flyer to take to the school to send home with children in their homework envelopes that invites parents to take the survey. Sarah Smith suggested we put the NDA meeting dates on the back of the flyer. Action: Linda Hedges
Other Information:
a) Land Use Review Committee: Sarah Smith, David Aschenbrenner and Mary Weaver attended the city’s Land Use Review Board training this past week. Anyone else interested in serving on the NDA’s Land Use board is encouraged to contact Mary Weaver. This board is informed when any property use application is submitted to the Planning Commission, and the NDA Land Use Committee has 2 weeks during which to comment on the project. Here is a link to the slide presentation from the training:
b) NDA Leadership Team Changes: NDA officers have begun to meet monthly rather than bi-monthly, and quarterly will meet with Council to increase the dialogue between the NDAs and Council and to assure better communication so that neighborhood issues are brought directly to the Council members.
c) Sandwich Boards: As a method of advertising for our monthly meetings, the use of sandwich boards placed at 3 or 4 locations around the neighborhood will be pursued. David Hedges offered to investigate the cost of purchasing corrugated plastic to use on sandwich boards. Linda Hedges moved and Wally Bischoff seconded a motion to spend up to $100 on signage. The motion carried unanimously. Action: David Hedges
d) Fill a Stocking Program: Linda Hedges mentioned this program that is being sponsored by the Milwaukie Rotarians. For more information refer to the Community Connections page on the city’s website.
e) Wichita Family Center: Willie Gentile and Teresa Chriss reported on their discussion with the woman at the Center who runs the family support section. They are in desperate need for donation of new underwear and socks for the children who come into the Center. Teresa Chriss moved and David Aschenbrenner seconded to spend up to $200 purchasing new underwear and socks to donate to the Center. The motion passed unanimously. Action: Linda Hedges, Willie Gentile, Teresa Chriss
f) Emergency Preparedness: Linda Hedges provided handouts on 72 hour kits, how to turn off utilities, and other preparedness information and reminded everyone to have their 72 hour kits ready.
g) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email messages, if you want to be included on our neighborhood email list, send us a message at .
Video of Garbage Sucking Goat at Riverfront Park in Spokane WA
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Friday, November 5, 2010
Neighborhood Survey

Link to Survey Page: NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY Please take it now!
The City of Milwaukie and the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) are overseeing a new grant program, The Walk Safely Milwaukie Program, funded by state vehicle gas taxes. The program is designed to improve livability in our neighborhoods so that walking and biking can be enjoyed more easily and more safely.
Your NDA Leadership Team is seeking your concerns about vehicle and pedestrian safety, and your ideas about neighborhood improvement. Think along the lines of paths for pedestrians, traffic circles or islands that slow traffic, signage, or benches in places where it would be nice to stop and enjoy a quiet spot as you walk to the store.
The results of the survey will inform the NDA Leadership in deciding what projects we can propose to be funded this coming year. We will be asking again in the future for more input since the program is planned as a 3 year pilot, with increased funding in years two and three. Please take the brief survey and help us decide how to improve our neighborhood!
Link to Survey Page: NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY Please take it now!
Please tell your neighbors about the survey, if they don't have computer access have them call NDA Secretary, Linda Hedges: 503-343-0022, she will mail a paper copy of the survey.
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Agenda for November 8, 2010 meeting
7:00pm, November 8, 2010
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson
2) Milwaukie Police Update
3) Information: a) Minutes from previous meeting b) Treasurer’s Report c) Light Rail monthly meeting - November 15th Design Workshop
4) Grants
5) Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges
a) School Safety Zones changes b) Walk Safely Milwaukie Program c) Neighborhood Survey
6) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
7) Other Information and Comments:
a) NDA Leadership Team changes
b) Clackamas FD1 Newsletter:
Next Meeting will be at 7pm, Monday, December 13, 2010 at the Public Safety Bldg.
Members of the HCNDA are those who live in, own property in, work in, or represent a business or nonprofit organization within the Hector Campbell NDA boundaries. Only members are entitled to make motions and to vote. Others are welcome to attend and to contribute to discussion. Find your appropriate neighborhood at
7:00pm, November 8, 2010
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson
2) Milwaukie Police Update
3) Information: a) Minutes from previous meeting b) Treasurer’s Report c) Light Rail monthly meeting - November 15th Design Workshop
4) Grants
5) Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges
a) School Safety Zones changes b) Walk Safely Milwaukie Program c) Neighborhood Survey
6) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
7) Other Information and Comments:
a) NDA Leadership Team changes
b) Clackamas FD1 Newsletter:
Next Meeting will be at 7pm, Monday, December 13, 2010 at the Public Safety Bldg.
Members of the HCNDA are those who live in, own property in, work in, or represent a business or nonprofit organization within the Hector Campbell NDA boundaries. Only members are entitled to make motions and to vote. Others are welcome to attend and to contribute to discussion. Find your appropriate neighborhood at
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Design of Milwaukie Light Rail Station
Many of the components that will determine the look and feel of the light rail alignment that travels through Milwaukie - landscaping, wall treatments, details of the Downtown station design – will be on review for comment at a Design Workshop to be held Monday, Nov. 15th, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Public Safety Builidng, 3200 SE Harrison St.
The City will host this Workshop and design consultants and staff from TriMet and the City will describe the alignments details and engage attendees on specific elements. Input received will help kick-start the final design process that’s about to get underway.
To learn more about the Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail line visit the City's website.
The City will host this Workshop and design consultants and staff from TriMet and the City will describe the alignments details and engage attendees on specific elements. Input received will help kick-start the final design process that’s about to get underway.
To learn more about the Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail line visit the City's website.
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Wednesday, October 13, 2010
October 11, 2010 HCNDA Meeting Minutes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, Interim City Manager Pat Du Val, and our city liaison, and 11 neighbors
Police Report:
Chief Jordan distributed crime statistics for September. Almost all crime except domestic violence is down. Chief Jordan was asked if he wished to comment on the ballot measure to allow medical marijuana dispensaries. He replied that since California passed a similar measure, more marijuana dispensaries exist in LA County than Starbucks. This could be the portal to massive misuse of marijuana. There is also currently large-scale abuse of the medical cardholder system. Dispensaries would be dangerous because marijuana cultivation is often run by drug cartels. The City would be unable to pass an ordinance prohibiting dispensaries within Milwaukie. The Chief stated he has other statistical data to support his opinion and will be happy to share it with anyone interested.
A neighbor asked about a sound she heard on her cell phone after having called 911. The Chief stated that the major cell providers can use cell phones as GPS locators and employ this technology to aid responders to 911 calls for assistance. The sound was possibly related to being pinged for location.
Chief Jordan said that the period to renew the contract for the photo radar van is at the end of December. He wants to gather statistics and have an informed discussion relating to the revenue and costs of operating the van and to evaluate whether a similar outcome can be had by getting rid of the van and employing one or even two motorcycle officers for speed enforcement. Neighbors commented that they had noticed that the speed has come down on Hwy 224 and on 99E where the van has most been employed and do not have an issue with the van since it is doing its job by reducing speeds. A neighbor said that another factor to consider is that the cost to ordinary citizens is probably lower because damages in crashes to humans and vehicles at a lower speed is less than if at the higher speeds we used to have. The Chief said a question we need to ask is whether we want the revenue the van generates or do we want the reduced speeds. He gets a lot of complaint calls, 95% relating to the photo radar van, which people feel is unfair since they do not have an opportunity to complain face-to-face to an officer about why they were speeding. He said we should also consider there is a higher risk factor involved in officers doing traffic stops than in the van recording speed infractions. He will try to have the information by next meeting so a discussion can occur.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that our bank account has about $20,000 in it. Sarah Smith made a motion that we move $3,000 from the Homewood Park fund to the administrative fund. It was seconded by Darlene Albertson and passed unanimously.
Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month (October 18th) at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. Mr. Aschenbrenner reported that the next meetings will be discussing how to plug the funding gap and if that is possible, which features should be added back in. There was discussion about the parking problems that could be caused downtown if parking garages are not available. Mr. Aschenbrenner stated that there does need to be a permitting process for homeowners in Historic Milwaukie and Lake Road neighborhoods, and that he would be advocating for the restoration of at least part of the parking garages at Park and Tacoma.
Clackamas County FD #1 Monthly newsletter available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected]. REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR SMOKE ALARM BATTERIES. CCFD#1 HAS A PROGRAM TO ASSIST SENIORS INSTALL 10-YR BATTERY SMOKE ALARMS IN THEIR HOMES Contact CFD Fire Prevention at 503-742-2660.
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Nothing to report
Grant Requests:
Hector Campbell School track: The PTA had asked to speak about their school track project, but were unable to attend. The cost is thought to be about $16k-$20k, with other grant funding being sought. The track will likely be around the lower school field. Neighbors discussed issues that came up a few years ago when this project was investigated, such as when neighbors can have access to it, maintenance costs, closeness to the school (i.e., child safety and security) and closeness to the ball fields. It was felt that the neighborhood would use it if they could have access to it, and it would be an asset to the neighborhood.
Backpack Buddies or Adopt a Family at Christmas project: Postponed until next meeting
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
School Safety Zones –The Engineering department has had to make a number of school zone changes in order to comply with federal and state regulations. The police and courts have been unable to enforce tickets written in some of the zones because the zone postings have not been correct and are challengeable.
Mary Weaver went through the proposed Hector Campbell school zones location by location.
1. Move school zone signage on 48th north of Railroad higher up the road to just prior to the lower alleyway. Zone will be extended from end of 48th along to Park. It will be a When Children are Present zone only.
2. Home Avenue zone will be shortened to just around Park Avenue, with an end school zone sign added. It will only be a zone When Children are Present.
3. School zones on Washington and 46th and Adams will be removed, with just school crossing signs at the crosswalks on 47th and Adams and Washington.
4. 47th Avenue zone will be changed to 7am-5pm zone, and extend up 47th a short way, and along Franklin a short way. The 7-5 zone on 47th will only begin just before the first entrance to the school
5. The flashers and zone will be removed from Monroe entirely. Engineering Dept. staff said they anticipated moving it to Lake Road.
Neighbors voiced strong concern about 47th Avenue needing more speed enforcement, possibly flashers at the bottom and top of the hill at Franklin. They were also concerned about the safety of the intersection of Park and Home and stated they felt flashers were needed at those locations due to speed and the safety of not just children but other walkers as well. Mary Weaver suggested this could possibly be addressed under the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program.
Walk Safely Program – The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program that ran for the previous two years with city funding has been changed by the city’s Community Development Department to the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program with funding from the state gas tax. Mary Weaver described the ranking and awarding process, which PSAC is requesting to be changed so that PSAC will make the final decisions on which neighborhood projects get funded, as in the past. We hope to have some discussions about the ranking criteria established by the Community Development Dept. There are some issues due to differences among the NDA’s based on how money has traditionally been spent, the number of people involved as volunteers, and other factors. A neighborhood survey will soon be available on-line and in paper form to assess neighborhood concerns, projects desired to make the neighborhood friendlier to bike and walk and to increase livability, and to address traffic problems which might be interfering with biking and walking. Neighbors are encouraged to look around and observe problem areas so as to be prepared to answer the survey in mid-late November. Check the website at for information on doing the survey on-line or email [email protected] for a paper or emailed copy.
a) Handouts on emergency preparedness and how to turn off utilities because of disaster events were distributed by Linda Hedges. She said that 6 neighborhood shelter sites will be available this winter, including Milwaukie Community Center at 42nd near Monroe, Gracepointe Church at 42nd and Monroe and Eagles Wings Ministries at Garrett Avenue near Monroe. These shelters are self-activating and could be available if needed during a winter storm or other emergency event. For more information check the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation website at and click on emergency network. Other emergency preparedness information can be found at and
b) Discussion regarding NDA Leadership Team changes was postponed until next meeting. [note: this is not about changes to our officers, but about how the officers of all the NDAs want to work together more effectively and also with city staff and Council.]
Next Meeting will be 7-8pm on November 8, 2010 at the Public Safety Building Community Room.
Police Report:
Chief Jordan distributed crime statistics for September. Almost all crime except domestic violence is down. Chief Jordan was asked if he wished to comment on the ballot measure to allow medical marijuana dispensaries. He replied that since California passed a similar measure, more marijuana dispensaries exist in LA County than Starbucks. This could be the portal to massive misuse of marijuana. There is also currently large-scale abuse of the medical cardholder system. Dispensaries would be dangerous because marijuana cultivation is often run by drug cartels. The City would be unable to pass an ordinance prohibiting dispensaries within Milwaukie. The Chief stated he has other statistical data to support his opinion and will be happy to share it with anyone interested.
A neighbor asked about a sound she heard on her cell phone after having called 911. The Chief stated that the major cell providers can use cell phones as GPS locators and employ this technology to aid responders to 911 calls for assistance. The sound was possibly related to being pinged for location.
Chief Jordan said that the period to renew the contract for the photo radar van is at the end of December. He wants to gather statistics and have an informed discussion relating to the revenue and costs of operating the van and to evaluate whether a similar outcome can be had by getting rid of the van and employing one or even two motorcycle officers for speed enforcement. Neighbors commented that they had noticed that the speed has come down on Hwy 224 and on 99E where the van has most been employed and do not have an issue with the van since it is doing its job by reducing speeds. A neighbor said that another factor to consider is that the cost to ordinary citizens is probably lower because damages in crashes to humans and vehicles at a lower speed is less than if at the higher speeds we used to have. The Chief said a question we need to ask is whether we want the revenue the van generates or do we want the reduced speeds. He gets a lot of complaint calls, 95% relating to the photo radar van, which people feel is unfair since they do not have an opportunity to complain face-to-face to an officer about why they were speeding. He said we should also consider there is a higher risk factor involved in officers doing traffic stops than in the van recording speed infractions. He will try to have the information by next meeting so a discussion can occur.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that our bank account has about $20,000 in it. Sarah Smith made a motion that we move $3,000 from the Homewood Park fund to the administrative fund. It was seconded by Darlene Albertson and passed unanimously.
Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month (October 18th) at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. Mr. Aschenbrenner reported that the next meetings will be discussing how to plug the funding gap and if that is possible, which features should be added back in. There was discussion about the parking problems that could be caused downtown if parking garages are not available. Mr. Aschenbrenner stated that there does need to be a permitting process for homeowners in Historic Milwaukie and Lake Road neighborhoods, and that he would be advocating for the restoration of at least part of the parking garages at Park and Tacoma.
Clackamas County FD #1 Monthly newsletter available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected]. REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR SMOKE ALARM BATTERIES. CCFD#1 HAS A PROGRAM TO ASSIST SENIORS INSTALL 10-YR BATTERY SMOKE ALARMS IN THEIR HOMES Contact CFD Fire Prevention at 503-742-2660.
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Nothing to report
Grant Requests:
Hector Campbell School track: The PTA had asked to speak about their school track project, but were unable to attend. The cost is thought to be about $16k-$20k, with other grant funding being sought. The track will likely be around the lower school field. Neighbors discussed issues that came up a few years ago when this project was investigated, such as when neighbors can have access to it, maintenance costs, closeness to the school (i.e., child safety and security) and closeness to the ball fields. It was felt that the neighborhood would use it if they could have access to it, and it would be an asset to the neighborhood.
Backpack Buddies or Adopt a Family at Christmas project: Postponed until next meeting
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
School Safety Zones –The Engineering department has had to make a number of school zone changes in order to comply with federal and state regulations. The police and courts have been unable to enforce tickets written in some of the zones because the zone postings have not been correct and are challengeable.
Mary Weaver went through the proposed Hector Campbell school zones location by location.
1. Move school zone signage on 48th north of Railroad higher up the road to just prior to the lower alleyway. Zone will be extended from end of 48th along to Park. It will be a When Children are Present zone only.
2. Home Avenue zone will be shortened to just around Park Avenue, with an end school zone sign added. It will only be a zone When Children are Present.
3. School zones on Washington and 46th and Adams will be removed, with just school crossing signs at the crosswalks on 47th and Adams and Washington.
4. 47th Avenue zone will be changed to 7am-5pm zone, and extend up 47th a short way, and along Franklin a short way. The 7-5 zone on 47th will only begin just before the first entrance to the school
5. The flashers and zone will be removed from Monroe entirely. Engineering Dept. staff said they anticipated moving it to Lake Road.
Neighbors voiced strong concern about 47th Avenue needing more speed enforcement, possibly flashers at the bottom and top of the hill at Franklin. They were also concerned about the safety of the intersection of Park and Home and stated they felt flashers were needed at those locations due to speed and the safety of not just children but other walkers as well. Mary Weaver suggested this could possibly be addressed under the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program.
Walk Safely Program – The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program that ran for the previous two years with city funding has been changed by the city’s Community Development Department to the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program with funding from the state gas tax. Mary Weaver described the ranking and awarding process, which PSAC is requesting to be changed so that PSAC will make the final decisions on which neighborhood projects get funded, as in the past. We hope to have some discussions about the ranking criteria established by the Community Development Dept. There are some issues due to differences among the NDA’s based on how money has traditionally been spent, the number of people involved as volunteers, and other factors. A neighborhood survey will soon be available on-line and in paper form to assess neighborhood concerns, projects desired to make the neighborhood friendlier to bike and walk and to increase livability, and to address traffic problems which might be interfering with biking and walking. Neighbors are encouraged to look around and observe problem areas so as to be prepared to answer the survey in mid-late November. Check the website at for information on doing the survey on-line or email [email protected] for a paper or emailed copy.
a) Handouts on emergency preparedness and how to turn off utilities because of disaster events were distributed by Linda Hedges. She said that 6 neighborhood shelter sites will be available this winter, including Milwaukie Community Center at 42nd near Monroe, Gracepointe Church at 42nd and Monroe and Eagles Wings Ministries at Garrett Avenue near Monroe. These shelters are self-activating and could be available if needed during a winter storm or other emergency event. For more information check the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation website at and click on emergency network. Other emergency preparedness information can be found at and
b) Discussion regarding NDA Leadership Team changes was postponed until next meeting. [note: this is not about changes to our officers, but about how the officers of all the NDAs want to work together more effectively and also with city staff and Council.]
Next Meeting will be 7-8pm on November 8, 2010 at the Public Safety Building Community Room.
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12:03 PM 1 comment:

