A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Bird found in a Home Ave backyard. Do you know the owner?
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David at
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Thursday, December 12, 2013
Wishing everyone in the neighborhood a Joyous Holiday Season!
Remember if you see suspicious in the neighborhood, Call the police at 911, if it is an emergency or the non-emergency number 503-786-7500. Please due your part to protect our neighborhood.
Our January Neighborhood meeting guest will be from the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District to talk about their services. Please Join us at 6:30 PM at the Public Safety Building, 32nd and Harrison St. on January 13th, 2014
Remember if you see suspicious in the neighborhood, Call the police at 911, if it is an emergency or the non-emergency number 503-786-7500. Please due your part to protect our neighborhood.
Our January Neighborhood meeting guest will be from the North Clackamas Parks and Recreation District to talk about their services. Please Join us at 6:30 PM at the Public Safety Building, 32nd and Harrison St. on January 13th, 2014
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David at
8:41 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, September 10, 2013
Neighborhood Picnic Survey
About 30 neighbors who attended the August Neighborhood Association picnic completed survey postcards. And the results are in! Here are some of your concerns:
Sidewalks (want more)
Fill potholes and repair streets, especially Railroad Avenue
Vandalism and car prowlers (avoid problems by not leaving valuables in your car and locking it. Report suspicious persons or vehicles on 503-786-7500 immediately)
Dogs that are intimidating or threatening and allowed to go off leash
Traffic going too fast, especially on Monroe, Wood, Home Avenue and Harrison
Make it safer and easier to walk and bicycle in our neighborhood
Some of these concerns are currently being addressed with the City. The revision of the Transportation System Plan will elevate to a high priority finding funding for infill sidewalk projects. The Street Surface Maintenance Program has a long list of projects, including Railroad Avenue, scheduled for repair in the next couple of years.
Find out more about these and other projects at your NDA meetings on the second Monday evening of each month, 7-9pm at the Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison.
If you observe a dog that is dangerous or threatening call 9-1-1 immediately. If there is a neighborhood problem with someone you know and their animals, call Chief Bob Jordan at 503-786-7400 and let him know. Nothing can be done to resolve neighborhood problems if you don't report them.
Sidewalks (want more)
Fill potholes and repair streets, especially Railroad Avenue
Vandalism and car prowlers (avoid problems by not leaving valuables in your car and locking it. Report suspicious persons or vehicles on 503-786-7500 immediately)
Dogs that are intimidating or threatening and allowed to go off leash
Traffic going too fast, especially on Monroe, Wood, Home Avenue and Harrison
Make it safer and easier to walk and bicycle in our neighborhood
Some of these concerns are currently being addressed with the City. The revision of the Transportation System Plan will elevate to a high priority finding funding for infill sidewalk projects. The Street Surface Maintenance Program has a long list of projects, including Railroad Avenue, scheduled for repair in the next couple of years.
Find out more about these and other projects at your NDA meetings on the second Monday evening of each month, 7-9pm at the Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison.
If you observe a dog that is dangerous or threatening call 9-1-1 immediately. If there is a neighborhood problem with someone you know and their animals, call Chief Bob Jordan at 503-786-7400 and let him know. Nothing can be done to resolve neighborhood problems if you don't report them.
Posted by Anonymous at
1:55 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, August 13, 2013
August 12 2013 HCNDA Neighborhood Picnic
A Good Time Was Had By All! August 12 2013 HCNDA Neighborhood Picnic
About 115 neighbors, fire personnel, Community Development Director Steve Butler and Public Works Director Gary Parkin, Councilor Dave Hedges, Police Chief Bob Jordan and four of our award-winning police cadets, and local business people joined together for the August 12th Campbell NDA Neighborhood Picnic next to the Campbell Community Garden.
Emelia Preciado brought color and humor to the faces of many children and Siobhan Kennedy, a massage therapist from Healing Path brought comfort to those with knots in their backs and necks. Thanks to Sarah Smith, Darin Smith, David Aschenbrenner, Steve and Bonnie Rand, Gary Parkin, Tracy and Chris Pease, Lars Campbell and Rebekah Phillips, Dave Hedges and Linda Hedges and Milwaukie Police cadets for helping put together such a fun event. Local businesses Papa Murphy's, Bernard’s Garage, Milwaukie Farmer's Market, The Gardensmith, and Concentrates donated raffle prizes and Concentrates also donated a rain barrel for the raffle drawing. Local businesses Crystal Spring Window Cleaning and Ernest Jones Investments were also represented. See more picnic photos on our website HectorcampbellNDA.org! We encourage everyone who attended the picnic to set aside the same amount of time each month, the second Monday evening each month at 7pm, to attend the Hector Campbell NDA monthly meeting at the Public Safety Building. Learn more about what’s happening around the city, and share your views and opinions about how to improve our neighborhood and our city. We’ll be sharing the results of our neighborhood survey.
Posted by Anonymous at
11:02 PM No comments:

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Friday, July 26, 2013
RSVP for our neighborhood picnic!
