North Clackamas School District Assistant Superintendent Ron Stewart and Government Relations Director Joe Krumm will attend the Hector Campbell NDA monthly meeting on May 9th at 7pm in the Public Safety Building (3200 SE Harrison Street). Discussion will center around their proposed policy for reuse of vacant building (such as Campbell School). Neighbors, Campbell PTA members and staff, business owners in our neighborhood and City Councilors and city staff are invited to attend.
Click HERE for a PDF of The proposed policy for reuse of vacant buildings. The proposed policy refers to the school districts Strategic Plan several times, click HERE to read it.
The future of the school building is important to our neighborhood. We are pleased that the School District is willing to include our neighborhood in the discussion. PLEASE come to the meeting and share your ideas.
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Vacant School Building Reuse Policy to be disscused on May 9th
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7:08 PM No comments:

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Friday, April 15, 2011
Proposed Campbell School boundaries
For those interested, here is the link to to NCSD's proposed school boundaries
for Campbell (and clackamas) school children attending different schools next
year. Note that the box that says "Campbell to Lewelling" nearly obscures the entire
area outlined in dark blue where children will go to Lewelling next year. It is
basically 53rd to 72nd between Monroe and King Road.
If you have questions or comments about it please contact North Clackamas
School District Government Relations Director Joe Krumm at
[email protected] or your School Board members.
If that doesn't work, go to the North Clackamas School District website and follow the link to the boundary map.
for Campbell (and clackamas) school children attending different schools next
year. Note that the box that says "Campbell to Lewelling" nearly obscures the entire
area outlined in dark blue where children will go to Lewelling next year. It is
basically 53rd to 72nd between Monroe and King Road.
If you have questions or comments about it please contact North Clackamas
School District Government Relations Director Joe Krumm at
[email protected] or your School Board members.
If that doesn't work, go to the North Clackamas School District website and follow the link to the boundary map.
Posted by Anonymous at
11:48 AM No comments:

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Wednesday, April 13, 2011
HCNDA April 11 2011 Meeting Minutes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City Recorder Pat DuVal our city staff liaison, Frank Lamp representing Milwaukie Community Club, HCNDA Secretary Linda Hedges, HCNDA Treasurer David Aschenbrenner, HCNDA Parks Coordinator Sarah Smith, Ms. Peg Tarbox of Friends of Ledding Library, Mr. Paul Klein and 7 neighbors
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s report: The first annual financial report has been prepared for City staff and no additional grants are outstanding. Sarah Smith made a motion, seconded by David Aschenbrenner, that we set aside a $2,000 budget for park maintenance and improvements this year. The motion passed unanimously.
City Liaison Report: Pat DuVal reported that the Pond House is open selling books in support of Friends of Ledding Library on Fridays and Saturdays from 11-4. She reported that the Budget Committee will be meeting several times during April, but that there were no new big issues identified in the budget. The Volunteer Recognition Brunch will be Saturday April 16th at the Masonic Lodge.
Police Report: MPD and Providence Milwaukie Hospital are partnering with PSAC to present the Prescription Turn-In Day on April 30th 9am-2pm at the Public Safety Building. A Shredding Day will be held on June 18th.
The Chief distributed March statistics on both property crime and traffic accidents. Interestingly, most traffic accidents occur between 8am and 4pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
The Chief reported that a client of the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility was returned to Oregon State Hospital after committing an assault on a stranger in a SE Portland store where he had been escorted by a staff person. The Facility reported the incident on time and as it should have done. Multnomah County DA’s office did not prosecute. There was some discussion regarding issues and procedures at the Facility.
The Department has acquired a new drug sniffing K-9 named Shaka that has been made available from the Washougal, Washington Police Department. The dog is already trained and certified, and the city has chosen Officer Billy Wells as the dog’s partner.