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010
September 13, 2010 Meeting Minutes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, Officer John Truong, Interim City Manager Pat Du Val, and our city liaison, Mr. Michael Ralls, Milwaukie HS, Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, Councilor Greg Chaimov, Nicole West, City Community Development Department, and 7 neighbors
Police Report: Officer Truong brought thank you letters from the children and administrator at the Meyers Boys and Girls club in Sellwood for the grant we gave them, and a report on the items purchased.
Chief Jordan reported that the department has lost its most recently hired officer for personal reasons. They are currently hiring for two patrol positions and promoting a detective. The Chief reported on the unfortunate suicide death of a young man at the trestle over McLoughlin Blvd. at the south end of Milwaukie near River road. There was an armed robbery at the Mo Betta Deli on King and Linwood on the first day of school, which sent Whitcomb and Linwood schools and the Wichita Family Center to go into lockdown at about 8:15 a.m. The suspect was a white male adult, and was tracked by CCSO K-9 unit south on Linwood but was then lost. They do have good surveillance camera footage and MPD is working with Portland Police who have a similar suspect in two cases in their jurisdiction. Mary Weaver passed around a map for neighbors to indicate where in the neighborhood they live. Chief Jordan invited us to report speeders and situations in our areas and they will respond with either photo radar van or motorcycle or other officers. Sometimes it is only 1 or 2 individuals causing a nuisance in an area and once identified they can be talked to privately which often ends the problem. He reported that crime is down nationally and statewide, even at Clackamas Town Center and violent crime such as robbery or assault that often occurs on the trains or stations, but shoplifting and identity theft which might be perpetrated by those traveling on light rail has risen slightly. Chief Jordan said there is no anticipation of additional crime in Milwaukie due to Light rail and he is active in assuring that design for security is being used. He has passed the Light Rail station design architectural drawings to the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Light Rail Committee who provided feedback on security for our light rail system.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that our bank account earned about $1.38 in interest last month. He is still reconciling the accounts, but noted that we spent in the neighborhood of $1300 on the picnic.
Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. Mr. Aschenbrenner reported that the shortfall in federal funding of 10% will require some cuts to be made, such as postponing the building of several-story park and rides, but that Tri-met has reassured that lack of money will not compromise security and that the line will continue to Park Avenue. The platform at the Lake road station will now be a central platform rather than split platform.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Nothing to report
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that the police uniforms will now have an American flag patch sewn on. Also, opinion of those present was requested on whether the police department should pursue an agreement of understanding with Portland Police Bureau to cover non-emergency calls in Milwaukie if Milwaukie’s own officers have responded to non-emergency calls in specific areas that are not within jurisdiction, i.e., the Springwater Trail and Elk Rock Island. Mr. Aschenbrenner proposed that HCNDA is in favor of PSAC aiding the Chief in coming to such an agreement. Seconded by Linda Hedges. Passed unanimously.
Milwaukie HS Health and Wellness Center Michael Ralls, Assistant Principal at MHS, presented information about the new center they are building in the old woodworking shop at the high school. They are partnering with Outside In (a medical nonprofit) for overall authority and to provide liability and billing services, and some grant funding to pay for medical practitioners. Children served by MHS and their siblings can use the program. They are doing fundraising and we offered writing our support of their program.
Mayor’s report:
Jackson Street and Sculpture Garden Mayor Ferguson answered a neighbor’s question about how the Jackson Street project was funded. He said that it was done to regain some downtown parking, to create improvement to the bus stops and reduce the total number of bus shelters on the transit area and to assist with crime prevention and the environment. $40,000 was paid by the City of Milwaukie, $500,000 by tri-Met and $993,000 by federal stimulus funding. A Clackamas County tourism grant paid for the sculpture garden. It was suggested that an additional article should be featured in The Pilot. He advised that the dedication of the Garden will be on October 1st.
City Manager Candidate Interviews Five candidates were interviewed by Council, and panels of city staff and NDA leaders. A sixth candidate has also been interviewed by Council and will be interviewed by city staff and NDA Leader panels. The 6th candidate is City Attorney Bill Monahan. The other candidates are from the Pacific northwest and the MidWest.
Mayor and Council members contact details are on the city’s website, which is due to be relaunched soon following an upgrade.
Publication of The Pilot was skipped for two months during August and September to save money in the budget and because Grady Wheeler, who prepares it, was on paternity leave. Several neighbors spoke about how they looked forward to reading it and learning about events around town.
Councilor Chaimov
Candidate’s Forum: North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce is hosting a forum for city council and mayoral candidates. The event will be held at 6pm at City Hall on October 6th. It will be taped for cable access.
Walk Safely Program – Nicole West from Milwaukie Community Development Department
School Safety Zones – City staff has made changes to school zones around the city, reducing their size to conform to State rules. Nicole distributed a map showing the changes where flashers will be changed or removed, school zones have been removed from some streets, and the length of zones has been shortened in others.
Walk Safely Program – The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program that ran for the previous two years with city funding under the Engineering Department has been changed by the city’s Community Development Department to the Walk Safely Program with funding from the state gas tax. Nicole West described the program, which has 4 benchmarks: a) empower NDAs to fund high priority projects; b) increase the involvement of residents in neighborhood planning; c) increase the sense of safety, ease and enjoyment for pedestrians and bicyclists on neighborhood streets; and d) improve the safety of pedestrian crossings at arterial and collector streets without compromising auto mobility. Three types of projects are eligible: a) pedestrian amenities and local street calming; b) street design and collector/arterial street calming; and c) awareness and education. Nicole distributed a timeline for submission of project proposals by the NDAs, and described the grading for merit process for funding. There will be $47,000 in 2010-11 and approximately $100,000 each in 2011-12 and 2012-13. Dave Hedges, Chair of the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) expressed strong disagreement with the staff’s changing the actual process for funding, which usurps PSAC’s role as the final decision maker and replaces neighborhood representatives with city staff. He said it was incongruous to say that one of the program’s goals is to increase the involvement of residents in planning and then severely limit the influence from the decision-making process the only city committee that actually has an elected representative from each neighborhood. Following heated discussion about the process, discussion concluded with no immediate resolution about the issue over PSAC’s not making the decisions about which projects get funding. This project will be presented at the Council’s work session on Tuesday September 21st, before PSAC meets to discuss it.
a) Logo discussion – postponed
Next Meeting will be 6pm-8pm on October 11 , 2010.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges September 14, 2010
Approved: Mary Weaver
Police Report: Officer Truong brought thank you letters from the children and administrator at the Meyers Boys and Girls club in Sellwood for the grant we gave them, and a report on the items purchased.
Chief Jordan reported that the department has lost its most recently hired officer for personal reasons. They are currently hiring for two patrol positions and promoting a detective. The Chief reported on the unfortunate suicide death of a young man at the trestle over McLoughlin Blvd. at the south end of Milwaukie near River road. There was an armed robbery at the Mo Betta Deli on King and Linwood on the first day of school, which sent Whitcomb and Linwood schools and the Wichita Family Center to go into lockdown at about 8:15 a.m. The suspect was a white male adult, and was tracked by CCSO K-9 unit south on Linwood but was then lost. They do have good surveillance camera footage and MPD is working with Portland Police who have a similar suspect in two cases in their jurisdiction. Mary Weaver passed around a map for neighbors to indicate where in the neighborhood they live. Chief Jordan invited us to report speeders and situations in our areas and they will respond with either photo radar van or motorcycle or other officers. Sometimes it is only 1 or 2 individuals causing a nuisance in an area and once identified they can be talked to privately which often ends the problem. He reported that crime is down nationally and statewide, even at Clackamas Town Center and violent crime such as robbery or assault that often occurs on the trains or stations, but shoplifting and identity theft which might be perpetrated by those traveling on light rail has risen slightly. Chief Jordan said there is no anticipation of additional crime in Milwaukie due to Light rail and he is active in assuring that design for security is being used. He has passed the Light Rail station design architectural drawings to the International Association of Chiefs of Police’s Light Rail Committee who provided feedback on security for our light rail system.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that our bank account earned about $1.38 in interest last month. He is still reconciling the accounts, but noted that we spent in the neighborhood of $1300 on the picnic.
Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. Mr. Aschenbrenner reported that the shortfall in federal funding of 10% will require some cuts to be made, such as postponing the building of several-story park and rides, but that Tri-met has reassured that lack of money will not compromise security and that the line will continue to Park Avenue. The platform at the Lake road station will now be a central platform rather than split platform.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Nothing to report
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that the police uniforms will now have an American flag patch sewn on. Also, opinion of those present was requested on whether the police department should pursue an agreement of understanding with Portland Police Bureau to cover non-emergency calls in Milwaukie if Milwaukie’s own officers have responded to non-emergency calls in specific areas that are not within jurisdiction, i.e., the Springwater Trail and Elk Rock Island. Mr. Aschenbrenner proposed that HCNDA is in favor of PSAC aiding the Chief in coming to such an agreement. Seconded by Linda Hedges. Passed unanimously.
Milwaukie HS Health and Wellness Center Michael Ralls, Assistant Principal at MHS, presented information about the new center they are building in the old woodworking shop at the high school. They are partnering with Outside In (a medical nonprofit) for overall authority and to provide liability and billing services, and some grant funding to pay for medical practitioners. Children served by MHS and their siblings can use the program. They are doing fundraising and we offered writing our support of their program.
Mayor’s report:
Jackson Street and Sculpture Garden Mayor Ferguson answered a neighbor’s question about how the Jackson Street project was funded. He said that it was done to regain some downtown parking, to create improvement to the bus stops and reduce the total number of bus shelters on the transit area and to assist with crime prevention and the environment. $40,000 was paid by the City of Milwaukie, $500,000 by tri-Met and $993,000 by federal stimulus funding. A Clackamas County tourism grant paid for the sculpture garden. It was suggested that an additional article should be featured in The Pilot. He advised that the dedication of the Garden will be on October 1st.
City Manager Candidate Interviews Five candidates were interviewed by Council, and panels of city staff and NDA leaders. A sixth candidate has also been interviewed by Council and will be interviewed by city staff and NDA Leader panels. The 6th candidate is City Attorney Bill Monahan. The other candidates are from the Pacific northwest and the MidWest.
Mayor and Council members contact details are on the city’s website, which is due to be relaunched soon following an upgrade.
Publication of The Pilot was skipped for two months during August and September to save money in the budget and because Grady Wheeler, who prepares it, was on paternity leave. Several neighbors spoke about how they looked forward to reading it and learning about events around town.
Councilor Chaimov
Candidate’s Forum: North Clackamas Chamber of Commerce is hosting a forum for city council and mayoral candidates. The event will be held at 6pm at City Hall on October 6th. It will be taped for cable access.
Walk Safely Program – Nicole West from Milwaukie Community Development Department
School Safety Zones – City staff has made changes to school zones around the city, reducing their size to conform to State rules. Nicole distributed a map showing the changes where flashers will be changed or removed, school zones have been removed from some streets, and the length of zones has been shortened in others.
Walk Safely Program – The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program that ran for the previous two years with city funding under the Engineering Department has been changed by the city’s Community Development Department to the Walk Safely Program with funding from the state gas tax. Nicole West described the program, which has 4 benchmarks: a) empower NDAs to fund high priority projects; b) increase the involvement of residents in neighborhood planning; c) increase the sense of safety, ease and enjoyment for pedestrians and bicyclists on neighborhood streets; and d) improve the safety of pedestrian crossings at arterial and collector streets without compromising auto mobility. Three types of projects are eligible: a) pedestrian amenities and local street calming; b) street design and collector/arterial street calming; and c) awareness and education. Nicole distributed a timeline for submission of project proposals by the NDAs, and described the grading for merit process for funding. There will be $47,000 in 2010-11 and approximately $100,000 each in 2011-12 and 2012-13. Dave Hedges, Chair of the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) expressed strong disagreement with the staff’s changing the actual process for funding, which usurps PSAC’s role as the final decision maker and replaces neighborhood representatives with city staff. He said it was incongruous to say that one of the program’s goals is to increase the involvement of residents in planning and then severely limit the influence from the decision-making process the only city committee that actually has an elected representative from each neighborhood. Following heated discussion about the process, discussion concluded with no immediate resolution about the issue over PSAC’s not making the decisions about which projects get funding. This project will be presented at the Council’s work session on Tuesday September 21st, before PSAC meets to discuss it.
a) Logo discussion – postponed
Next Meeting will be 6pm-8pm on October 11 , 2010.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges September 14, 2010
Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
7:15 PM 1 comment:

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Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Hector Campbell NDA’s Second Annual August 9th Picnic in the Park drew over 100 neighbors plus State Representative Carolyn Tomei, Mayor Jeremy Ferguson, interim City Manager Pat DuVal, Milwaukie Police Chief Robert Jordan, Sgt. Ryan Burdick and Officers John Redenbo and John Truong, Clackamas County fire personnel and Metro Native Plant Gardener Nicole West to enjoy a mild summer evening at Homewood Park.
Hot dogs, potato salad, chips and watermelon were followed by a delicious frozen yogurt treat courtesy of Nick Loomis of YoCream Frozen Yogurt
While the kids raced around screaming, laughing and hanging off the playground equipment, neighbors got to know each other accompanied by sultry jazz provided via CD by Lars Campbell (a Hector Campbell neighbor) of the Portland Jazz Orchestra.
Ten great raffle prizes were awarded: Papa Murphy’s $10 gift certificates to Lyndon Werner, Sherry Allen, Rebekah Phillips and Lars Campbell, Terri Lewis and Susan Lee; $25 Jasmine Nails gift certificate to Sharon Hayes; DVP Photography Child’s Portrait Package to Jill Stewart; DVP Photography Family Portrait Package to Rich and Donna Hiebert; Movie Night Gift Basket to Debbie Grant; and Picnic Gift basket to Ada Gonzalez. Former HCNDA Chair David Aschenbrenner finally received the birdhouse awarded to him when he stepped down as Chair two years ago. The birdhouse will provide shelter for chickadees and nuthatches in the tall trees of the park.
The Metro Native Plant Mobile Display Garden was available and neighbors’ questions were answered by Nicole West, Natural Gardening and Toxics Reduction Educator, Sustainability Center, Metro. There were free native plants for neighbors to take home for their own gardens.
The NDA Leadership Team would like to thank all the neighbors who attended, and especially would like to thank Sarah Smith, Parks Coordinator and Linda Hedges, Secretary, who organized the picnic, Mary Weaver (HCNDA Chair and Meeter and Greeter), David Hedges (Chief Hot Dog chef); David Aschenbrenner, Treasurer, Chris Pease (relief hot dog chef) and Tracy Pease (Worker Bee), Lars Campbell, local jazz musician extraordinaire, Nick Loomis and YoCream Frozen Yogurt and Nicole West from Metro for their hard work and assistance in putting on this fun neighborhood event.
Hot dogs, potato salad, chips and watermelon were followed by a delicious frozen yogurt treat courtesy of Nick Loomis of YoCream Frozen Yogurt
While the kids raced around screaming, laughing and hanging off the playground equipment, neighbors got to know each other accompanied by sultry jazz provided via CD by Lars Campbell (a Hector Campbell neighbor) of the Portland Jazz Orchestra.
Ten great raffle prizes were awarded: Papa Murphy’s $10 gift certificates to Lyndon Werner, Sherry Allen, Rebekah Phillips and Lars Campbell, Terri Lewis and Susan Lee; $25 Jasmine Nails gift certificate to Sharon Hayes; DVP Photography Child’s Portrait Package to Jill Stewart; DVP Photography Family Portrait Package to Rich and Donna Hiebert; Movie Night Gift Basket to Debbie Grant; and Picnic Gift basket to Ada Gonzalez. Former HCNDA Chair David Aschenbrenner finally received the birdhouse awarded to him when he stepped down as Chair two years ago. The birdhouse will provide shelter for chickadees and nuthatches in the tall trees of the park.
The Metro Native Plant Mobile Display Garden was available and neighbors’ questions were answered by Nicole West, Natural Gardening and Toxics Reduction Educator, Sustainability Center, Metro. There were free native plants for neighbors to take home for their own gardens.
The NDA Leadership Team would like to thank all the neighbors who attended, and especially would like to thank Sarah Smith, Parks Coordinator and Linda Hedges, Secretary, who organized the picnic, Mary Weaver (HCNDA Chair and Meeter and Greeter), David Hedges (Chief Hot Dog chef); David Aschenbrenner, Treasurer, Chris Pease (relief hot dog chef) and Tracy Pease (Worker Bee), Lars Campbell, local jazz musician extraordinaire, Nick Loomis and YoCream Frozen Yogurt and Nicole West from Metro for their hard work and assistance in putting on this fun neighborhood event.
Posted by Anonymous at
11:51 AM No comments:

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Labels: Summer Picnic
Monday, August 2, 2010
Water Bill Calculations
You can calculate your own water bill by checking the rates at
Posted by Anonymous at
11:33 AM No comments:

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Labels: City Events
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Neighborhood Picnic

Monday August 9th, 6-8pm at Homewood Park (10821 SE Home Ave) Parking is very limited, please walk to the picnic.
There will be something for everyone:
- Hot Dogs, Chips, Watermelon, and Lemonade
- Finger Print Kits from the Police Department
- Metro's Mobile Native Garden, with a plant expert to answer questions
- Information on transportation in our neighborhood: Monroe Bike Boulevard, and walking path on Home Ave.
- Native Plant Give away for the first 75 guests (take a plant home, or plant it in the park!)
- A visit form Milwaukie Police Dog, Jag
- AND Raffle Prizes, with a GRAND prize to one lucky guest who RSVP's!
To help us plan for the food, we request a RSVP from everyone who plans to encourage RSVP's we are planning a Grand Raffle Prize. To be entered in the raffle, one must RSVP by before 8pm on Sunday Aug 8th; and be at the picnic when their name is drawn; one grand entry per family/household. Send us an email with your name and the number of people you are bringing:
Tell you neighbors to come, and Please RSVP!
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6:48 PM No comments:

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Wednesday, July 14, 2010
HCNDA July 12 2010 Meeting Notes
July 12, 2010, 7pm
Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, Officer Laurie Noll, Pat Du Val, Interim City Manager and our city liaison, Dr. Andrew Axer Facility Administrator for the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility and 6 neighbors
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the department has recently sworn in a new officer, Jake Heimbigner, a former Milwaukie reserve officer for 13 years. They have also recently hired two new records clerks, Lisa Van Atta and Jerella Sorenson. He responded to a question about a white van seen driving around with “Volunteer Communications” on its side. It is one of the ham operators in the area. He further went on to describe the ham operator relationship in assisting police during an emergency. A neighbor asked if there is an emergency notification system for the deaf, like Code Red, and the answer was that there is not, although Code Red does have the ability to register both a landline and cell phone numbers, so the message could go to both home and to her cell phone.
Dr. Andrew Axer, the Facility Administrator for the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility on Balfour Street, had come to advise of an incident that occurred two weeks ago at the facility where a client had attempted to get over the fence, but thanks to their security system had been caught before escaping. Because Dr. Axer felt that there had been no escape and was more concerned over the client’s treatment, he had failed to notify the police as he should have. Chief Jordan explained why he felt this had been a breach of the agreement with the city, and Dr. Axer explained in detail what had happened, and further that later that day the PSRB had been notified, and further review by them resulted in revocation of that client’s stay at the treatment facility and his return to the State mental Hospital. Dr. Axer apologized and promised that this sort of breach would not happen again.
A neighbor thanked Dr. Axer for his openness and willingness to accept responsibility and to apologize for the breach and his undertaking to assure no further such errors.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that officers have signed the necessary forms at Key Bank, and that the city has transferred all of our outstanding funds into our account there. There is a checking account and a savings account, and most of the money will be in the savings account. Mr Aschenbrenner has on-line statement access and will track the account in that way. There is about
$22k in our two accounts, much of which has been saved for a pathway project. Linda Hedges is to call Key Bank about getting the debit cards. Action: Linda Hedges
City Budget: David Aschenbrenner reported that City Council approved the proposed 2010-11 budget this week. The current negotiations with the employee unions and sewer rate negotiations with Clackamas County may still impact the budget.
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building. The meetings are the third Monday of the month at 6pm. Design details are being discussed currently, such as what the fencing, lights and plantings will look like. Tri-Met’s proposal is still with the Federal Government for approval, and should be approved by Fall.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
New Officer Position: David Aschenbrenner made a motion and Pat Rolleson seconded that we create a new officer’s position of Parks Coordinator. The motion passed unanimously. David Aschenbrenner nominated Sarah Smith and Linda Hedges seconded the vote. The motion passed unanimously.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith asked Linda Hedges whether anyone had responded to her report of vandalism in the park. Police Chief Jordan had replied, and said his officers would be by there as often as possible, and that he himself walks through the park daily. There has been no response by Community Services, but it was determined that North Clackamas Parks actually manages the park, and the vandalism should have been reported to them. Sarah said that she would get a quote on finding a way to reinforce the trail markers against further damage. Action: Sarah Smith
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time. The new grant request form has been distributed around the NDAs for their adaptation to their own use. The new form will be put on our website by Sarah. Action: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges mentioned that there is a larger pot of money available this year for the Traffic safety Program, due to increased gas tax rebates. Our concerns over the Home Avenue pathway and Monroe Bike Boulevard traffic issues will be raised with PSAC. A question was raised about how high the foliage planted in the Washington Street traffic dividers should be allowed to grow, as it could block the sightline of drivers and create a hazard for pedestrians or pets. This will also be raised at the next PSAC meeting.
August Meeting and Neighborhood Picnic: In place of our usual August meeting we are planning a picnic at Homewood Park on Monday August 9th. Chief Jordan reported that fingerprint kits, made available by the FBI, will be available at the park, and officers will take children’s fingerprints that night. Parents can then take the kit home to keep “in case”. Postcards will be mailed out the last week of July to remind neighbors of the picnic, with an RSVP requested. Those who RSVP will be entered into a drawing for raffle prizes. The cost of printing the postcards was only $119. It was decided not to order a porta-potty as most people live close enough they can go home if necessary.
Actions: Linda Hedges, David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith
a) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on September 11th The cost is $25 which includes the training manual which needs to be paid and manual read prior to training. Contact Linda Hedges 503-343-0022.
b) The Farmers Market continues on Sundays 9:30-2pm each week.
c) Citizens Police Academy scheduled to begin in September. A commitment to one night a week for 13 weeks is required, along with approval by the Chief. Apply at the Police Department.
d) Logo discussion – there was some discussion over whether or not to keep the logo, which some dislike. Lars Campbell mentioned his wife is a graphic designer, and he was asked if she might spend a little time considering what could be done with the logo.
e) Signs will be made for the Milwaukie Daze Parade. These signs will not include the logo, so they can be used for a longer period of time.
Next Meeting will be 6pm-8pm on August 9th, 2010. Picnic at Homewood Park
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges July 14, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver
Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, Officer Laurie Noll, Pat Du Val, Interim City Manager and our city liaison, Dr. Andrew Axer Facility Administrator for the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility and 6 neighbors
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the department has recently sworn in a new officer, Jake Heimbigner, a former Milwaukie reserve officer for 13 years. They have also recently hired two new records clerks, Lisa Van Atta and Jerella Sorenson. He responded to a question about a white van seen driving around with “Volunteer Communications” on its side. It is one of the ham operators in the area. He further went on to describe the ham operator relationship in assisting police during an emergency. A neighbor asked if there is an emergency notification system for the deaf, like Code Red, and the answer was that there is not, although Code Red does have the ability to register both a landline and cell phone numbers, so the message could go to both home and to her cell phone.
Dr. Andrew Axer, the Facility Administrator for the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility on Balfour Street, had come to advise of an incident that occurred two weeks ago at the facility where a client had attempted to get over the fence, but thanks to their security system had been caught before escaping. Because Dr. Axer felt that there had been no escape and was more concerned over the client’s treatment, he had failed to notify the police as he should have. Chief Jordan explained why he felt this had been a breach of the agreement with the city, and Dr. Axer explained in detail what had happened, and further that later that day the PSRB had been notified, and further review by them resulted in revocation of that client’s stay at the treatment facility and his return to the State mental Hospital. Dr. Axer apologized and promised that this sort of breach would not happen again.
A neighbor thanked Dr. Axer for his openness and willingness to accept responsibility and to apologize for the breach and his undertaking to assure no further such errors.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that officers have signed the necessary forms at Key Bank, and that the city has transferred all of our outstanding funds into our account there. There is a checking account and a savings account, and most of the money will be in the savings account. Mr Aschenbrenner has on-line statement access and will track the account in that way. There is about
$22k in our two accounts, much of which has been saved for a pathway project. Linda Hedges is to call Key Bank about getting the debit cards. Action: Linda Hedges
City Budget: David Aschenbrenner reported that City Council approved the proposed 2010-11 budget this week. The current negotiations with the employee unions and sewer rate negotiations with Clackamas County may still impact the budget.
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building. The meetings are the third Monday of the month at 6pm. Design details are being discussed currently, such as what the fencing, lights and plantings will look like. Tri-Met’s proposal is still with the Federal Government for approval, and should be approved by Fall.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
New Officer Position: David Aschenbrenner made a motion and Pat Rolleson seconded that we create a new officer’s position of Parks Coordinator. The motion passed unanimously. David Aschenbrenner nominated Sarah Smith and Linda Hedges seconded the vote. The motion passed unanimously.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith asked Linda Hedges whether anyone had responded to her report of vandalism in the park. Police Chief Jordan had replied, and said his officers would be by there as often as possible, and that he himself walks through the park daily. There has been no response by Community Services, but it was determined that North Clackamas Parks actually manages the park, and the vandalism should have been reported to them. Sarah said that she would get a quote on finding a way to reinforce the trail markers against further damage. Action: Sarah Smith
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time. The new grant request form has been distributed around the NDAs for their adaptation to their own use. The new form will be put on our website by Sarah. Action: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges mentioned that there is a larger pot of money available this year for the Traffic safety Program, due to increased gas tax rebates. Our concerns over the Home Avenue pathway and Monroe Bike Boulevard traffic issues will be raised with PSAC. A question was raised about how high the foliage planted in the Washington Street traffic dividers should be allowed to grow, as it could block the sightline of drivers and create a hazard for pedestrians or pets. This will also be raised at the next PSAC meeting.
August Meeting and Neighborhood Picnic: In place of our usual August meeting we are planning a picnic at Homewood Park on Monday August 9th. Chief Jordan reported that fingerprint kits, made available by the FBI, will be available at the park, and officers will take children’s fingerprints that night. Parents can then take the kit home to keep “in case”. Postcards will be mailed out the last week of July to remind neighbors of the picnic, with an RSVP requested. Those who RSVP will be entered into a drawing for raffle prizes. The cost of printing the postcards was only $119. It was decided not to order a porta-potty as most people live close enough they can go home if necessary.
Actions: Linda Hedges, David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith
a) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on September 11th The cost is $25 which includes the training manual which needs to be paid and manual read prior to training. Contact Linda Hedges 503-343-0022.
b) The Farmers Market continues on Sundays 9:30-2pm each week.
c) Citizens Police Academy scheduled to begin in September. A commitment to one night a week for 13 weeks is required, along with approval by the Chief. Apply at the Police Department.
d) Logo discussion – there was some discussion over whether or not to keep the logo, which some dislike. Lars Campbell mentioned his wife is a graphic designer, and he was asked if she might spend a little time considering what could be done with the logo.
e) Signs will be made for the Milwaukie Daze Parade. These signs will not include the logo, so they can be used for a longer period of time.
Next Meeting will be 6pm-8pm on August 9th, 2010. Picnic at Homewood Park
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges July 14, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
7:32 PM No comments:

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Labels: HCNDA Meeting Notes
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Neighborhood News Flash
Several announcements from the City today:
Brown Water: In an effort to update the City’s hydraulic model for its water system Water Department crews will conduct a water main flow test and system assessment on Thursday, July 8, and Friday, July 9, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The test involves opening water hydrants at about a dozen locations throughout the City and checking water pressure and volume at nearby hydrants. When the hydrants are opened the water clears sediment and dislodges small amounts of corrosive material from the pipes, so water customers in the flushing areas may see some discoloration in their water during testing.
Customers seeing discolored water are advised to run the cold water tap until the water runs clear. The water is safe to drink once it is clear. Customers are further advised to avoid washing clothes or running hot water until the cold water is clear.
If there is a need to contact the City regarding this matter, please call 503-786-7600.
The City of Milwaukie appreciates its residents' patience and understanding during testing.
McLoughlin Blvd. Water Main Break: Published on the cities website: Thursday, July 08, 2010, 8:18 AM Updated: Thursday, July 08, 2010, 8:44 AM Repairs on a water main that broke Wednesday afternoon along McLoughlin Boulevard/OR-99E continue this morning, shutting the thoroughfare's northbound lanes.Those lanes are expected to remain closed through today and southbound left lane also closed as city workers repair damage.
There was no immediate estimate on when the road will reopen. Northbound motorists are advised to should follow signs from Ochoco to Millport to 17th to 99E.For the latest updates, visit
Hot Weather Cooling Centers: Those in the Milwaukie area looking to escape the heat can find relief at the air-conditioned Milwaukie Center and St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church.
The Milwaukie Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Residents 60 and older can call the center at (503) 653-8100 to arrange a ride if they can't get there on their own. The Milwaukie Center is located at 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive in Milwaukie.
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church will be open Thursday, July 8, and Friday, July 9 from noon to 8 p.m. St. John's is located at 2036 SE Jefferson St. in Downtown Milwaukie.
Brown Water: In an effort to update the City’s hydraulic model for its water system Water Department crews will conduct a water main flow test and system assessment on Thursday, July 8, and Friday, July 9, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
The test involves opening water hydrants at about a dozen locations throughout the City and checking water pressure and volume at nearby hydrants. When the hydrants are opened the water clears sediment and dislodges small amounts of corrosive material from the pipes, so water customers in the flushing areas may see some discoloration in their water during testing.
Customers seeing discolored water are advised to run the cold water tap until the water runs clear. The water is safe to drink once it is clear. Customers are further advised to avoid washing clothes or running hot water until the cold water is clear.
If there is a need to contact the City regarding this matter, please call 503-786-7600.
The City of Milwaukie appreciates its residents' patience and understanding during testing.
McLoughlin Blvd. Water Main Break: Published on the cities website: Thursday, July 08, 2010, 8:18 AM Updated: Thursday, July 08, 2010, 8:44 AM Repairs on a water main that broke Wednesday afternoon along McLoughlin Boulevard/OR-99E continue this morning, shutting the thoroughfare's northbound lanes.Those lanes are expected to remain closed through today and southbound left lane also closed as city workers repair damage.
There was no immediate estimate on when the road will reopen. Northbound motorists are advised to should follow signs from Ochoco to Millport to 17th to 99E.For the latest updates, visit
Hot Weather Cooling Centers: Those in the Milwaukie area looking to escape the heat can find relief at the air-conditioned Milwaukie Center and St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church.
The Milwaukie Center is open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. Residents 60 and older can call the center at (503) 653-8100 to arrange a ride if they can't get there on their own. The Milwaukie Center is located at 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive in Milwaukie.
St. John the Evangelist Episcopal Church will be open Thursday, July 8, and Friday, July 9 from noon to 8 p.m. St. John's is located at 2036 SE Jefferson St. in Downtown Milwaukie.
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11:14 AM No comments:

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Wednesday, July 7, 2010
June 14 Meeting Notes
June 14, 2010, 7pm
Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Sgt Ryan Burdick, Frank Lamp representing Milwaukie Community Center, Pat DuVal, Interim City Manager and our city liaison, Donald Shaw from the Oregon Energy Trust and 7 neighbors
Police Report:
Sgt. Burdick distributed the crime stats for May. Most of the 33 calls were for thefts, except for 3 robberies, two at Bank of the West (two suspects arrested) and a robbery theft of beer from the little corner store at 42nd and Monroe.
Energy Trust of Oregon:
Donald Shaw, Lead Energy Advisor for the Conservation Services Group of Energy Trust of Oregon, described how the nonprofit organization (paid for by small fees charged to ratepayers of NW Natural Gas, PGE, Pacific Power and Cascade Gas) will assist householders by performing a 45 minute to one hour long energy audit in your home. They will assess insulation, windows, appliances, and heating and cooling systems and advise how changes or updates can save energy. They will replace standard lightbulbs with energy efficient ones, and provide aerators for faucets and showerheads. They have cash incentives for replacement of some houseshold appliances and windows with specific energy efficient ones. They will also haul away old freezers and refrigerators and pay you $30. More information available at; phone toll free 1-866-368-7878 or email them at [email protected].
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance is about $4000 in checking and about $13,000 in our city account. He reported that he has not heard anything more from the city about the new grant funding process, but expects that all the available money will be placed into our account as of July 1st, with an annual report due to the city on how the money is spent. Linda Hedges has prepared a new grant application form and this form has been distributed to the other NDAs as well.
City Budget: David Aschenbrenner reported that City Council will consider the proposed 2010-11 budget this week. Departmental budgets were cut 5% this year. The negotiations with the employee unions and sewer rate negotiations with Clackamas County may still impact the budget.
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building. The meetings are the third Monday of the month at 6pm.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith had nothing to report at this time.
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that the door hanger ordinance has been found to be unenforceable; the Chief and city attorney are looking into finding an enforceable code. The panhandler ordinance is also believed to be unenforceable and other laws already available will be used to deal with nuisances. The Walk to Support the K9 fund will be held just prior to the Milwaukie Daze Parade on July 24th.
Light Rail: Monthly meetings are held every 3rd Monday at the PSB at 6:00. Updates on the project are presented. Currently the 30% engineering plans have gone to the Federal government for approval. Expected approval in July when final engineering can begin. The Tacoma Park and Ride design group meeting will be held the 23rd of July at 7pm at Friends of Johnson Creek on Milport. The Citizens Advisory Committee meets monthly, next meeting Thursday the 17th, and this month will discuss issues relating to disabilities and handicapped access.
August Meeting and Neighborhood Picnic: In place of our usual August meeting we are planning a picnic at Homewood Park on Monday August 9th. A postcard will be mailed to all neighbors in mid-July to advertise it. A raffle is planned, and bbq hot dogs will be served. Depending on volunteer efforts, there may also be games for the children. The picnic will be held on the Home Avenue end this year. A number of local dignitaries will be invited. Look for more information on our website and on the postcard. Actions: Linda Hedges, David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith
High Speed Rail: A proposal by ODOT for high speed passenger rail from Eugene to Vancouver WA has raised considerable comment by affected communities. A meeting will be held Thursday the 17th at Milwaukie HS 4:30-6:30 to present ideas and allow conversations with staff members. Those ideas will affect Milwaukie in different ways. ODOT also has a survey about high-speed rail which you can complete on the ODOT website, along with a map of 2 of the routes proposed at this point.
Environmental Hazard at 37th and Monroe: Mary Weaver has been investigating the status of the contamination and remediation of the property. Years-old contamination has been remediated at least in part. City Water crews test city well number 7 at least twice yearly to assure no chemicals have leaked into this adjacent well. Ms. Weaver expressed concern over the possible seepage of chemicals into groundwater which could migrate into other areas. She will investigate this matter further and report back at a later date. We want to be prepared to appropriately comment when proposals for development of that area come up in the future. Action: Mary Weaver
Code Red on Brown Water Event: A Code Red message was received by many neighbors this past week, advising of possible brown water caused by flushing of city pipes on Thursday and Friday. Apparently Blount Industries dumped a large amount of water into the city water system, effectively flushing the pipes. This created a situation where other pipes had to be flushed, with resulting brown water. Water was safe to drink, but neighbors were advised not to wash clothes in it and to let water run until it became clear. Suggestion was made that when a Code Red message is issued, that the entire text of the message should also be posted prominently on the city’s website for a period of time so details can be checked by recipients. Also, a contact phone number was for work hours only; a phone number that would also work evenings and weekends is required.
Action: Pat Duval to city webmaster
a) Next First Friday event on July 2nd.
b) The Library Book sale at the Pond House on June 18th – June 20th.
c) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on September 11th (June 12th class postponed due to low enrollment). The cost is $25 which includes the training manual which needs to be paid and manual read prior to training. Contact Linda Hedges 503-343-0022.
d) The Farmers Market continues on Sundays 9:30-2pm each week.
e) Citizens Police Academy scheduled to begin in September. A commitment to one night a week for 13 weeks is required, along with approval by the Chief. Apply at the Police Department.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on July 12th, 2010.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges June 15, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver
Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Sgt Ryan Burdick, Frank Lamp representing Milwaukie Community Center, Pat DuVal, Interim City Manager and our city liaison, Donald Shaw from the Oregon Energy Trust and 7 neighbors
Police Report:
Sgt. Burdick distributed the crime stats for May. Most of the 33 calls were for thefts, except for 3 robberies, two at Bank of the West (two suspects arrested) and a robbery theft of beer from the little corner store at 42nd and Monroe.
Energy Trust of Oregon:
Donald Shaw, Lead Energy Advisor for the Conservation Services Group of Energy Trust of Oregon, described how the nonprofit organization (paid for by small fees charged to ratepayers of NW Natural Gas, PGE, Pacific Power and Cascade Gas) will assist householders by performing a 45 minute to one hour long energy audit in your home. They will assess insulation, windows, appliances, and heating and cooling systems and advise how changes or updates can save energy. They will replace standard lightbulbs with energy efficient ones, and provide aerators for faucets and showerheads. They have cash incentives for replacement of some houseshold appliances and windows with specific energy efficient ones. They will also haul away old freezers and refrigerators and pay you $30. More information available at; phone toll free 1-866-368-7878 or email them at [email protected].
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance is about $4000 in checking and about $13,000 in our city account. He reported that he has not heard anything more from the city about the new grant funding process, but expects that all the available money will be placed into our account as of July 1st, with an annual report due to the city on how the money is spent. Linda Hedges has prepared a new grant application form and this form has been distributed to the other NDAs as well.
City Budget: David Aschenbrenner reported that City Council will consider the proposed 2010-11 budget this week. Departmental budgets were cut 5% this year. The negotiations with the employee unions and sewer rate negotiations with Clackamas County may still impact the budget.
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building. The meetings are the third Monday of the month at 6pm.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith had nothing to report at this time.
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that the door hanger ordinance has been found to be unenforceable; the Chief and city attorney are looking into finding an enforceable code. The panhandler ordinance is also believed to be unenforceable and other laws already available will be used to deal with nuisances. The Walk to Support the K9 fund will be held just prior to the Milwaukie Daze Parade on July 24th.
Light Rail: Monthly meetings are held every 3rd Monday at the PSB at 6:00. Updates on the project are presented. Currently the 30% engineering plans have gone to the Federal government for approval. Expected approval in July when final engineering can begin. The Tacoma Park and Ride design group meeting will be held the 23rd of July at 7pm at Friends of Johnson Creek on Milport. The Citizens Advisory Committee meets monthly, next meeting Thursday the 17th, and this month will discuss issues relating to disabilities and handicapped access.
August Meeting and Neighborhood Picnic: In place of our usual August meeting we are planning a picnic at Homewood Park on Monday August 9th. A postcard will be mailed to all neighbors in mid-July to advertise it. A raffle is planned, and bbq hot dogs will be served. Depending on volunteer efforts, there may also be games for the children. The picnic will be held on the Home Avenue end this year. A number of local dignitaries will be invited. Look for more information on our website and on the postcard. Actions: Linda Hedges, David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith
High Speed Rail: A proposal by ODOT for high speed passenger rail from Eugene to Vancouver WA has raised considerable comment by affected communities. A meeting will be held Thursday the 17th at Milwaukie HS 4:30-6:30 to present ideas and allow conversations with staff members. Those ideas will affect Milwaukie in different ways. ODOT also has a survey about high-speed rail which you can complete on the ODOT website, along with a map of 2 of the routes proposed at this point.
Environmental Hazard at 37th and Monroe: Mary Weaver has been investigating the status of the contamination and remediation of the property. Years-old contamination has been remediated at least in part. City Water crews test city well number 7 at least twice yearly to assure no chemicals have leaked into this adjacent well. Ms. Weaver expressed concern over the possible seepage of chemicals into groundwater which could migrate into other areas. She will investigate this matter further and report back at a later date. We want to be prepared to appropriately comment when proposals for development of that area come up in the future. Action: Mary Weaver
Code Red on Brown Water Event: A Code Red message was received by many neighbors this past week, advising of possible brown water caused by flushing of city pipes on Thursday and Friday. Apparently Blount Industries dumped a large amount of water into the city water system, effectively flushing the pipes. This created a situation where other pipes had to be flushed, with resulting brown water. Water was safe to drink, but neighbors were advised not to wash clothes in it and to let water run until it became clear. Suggestion was made that when a Code Red message is issued, that the entire text of the message should also be posted prominently on the city’s website for a period of time so details can be checked by recipients. Also, a contact phone number was for work hours only; a phone number that would also work evenings and weekends is required.
Action: Pat Duval to city webmaster
a) Next First Friday event on July 2nd.
b) The Library Book sale at the Pond House on June 18th – June 20th.
c) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on September 11th (June 12th class postponed due to low enrollment). The cost is $25 which includes the training manual which needs to be paid and manual read prior to training. Contact Linda Hedges 503-343-0022.
d) The Farmers Market continues on Sundays 9:30-2pm each week.
e) Citizens Police Academy scheduled to begin in September. A commitment to one night a week for 13 weeks is required, along with approval by the Chief. Apply at the Police Department.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on July 12th, 2010.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges June 15, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
9:41 PM No comments:

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Labels: HCNDA Meeting Notes
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
The Energy Trust of Oregon is a non-profit organization paid for by small fees paid by all ratepayers to PGE, Cascade Natural Gas, Pacific Power and Northwest Natural Gas. They are offering FREE one-hour energy audits, replacement of your lightbulbs with energy-efficient bulbs, and aerators for your showerhead and sinks. The lightbulbs and aerators will save on electricity and water use, and energy professionals will assess what measures you can take to save yourself money and energy.
The Energy Trust also offers cash incentives for switching to energy-efficient water heaters, windows, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, and heating and cooling systems. They will also recycle your old refrigerators and freezers and pay YOU $30 to take them away!
The Energy Trust can also provide you with a list of certified contractors who can do the energy updates needed to better weatherize your home.
For more information, or to schedule an audit, check out the energy trust’s website at; phone toll free 1-866-368-7878 or email them at [email protected].
The Energy Trust also offers cash incentives for switching to energy-efficient water heaters, windows, refrigerators, freezers, dishwashers, and heating and cooling systems. They will also recycle your old refrigerators and freezers and pay YOU $30 to take them away!
The Energy Trust can also provide you with a list of certified contractors who can do the energy updates needed to better weatherize your home.
For more information, or to schedule an audit, check out the energy trust’s website at; phone toll free 1-866-368-7878 or email them at [email protected].
Posted by Anonymous at
6:07 PM No comments:

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Labels: Neighborhood Events
Monday, June 7, 2010
Energy Trust of Oregon
Donald Shaw, from the Energy Trust of Oregon, will be guest speaker at the HCNDA's June 14th meeting. 7pm, Public Safety Building. Please join us in learning how to save money and energy in your own home.
Posted by Anonymous at
10:06 AM No comments:

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Labels: Monthly Meetings
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
May 10 2010 HCNDA Meeting Notes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Robert Jordan, Officer John Truong, Frank Lamp representing Milwaukie Community Center, Pat DuVal, Interim City Manager and our city liaison, Mayor Jeremy Ferguson and 6 other neighbors
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance is about $4600 in checking and about $11,000 in our city account. He reported that the city has proposed a new grant funding process. If Council approves the plan, on July 1 all the money in the NDA’s account will be transferred to their NDA bank account. Debit cards and checks will be issued for two designated leaders of the NDA. The NDAs will be able to spend funds within four categories that include
• Neighborhood Organizing/Organizational Development: Activities, services and materials that generate new neighborhood membership, grow the organization to educate neighborhood leadership toward the organization’s development and continued operation.
• Neighborhood Physical Improvements: Materials and services to be used toward playgrounds, minor park improvements, community gardens and other facilities, neighborhood markers, identity signs, banners, trash cans, benches etc.
• Neighborhood Preservation: Materials and services that sustain or enhance the health, public safety and welfare of the neighborhood such as crime watch, traffic management, or home weatherization programs; or contribute positively to the neighborhood aesthetic quality such as design guideline development, community property maintenance programs or beatification programs.
• Neighborhood Cultural, Social and Recreational Initiatives: Materials and services that promote diversity, family literacy programs, neighborhood computer labs, after school enrichment programs, youth athletic leagues, career preparation, services for the needy, disabled or elderly and cultural activities such as music, dance, or art programs.
City staff will be able to view bank statements on an enquiry basis, and an annual report will be prepared by the NDA for the city in June that reports on how money was spent in relation to the four categories, and what plans are made for the use of any leftover grant money. The bank will be able to set a trigger for a given amount that will alert city staff so that no large purchases can be made without immediate attention raised to it. This plan will be operated for one year. It is anticipated it could save from $15,000 to $20,000 in staff time for the administration of the grant program.
Because of this change in the method of funding, the NDA will alter its current grant application form. Action: Linda Hedges to draft and circulate to leadership
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building.
The NDA sent the Planning Commission comments on the proposed new residential parking regulations. Planning Commission was very appreciative that we took the time to do so. Some of our suggestions were included. Read about the new parking regulations on the city’s website under Planning.
Mr. Aschenbrenner, chair of the City’s Budget Committee, reported that the first Budget Committee meeting will be May 18th. The interim Finance Director directed city staff to prepare budget proposals with 5% or 10% reductions. There are cost savings efforts underway, but because the city has operated on a lean budget the past 2 or 3 years already, there aren’t many ways to cut the budgets.
Police Report: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly statistical crime report for April. He reported that he had attended a monthly meeting at the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility, during which they reported a number of incidents such as residents not taking their medications properly, the discovery of a door code reported by a resident to staff, and an unsecured door. Staff at the facility are taking residents out on planned neighborhood excursions. The police are at the facility on a very regular basis.
Chief Jordan reported that he will be on bike patrol during the 5K run to benefit Milwaukie Daze, on May 22nd. Bob’s Red Mill is sponsoring a pancake feed on the same day.
There was a bank robbery this morning at Bank of the West. A female suspect indicated she had a gun but did not show one. No one was hurt and the investigation is on-going by local police and a joint FBI-police task force.
There is still space available to join the upcoming Citizens Police Academy. Contact the police department if interested. Must be at least18 years of age, be able to attend 13 – one night a week sessions this fall, pass a background check, the chief’s approval and sign a liability waiver.
The Chief said the department is still looking to appoint one more officer; they are currently performing background checks on applicants previously interviewed.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected]. Ms. Weaver mentioned that within their newsletter they indicated 80 medical aid calls to Hector Campbell neighborhood during April and 4 fires. They gave a fire safety talk at Hector Campbell school. The Fire District obtained additional carbon monoxide detector machines for firefighting staff. (Carbon monoxide poisoning is a big danger to fire crews.)
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith had nothing to report at this time. She noted that Linda Hedges had emailed police and parks personnel regarding vandalism in the park, broken trail path railings and teenagers misbehaving in the park. Chief Jordan was requested to ask his officers for more frequent park inspections, especially in the afternoon after school and about sundown.
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges reported that they are currently looking at transportation issues around the city. There will be a 5K run for the K-9 fund prior to the Milwaukie Daze parade. Information will be available soon.
Elections: Darlene Albertson made a motion to re-elect the current slate of officers, and Pat Rollison seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Chair Mary Weaver, Treasurer David Aschenbrenner and Secretary Linda Hedges were re-elected for another one year term.
David Aschenbrenner moved and Linda Hedges seconded that Mary Weaver should serve an additional two-year term as PSAC (Public Safety Advisory Committee) representative. The motion carried unanimously.
The Mayor attended the meeting. He wanted neighbors to know that he and the Acting city Manager are working with consultant Greg Proffman to provide great candidates for the City Manager position. They hope to hire a new manager within the next 90 days. A thorough vetting and review process will be in place. Community input has been sought regarding qualifications and attributes consistent with finding a good replacement manager. Neighbors suggested that someone with outstanding communication skills was essential, along with consensus building, sufficient experience within a growing and diverse environment, and a broad set of skills and knowledge were important.
Both the Mayor and Chief of Police were thanked for their appearance at the dunk tank for the Hector Campbell Family Fun Days. They were advised that now the Fun Fair organizers know where the hot water tank is so the water in the dunk tank will be less frigid next year. Reports indicate the dunk tank was extremely popular.
a) First Friday event on May 7th was very successful. Next one will be June 4th. The Mayor mentioned thanks were in order to Alicia Hamilton and city business owners for making this new event a big success.
b) The Library Plant sale at the Pond House on Saturday the 8th was very successful.
c) The Multnomah county Fair will be at Oaks Park Amusement Park on Memorial Day weekend.
d) Comments are being sought on City manager qualifications. Contact the Mayor or Acting City Manager Pat DuVal. A consultant has been hired to headhunt for the position; the consultant has been meeting with local leaders in regard to manager qualifications.
e) Councilor Chaimov has written a thoughtful letter to the editor of the Clackamas Review relating to the conflict between county commissioners and city council over the sewer issue.
f) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on June 12th. Applications are available at City Hall. The cost is $25 which includes the training manual. Linda Hedges will be working to assemble one or more CERT teams within the city. The Mayor thanked Linda for her on-going effort on this important issue.
g) The Farmers Market opened on May 9th and was very busy. Parking will be a little more difficult in the area while construction on the transit center continues during the summer.
h) The Finance Director and Acting City Manager are examining the possibility of putting water bill payments online and to be prepared monthly, which may help people with budgeting for their payments.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on June 14, 2010.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges May 11, 2010
Approved: Mary Weaver
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance is about $4600 in checking and about $11,000 in our city account. He reported that the city has proposed a new grant funding process. If Council approves the plan, on July 1 all the money in the NDA’s account will be transferred to their NDA bank account. Debit cards and checks will be issued for two designated leaders of the NDA. The NDAs will be able to spend funds within four categories that include
• Neighborhood Organizing/Organizational Development: Activities, services and materials that generate new neighborhood membership, grow the organization to educate neighborhood leadership toward the organization’s development and continued operation.
• Neighborhood Physical Improvements: Materials and services to be used toward playgrounds, minor park improvements, community gardens and other facilities, neighborhood markers, identity signs, banners, trash cans, benches etc.
• Neighborhood Preservation: Materials and services that sustain or enhance the health, public safety and welfare of the neighborhood such as crime watch, traffic management, or home weatherization programs; or contribute positively to the neighborhood aesthetic quality such as design guideline development, community property maintenance programs or beatification programs.
• Neighborhood Cultural, Social and Recreational Initiatives: Materials and services that promote diversity, family literacy programs, neighborhood computer labs, after school enrichment programs, youth athletic leagues, career preparation, services for the needy, disabled or elderly and cultural activities such as music, dance, or art programs.
City staff will be able to view bank statements on an enquiry basis, and an annual report will be prepared by the NDA for the city in June that reports on how money was spent in relation to the four categories, and what plans are made for the use of any leftover grant money. The bank will be able to set a trigger for a given amount that will alert city staff so that no large purchases can be made without immediate attention raised to it. This plan will be operated for one year. It is anticipated it could save from $15,000 to $20,000 in staff time for the administration of the grant program.
Because of this change in the method of funding, the NDA will alter its current grant application form. Action: Linda Hedges to draft and circulate to leadership
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building.
The NDA sent the Planning Commission comments on the proposed new residential parking regulations. Planning Commission was very appreciative that we took the time to do so. Some of our suggestions were included. Read about the new parking regulations on the city’s website under Planning.
Mr. Aschenbrenner, chair of the City’s Budget Committee, reported that the first Budget Committee meeting will be May 18th. The interim Finance Director directed city staff to prepare budget proposals with 5% or 10% reductions. There are cost savings efforts underway, but because the city has operated on a lean budget the past 2 or 3 years already, there aren’t many ways to cut the budgets.
Police Report: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly statistical crime report for April. He reported that he had attended a monthly meeting at the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility, during which they reported a number of incidents such as residents not taking their medications properly, the discovery of a door code reported by a resident to staff, and an unsecured door. Staff at the facility are taking residents out on planned neighborhood excursions. The police are at the facility on a very regular basis.
Chief Jordan reported that he will be on bike patrol during the 5K run to benefit Milwaukie Daze, on May 22nd. Bob’s Red Mill is sponsoring a pancake feed on the same day.
There was a bank robbery this morning at Bank of the West. A female suspect indicated she had a gun but did not show one. No one was hurt and the investigation is on-going by local police and a joint FBI-police task force.
There is still space available to join the upcoming Citizens Police Academy. Contact the police department if interested. Must be at least18 years of age, be able to attend 13 – one night a week sessions this fall, pass a background check, the chief’s approval and sign a liability waiver.
The Chief said the department is still looking to appoint one more officer; they are currently performing background checks on applicants previously interviewed.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected]. Ms. Weaver mentioned that within their newsletter they indicated 80 medical aid calls to Hector Campbell neighborhood during April and 4 fires. They gave a fire safety talk at Hector Campbell school. The Fire District obtained additional carbon monoxide detector machines for firefighting staff. (Carbon monoxide poisoning is a big danger to fire crews.)
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith had nothing to report at this time. She noted that Linda Hedges had emailed police and parks personnel regarding vandalism in the park, broken trail path railings and teenagers misbehaving in the park. Chief Jordan was requested to ask his officers for more frequent park inspections, especially in the afternoon after school and about sundown.
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges reported that they are currently looking at transportation issues around the city. There will be a 5K run for the K-9 fund prior to the Milwaukie Daze parade. Information will be available soon.
Elections: Darlene Albertson made a motion to re-elect the current slate of officers, and Pat Rollison seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously. Chair Mary Weaver, Treasurer David Aschenbrenner and Secretary Linda Hedges were re-elected for another one year term.
David Aschenbrenner moved and Linda Hedges seconded that Mary Weaver should serve an additional two-year term as PSAC (Public Safety Advisory Committee) representative. The motion carried unanimously.
The Mayor attended the meeting. He wanted neighbors to know that he and the Acting city Manager are working with consultant Greg Proffman to provide great candidates for the City Manager position. They hope to hire a new manager within the next 90 days. A thorough vetting and review process will be in place. Community input has been sought regarding qualifications and attributes consistent with finding a good replacement manager. Neighbors suggested that someone with outstanding communication skills was essential, along with consensus building, sufficient experience within a growing and diverse environment, and a broad set of skills and knowledge were important.
Both the Mayor and Chief of Police were thanked for their appearance at the dunk tank for the Hector Campbell Family Fun Days. They were advised that now the Fun Fair organizers know where the hot water tank is so the water in the dunk tank will be less frigid next year. Reports indicate the dunk tank was extremely popular.
a) First Friday event on May 7th was very successful. Next one will be June 4th. The Mayor mentioned thanks were in order to Alicia Hamilton and city business owners for making this new event a big success.
b) The Library Plant sale at the Pond House on Saturday the 8th was very successful.
c) The Multnomah county Fair will be at Oaks Park Amusement Park on Memorial Day weekend.
d) Comments are being sought on City manager qualifications. Contact the Mayor or Acting City Manager Pat DuVal. A consultant has been hired to headhunt for the position; the consultant has been meeting with local leaders in regard to manager qualifications.
e) Councilor Chaimov has written a thoughtful letter to the editor of the Clackamas Review relating to the conflict between county commissioners and city council over the sewer issue.
f) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on June 12th. Applications are available at City Hall. The cost is $25 which includes the training manual. Linda Hedges will be working to assemble one or more CERT teams within the city. The Mayor thanked Linda for her on-going effort on this important issue.
g) The Farmers Market opened on May 9th and was very busy. Parking will be a little more difficult in the area while construction on the transit center continues during the summer.
h) The Finance Director and Acting City Manager are examining the possibility of putting water bill payments online and to be prepared monthly, which may help people with budgeting for their payments.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on June 14, 2010.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges May 11, 2010
Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
10:24 AM No comments:

