Please RSVP if you plan to attend our TENTH annual neighborhood picnic!
Neighbors, you are invited to our TENTH annual neighborhood picnic! It is FREE to residents and business owners in the Hector Campbell Neighborhood, all you need to do is RSVP. Please invite your next door neighbor to attend too!
Monday August 13th, 6pm to 8pm on the upper field of Campbell Elementary School, next to the community garden.
If you are planning on attending our picnic, PLEASE Click HERE to RSVP Or call: 503-683-1826. Those who RSVP and attend, will be entered in a drawing for door prizes! Please RSVP by Saturday August 11th.
We will also have:
An Italian Soda Bar, sponsored by the Painted Lady Coffee House
Face Painting
Vegetable tasting (summer squash for sure, tomatoes if they hurry up and ripen!)
Neighborhood business information table (if you have a business in our hood bring cards or brochures to display and let us know if you can sponsor one of our RSVP prizes)
Tour the Community Garden
Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Saturday, August 4, 2018
TENTH Annual Neighborhood Picnic
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Meeting Notes, July 9th, 2018
Hector Campbell NDA
Meeting notes
July 9, 2018 6:30pm
Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison St.
Neighbors present
Dave Aschenbrenner (Chair)
Heather Ray
(Vice Chair/PSAC)
Melanie Bocek (Sec/Treas)
Sarah Smith (Parks/Garden)
Darin Smith
Darlene Albertson
Wally Bischoff
Corinn DeTorres
Ley Garnett
Shirley Geiter
Ruby Inman
Carl Richter
Susanne Richter
Bernie Stout
Lucinda Vranizan
Visitors present
Hamid Shibata Bennett, artMOB Milwaukie Secretary
Police report No report
Milwaukie Friday Memo Forwarded by email to our neighborhood list.
Past meeting notes and Treasurer’s report
• June’s meeting notes were unanimously approved as written.
• Checking and savings have balances of $1,784.61 and $2,507.94, respectively, with $867.15 of checking apportioned to the CCG account, leaving a general checking balance of $917.46.
Grant Requests
• Hamid Shibata Bennett from artMOB Milwaukie asked for a grant donation of $250 to help fund their second annual MAXimum Music Happy Hour, a pop-up music and art event at the food cart pod next to the Main St. Orange Line station on Thursday, August 22, 4:30-8:30 pm. The community-building event will feature musical performances by Don & The Quixotes, Blue Orchid and Zozma, as well as art activities, booths by local artisans, dancing, and more. Heather Ray made the motion to approve the $250 grant, Susanne Richter seconded the motion – approved unanimously.
Land Use/Project Updates
• Dieringer Property: the application to re-zone several adjoining lots to make way for multi-family housing has been filed with the City and notification sent to HCNDA leadership. Heather Ray to send a message to City staff that HCNDA does not oppose this application.
• Keil Crossing: Dave Aschenbrenner to contact Vera Kolias about the seemingly stagnant status of this project. Update 7/12/18: Anlon Construction to start
submitting permits for the homes (on the new 43rd and 44th Avenues) early next week.
• Mission Park: per Ley Garnett – plat approved, only 2 housing permits have been submitted to the City so far.
Parks & Garden Report
• Sarah Smith reported that they will be donating their first eggplants next week, as well as currently donating cabbage, lettuce, kale and blueberries to Esther’s Pantry and that there is (still) a waiting list for garden spots.
• Planning for the annual neighborhood picnic (August 13) is in progress – committee members proposed purchasing reusable plastic cups for permanent NDA use instead of disposable cups. All present approved the purchase of the cups and storage totes. Committee members believe costs for this year’s picnic will be slightly more than previous years’ – all members present had no issue with this minor increase. Cotton candy will be a new item at this year’s picnic – much discussion of logistics and preparation of cotton candy. Look for it at the picnic! Heather Ray to contact police cadets to organize their help setting up for the picnic. In addition to the fabulous food and drink, there will also be games, a face painter, a pollinator information booth, and a neighborhood hub information booth.
• Wetlands Conservancy and Parks staff appear to have completed their repairs to the Minthorn Springs wetlands area.
Public Safety Advisory Committee (Heather Ray, PSAC Rep)
• Elections were postponed until this month’s upcoming meeting.
• Zane Odem is a new traffic/patrol officer for MPD.
• PSAC and City staff are still trying to determine PSAC’s role in the upcoming SAFE Streets/SSMP projects, as a consultant is soon to be hired to handle public information dissemination.
• Traffic control requests are still backlogged due to staffing shortages. Requests are first-come, first-serve. Contact Engineering if you submitted a request and haven’t heard anything recently.