There were some questions about on-going problems in Homewood Park with groups of teen-agers and also adult men sitting at or on the picnic table by the play area, driving away parents with young children who would like to enjoy the play area but who feel intimidated. The Chief encouraged neighbors to always call either 911 or the non-emergency police dispatch number 503-786-7500 if they see something they don’t think is right. He did remind the group that unless they are drinking or under-age smoking the “suspect subjects” also have a right to use of the park within the city’s guidelines.
Code Enforcement – Sarah Lander Sarah described her and her co-worker Tim Salyers’ responsibilities to enforce city ordinances and parking regulations. She distributed a flyer about what to do about barking dogs, and about various problems she and Mr. Salyers face within the city. The issues most often reported are noxious weed and grass growth (over 8 inches high), barking dogs, illegally parked vehicles and debris. She outlined the process for resolving complaints, and suggested that if there is a neighbor-to-neighbor dispute the County does have mediator services which can help resolve on-going issues. More information is available on the city’s website.
Campbell School Closure and New Boundaries Mary Weaver reported she and Joby Twigg and Tracy Pease attended a meeting with NCSD staff, Principal Curtis Long and members of HC PTA and others from Clackamas Elementary and Linwood Schools to discuss options for the redrawing of the school boundaries. She passed around 3 maps showing various options for drawing the lines. Linda Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded to support Option 3, which sends all Campbell school children to either Ardenwald or Lewelling and draws the boundary line straight down Home Avenue, providing all children on Home Avenue are sent to the same school. That motion passed unanimously. There is another meeting Wednesday the 13th to further discuss the boundaries; the NCSD and board have made no decisions yet though. Mary said she would like to have a meeting between HCNDA, the PTA members from Campbell and the PTA and NDAs from Lewelling and Ardenwald to discuss how to best support the children through these changes.
A neighbor pointed out that the NCSD recently mailed out a newsletter that said that Campbell school will be leased out to make money for the school district. She expressed concern over how the property might be used. Mary reported that the current zoning is R-7, single family housing, like the surrounding neighborhood. An exception had been made at the time the school was built. Any use other than subdividing the property for housing development (unlikely in this economic climate) will require permits and planning approval. Mary advised the HCNDA has sent the NCSD a letter outlining our preferred guidelines regarding future use of the property. NOTE: A neighbor asked for this letter to be distributed. ACTION: Linda Hedges
Concern was expressed that the ball fields and gym should continue to be a resource for the use of local community members, and Mary advised the NCSD has stated it will continue to do so for the near future.
Friends of Ledding Library – Peg Tarbox described the reasons why the Library is so important to support, and encouraged those who aren’t already members to join Friends which supports the Library in a number of ways. She said the annual Book Sale will be held at Portland Waldorf School June 24-26, and Pond House is open weekly 11-4 on Fridays and Saturdays to sell books. The Farmers Market also has a book sale booth.
Walking the Neighborhoods – Paul Klein An architect and history buff, Mr. Klein has undertaken the project of planning a walk through each of the 7 residential neighborhoods over the next 7 months. Neighbors were asked to contact him with ideas about what points of interest exist in our own neighborhood, where the walk will be held on May 15th. There will be a historical tour in downtown Milwaukie on May 22nd. Mr. Klein can be contacted at [email protected] or 503-652-8891.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: nothing at this time
Other Information and Comments:
a) Light Rail Meetings: The third Monday of each month a regular Light Rail Advisory Committee meeting is held at the Public Safety Building, 7pm. Look on the city’s website for more information. Now is the time to attend and be part of the input on design elements of the stations and bridge.
b) Earthquake Preparedness: Drop, Cover and Hold drill 10am April 30th. Practice the proper way to respond during an earthquake by crawling under a desk, table or bed or up against one, hold on, cover head and neck if possible. Statewide exercise to remind everyone to be prepared and know what to do.