Monday August 12th
from 6 to 8pm
Please join your neighbors at the fifth annual Hector Campbell Neighborhood Picnic.
This year we will be gathering on the upper field of Campbell Elementary School, next to the Campbell Community Garden!
Your neighborhood leadership team are planning a hot dog dinner with chips, potato salad, and lemonade. Campbell Community Gardeners will harvest fresh veggies to pair with dip seasoned with garden fresh herbs!
RSVP's will help with planning how much food to prepare; those who RSVP will be entered in a drawing for prizes (you must be present to win!) To RSVP Leave a voice mail at 503-686-1826 or use the form at the bottom of this post.
There will be fun for the whole family:
Volunteers: We could use a few more volunteers to help us out. We need to set up tables and chairs before the picnic and put them away at the end of the picnic...if you can help out in the late afternoon on picnic day, or could stay for 1/2 hour after the picnic, let us know!
Parking: We encourage walking to the picnic, but if you need to drive, please park in the school parking lot on SE 47th. There is limited parking at 47th and Adams Street, but please save those spaces for those who can't walk up the hill from the parking lot.
What to bring? The neighborhood association will provide all the food, drinks, and utensils. We will have some tables and chairs set up, feel free to bring a picnic blanket or lawn chairs. PLEASE leave your dogs at home.
Neighborhood Businesses: We want to show you off to our neighborhood! If you want to display your brochures or business cards on our "Neighborhood Business Table" contact Sarah Smith: 503-653-0015
Monthly Meeting: Remember, this picnic is being held in lieu of our regular meeting! Our next meeting will be Monday September 9th, 7pm at the Public Safety Building.
from 6 to 8pm
Please join your neighbors at the fifth annual Hector Campbell Neighborhood Picnic.
This year we will be gathering on the upper field of Campbell Elementary School, next to the Campbell Community Garden!
Your neighborhood leadership team are planning a hot dog dinner with chips, potato salad, and lemonade. Campbell Community Gardeners will harvest fresh veggies to pair with dip seasoned with garden fresh herbs!
RSVP's will help with planning how much food to prepare; those who RSVP will be entered in a drawing for prizes (you must be present to win!) To RSVP Leave a voice mail at 503-686-1826 or use the form at the bottom of this post.
There will be fun for the whole family:
- Face painting for the kids
- Support your local business table with info about business's in OUR neighborhood
- Gardening information and tours of the community garden
- Drawings for "door" prizes (you must RSVP to be entered!)
- Meet and catch up with your neighbors!
Volunteers: We could use a few more volunteers to help us out. We need to set up tables and chairs before the picnic and put them away at the end of the picnic...if you can help out in the late afternoon on picnic day, or could stay for 1/2 hour after the picnic, let us know!
Parking: We encourage walking to the picnic, but if you need to drive, please park in the school parking lot on SE 47th. There is limited parking at 47th and Adams Street, but please save those spaces for those who can't walk up the hill from the parking lot.
What to bring? The neighborhood association will provide all the food, drinks, and utensils. We will have some tables and chairs set up, feel free to bring a picnic blanket or lawn chairs. PLEASE leave your dogs at home.
Neighborhood Businesses: We want to show you off to our neighborhood! If you want to display your brochures or business cards on our "Neighborhood Business Table" contact Sarah Smith: 503-653-0015
Monthly Meeting: Remember, this picnic is being held in lieu of our regular meeting! Our next meeting will be Monday September 9th, 7pm at the Public Safety Building.
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Sunday, May 26, 2013
HCNDA Meeting Notes May 13, 2013
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair, led the meeting... Present: Captain Steve Bartol, Milwaukie Police Department, City Councilor David Hedges, Gary Parkin, City Liaison, Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Mary Weaver, PSAC Rep, Darlene Albertson, Frank Lamp, Bonnie and Steve Rand, Liz Gallia, Glenn Hoerr and Lowell Peterson. Claire Hobson from Milwaukie HS PTSA
Introductions were made.
Milwaukie Police Update:
- Captain Bartol distributed the crime statistics for the previous month.
- The third Bike Giveaway will occur in late May at five local schools. This great community project is possible thanks to help from Sellwood’s Bike Commuter, Clackamas Fire District, Tri-Met and the effort in particular of Officer Billy Wells and Chief Jordan. Up to 50 children will receive bikes this year.
- Specialty police positions Tri-Met will be filled by Ron Glenn and, K-9 officer by Les Hall.
· A recent aggravated assault was responded to by MPD. Two roommates fighting, one used a sword to the head of the other. Arrest was made.
· Tri Met received a citation for violation of the noise ordinance relating to PMLR construction in downtown Milwaukie. $550 ticket was issued.
· Capt. Bartol urged neighbors to use the non-emergency police number 503-786-7500 to report suspicious activity when they see it. Neighbors are urged to keep an eye on Homewood Park as it has had problems in the past with people in the park after dark and other criminal behavior. Call police immediately so something can be done about it.
· A neighbor asked if the police department can deal with dogs off leash on school grounds. This is not something our police can deal with unless the dogs are acting aggressively or causing damage.