• City should be regularly providing NDAs with updated traffic control project reports.
Other Business
• Dave Aschenbrenner reminded us again that with upcoming road projects, City staff will be conducting physical surveys over the next year to check on right-of-way encroachment that may have occurred over the years and notifying property owners who may be in violation.
• Tree Board: an ordinance is coming!
• Swings in upper Campbell playground are in terrible shape; also, the field is in dire need of a mow. Update 7/16/18: Melanie Bocek called: both soon to be remedied.
• 4246 SE Washington Street house – still drawing concern from neighbors. Update 7/11/18: Dave Aschenbrenner is in contact with the property management company for the bank that purchased the property at auction.
• There is much concern from neighbors about continued illegal fireworks in our neighborhoods. Despite police assurance that violations can now be enforced, it does not seem to be curbing the dangerous firework usage at all. Dave
Aschenbrenner will be asking police representatives to attend our September meeting to address this issue and answer questions.
• Bernie Stout requested that the agenda for HCNDA meetings be posted online or emailed prior to meetings to inform neighbors of what will be discussed at the meeting. Dave Aschenbrenner committed to getting those done one week prior to meetings, with Melanie Bocek to distribute via the neighborhood email list and send to Jason Wachs to put on the City NDA website.
Upcoming Items of Neighborhood Interest
Save the Date! **Campbell Community Picnic **Monday, August 13, 6:00-8:00 pm **Upper field of (former) Campbell Elementary (next to the Community Garden)
Informational Phone Numbers:
Non-emergency Police: 503-786-7500
Pothole Hotline: 503-786-7651
Code Compliance: 503-786-7409
The meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm
No August meeting – come to the picnic!!!
The next meeting will be Monday, September 10, 6:30pm, at the Public Safety Building
Final minutes dated 7/16/18 Melanie Bocek, Secretary/Treasurer
Meeting notes
July 9, 2018 6:30pm
Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison St.
Neighbors present
Dave Aschenbrenner (Chair)
Heather Ray
(Vice Chair/PSAC)
Melanie Bocek (Sec/Treas)
Sarah Smith (Parks/Garden)
Darin Smith
Darlene Albertson
Wally Bischoff
Corinn DeTorres
Ley Garnett
Shirley Geiter
Ruby Inman
Carl Richter
Susanne Richter
Bernie Stout
Lucinda Vranizan
Visitors present
Hamid Shibata Bennett, artMOB Milwaukie Secretary
Police report No report
Milwaukie Friday Memo Forwarded by email to our neighborhood list.
Past meeting notes and Treasurer’s report
• June’s meeting notes were unanimously approved as written.
• Checking and savings have balances of $1,784.61 and $2,507.94, respectively, with $867.15 of checking apportioned to the CCG account, leaving a general checking balance of $917.46.
Grant Requests
• Hamid Shibata Bennett from artMOB Milwaukie asked for a grant donation of $250 to help fund their second annual MAXimum Music Happy Hour, a pop-up music and art event at the food cart pod next to the Main St. Orange Line station on Thursday, August 22, 4:30-8:30 pm. The community-building event will feature musical performances by Don & The Quixotes, Blue Orchid and Zozma, as well as art activities, booths by local artisans, dancing, and more. Heather Ray made the motion to approve the $250 grant, Susanne Richter seconded the motion – approved unanimously.
Land Use/Project Updates
• Dieringer Property: the application to re-zone several adjoining lots to make way for multi-family housing has been filed with the City and notification sent to HCNDA leadership. Heather Ray to send a message to City staff that HCNDA does not oppose this application.
• Keil Crossing: Dave Aschenbrenner to contact Vera Kolias about the seemingly stagnant status of this project. Update 7/12/18: Anlon Construction to start
submitting permits for the homes (on the new 43rd and 44th Avenues) early next week.
• Mission Park: per Ley Garnett – plat approved, only 2 housing permits have been submitted to the City so far.
Parks & Garden Report
• Sarah Smith reported that they will be donating their first eggplants next week, as well as currently donating cabbage, lettuce, kale and blueberries to Esther’s Pantry and that there is (still) a waiting list for garden spots.
• Planning for the annual neighborhood picnic (August 13) is in progress – committee members proposed purchasing reusable plastic cups for permanent NDA use instead of disposable cups. All present approved the purchase of the cups and storage totes. Committee members believe costs for this year’s picnic will be slightly more than previous years’ – all members present had no issue with this minor increase. Cotton candy will be a new item at this year’s picnic – much discussion of logistics and preparation of cotton candy. Look for it at the picnic! Heather Ray to contact police cadets to organize their help setting up for the picnic. In addition to the fabulous food and drink, there will also be games, a face painter, a pollinator information booth, and a neighborhood hub information booth.