c) Walk Safely Milwaukie Program: Linda Hedges reported that HCNDA is turning in 3 proposals for infrastructure funding: path up Home Avenue from Wilma Ct. to Hunter Ct., 2 crosswalks at the north and south side of 42nd and Washington, and road painting in front of Homewood Park to make drivers better aware of the park. An Awareness and Education project that is a flyer reporting changes to bus routes, schools and on neighborhood changes will be distributed to the neighborhood.
d) The City has a water main replacement project going on 42nd and King and down to Washington. Permits allow work at night.
e) Next month’s meeting: NCSD Asst. Supt. Ron Stewart and Gov’t Relations Director Joe Krumm will speak about Campbell school closure and future use of the building
Clackamas County FD #1’s latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Next Meeting will be 7pm on May 9, 2011
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges Approved: Mary Weaver April 12, 2011
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s report: The first annual financial report has been prepared for City staff and no additional grants are outstanding. Sarah Smith made a motion, seconded by David Aschenbrenner, that we set aside a $2,000 budget for park maintenance and improvements this year. The motion passed unanimously.
City Liaison Report: Pat DuVal reported that the Pond House is open selling books in support of Friends of Ledding Library on Fridays and Saturdays from 11-4. She reported that the Budget Committee will be meeting several times during April, but that there were no new big issues identified in the budget. The Volunteer Recognition Brunch will be Saturday April 16th at the Masonic Lodge.
Police Report: MPD and Providence Milwaukie Hospital are partnering with PSAC to present the Prescription Turn-In Day on April 30th 9am-2pm at the Public Safety Building. A Shredding Day will be held on June 18th.
The Chief distributed March statistics on both property crime and traffic accidents. Interestingly, most traffic accidents occur between 8am and 4pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
The Chief reported that a client of the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility was returned to Oregon State Hospital after committing an assault on a stranger in a SE Portland store where he had been escorted by a staff person. The Facility reported the incident on time and as it should have done. Multnomah County DA’s office did not prosecute. There was some discussion regarding issues and procedures at the Facility.
The Department has acquired a new drug sniffing K-9 named Shaka that has been made available from the Washougal, Washington Police Department. The dog is already trained and certified, and the city has chosen Officer Billy Wells as the dog’s partner.
There were some questions about on-going problems in Homewood Park with groups of teen-agers and also adult men sitting at or on the picnic table by the play area, driving away parents with young children who would like to enjoy the play area but who feel intimidated. The Chief encouraged neighbors to always call either 911 or the non-emergency police dispatch number 503-786-7500 if they see something they don’t think is right. He did remind the group that unless they are drinking or under-age smoking the “suspect subjects” also have a right to use of the park within the city’s guidelines.
Code Enforcement – Sarah Lander Sarah described her and her co-worker Tim Salyers’ responsibilities to enforce city ordinances and parking regulations. She distributed a flyer about what to do about barking dogs, and about various problems she and Mr. Salyers face within the city. The issues most often reported are noxious weed and grass growth (over 8 inches high), barking dogs, illegally parked vehicles and debris. She outlined the process for resolving complaints, and suggested that if there is a neighbor-to-neighbor dispute the County does have mediator services which can help resolve on-going issues. More information is available on the city’s website.
Campbell School Closure and New Boundaries Mary Weaver reported she and Joby Twigg and Tracy Pease attended a meeting with NCSD staff, Principal Curtis Long and members of HC PTA and others from Clackamas Elementary and Linwood Schools to discuss options for the redrawing of the school boundaries. She passed around 3 maps showing various options for drawing the lines. Linda Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded to support Option 3, which sends all Campbell school children to either Ardenwald or Lewelling and draws the boundary line straight down Home Avenue, providing all children on Home Avenue are sent to the same school. That motion passed unanimously. There is another meeting Wednesday the 13th to further discuss the boundaries; the NCSD and board have made no decisions yet though. Mary said she would like to have a meeting between HCNDA, the PTA members from Campbell and the PTA and NDAs from Lewelling and Ardenwald to discuss how to best support the children through these changes.