· A neighbor mentioned a concern over the common practice bicyclists have of not obeying traffic laws and particularly riding on sidewalks and endangering pedestrians. Capt Bartol mentioned increased policing traffic efforts on Monroe to help curb some of the poor bicyclist behavior.
City Liaison Gary Parkin
· Transportation System Plan workshop will be held June 3rd.
· The Quiet zone work on 37th and Railroad will be completed this summer. Drawings were provided. Following the work completion the Railroad Administration will have until the end of the year to approve the Quiet zone.
· Gary asked for support by signing a letter for a grant request of $900,000 for funding to build a pedestrian/bike pathway under the highway after Kellogg Dam is removed. This path will connect south downtown with the Riverfront Park. There was some discussion about security issues and other foreseen problems with the pathway but a vote was made to sign the document and passed. Sarah Smith moved and David Hedges seconded.
· A grant request has been submitted for the design of a bike greenway on Monroe. Concern was expressed that this is being carried forward despite opposition by our neighborhood.
· The Library will be hosting a meeting May 22nd to gather input from citizens on the future of the library
· Junk day June 1st at Crosswhite Industrial Park 8-noon, must provide coupon which was mailed out in May water utility bill (for Milwaukie residents only)
· There may be some sediment in some people’s water as warm water causes a larger than normal draw down of water and sediment at the bottom can be mixed up. Call Water Dept if excessive sediment in water from tap; flushing at the nearest hydrant can solve the problem faster than running the water for a long period.
· Street sweeping on non-curbed streets will begin shortly. This may reduce the amount of street-sweeping performed on other streets. This is important to do, however, to keep vegetation and debris from being pushed into storm drains.
· Reported on downtown street construction work during the summer. While PMLR work is on-going the city is taking advantage by completing clay pipe replacement and other water pipe installation
· The resurfacing of Railroad Avenue is planned in 2016. No other grants have come through to pay for other street improvements, unfortunately.
· ArtMob is presenting a guest speaker on June First Friday – Getty Art Studio on Scott Street
· The printed monthly Pilot returns in June due to public demand. It will also be available on line. There will be 10 printed issues a year. Savings from elsewhere in the city’s budget has enabled this to be accomplished.
Councilor Hedges: In the next few weeks Milwaukie residents may be receiving a phone call from a research company called DHM with a survey gathering input on views of a possible bond measure on the November 2013 or May 2014 ballot. This is a legitimate survey and he encouraged neighbors to participate so the Council will be able to make an informed decision.
Grant Request: The MHS Grad Party group has contacted did put in 2 hours (10 people).at Homewood Park so they can earn the proposed $600 grant. Mr. Aschenbrenner and Mrs. Smith are hoping for one more work party in May.
Mrs. Claire Hobson from Milwaukie High School Parent Student Association presented a grant request for support of a student photography art display in the Student Health Center. The request was denied based on other commitments by the NDA and that it was felt it does not meet our criteria for grant funding.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of May 13th of $8,238.02 in checking and savings.
Minutes from April 8th, 2013 meeting: Linda Hedges asked for approval of the April 8th minutes; Darlene Albertson seconded a motion to accept the minutes as written; the motion carried.
Campbell Community Garden: Sarah Smith reported that all plots have been rented and 150 lbs of produce has already been donated this year.
Project Updates:
Transportation System Plan: NDA officers met and developed a report to submit for suggested adjustments to the existing TSP (the city’s priorities on projects affecting freight, pedestrian, traffic, neighborhood safety and public transportation over the next 25 years). The report will be submitted at a June 3rd meeting which will also be open for public input. Action: Linda to email report attached to minutes
Light Rail Summer Closures David Aschenbrenner reported on a number of street closures planned during the summer for PMLR construction, including several days when 99E will be closed entirely. More information on the PMLR website.
Boards and Commissions reports:
PSAC: Walk for K9 fundraising July 27th; a dogwash is also planned.
Other Business:
Annual Neighborhood Picnic: August 12th picnic planning is on-going. Contact Linda Hedges if you would like to help.
NDA officers request ideas for a new neighborhood project to look forward to. It can be related to traffic safety, park enjoyment, or some other activity. Contact NDA officers with ideas.
Elections: A neighbor asked what each of the positions do; a brief explanation was provided
David Aschenbrenner – Chair (S Smith moved, L Hedges seconded, Aschenbrenner abstained)
Lars Campbell – Vice Chair (S Rand moved, D Albertson seconded)
Linda Hedges – Secretary/Treasurer (S Smith moved, M Weaver seconded)
Mary Weaver – PSAC Rep (L Hedges moved, S Rand seconded)
(Lowell Peterson expressed a possible future interest and he was encouraged to attend some of the upcoming PSAC meetings which any public member is entitled to do)
Sarah Smith – Park and Garden Director (D Albertson moved, L Hedges seconded)
There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday June 10, 2013 at 7pm at the PSB
Posted by Anonymous at
7:43 PM No comments:

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Friday, April 19, 2013
HCNDA Meeting Notes April 8 2013
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair, led the meeting... Present: Captain Steve Bartol, Milwaukie Police Department, City Councilor David Hedges, Clackamas Community College Board member Greg Chaimov, Gary Parkin, City Liaison, Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Darlene Albertson, Frank Lamp, Pat Rolison, Bonnie and Steve Rand, Wally Bischoff, and Lowell Peterson
Introductions were made.