• Wetlands Conservancy and Parks staff appear to have completed their repairs to the Minthorn Springs wetlands area.
Public Safety Advisory Committee (Heather Ray, PSAC Rep)
• Elections were postponed until this month’s upcoming meeting.
• Zane Odem is a new traffic/patrol officer for MPD.
• PSAC and City staff are still trying to determine PSAC’s role in the upcoming SAFE Streets/SSMP projects, as a consultant is soon to be hired to handle public information dissemination.
• Traffic control requests are still backlogged due to staffing shortages. Requests are first-come, first-serve. Contact Engineering if you submitted a request and haven’t heard anything recently.
• City should be regularly providing NDAs with updated traffic control project reports.
Other Business
• Dave Aschenbrenner reminded us again that with upcoming road projects, City staff will be conducting physical surveys over the next year to check on right-of-way encroachment that may have occurred over the years and notifying property owners who may be in violation.
• Tree Board: an ordinance is coming!
• Swings in upper Campbell playground are in terrible shape; also, the field is in dire need of a mow. Update 7/16/18: Melanie Bocek called: both soon to be remedied.
• 4246 SE Washington Street house – still drawing concern from neighbors. Update 7/11/18: Dave Aschenbrenner is in contact with the property management company for the bank that purchased the property at auction.
• There is much concern from neighbors about continued illegal fireworks in our neighborhoods. Despite police assurance that violations can now be enforced, it does not seem to be curbing the dangerous firework usage at all. Dave
Aschenbrenner will be asking police representatives to attend our September meeting to address this issue and answer questions.
• Bernie Stout requested that the agenda for HCNDA meetings be posted online or emailed prior to meetings to inform neighbors of what will be discussed at the meeting. Dave Aschenbrenner committed to getting those done one week prior to meetings, with Melanie Bocek to distribute via the neighborhood email list and send to Jason Wachs to put on the City NDA website.
Upcoming Items of Neighborhood Interest
Save the Date! **Campbell Community Picnic **Monday, August 13, 6:00-8:00 pm **Upper field of (former) Campbell Elementary (next to the Community Garden)
Informational Phone Numbers:
Non-emergency Police: 503-786-7500
Pothole Hotline: 503-786-7651
Code Compliance: 503-786-7409
The meeting adjourned at 7:27 pm
No August meeting – come to the picnic!!!
The next meeting will be Monday, September 10, 6:30pm, at the Public Safety Building
Final minutes dated 7/16/18 Melanie Bocek, Secretary/Treasurer
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Labels: HCNDA Meeting Notes, Monthly Meetings
Sunday, July 30, 2017
Neighborhood Picnic
Please RSVP if you plan to attend our ninth annual neighborhood picnic!
Neighbors, you are invited to our eighth annual neighborhood picnic! It is FREE to residents and business owners in the Hector Campbell Neighborhood, all you need to do is RSVP. Please invite your next door neighbor to attend too!
Monday August 14th, 6pm to 8pm on the upper field of Campbell Elementary School, next to the community garden.
If you are planning on attending our picnic, PLEASE click here to RSVP. Or call: 503-683-1826. Those who RSVP and attend, will be entered in a drawing for door prizes! Please RSVP by Saturday August 6th.
We will be serving hot dogs, salads and veggies from the community garden.
We will also have:
An Italian Soda Bar, sponsored by the Painted Lady Coffee House
Face Painting
NEW: JK Goats will have a pen of goats set up for petting!!!!
Vegetable tasting (summer squash for sure, tomatoes if they hurry up and ripen!)
Neighborhood business information table (if you have a business in our hood bring cards or brochures to display and let us know if you can sponsor one of our RSVP prizes)
Tour the Community Garden
Neighbors, you are invited to our eighth annual neighborhood picnic! It is FREE to residents and business owners in the Hector Campbell Neighborhood, all you need to do is RSVP. Please invite your next door neighbor to attend too!
Monday August 14th, 6pm to 8pm on the upper field of Campbell Elementary School, next to the community garden.
If you are planning on attending our picnic, PLEASE click here to RSVP. Or call: 503-683-1826. Those who RSVP and attend, will be entered in a drawing for door prizes! Please RSVP by Saturday August 6th.
We will be serving hot dogs, salads and veggies from the community garden.