A neighbor pointed out that the NCSD recently mailed out a newsletter that said that Campbell school will be leased out to make money for the school district. She expressed concern over how the property might be used. Mary reported that the current zoning is R-7, single family housing, like the surrounding neighborhood. An exception had been made at the time the school was built. Any use other than subdividing the property for housing development (unlikely in this economic climate) will require permits and planning approval. Mary advised the HCNDA has sent the NCSD a letter outlining our preferred guidelines regarding future use of the property. NOTE: A neighbor asked for this letter to be distributed. ACTION: Linda Hedges
Concern was expressed that the ball fields and gym should continue to be a resource for the use of local community members, and Mary advised the NCSD has stated it will continue to do so for the near future.
Friends of Ledding Library – Peg Tarbox described the reasons why the Library is so important to support, and encouraged those who aren’t already members to join Friends which supports the Library in a number of ways. She said the annual Book Sale will be held at Portland Waldorf School June 24-26, and Pond House is open weekly 11-4 on Fridays and Saturdays to sell books. The Farmers Market also has a book sale booth.
Walking the Neighborhoods – Paul Klein An architect and history buff, Mr. Klein has undertaken the project of planning a walk through each of the 7 residential neighborhoods over the next 7 months. Neighbors were asked to contact him with ideas about what points of interest exist in our own neighborhood, where the walk will be held on May 15th. There will be a historical tour in downtown Milwaukie on May 22nd. Mr. Klein can be contacted at [email protected] or 503-652-8891.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: nothing at this time
Other Information and Comments:
a) Light Rail Meetings: The third Monday of each month a regular Light Rail Advisory Committee meeting is held at the Public Safety Building, 7pm. Look on the city’s website for more information. Now is the time to attend and be part of the input on design elements of the stations and bridge.
b) Earthquake Preparedness: Drop, Cover and Hold drill 10am April 30th. Practice the proper way to respond during an earthquake by crawling under a desk, table or bed or up against one, hold on, cover head and neck if possible. Statewide exercise to remind everyone to be prepared and know what to do.
c) Walk Safely Milwaukie Program: Linda Hedges reported that HCNDA is turning in 3 proposals for infrastructure funding: path up Home Avenue from Wilma Ct. to Hunter Ct., 2 crosswalks at the north and south side of 42nd and Washington, and road painting in front of Homewood Park to make drivers better aware of the park. An Awareness and Education project that is a flyer reporting changes to bus routes, schools and on neighborhood changes will be distributed to the neighborhood.
d) The City has a water main replacement project going on 42nd and King and down to Washington. Permits allow work at night.
e) Next month’s meeting: NCSD Asst. Supt. Ron Stewart and Gov’t Relations Director Joe Krumm will speak about Campbell school closure and future use of the building
Clackamas County FD #1’s latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Next Meeting will be 7pm on May 9, 2011
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges Approved: Mary Weaver April 12, 2011
Posted by Anonymous at
1:24 PM No comments:

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Wednesday, April 6, 2011
2011 Officer Elections at May 9th HC Neighborhood Association Meeting
Officers for 2011-12 will be elected at our May 9th Campbell NDA meeting. If you are interested in volunteering as an officer or would like to know more about what duties that would entail please contact Mary Weaver at [email protected] or Linda Hedges at [email protected].
Posted by Anonymous at
12:50 PM No comments:

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Friday, April 1, 2011
Unwanted Prescription Drug Turn-in Event
Saturday April 30th from 9am to 1pm the Milwaukie Police Department, Providence Milwaukie Pharmacy and Milwaukie Public Safety Advisory Committee are sponsoring a Prescription Drug Turn-In day in the parking lot of the Public Safety Building at 3200 SE Harrison Street in Milwaukie. Expired or unwanted drugs, sharps in a container and empty used pill bottles will all be accepted. Just drive in and drop off!
Posted by Anonymous at
6:14 PM No comments:

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