Milwaukie Police Update:
- Captain Bartol distributed the crime statistics for the previous month.
- There was a recent arrest on drug possession and warrants prompted by the report of a suspicious vehicle in the area of the Sunny Corner Market at Home and Monroe. Capt. Bartol reiterated how important it is for neighbors to report suspected criminal activity or other issues at the time they are observed. He said the police will be doing extra patrols through Homewood Park as the weather warms up.
- The third Bike Giveaway will occur soon at local schools. This great community project is possible thanks to help from Sellwood’s Bike Commuter, Clackamas Fire District, Tri-Met and the effort in particular of Officer Billy Wells and Chief Jordan. Up to 50 children will receive bikes this year.
- Chief Jordan is helping to organize a fundraiser for Special Olympics called the Law Enforcement Torch Run. This will be on July 12th, starting at 9am at Riverfront Park and going south to the Oregon City Bridge, across to West Linn and along Highway 43 to Lake Oswego. Sponsors and participants are needed.
- Specialty police positions such as the Tri-Met position, Motorcycle officer, K-9 officer and School Resource Officer are open for competitive advancement.
- Some changes were made at the last Council session to ordinances relating to door hangers and noxious weeds and grass and weeds.
- In response to questions regarding the long-term parking on the street of vehicles without current tags, Capt Bartol replied that there is neither local ordinance nor state law that allows ticketing for this violation, but it is a factor that can allow officers to use the city’s abandoned vehicle ordinance to remove such a vehicle. He suggested that if this is a nuisance we might want to encourage Council to adopt an ordinance prohibiting this action. There is an ordinance that deals with inoperable vehicles on private property.
Clackamas Community College Board – Mr. Greg Chaimov
Mr. Chaimov invited neighbors to contact him with concerns or suggestions for improvement of course offerings or other issues. He described in particular the course offerings and services at the Harmony Road campus. The campus has the only Army Strong program west of Michigan. It provides a number of occupational programs, especially the health training programs at the Harmony Road campus. The college would like to expand its health education offerings at Harmony Road. He also spoke about the County’s plan to build a road through the Three Creeks natural area which is just adjacent to the Community College’s property. He said that CCC does not want a road through Three Creeks. He, Councilor Hedges and Mayor Ferguson are working with the County to come up with a more acceptable plan that allows better access to the college campus without damaging the oak tree savannah or causing congestion or additional traffic in the Linwood and Campbell neighborhoods. One neighbor described problems he had encountered trying to register for a course as a senior citizen; Mr. Chaimov said he would check into it to make sure problems had been addressed.
City Liaison Gary Parkin announced Earth Day events on April 20th (see City of Milwaukie website). Gary distributed the front page of the Pilot; the full version is available monthly online at www.ci.milwaukie.or.us. Volunteer Recognition Day is May 3rd at the City Hall conference room, 5pm. Rina Byrne has been appointed Finance Director from Asst. Finance Director and will continue to have contracted assistance from West Linn’s Finance Director as needed. There is waterline replacement construction work on-going on Harrison between 224 and Main Street. Other work continues throughout the Historic Milwaukie neighborhood to replace clay pipes. A questionnaire investigating neighbors’ views on the future of downtown Milwaukie is available online at http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/planning/fresh-look-milwaukie-downtown-road-map-community-survey. The Library is offering a credit for outstanding fines by donation of a can of nonperishable food from April 14-20th. This does not apply to lost book costs, however. The annual Junk Day will be June 1st. A coupon will be included in the May water bill. A grant has been submitted to the Oregon Marine Board for funds to help built a boat dock and ramp at Riverfront Park.
Grant Request: The MHS Grad Party group has contacted Ms. Smith to arrange for the work party.at Homewood Park so they can earn the proposed $600 grant.
Councilor Hedges: Council has been investigating strategies for placement of a bond measure on either the November 2013 or May 2014 ballot. The bond measure would raise funds for the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail payment. Without passage of the bond measure painful cuts will have to be made in staff and services.
Council is negotiating the contract with Wildlands, a company that brokers environmental credits and provides environmental clean-up, and which is the preferred provider to do the Kellogg Lake remediation and clean-up following the proposed removal of Kellogg Dam. ODOT is still investigating the feasibility of the dam removal. The contract with Wildlands lists a 10 year maintenance program, not in perpetuity, and it is not clear what costs the city might incur after the 10 year period, but it is thought not to be an issue.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of April 7th of $8,547.49 in checking and savings. $2,243.12 of this amount is in the Campbell Community Garden fund. Linda reported that the NDA is required to submit an annual written report on grants provided during the year and plans for any funds left over. $8,670.42 was granted this past year, including $5600 toward Campbell Community garden and $1000 toward the police K-9 fundraiser. She will submit the report this week.