Our 2016 picnic was well attended even with a little rain! |
We will also have:
An Italian Soda Bar, sponsored by the Painted Lady Coffee House
Face Painting
NEW: JK Goats will have a pen of goats set up for petting!!!!
Vegetable tasting (summer squash for sure, tomatoes if they hurry up and ripen!)
Neighborhood business information table (if you have a business in our hood bring cards or brochures to display and let us know if you can sponsor one of our RSVP prizes)
Tour the Community Garden
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Labels: Get Involved, Monthly Meetings, Summer Picnic, Volunteering
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
April Meeting Agenda
Monthly Meeting
Meeting Location: Public Safety Building 6:30 PM
32th and Harrison St
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair 5 Min
Items to add to the agenda:
Public Safety: 5 Min
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Heather Ray 20 Min
SAFE Project Sidewalk Discussion
City Staff: Friday Memo Sent via Email
Grant Request: none at this time
Past Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: 5 Min
New Neighborhood Items: 5 Min
Projects Update:
42nd Ave paving still on track for this Summer
Land Use Projects:
Corinn DeWaard SE Harrison church 5 Min
Historic House at 42nd and Railroad 5 Min
Parks & Garden Report: 5 Min
Sarah Smith
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.
If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, Please send an e-mail to
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March Monthly Meeting Notes
March 13, 2017 Meeting notes
Milwaukie Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison 6:30pm
Neighbors present: Chair David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith, Linda Hedges, Wally Bischoff, Melanie Bocek, Shirley Geiter, Steve & Bonnie Rand, Darlene Anderson, Ruby Inman, Darin Smith, B Heather Ray. Guests Mark Dane and two others from Railroad/42nd Subdivision development project.
Police report: Captain Rash joined us and reported that there is the potential for more crime in the neighborhoods, such as thefts from cars and mailboxes, ID theft using materials from recycling bins, opportunistic crime by meth users. Please be careful about locking vehicles, doors to sheds, not leaving valuables in plain sight, shredding correspondence. Captain Rash reminded everyone to report any suspicious activity that they see because it could be related to these opportunistic crimes. Non-emergency police number is 503-7867500.The Department is sponsoring the annual Prescription Drug Turn In and Shred Day 10am-2pm on April 29th. Tuesday March 14th is the Officer and Cadet of the year dinner. The 100th anniversary of the police department will also be celebrated at the dinner. 23 officers from Milwaukie PD and Gladstone partnered again this year to raise funds for Special Olympics by participating in the Polar Plunge, a quick dip in the Columbia River in January. They raised $7700, the most for a law enforcement team in Oregon. He also encouraged people to think about participating in the 9K for K9 fundraiser for Milwaukie PD’s K9 program on July 8th, at Milwaukie MarketPlace. For more information go to
Milwaukie Friday Memo: Forwarded by email to our email list.
Past meeting notes and treasurers report: Linda Hedges requested approval for previous month’s minutes; approved. Checking and savings $7548.32 with $1658.19 in CCG account, $1000
committed to bench project, $500 MHS Grad Party (on condition of work party). Balance available $5389.13.
Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith reported all the plots are rented and there is a waiting list. 19 pounds of produce has already been donated to Esther’s Pantry. Mason bees are hatching and she had some to provide to gardeners at the meeting. She said the new rainwater tank was about half full (it’s a 275 gallon tank.) A pop up canopy has been purchased for use during classes or poor weather.
Public Safety Report: Heather Ray discussed the Safe Access for Everyone (SAFE) project and distributed a list of the projects determined by work parties that are high priority on the many projects around town that should be covered by the new funding. She said that the federal government has mandated that all sidewalk projects previously installed by the city must now have the standard ADA ramps and other work in currently approved designs. She asked neighbors to prioritize the projects on the “high priority” list. There were four that the group at large felt should have highest listing, which were the pedestrian-activated crosswalk at King and Home Avenue, 42nd Avenue sidewalk infill, Harvey Street sidewalk infill and Stanley Avenue from King Road to Railroad sidewalk infill. Home Avenue sidewalk infill received medium support but only as infill on one side or the other as it corresponds to available right of way, not both sides of the road. The projects list is attached and neighbors are asked to complete their list of priorities and send it to Heather Ray.
