Hello City of Milwaukie residents, business owners, committee members, and interested persons:
The City of Milwaukie is just beginning a project to update its regulations for residential development outside of downtown, and we want your input!
Project outcomes may include:
· Updated site and building design standards for new single-family homes.
· New building design standards for single-family home additions.
· New site and building design standards for new multifamily development.
· Allowance for a greater diversity of residential dwelling types.
Please let us know what you think about how property should be used and developed in the City's residential zones by completing our online survey at: http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/planning/residential-development-standards-survey. Surveys are due by February 15.
Please forward this survey to any friends, family members, or colleagues living or working in Milwaukie! The data collected by this survey is confidential and will be used to guide the City's policy and code updates.
There will be many other opportunities for involvement in this project, including but not limited to: serving on the project Steering Committee; participating in focus group and stakeholder group meetings; and open houses in March and October. Feel free to contact me at the e-mail or phone number below if you would like to receive information about future public involvement opportunities.
Li Alligood
Assistant Planner
City of Milwaukie
6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd
P 503/786-7627
F 503/774-8236
Residential Development Standards Survey
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Residential Development Standards Survey
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Monday, January 24, 2011
Community Emergency Team Seeks New Members
What is CERT? Community Emergency Response Team
CERT training focuses on increasing the level of SAFETY for those individuals who will be stepping forward to assist after a disaster. CERT promotes a partnership between emergency services and the community members they serve.
In the wake of a disaster, emergency personnel and their resources may be overwhelmed by the response needs in the community. CERT training gives individuals a glimpse into the ‘System’ designed to save lives in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
The training is available for all citizens who are interested in disaster and emergency preparedness.
When: Saturday February 5, 2011
From 8:00am - 4:00pm
Where: Clackamas Fire District I Training Center located at 16170 SE 130th Ave. Clackamas, OR
Cost for class is $25 (payable to CCFD#1) and covers your manual and training. Manual must be studied prior to class - give yourself several days’ time to study. The Hector Campbell NDA will cover the cost of the class for any one living in our neighborhood!
To register: Contact or tel: 503-343-0022
You need to bring your own lunch, dress in layers, and get plenty of sleep the night before! You will be provided with your manual or DVD once you’ve registered.
Class Session Topics
The basic CERT course covers Disaster Preparedness, Disaster First Aid, Fire Prevention and Suppression, Light Search and Rescue and Disaster Psychology. The training will also include hands on skill training for participants.
Students will receive additional opportunities to become a part of the Milwaukie CERT team and receive additional skill training while being prepared to assist your community when needed.
For more information on CERT visit the Clackamas Fire District Website.

In the wake of a disaster, emergency personnel and their resources may be overwhelmed by the response needs in the community. CERT training gives individuals a glimpse into the ‘System’ designed to save lives in the most efficient and effective manner possible.
The training is available for all citizens who are interested in disaster and emergency preparedness.
When: Saturday February 5, 2011
From 8:00am - 4:00pm
Where: Clackamas Fire District I Training Center located at 16170 SE 130th Ave. Clackamas, OR
Cost for class is $25 (payable to CCFD#1) and covers your manual and training. Manual must be studied prior to class - give yourself several days’ time to study. The Hector Campbell NDA will cover the cost of the class for any one living in our neighborhood!
To register: Contact or tel: 503-343-0022
You need to bring your own lunch, dress in layers, and get plenty of sleep the night before! You will be provided with your manual or DVD once you’ve registered.
Class Session Topics
The basic CERT course covers Disaster Preparedness, Disaster First Aid, Fire Prevention and Suppression, Light Search and Rescue and Disaster Psychology. The training will also include hands on skill training for participants.
Students will receive additional opportunities to become a part of the Milwaukie CERT team and receive additional skill training while being prepared to assist your community when needed.
For more information on CERT visit the Clackamas Fire District Website.
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Thursday, January 13, 2011
Town Hall with Senator Ron Wyden at Milwuakie HS
U.S. Senator Ron Wyden will host town hall meetings in Clackamas and Multnomah counties on Friday, January 14, 2011. Senator Wyden has been holding town halls in each Oregon county every year since 1996. The meetings in Milwaukie will be the first of 2011; he will be holding 13 Town Halls in Nine Days. To see a complete schedule of meetings click HERE.
Clackamas County Town Hall Meeting
Date: Friday, January 14, 2011
Time: 10 a.m.