Minutes from March 9th, 2013 meeting: Darlene Albertson moved and Wally Bischoff seconded a motion to accept the minutes; the motion carried.
Project Updates:
Transportation System Plan: The NDA Board of officers will be working on reprioritization of the projects as written in the 2007 TSP. Neighbors should contact David Aschenbrenner or one of the other officers if they have input for this report. There will be a public Open House on April 17th to discuss the review of the TSP and citizen input will be taken also at a June 3rd meeting.
Boards and Commissions reports:
PSAC: Linda Hedges reminded that the Prescription Drug Turn In and Shred Day are combined this year on April 27th from 10am-2pm at the Public Safety Building parking lot. She reported that the video explaining the Photo Radar Van program will soon be available on the police department website, as well as one that explains traffic court procedures.
Campbell Community Garden: Sarah Smith reported that only 1 plot remains in the garden. Already over 75 pounds of produce has been donated to low income housing and Esther’s Pantry, a food bank near Providence Milwaukie Hospital. The other community garden, Open Grounds, at St Paul’s Methodist Church on Linwood Avenue, will be providing produce to the low income housing apartments this year with community produce from CCG donated to Esther’s Pantry.
Other Business:
The city has asked the NDA to comment relating to the disposition of a property easement on the south side of Monroe and 44th. The property originally was to allow a road between Monroe and Jefferson but that road was never built and is no longer needed. The NDA considered the property for a pocket park or community garden but Monroe is too busy and has no sidewalks at this location to safely allow for neighborhood access to a park and any plans for expansion of our community garden would be onsite at Campbell school. Because the city is not allowed to sell the property itself, the best solution seems to be to return it to the property owners on either side for disposition and this was the recommendation by the NDA to the city. Linda Hedges made the motion, Wally Bischoff seconded. The motion passed; Councilor Hedges abstained.
A neighbor mentioned that the road is being dug up for sewer work on 47th near where she lives, and she said she had advised the contractor that the road should be put back in as good a condition as when he started.
May Elections: Mr. Aschenbrenner reminded neighbors that the May meeting includes annual NDA officer elections and encouraged those who have not previously been officers to step forward for Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and PSAC Representative positions.
Annual Neighborhood Picnic: Sarah Smith reminded neighbors that the Monday August 12th Annual Picnic needs helpers and asks those interested in helping to contact one of the officers. If anyone has ideas for the picnic also please advise.
There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:20pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday May 13, 2013 at 7pm at the PSB
Posted by Anonymous at
8:24 PM No comments:

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Sunday, March 24, 2013
HCNDA Meeting Notes March 9 2013
7:00pm, March 9, 2013
Public Safety Building Community Room
Introductions and Welcome: Lars Campbell, Vice Chair, led the meeting in the absence of Chair Aschenbrenner. Present: Chief Bob Jordan, Milwaukie Police Department, City Councilor David Hedges, Chair David Aschenbrenner (arrived late), Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Gary Parkin, City Liaison, Mary Weaver, PSAC representative, Darlene Albertson, Ruby Inman, Frank Lamp, Leyla Ersan (MHS Grad Party Committee), Pat Rolison, Liz Gallia, Bonita and Steve Rand and Jaqui Bettinski.
Vice Chair Campbell had everyone introduce themselves.
Milwaukie Police Update:
- Chief Jordan discussed the monthly crimes statistical report. He noted specifically an uncommon crime of arson at Linwood School, where a 10 year old boy was identified, arrested and is being dealt with through the juvenile justice system. There was also a bomb scare at Ardenwald Elementary. No device was found but gas jets had been turned on a stove in the kitchen and if that had not been discovered there might have been a serious problem result. There was also a daylight attempted burglary. 1 suspect is in custody. This occurred near riverfront park. Alert neighbors called police.
- The chief reported that a departmental open recruitment for a Tri-Met assignment has had response and a new officer will be assigned there before long.
- There will be a new officer assigned as K-9 handler and the search has begun to obtain a new search and tracking dog. The Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation and many other volunteers have donated money and are worked to raise funds to buy and support the new dog as well as training for it and the handler.
- The Chief reported that the noise variances granted to Tri-Met to work on light rail construction have expired. Tri-met contractors must work under existing city noise ordinances. If anyone has a complaint about working hours or level of noise relating to Light Rail construction they should contact the police department.
- A neighbor asked what to do about graffiti she has seen on some utility boxes. The Chief said to report the graffiti to police and/or code compliance. He said there now exists one full time code compliance officer and a half time parking enforcement officer. He said he saw no reason that complaints to code compliance can’t still be responded to in a timely manner despite losing one part time employee.
- Chief Jordan reported that the new County Sheriff’s program called Alert ID issues real time alerts to those who sign up for it. He is looking into whether the same kind of program would be available through our contract with Lo-Com.