Land Use: Mark Dane, a developer, and his partner and the property broker came to speak with the neighborhood prior to the application process on their plan to purchase and develop the property on the northeast corner of 42nd and Railroad. They presented plot plans for a 37 lot development and explained how they are complying with city staff recommendations for the number of houses, easements, driveways and street access, road size, etc. They said they will remove the existing building in as sustainable a way as possible and Aschenbrenner asked that they retain a couple small items to donate to the Milwaukie Museum. They anticipate being able to recycle a considerable amount of the existing wood from the house and outbuildings. Also, they plan to keep as many trees as they can and will plant sunset maples in the planting strips once the houses are built. They plan to build single family, two story houses, approximately 2000 sq ft on R5 plots, which will require a zoning change. sSeveral variances will be required. Following discussion the NDA voted unanimously to preliminarily support the project as indicated by plans
provided at the NDA meeting on March 13, 2017. Sarah Smith moved, Steve Rand seconded, unanimous approval. Action: D Aschenbrenner to report support for project to Mark Dane and to City staff.
Grant Request: Rowe Middle School’s Food for Success program submitted a request for $1000 to support this year’s healthy snacks for middle schoolers. Shirley Geiter made a motion to grant them $500, Darin Smith seconded, passed unanimously.
Grant Request: MHS Grad Party. Still waiting to hear back from Yvonne McVey regarding a work party of students to earn the $500 set aside. Action: LH to create list of suggested projects for them to do at Homewood Park and contact with NCPRD for the work to be done, email to Ms. McVey.
Neighborhood News: A list of properties in the neighborhood that have been foreclosed and their disposition was attached to the agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm The next meeting will be held Monday April 10th, 6:30pm.
Draft minutes dated 3/14/17 Linda Hedges, Secretary/Treasurer
Milwaukie Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison 6:30pm
Neighbors present: Chair David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith, Linda Hedges, Wally Bischoff, Melanie Bocek, Shirley Geiter, Steve & Bonnie Rand, Darlene Anderson, Ruby Inman, Darin Smith, B Heather Ray. Guests Mark Dane and two others from Railroad/42nd Subdivision development project.
Police report: Captain Rash joined us and reported that there is the potential for more crime in the neighborhoods, such as thefts from cars and mailboxes, ID theft using materials from recycling bins, opportunistic crime by meth users. Please be careful about locking vehicles, doors to sheds, not leaving valuables in plain sight, shredding correspondence. Captain Rash reminded everyone to report any suspicious activity that they see because it could be related to these opportunistic crimes. Non-emergency police number is 503-7867500.The Department is sponsoring the annual Prescription Drug Turn In and Shred Day 10am-2pm on April 29th. Tuesday March 14th is the Officer and Cadet of the year dinner. The 100th anniversary of the police department will also be celebrated at the dinner. 23 officers from Milwaukie PD and Gladstone partnered again this year to raise funds for Special Olympics by participating in the Polar Plunge, a quick dip in the Columbia River in January. They raised $7700, the most for a law enforcement team in Oregon. He also encouraged people to think about participating in the 9K for K9 fundraiser for Milwaukie PD’s K9 program on July 8th, at Milwaukie MarketPlace. For more information go to
Milwaukie Friday Memo: Forwarded by email to our email list.
Past meeting notes and treasurers report: Linda Hedges requested approval for previous month’s minutes; approved. Checking and savings $7548.32 with $1658.19 in CCG account, $1000
committed to bench project, $500 MHS Grad Party (on condition of work party). Balance available $5389.13.
Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith reported all the plots are rented and there is a waiting list. 19 pounds of produce has already been donated to Esther’s Pantry. Mason bees are hatching and she had some to provide to gardeners at the meeting. She said the new rainwater tank was about half full (it’s a 275 gallon tank.) A pop up canopy has been purchased for use during classes or poor weather.
Public Safety Report: Heather Ray discussed the Safe Access for Everyone (SAFE) project and distributed a list of the projects determined by work parties that are high priority on the many projects around town that should be covered by the new funding. She said that the federal government has mandated that all sidewalk projects previously installed by the city must now have the standard ADA ramps and other work in currently approved designs. She asked neighbors to prioritize the projects on the “high priority” list. There were four that the group at large felt should have highest listing, which were the pedestrian-activated crosswalk at King and Home Avenue, 42nd Avenue sidewalk infill, Harvey Street sidewalk infill and Stanley Avenue from King Road to Railroad sidewalk infill. Home Avenue sidewalk infill received medium support but only as infill on one side or the other as it corresponds to available right of way, not both sides of the road. The projects list is attached and neighbors are asked to complete their list of priorities and send it to Heather Ray.