Milwaukie High School
J.C. Lillie Auditorium
11300 SE 23rd Avenue
Milwaukie, OR 97222
Clackamas County Town Hall Meeting
Date: Friday, January 14, 2011
Time: 10 a.m.
Milwaukie High School
J.C. Lillie Auditorium
11300 SE 23rd Avenue
Milwaukie, OR 97222
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Wednesday, January 12, 2011
January Meeting Notes
Meeting Notes
January 10, 2011, 7pm
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City liaison Pat DuVal, Councilor David Hedges and 5 neighbors.
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in larceny, much of which was perpetrated by a small gang of meth addicts. They preyed on parked vehicles, many in Bally’s in the International Way industrial park. Most of them were caught this past month. Some of them had tattoos identifying them with the European Kindred prison gang (a white supremacist gang) but mostly what bonded them together was their need for meth and working together to carry out their crimes. The Chief responded to a question about the photo radar van, asking whether or not neighbors support the continuation of a contract to operate the van, which nets only about $130,000 per year. Linda Hedges made a motion to support at least a one year continuation of the contract to operate the van; Wally Bischoff seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: the bank account is in good shape. A small amount was spent on administrative costs this month. The $250 was paid for the Officer of the Year Award dinner.
City Liaison Report – Pat DuVal: Pat asked what kind of information we would like for her to bring to the meeting. She was advised that she should report any pertinent city information and continue to take any of our concerns to city staff and the city manager. She distributed a sample copy of the new monthly water bills. Those who have questions about how it will work can contact city staff at 503-786-7597 Click HERE for a letter detailing the changes. Click HERE for a sample bill.
Light Rail monthly meetings - not held in December.
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith sent a message that there was nothing to report.
Grant Requests:
Linda Hedges explained about the CERT program in Milwaukie and proposed that the $25 per person fee that CCFD#1 charges to an individual to take the Basic CERT class be paid by the NDA for any person from our neighborhood who takes the class. Wally Bischoff seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
Officer of the Year Award Dinner: March 10, 2011 the Public Safety Advisory committee and the American Legion will honor the officer, reserve and cadet police officer of the year, selected by their peers. Citizens are invited to attend. Information will be forthcoming regarding cost and how to purchase the tickets.
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program The officers of HCNDA have begun writing the report for this program that will support requests for project funding in April. The report is due February 15th. Results of the neighborhood survey were used to identify neighborhood problems, issues and ideas.
Two projects have already been tentatively identified: a) Pathway from Wilma Court to Hunter Court on the east right of way of Home Avenue; b) lighted crosswalk across 42nd Avenue at Adams or Franklin.
Many other project ideas have surfaced. Neighbors are encouraged to read the report and advise Mary Weaver, Linda Hedges, Sarah Smith or David Aschenbrenner about specific projects they would like to put forward. Anyone who wishes to read a copy of the draft report should email [email protected] or [email protected].
HCNDA Goals:
Mary Weaver briefly discussed suggested goals for the NDA for 2011, which include efforts to increase NDA meeting attendance, completion of the WSMP report and identification of projects to benefit the neighborhood, and recruitment and mentoring of new leadership for the NDA.
a) NDA Leadership Team Changes: Nothing new to report
b) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/index.html
Next Meeting will be 7pm on February 14, 2011 at the Public Safety Building.
January 10, 2011, 7pm
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City liaison Pat DuVal, Councilor David Hedges and 5 neighbors.
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in larceny, much of which was perpetrated by a small gang of meth addicts. They preyed on parked vehicles, many in Bally’s in the International Way industrial park. Most of them were caught this past month. Some of them had tattoos identifying them with the European Kindred prison gang (a white supremacist gang) but mostly what bonded them together was their need for meth and working together to carry out their crimes. The Chief responded to a question about the photo radar van, asking whether or not neighbors support the continuation of a contract to operate the van, which nets only about $130,000 per year. Linda Hedges made a motion to support at least a one year continuation of the contract to operate the van; Wally Bischoff seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: the bank account is in good shape. A small amount was spent on administrative costs this month. The $250 was paid for the Officer of the Year Award dinner.
City Liaison Report – Pat DuVal: Pat asked what kind of information we would like for her to bring to the meeting. She was advised that she should report any pertinent city information and continue to take any of our concerns to city staff and the city manager. She distributed a sample copy of the new monthly water bills. Those who have questions about how it will work can contact city staff at 503-786-7597 Click HERE for a letter detailing the changes. Click HERE for a sample bill.