City Liaison Gary Parkin read a list of events and informational items. (See attachment) at the end of these notes.) He mentioned that there will be no Milwaukie Festival Daze this year and asked Mr. Aschenbrenner to comment. Mr. Aschenbrenner is a member of the Board of Celebrate Milwaukie Inc., a non-profit that has helped to organize Milwaukie Festival Daze in the past. Due to PMLR construction disruption, as well as work on Riverfront Park, and less funding available this year, it was decided that it is better to put the festival on hiatus until 2015 and to have a bigger and better celebration that year. (There will, however, still be the 9K for K9 fundraising walk that weekend – see Milwaukie PSF website for more details. www.milwaukiepsf.org)
Grant Request: Leyla Ersan from the MHS Grad Party Committee presented a grant request to support an alcohol and drug-free party the night of graduation for all MHS Seniors. They have done other fundraising and provide games, food, transportation and a safe venue for the graduates to celebrate. Mr. Aschenbrenner proposed that if 4 students and 1 adult supervisor would put in 8 hours (in 2 different shifts) pulling ivy in Homewood Park, under the direction of Sarah Smith, that we would pay them $15/hr per person, equaling $600. She felt that was a great idea and she was asked to connect with Ms. Smith to arrange for the work party.
Councilor Hedges commented on the city report and also raised the issue of the recent rise in stormwater rates. He explained that an article in both the Clackamas Review and the Oregonian by Milwaukie citizen Leslie Shockner contained some incorrect information, and explained that the city had to raise the rates in order to be able to pay the charges levied by Clackamas County on the city. If the variable rate proposed by Ms. Shockner had been used it could have resulted in a loss to the wastewater fund of up to $120,000 a year, or if the city had carried on as before, the city would have run through almost all of its $3 million reserves within the next two years. He clarified that householders are NOT subsidizing commercial properties in their sewer rates, but rather the opposite. The County charges the City of Milwaukie $30 per equivalent dwelling unit (EDU); the city is charging households $26 per EDU and commercial units $57 per EDU. The County also raised the number of EDUs within the city to over 10,000. The City had been collecting payments based on an inaccurate number of about 8700 EDUs. All this led the city to having to raise the rates in the most equitable way, and while Councilor Hedges apologized that it had to be done – it had to be done. He said it was the “least worst” plan of all of the plans available to assure we can meet our commitments.
He also mentioned the on-going fundraising by the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation for the new K-9 dog. The Foundation has raised over $17,000 and is continuing to fundraise so that not only the new dog can be purchased, trained and equipped, and its handler appropriately trained, but that there is a contingency fund and planning for future K-9 officers.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of March11th of $7,854.60 in checking and savings. Linda made a motion to support the MHS Grad Party grant request in the amount of $600 if they put in the work effort suggested by Mr. Aschenbrenner. The motion was seconded by Darlene Albertson and passed unanimously.
Minutes from February 11, 2013 meeting: David Hedges moved and Darlene Albertson seconded a motion to accept the minutes; the motion carried.
Project Updates:
WSMP: Linda Hedges reported that since we have had one project paid for by the funding, we have pulled the other two projects so that NDAs that have had no projects funded might be able to do so. If there is a small amount of money left after the next two projects are completed, small projects like the crosswalk on 42nd at Washington and road painting in front of Homewood Park might be put back on the project list.
Monroe Bike Boulevard: discussion at last month’s meeting, with Brett Kelver from Planning, led to an understanding that projects in the TSP should be reprioritized with strong input from the neighborhoods. The Monroe Bike Boulevard was included in council’s 2013 goals to be completed, but so also was a downtown parking garage. All the projects will have a second look by NDA leadership before the current review is completed. Those who have specific projects they think should be raised on the list should contact their NDA officers. Mr. Aschenbrenner spoke enthusiastically about a downtown parking garage, as did others.
Parks/Campbell Community Garden City Report: Sarah Smith reported that the Campbell Community Garden has only 1 rental plot left for t his year. They have already started donating produce from the garden to low income housing residents and hope to reach 2000 lbs as their goal this year. She has written a grant to the Clackamas County Master Gardeners program to purchase compost for the garden.(which has been awarded!) The neighbor who recently purchased the house just north of the garden on Adams Street is taking down the very big tree that overhung the garden; they have donated wood chips for the community garden and park path and wood from the tree will be made into benches in the garden and donated firewood to the Milwaukie Center free firewood program. Enough rent has been collected to pay the lease to the school district this year. She said that they are planting rhubarb and blueberries in the garden. And that the trilliums are just starting to bloom in Homewood Park..
Boards and Commissions reports:
PSAC: Linda Hedges reminded that the Prescription Drug Turn In and Shred Day are combined this year on April 27th from 10am-2pm at the Public Safety Building parking lot. She reminded neighbors that the Police Officer of the Year Award Dinner is on March 27th. Tickets are $22 each and are available through the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation website or from Councilor Hedges, who is secretary of the Foundation.