Land Use: Mark Dane, a developer, and his partner and the property broker came to speak with the neighborhood prior to the application process on their plan to purchase and develop the property on the northeast corner of 42nd and Railroad. They presented plot plans for a 37 lot development and explained how they are complying with city staff recommendations for the number of houses, easements, driveways and street access, road size, etc. They said they will remove the existing building in as sustainable a way as possible and Aschenbrenner asked that they retain a couple small items to donate to the Milwaukie Museum. They anticipate being able to recycle a considerable amount of the existing wood from the house and outbuildings. Also, they plan to keep as many trees as they can and will plant sunset maples in the planting strips once the houses are built. They plan to build single family, two story houses, approximately 2000 sq ft on R5 plots, which will require a zoning change. sSeveral variances will be required. Following discussion the NDA voted unanimously to preliminarily support the project as indicated by plans
provided at the NDA meeting on March 13, 2017. Sarah Smith moved, Steve Rand seconded, unanimous approval. Action: D Aschenbrenner to report support for project to Mark Dane and to City staff.
Grant Request: Rowe Middle School’s Food for Success program submitted a request for $1000 to support this year’s healthy snacks for middle schoolers. Shirley Geiter made a motion to grant them $500, Darin Smith seconded, passed unanimously.
Grant Request: MHS Grad Party. Still waiting to hear back from Yvonne McVey regarding a work party of students to earn the $500 set aside. Action: LH to create list of suggested projects for them to do at Homewood Park and contact with NCPRD for the work to be done, email to Ms. McVey.
Neighborhood News: A list of properties in the neighborhood that have been foreclosed and their disposition was attached to the agenda.
The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm The next meeting will be held Monday April 10th, 6:30pm.
Draft minutes dated 3/14/17 Linda Hedges, Secretary/Treasurer
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Labels: HCNDA Meeting Notes, Monthly Meetings
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Meeting Notes January, 2017
Hector Campbell NDA
January 9. 2017 Meeting notes
Neighbors present:
Chair David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith, Wally Bischoff, Melanie Bocek, Shirley Geiter, Steve & Bonnie Rand, Glen Ropella, Darin Smith, Bernie Stout, Wendy Wagner, Maryanna Hollomon, Ley Garnett, and Heather Ray
Milwaukie Friday Memo: Forwarded by email to our email list. David highlighted a few events:
- Place It Visioning event, Tuesday January 24th, 6-7:30pm at the Public Safety Building -
- Volunteer of the Year, nominations are open:
- Electronics Recycling Event: January 14th, 10am - 2pm in Library Parking lot:
Past meeting notes and treasurers report: Linda Hedges was unavailable due to a CERT event.
Parks & Garden Report
Community Garden: The total produce donated to Esther’s pantry in 2016 was 1, 251 pounds; this is down a bit from previous years, Sarah attributed the lower total to poor fall weather, poor supply of late season plant starts, and less volunteer involvement. There are 2 new gardeners just coming on to the garden and there are 3 open plots, registration is open at: The rainwater harvesting system is moving forward with the donation of a 275 gallon tank from Alexeli Vineyards. New projects for 2017 are a more focused approach to planning the harvest donation program and the purchase of grow lights for seed starting.
Homewood Park: In December the Parks District worked on removing a few cherry Trees, the wood was chipped and will be used as mulch for new plantings later this winter. Sarah will contact the Parks District about having High School Grad Party volunteers plant plants or remove ivy, and will have Linda Hedges follow up with Milwaukie High School.
Public Safety Report: Heather Ray: Nothing new to report, they haven’t had a meeting yet.
Land Use:
Mission Park Development: Ley Garnett reported on the status of our neighborhoods appeal of the Planning Commissions approval of the proposed 14 lot development on SE King Road. Our appeal submitted by Ley was received by the City Council, the council will have a public hearing on our appeal at the regular council meeting, Tuesday January 17th. Information on the appeal can be found in the Councils E-Packet, scroll to Agenda item #5, pg 45: Neighborhood members are encouraged to attend the hearing. Ley believes there is a 54” Ponderosa Pine on the property as well as many other mature trees, tree protection and the variance for putting a new road into King Rd too close to the Home & King intersection are our neighborhoods main reasons for appealing the Planning Commissions decision.
Zoning, density, demolition questions: There was discussion about future development in our neighborhood, a neighbor brought up the fact that a home at SE 55th & Monroe was demolished, and it was asked if the NDA gets any notifications. Concern was expressed about what will become of the large open lots along RR ave, at the time of the meeting it was noted that there was no known property for sale, however signs have popped up at 4217 SE RR Ave for 3.21 acres for sale. Questions were also brought up about whether or not Milwaukie is making progress on developing a tree ordinance, David Aschenbrenner will follow up on what notifications we should receive and on trees.
Police report: Chief Bartols joined us and announced the 100th Birthday/Anniversary of the Milwaukie Police Department. They have special social media posts through out the year, as well as at the Officer and Cadet of the year dinner. We were reminded to not leave our cars unattended while warming up, thieves are look for cars to steal.