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Thursday, April 15, 2010
April 12, 2010 Meeting Notes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Robert Jordan, Frank Lamp representing Milwaukie Community Center, Cheryl Nally from Milwaukie Center, Pat DuVal, Interim City Manager and our city liaison and 7 other neighbors
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance is quite healthy. The check for the Milwaukie Museum has not yet been written as he is waiting for the city’s check first.
Police Report: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly statistical crime report for March. He reported that the Prescription turn-in event on Saturday, April 10th was very successful. A total of 62 cars turned in 58 pounds of prescription drugs and sharps materials. A document shredding day is being planned for the near future. The department currently has 6 officers off for various reasons, and he is in the process of hiring one or two new officers. In response to a neighbor’s query about vehicular noise, he responded that the city already has an ordinance regarding noise, and some vehicle noise may also violate the vehicle code. He suggested that information should be provided to the department about the vehicle in question so that a conversation could be held with the driver.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
a) Big Brother, Big Sister desperately needs mentors for children right now. Contact Paul Cathcart at (503) 249-4859.
b) Hector Campbell Family Fun Day (PTA) - neighbors are encouraged to attend encouraged to attend on April 17th, 11am-4pm
Grant Requests:
a) Milwaukie Center 30th Anniversary Celebration
Cheryl Nally from the Center attended to thank us for our grant and to provide an update on activities and history of the Center. The celebration is June 4th from 4-6pm and neighbors are encouraged to attend.
b) Sellwood Boys and Girls Club After determining that the Sellwood-Moreland Boys and Girls club does serve children from our neighborhood, a motion was made by Darlene Albertson, seconded by David Hedges, to grant $500 to help resupply their games materials. The motion passed unanimously.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith was unable to attend.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: David Hedges reported that the Officer of the Year Dinner dinner hosted about 70 people. The event went very well, and PSAC and the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation look forward to continuing their partnership on this project with American Legion Post 180.
The Prescription Turn-In Day was already reported on by Chief Jordan.
Other Information and Comments:
a) Community Garden plots are available. Contact Diimitri Begeor, Garden Manager, 503-342-6330.
b) Panhandling ordinance – neighbors agreed that the city should pursue an ordinance prohibiting panhandling. Query made regarding how it would apply on a state highway (224).
c) Kellogg wastewater Treatment Center development plans – can be viewed on the city’s website. Comments are welcomed.
d) New Parking regulations – discussion about how changes might impact parking spaces and maintaining front garden spaces. Review of regulation changes to be made and query regarding whether review by planning department of plans to change a household’s parking spaces should be required. Action: Linda Hedges
e) Rooster Prohibition Ordinance – after several jokes, suggestion was made to invite the Code Compliance Officer to a future meeting to answer questions on this and other subjects. General consensus seemed to be that most people were not bothered by this subject; it is not a problem in our neighborhood.
f) Citizen’s Police Academy scheduled for this fall. Requires one night a week for 13 weeks commitment of time, but is very worthwhile attending. Contact Police Department if interested.
g) Mr. Aschenbrenner (Chair, City Budget Committee) described the City’s Budget process. This year the Interim Finance Director (Andy Parks) has asked department heads to submit budgets based on 5% and a 10% budget reduction. Mr. Parks and Pat Duval, Interim City Manager, will be meeting with department heads this week to go over the budgets. The Budget must be finalized and approved by the end of May. The biggest problems will be with those departments (library, police, planning, administration) that rely almost solely on general funds for their revenue. Roads and Public Works obtain some of their income from taxes levied specifically for road and utilities work and will be less impacted by current tax problems.
h) Query by neighbor relating to whether or not ODOT has begun to survey Railroad Avenue in preparation for road repairs. This has not yet begun. Neither has the survey of speeds on Railroad Avenue begun.
i) Discussion over future plan for walking path or sidewalk on two blocks of Home Avenue from Hunter Court to Wilma Court (the hill). NDA has some money set aside for matching funds, and there are other sources of money that may help to build this path. The City Planning Department has asked NDA to investigate plan for the entire stretch of road between Railroad Avenue and King Road before any paths or sidewalks are discussed.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on May 10, 2010. Election of officers for 2010-11 will be held at this meeting.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges April 13, 2010
Approved: Mary Weaver
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance is quite healthy. The check for the Milwaukie Museum has not yet been written as he is waiting for the city’s check first.
Police Report: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly statistical crime report for March. He reported that the Prescription turn-in event on Saturday, April 10th was very successful. A total of 62 cars turned in 58 pounds of prescription drugs and sharps materials. A document shredding day is being planned for the near future. The department currently has 6 officers off for various reasons, and he is in the process of hiring one or two new officers. In response to a neighbor’s query about vehicular noise, he responded that the city already has an ordinance regarding noise, and some vehicle noise may also violate the vehicle code. He suggested that information should be provided to the department about the vehicle in question so that a conversation could be held with the driver.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
a) Big Brother, Big Sister desperately needs mentors for children right now. Contact Paul Cathcart at (503) 249-4859.
b) Hector Campbell Family Fun Day (PTA) - neighbors are encouraged to attend encouraged to attend on April 17th, 11am-4pm
Grant Requests:
a) Milwaukie Center 30th Anniversary Celebration
Cheryl Nally from the Center attended to thank us for our grant and to provide an update on activities and history of the Center. The celebration is June 4th from 4-6pm and neighbors are encouraged to attend.
b) Sellwood Boys and Girls Club After determining that the Sellwood-Moreland Boys and Girls club does serve children from our neighborhood, a motion was made by Darlene Albertson, seconded by David Hedges, to grant $500 to help resupply their games materials. The motion passed unanimously.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith was unable to attend.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: David Hedges reported that the Officer of the Year Dinner dinner hosted about 70 people. The event went very well, and PSAC and the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation look forward to continuing their partnership on this project with American Legion Post 180.
The Prescription Turn-In Day was already reported on by Chief Jordan.
Other Information and Comments:
a) Community Garden plots are available. Contact Diimitri Begeor, Garden Manager, 503-342-6330.
b) Panhandling ordinance – neighbors agreed that the city should pursue an ordinance prohibiting panhandling. Query made regarding how it would apply on a state highway (224).
c) Kellogg wastewater Treatment Center development plans – can be viewed on the city’s website. Comments are welcomed.
d) New Parking regulations – discussion about how changes might impact parking spaces and maintaining front garden spaces. Review of regulation changes to be made and query regarding whether review by planning department of plans to change a household’s parking spaces should be required. Action: Linda Hedges
e) Rooster Prohibition Ordinance – after several jokes, suggestion was made to invite the Code Compliance Officer to a future meeting to answer questions on this and other subjects. General consensus seemed to be that most people were not bothered by this subject; it is not a problem in our neighborhood.
f) Citizen’s Police Academy scheduled for this fall. Requires one night a week for 13 weeks commitment of time, but is very worthwhile attending. Contact Police Department if interested.
g) Mr. Aschenbrenner (Chair, City Budget Committee) described the City’s Budget process. This year the Interim Finance Director (Andy Parks) has asked department heads to submit budgets based on 5% and a 10% budget reduction. Mr. Parks and Pat Duval, Interim City Manager, will be meeting with department heads this week to go over the budgets. The Budget must be finalized and approved by the end of May. The biggest problems will be with those departments (library, police, planning, administration) that rely almost solely on general funds for their revenue. Roads and Public Works obtain some of their income from taxes levied specifically for road and utilities work and will be less impacted by current tax problems.
h) Query by neighbor relating to whether or not ODOT has begun to survey Railroad Avenue in preparation for road repairs. This has not yet begun. Neither has the survey of speeds on Railroad Avenue begun.
i) Discussion over future plan for walking path or sidewalk on two blocks of Home Avenue from Hunter Court to Wilma Court (the hill). NDA has some money set aside for matching funds, and there are other sources of money that may help to build this path. The City Planning Department has asked NDA to investigate plan for the entire stretch of road between Railroad Avenue and King Road before any paths or sidewalks are discussed.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on May 10, 2010. Election of officers for 2010-11 will be held at this meeting.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges April 13, 2010
Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
6:52 PM No comments:

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Thursday, March 11, 2010
Water and Sewer Bill calculations
Provided by Mr. Paul Shirey, Milwaukie Public Works Operations Supervisor
Within the next month, the city’s water department website will provide the rates which will allow you to calculate your own bill. By the end of March, check at
There are about 6600 residential customers in the city, split so that half have their meters read one month and the other half the next. Meters are read digitally by a meter reader using a hand-held computer, and the data is downloaded to the water department's software program, which calculates each bill. The water meter measures water coming into the house, to outside spigots and any irrigation system.
One cubic foot is equal to 7.48 gallons of water. 100 cubic feet (748 gallons) of water equals one unit. On the water bill, the number listed (for example, with an average of 8 units) would represent about 5,984 gallons of water.
Water is charged at a base rate of $7.61 + $1.73 times the number of units of water consumed. Water rates increase 2.46% effective July 2010. Water base rate will be $7.80 + $1.77 times units of water consumed.
Example: If 9 units of water are consumed, then the calculation would be (7.61)+(1.73)(9)= $23.18 for water.
The sewer charge is based on an average of the water bill during four previous winter months. This is a commonly used method throughout the U.S. Metering sewer output would be difficult and expensive for residential sites. Commercial and industrial sites do not use a winter average due to the huge amounts of output and are based on actual usage.
The sewer rates are calculated using a base fee of $18.94 + $2.68 times the winter average. Sewer rates will increase March 2010; so the base fee will be $20.07 + $2.84 times the winter average.
For example: If the winter average is 7 (regardless of actual water usage), then the calculation would be (18.94)+(2.68)(7) = $37.70 for sewer.
The storm water fee on the bill is a fixed charge.$9.90/month, so (9.90)(2 months)= $19.80 per bill.
There is also a city street maintenance fee on the water bill that is charged because of the levy passed two years ago. $3.35/month, so (3.35)(2 months) = $6.70 per bill.
A neighbor suggested that the city's water calculation and billing information site should be referenced on the water bill. Mr. Shirey said that residents with questions about their water bill should call Jim Ward at 503-786-7525. If they aren't satisfied with the answer, please don't hesitate to call Paul Shirey at 503-786-7614.
Within the next month, the city’s water department website will provide the rates which will allow you to calculate your own bill. By the end of March, check at
There are about 6600 residential customers in the city, split so that half have their meters read one month and the other half the next. Meters are read digitally by a meter reader using a hand-held computer, and the data is downloaded to the water department's software program, which calculates each bill. The water meter measures water coming into the house, to outside spigots and any irrigation system.
One cubic foot is equal to 7.48 gallons of water. 100 cubic feet (748 gallons) of water equals one unit. On the water bill, the number listed (for example, with an average of 8 units) would represent about 5,984 gallons of water.
Water is charged at a base rate of $7.61 + $1.73 times the number of units of water consumed. Water rates increase 2.46% effective July 2010. Water base rate will be $7.80 + $1.77 times units of water consumed.
Example: If 9 units of water are consumed, then the calculation would be (7.61)+(1.73)(9)= $23.18 for water.
The sewer charge is based on an average of the water bill during four previous winter months. This is a commonly used method throughout the U.S. Metering sewer output would be difficult and expensive for residential sites. Commercial and industrial sites do not use a winter average due to the huge amounts of output and are based on actual usage.
The sewer rates are calculated using a base fee of $18.94 + $2.68 times the winter average. Sewer rates will increase March 2010; so the base fee will be $20.07 + $2.84 times the winter average.
For example: If the winter average is 7 (regardless of actual water usage), then the calculation would be (18.94)+(2.68)(7) = $37.70 for sewer.
The storm water fee on the bill is a fixed charge.$9.90/month, so (9.90)(2 months)= $19.80 per bill.
There is also a city street maintenance fee on the water bill that is charged because of the levy passed two years ago. $3.35/month, so (3.35)(2 months) = $6.70 per bill.
A neighbor suggested that the city's water calculation and billing information site should be referenced on the water bill. Mr. Shirey said that residents with questions about their water bill should call Jim Ward at 503-786-7525. If they aren't satisfied with the answer, please don't hesitate to call Paul Shirey at 503-786-7614.
Posted by Anonymous at
7:09 PM No comments:

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