Other Business:
Mr. Aschenbrenner asked that neighbors provide him or other officers of the NDA with any ideas they have of problems that need resolving in the Campbell neighborhood. He mentioned locations with local street flooding, or streets that could use a crosswalk, or issues at the school, or other ideas that would improve the livability of Campbell neighborhood. The NDA is here to improve the neighborhood. We look to neighbors to provide input. There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:30pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday April 8, 2013 at 7pm at the PSB
Posted by Anonymous at
6:16 PM No comments:

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Friday, February 8, 2013
What do you want to see happen in our neighborhood?
Thanks to dedicated neighborhood volunteers and funding from the Milwaukie Neighborhood Grant Program and other sponsors, the Hector Campbell NDA accomplished a lot last year. What shall we accomplish in 2013?
2012 Accomplishments
2012 Accomplishments
- Completed pedestrian path on Home Avenue between Hunter Ct. and Wilma Ct.
- Established Campbell Community Garden and donated over 800 pounds of veggies to needy neighbors.
- Hosted our 4th annual neighborhood picnic
- Acquired digital speed camera deployment for Monroe and 42nd Avenue speed reduction zones
- Helped provide school crossing guard equipment for Campbell neighborhood children with funds from the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program
- Supported the Wichita Family Support Center’s clothes bank with the donation of socks and underwear.
- Supported funding for American Legion AED machine
- Supported Milwaukie Police Child Bike program
- Supported Milwaukie Police cadets at national competition
- Supported Milwaukie Police officer recognition
- Supported Milwaukie Police K-9 fund
Campbell Community Garden |
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Thursday, February 7, 2013
Agenda for February 11th Meeting
February 11, 2013
Meeting Location:
Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM, Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
Introductions and Welcome: Secretary/Treasurer Linda Hedges
Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information: Gary Parkin and Councilor Hedges
Previous Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges
Projects Updates:
New Neighborhood Items:
Next Month:
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Police Officer of the Year Award Dinner March 27th American Legion
Please pass this information on to your neighbors. If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, please send an e-mail to [email protected] Watch for information at
February 11, 2013
Meeting Location:
Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM, Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
- Transportation System Plan Update, Brett Kelver, Planning Dept.
- WSMP Project Update – Linda Hedges
- Monroe Bike Boulevard – Discussion
- Three Creeks/Harmony Road project - report
- Pending Grants: NW Housing Alternatives
- Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith
- Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver & Linda Hedges
ANNOUNCEMENTS: Police Officer of the Year Award Dinner March 27th American Legion
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Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Homewood Park Work Day
Please help your neighbors clear invasive English Ivy from the natural area of Homewood Park
Dress for the weather, and wear work gloves. If you have a wheel barrow, please bring it.
Refreshments will be provided.
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
Questions? Contact Sarah Smith at 503-653-0015.
Saturday January 26th
9am to 12noon
Dress for the weather, and wear work gloves. If you have a wheel barrow, please bring it.
Refreshments will be provided.
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
Questions? Contact Sarah Smith at 503-653-0015.
Oregon Grape at Homewood Park |
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Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Meeting notes, January 14, 2013
Meeting Notes
7:00pm, January 14, 2013 Public Safety Building Community Room
Introductions and Welcome: Lars Campbell, NDA Vice Chair, led the meeting. Present: Captain Steve Bartol and Chief Bob Jordan, Milwaukie Police Department, City Councilor David Hedges, Chair David Aschenbrenner (arrived late), Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Secretary-Treasurer Linda Hedges, Evan Smith, Social Worker at Rowe Middle School, a Rowe parent and 2 students, and 4 neighbors. Apologies sent: Gary Parkin, City Liaison, and Mary Weaver, PSAC representative.
Introductions: Lars Campbell explained that Chair Aschenbrenner will be attending evening classes during the next few months and that Vice Chair Campbell will be running the NDA meetings. Those present introduced themselves.
Milwaukie Police Update: Chief Jordan discussed the statistical report. He reported a new records person has been hired and this will help in provision of the statistical report in future.
He described an incident that occurred in the neighborhood last week where two thieves stole a package from a house the other side of 224 and Oak and escaped in a stolen Toyota pickup truck. A good description was given to police and shortly afterward a Milwaukie officer located the vehicle and chased it briefly. The chase was called off due to its location on Linwood Avenue in the mid-afternoon and it being dangerous because of the school letting out. However, Milwaukie Police followed the suspects, set up a perimeter and chased them through the neighborhood around Wilma Court and, along with two CCSO dogs, found and arrested them. This all occurred in about 1 hour’s time. The Chief was very proud of our department’s response and resolution of the crime successfully. He explained that the reverse 9-1-1 program was not used, partly because of the fast-moving nature of the call, partly because all resources needed to be focused on apprehending the criminals and not used to write the script for the call system, and partly because of a concern that citizens could get involved in a way that caused them to be in danger.
Captain Bartol has been accepted to attend the FBI’s National Academy in July and August. This is a prestigious institute that provides leadership skills and professional development; it is mostly paid for by the FBI.