Vice Chair: Lars Campbell has moved out of our neighborhood, our vice-chair position is open. The neighborhood by-laws state that we must elect a chair, vice-chair, and secretary/treasurer each May; the by-laws do not specify what to do if we have a mid-term vacancy. Vice-Chair duties include helping the Chair and filling in the Chairs absence, and in the past our Vice-Chair has also been the Chair of our Land Use Committee. Heather Ray expressed interest in the position; others interested should come to our next meeting to learn more. We will hold our election at our regular May meeting. Here is a link to our By-Laws:
Monroe Greenway: Questions were asked about the Monroe Greenway Project. David Aschenbrenner will have an update for our February member meeting.
The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
The next meeting will be held Monday February 13th at 6:30pm
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Labels: HCNDA Meeting Notes, Monthly Meetings
Sunday, January 8, 2017
January Meeting Agenda
Monday January 9th 6:30pm
NOTE: We expect the weather to improve, if the meeting is canceled due to ice we will notify our email list Monday afternoon.
At the Public Safety Building 32th and Harrison St
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair
Items to add to the agenda: 5 Min
Public Safety: 5 Min
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Heather Ray 5 Min
City Staff: Friday Memo
Sent via Email
Past Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: 5 Min
New Neighborhood Items: 5 Min
Projects Update:
Land Use Projects: 10 Min
14 Lot Sub Division – Ley Garnett
Parks & Garden Report: 5 Min
Sarah Smith
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.
If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, Please send an e-mail to
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Labels: Monthly Meeting Agendas, Monthly Meetings
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
It's SNOWING! Where is the snow plow?
Will the city plow my street?
The map below is just our neighborhood area, you can see the entire map HERE.
Red streets are plowed, blue streets are sanded.
Please review this snow plow route FAQ and review the map to see which streets will receive treatment, and why they are the roadways selected.
In the event of a winter storm, which streets will city crews plow?
The City’s streets crew will plow the City’s primary arterial and collector streets in an effort to keep them safe and passable.
Why those streets?
The goal is to help our residents get to and from their places of business and to keep the City’s primary roads open to emergency response equipment.
Due to limits of City resources and staffing levels, snow plowing will be limited to this route.
What are residents responsible for when it comes to snow removal?
To aid the effort the City asks that vehicles along the route be parked off of the right of way to avoid possible damage from plowing the snow to the edge of the roadway.
Property owners are responsible for removing any snow that might pile up in front of driveway approaches and on sidewalks from the plowing.
Contact Information:
If you have any questions, please call the Public Works Department at (503) 786-7600.
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Labels: Ice, Snow Plow, Winter Weather
Monthly Meeting Minutes, December 12, 2016
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair
In attendance: Sarah Smith Park and Gardens Director, Darin Smith, Linda Hedges Sec-Treasurer, Frank Lamp, Wally Bischoff, Heather Ray, Scott Schoeffer, Carl and Susanne Richter, Ruby Inman, Darlene Albertson, Steve and Bonnie Rand, Melody Bocek, Bernie Stout, Mary Weaver, Ley Garnett, Lars Campbell, Vice Chair, Wendy Wagner, Jan Cartmell
Upcoming City events: Paul Klein visited to invite everyone to the Winter Solstice and Christmas Ships event on Saturday December 17th, about dusk at the Riverfront park. There will be a beer garden this year, and sales of hot chocolate, pie and hot dogs will support Lewelling NDA. Also, the Milwaukie Museum will have an Open House on Saturday December 17th from 1-5pm with photo opportunities with a Christmas Elf. The Museum is located at 37th and Adams.
Public Safety Captain Dave Rash attended and reported that the department is interviewing for a new officer right now and is performing background checks on a new administrative assistant for the Chief. A number of questions were asked about various code compliance issues. He reminded everyone that if someone sees something that concerns them they can either call the non-emergency dispatch number 503-786-7500 or of course 9-1-1 if something is going on right now. Don’t hesitate to call right away if something concerns you or doesn’t seem right. He reported that Officer Simac is the police officer of the year and cadet Colton Anderson was voted by his peers as cadet of the year. The Officer of the Year dinner will be March 14th at the Milwaukie Elks.
Public Safety Advisory Committee:
Heather Ray reported that there are a lot of changes going on right now and there wasn’t a quorum for their last meeting. Several positions need to be replaced. She said as far as she knows the SAFE program, which will help pay for new sidewalks and creating safer walking zone is going forward in January, with $4.30 assessed to each residential unit per month on the water bill.