Light Rail monthly meetings - not held in December.
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
Parks Report: Sarah Smith sent a message that there was nothing to report.
Grant Requests:
Linda Hedges explained about the CERT program in Milwaukie and proposed that the $25 per person fee that CCFD#1 charges to an individual to take the Basic CERT class be paid by the NDA for any person from our neighborhood who takes the class. Wally Bischoff seconded and the motion was passed unanimously.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
Officer of the Year Award Dinner: March 10, 2011 the Public Safety Advisory committee and the American Legion will honor the officer, reserve and cadet police officer of the year, selected by their peers. Citizens are invited to attend. Information will be forthcoming regarding cost and how to purchase the tickets.
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program The officers of HCNDA have begun writing the report for this program that will support requests for project funding in April. The report is due February 15th. Results of the neighborhood survey were used to identify neighborhood problems, issues and ideas.
Two projects have already been tentatively identified: a) Pathway from Wilma Court to Hunter Court on the east right of way of Home Avenue; b) lighted crosswalk across 42nd Avenue at Adams or Franklin.
Many other project ideas have surfaced. Neighbors are encouraged to read the report and advise Mary Weaver, Linda Hedges, Sarah Smith or David Aschenbrenner about specific projects they would like to put forward. Anyone who wishes to read a copy of the draft report should email [email protected] or [email protected].
HCNDA Goals:
Mary Weaver briefly discussed suggested goals for the NDA for 2011, which include efforts to increase NDA meeting attendance, completion of the WSMP report and identification of projects to benefit the neighborhood, and recruitment and mentoring of new leadership for the NDA.
a) NDA Leadership Team Changes: Nothing new to report
b) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/index.html
Next Meeting will be 7pm on February 14, 2011 at the Public Safety Building.
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Thursday, January 6, 2011
What could be better than attending the Fiesta Bowl in Arizona?
Attending your neighborhood meeting in the Public Safety Building! Okay, maybe not better, but the NDA meeting is close to home and no tickets are required. You can tape the game, and then fast forward through the slow parts commercials.
Monthly Meeting Agenda
7:00pm, January 10, 2011
Milwaukie Public Safety Building, Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
Monthly Meeting Agenda
7:00pm, January 10, 2011
Milwaukie Public Safety Building, Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
- Milwaukie Police Update
- Information: Minutes from previous meeting; Treasurer’s Report ; City Liaison Pat DuVal report/comments; Walk Safely Milwaukie Report; HCNDA Goals for 2011
- Grants report
- Public Safety Advisory Comm. Report: Mary Weaver
- Other Information and Comments: NDA Leadership Team report; Light Rail monthly meeting
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Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Pilot Newsletter

Foregoing the printing and postage costs of the January edition save the City money. The Pilot will resume regular printing and distribution in February.
To that point, there's been more and more thought about moving away from the printed and mailed version of the City's newsletter to becoming an online publication, or a hybrid of the two. We'd like to hear from you if you have any opinions on that.
Email if you'd like to weigh-in.
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Monday, January 3, 2011
Clean Rivers & Streams Survey
Thanks to everyone who took our neighborhood survey! We will post the results of the survey soon. While we have closed our survey, there is another one on the City of Milwaukie's website concerning clean water...if you take that survey, you will be entered into a raffle!
Help improve the quality of water in your local rivers and streams and join the Regional Coalition for Clean R
ivers and Streams panel and participate in the online survey.
Click here to take the survey.
By joining the panel, you will have the opportunity to share your opinions about the health of your community’s water with public agencies in the Portland and Vancouver area. Your individual responses will be confidential.Your opinions are worth being heard! By participating in the survey you will automatically be entered into a raffle worth $500.
Thank you in advance for your participation. To learn more about the Regional Coalition for Clean Rivers & Streams visit their website: http://www.cleanriversandstreams.org/

Click here to take the survey.
By joining the panel, you will have the opportunity to share your opinions about the health of your community’s water with public agencies in the Portland and Vancouver area. Your individual responses will be confidential.Your opinions are worth being heard! By participating in the survey you will automatically be entered into a raffle worth $500.
Thank you in advance for your participation. To learn more about the Regional Coalition for Clean Rivers & Streams visit their website: http://www.cleanriversandstreams.org/
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