City Staff: Friday Memo is being sent via Email each week.
Past Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges asked if there were any corrections or additions to the November meeting minutes. There were none. Approved by consensus. She reported that the financial account was CCG $1398.25, $1000 committed to the park bench project; checking $1304.84; savings $5004.55.
New Neighborhood Items: none
Milwaukie Museum requested $200 toward the replacement of their furnace. Steve Rand moved and Wally Bischof seconded motion, approved unanimously with one abstention (Aschenbrenner). We also voted to pay for one year’s membership fee of $100, Mary Weaver moved and Sarah Smith seconded. Unanimous with one abstention (Aschenbrenner).
Milwaukie HS and MAA Graduation Party request for $500 was moved by Sarah Smith and seconded by Susanne Richter, on the condition of their participating in a work party valuing $500 in work hours at $15 per person hour. $500 grant was approved unanimously on condition.
Land Use: the 14 lot division proposed for 51st and King Road was discussed and Ley Garnett, a neighbor who lives near the proposed subdivision, asked the NDA to support an appeal of the planning commission’s decision to approve this application. The NDA voted to appeal the decision, based on several issues from the Comprehensive Plan which have not been addressed under the decision to approve. Information on this subdivision can be found at
Sarah Smith moved and Mary Weaver seconded to appoint Ley Garnett to the Hector Campbell Land Use Committee. The motion was approved unanimously. Ley will attend to the appeal process on behalf of the NDA and if possible, Lars Campbell, the Chair of the Land Use Committee, will also participate.
Dieringer Properties has requested an adjustment of zoning for their property on 44th and Llewellyn so that they can build a new 4 plex and 2 plex. Lot size adjusted from R3 to R2.5. Chair Aschenbrenner and Sarah Smith met and discussed their application and will recommend approval.
Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith reported the Garden has started the installation of a 225 gallon rainwater harvesting tank. She thinks there will be a donation of the tank. Plots are available in the garden for $30 or $40.She estimated between 1250 and 1300 lbs. of produce were donated to Esther’s Pantry this year. The new sponsor for 2017 is Renee’s GardenSeeds.
The Parks district is considering removing a few cherry trees on the south side of Homewood Park. There are plans to plant native plants in the winter. Mary Weaver asked about the health of the large tree located on Home Avenue in front of the park. Sarah will ask the Parks District to check on whether it is healthy enough to remain.
Monroe Greenway County hearing – Bernie Stout attended the November 15th meeting at Clackamas County. The County has denied funding at this time. Bernie will follow up with City of Milwaukie on this project.
Vice Chair position: Lars Campbell, who has served the NDA for several years, plans to move soon. We will be considering candidates for the position at our January meeting. The Vice Chair serves as the NDA’s Chairman of the Land Use Committee and runs NDA meetings in the absence of the Chair. S/he undertakes other tasks as requested by the Chair or at the request of the NDA.
The evening concluded with holiday goodies and door prizes.
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Sunday, December 11, 2016
December Meeting Agenda & Party Invitation
Hector Campbell NDA Annual Christmas Meeting
12/12/2016, 6:30pm
Meeting Location: Public Safety Building
32nd and Harrison St
Neighbors please join us Monday evening for our monthly meeting plus special treats and door prizes.
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair
Paul Klein, Lewelling NDA
Items to add to the agenda: 5 Min
Public Safety: 5 Min
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Heather Ray
City Staff: Friday Memo
Sent via Email
Grant Request: Milwaukie Museum Membership / Furnace
Past Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: 5 Min
New Neighborhood Items: 5 Min
Projects Update:
Monroe Greenway east of Linwood – Bernie Stout and
Land Use Projects: 5 Min
14 Lot Sub Division on SE King Road
Parks & Garden Report: 5 Min
Sarah Smith
Other: Christmas Door Prizes
12/12/2016, 6:30pm
Meeting Location: Public Safety Building
32nd and Harrison St
Neighbors please join us Monday evening for our monthly meeting plus special treats and door prizes.
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair
Paul Klein, Lewelling NDA
Items to add to the agenda: 5 Min
Public Safety: 5 Min
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Heather Ray
City Staff: Friday Memo
Sent via Email
Grant Request: Milwaukie Museum Membership / Furnace
Past Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report: 5 Min
New Neighborhood Items: 5 Min
Projects Update:
Monroe Greenway east of Linwood – Bernie Stout and
Land Use Projects: 5 Min
14 Lot Sub Division on SE King Road
Parks & Garden Report: 5 Min
Sarah Smith
Other: Christmas Door Prizes
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