Captain Bartol reported that there are now two locations for the digital speed signs in our neighborhood: Monroe about 44th Avenue and Washington near Rio Vista. He distributed the statistical information captured from them and was pleased to report that the traffic on both those streets was and remains to a large extent in compliance with the speed regulations posted. Both locations see traffic volume of about 1,000 vehicles per day. The average speed is less than 25, the posted speed. The digital speed signs work in stealth mode for awhile, to gather information, and then works in display mode to inform drivers of their speed in relation to the posted speed. They do NOT take photos nor issue tickets.
Chief Jordan reported that North Clackamas SD and the police department are doing some updating of training on active shooter scenarios, as is staff in the city of Milwaukie.
Finally, the Chief reported that sadly, we lost Jag, our tracking K-9 officer, in December, due to bone cancer. The Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation is working toward raising enough money so that the department can locate another tracking dog, purchase it and train it and its’ human officer, as well as make sure it has the appropriate equipment and housing.
City Liaison Gary Parkin sent his apologies – he was unable to attend.
Councilor Hedges reported that the city is investigating ways to be able to provide the Pilot in printed format without it costing the estimated $6000 per month for postage. There did not appear to be a big response to reading The Pilot on-line, and many people have complained about not getting the Pilot in the mail. The overall cost of printing and mailing the Pilot was $32,000 per year, and that charge was cut so as to be able to restore the police department’s training budget. But because of public demand the city would like to reinstate the Pilot, at least every quarter. Some ideas might be to hire paper distributors from the middle or high school and contribute money toward some project they need financing. Another idea is to use kiosks like the free rental ads or Oregonian or Clackamas Review boxes you see at the Safeway or Albertsons stores. Anyone with a brilliant notion should contact Councilor Hedges or Mr. Bill Monahan, City Manager.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of January 14th of $8024.15 in savings, $874.12 in checking. Donations from other NDAs in the amount of $600 for support of the Community Garden have been deposited and about $100 more is anticipated. The Community Garden has a positive balance of $541.
Minutes from December’s meeting Motion made by Linda Hedges to accept with amendments. Pat Rollison seconded; they were approved as written.
Parks/Campbell Community Garden City Report: Sarah Smith reported the garden has many plants growing under plastic already. There are 5 plots that are available for rent. She hopes to be able to donate 2000 lbs of produce to low income families this next year. The grant she wrote for beneficial insects was denied. She is attending a conference to learn more about organic farming and useful insects.
There will be a Homewood Park work party on Saturday January 26th. Ivy pulling and removal of branches that have come down in the rehab area (based on what instructions she gets from No. Clackamas Parks regarding this).
Grant Requests:
Darlene Albertson sent a motion by proxy to pay $1000 to the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation in support of the Police Department’s purchase of a new K-9 officer. Sarah Smith seconded the motion. It carried unanimously.
Representatives from Rowe Middle School (social worker Evan King and two young people) came to ask for a grant toward their Stop School-time Hunger fund. Linda Hedges moved to grant $500; Wally Bischoff seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
Boards and Commissions reports:
PSAC: Linda Hedges reported that the Officer of the Year dinner will be held in March – more information later. PSAC wants to have a pedestrian and crosswalk safety awareness campaign, but must do it without it costing anything. The City’s website will be used, and there may be brochures available at the Library, City Hall and elsewhere to promote both safe pedestrian walking and awareness of the law regarding drivers yielding to pedestrians crossing the street.
Linda reported that PSAC will be discussing the ending of funding for the WSMP project with 7 of the 10 original projects remaining to be completed.
Other Business: There was discussion about putting out a postcard to all households in our neighborhood that advises them when our NDA meetings occur and what the NDA does for them - an awareness effort. Three examples were displayed and a few modifications were suggested. The cost will be about $500. David Aschenbrenner moved and David Hedges seconded a motion to go forward with the postcard. The motion carried unanimously.
There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:35pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday February 11, 2013 at 7pm at the PSB.
7:00pm, January 14, 2013 Public Safety Building Community Room
Introductions and Welcome: Lars Campbell, NDA Vice Chair, led the meeting. Present: Captain Steve Bartol and Chief Bob Jordan, Milwaukie Police Department, City Councilor David Hedges, Chair David Aschenbrenner (arrived late), Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Secretary-Treasurer Linda Hedges, Evan Smith, Social Worker at Rowe Middle School, a Rowe parent and 2 students, and 4 neighbors. Apologies sent: Gary Parkin, City Liaison, and Mary Weaver, PSAC representative.
Introductions: Lars Campbell explained that Chair Aschenbrenner will be attending evening classes during the next few months and that Vice Chair Campbell will be running the NDA meetings. Those present introduced themselves.
Milwaukie Police Update: Chief Jordan discussed the statistical report. He reported a new records person has been hired and this will help in provision of the statistical report in future.
He described an incident that occurred in the neighborhood last week where two thieves stole a package from a house the other side of 224 and Oak and escaped in a stolen Toyota pickup truck. A good description was given to police and shortly afterward a Milwaukie officer located the vehicle and chased it briefly. The chase was called off due to its location on Linwood Avenue in the mid-afternoon and it being dangerous because of the school letting out. However, Milwaukie Police followed the suspects, set up a perimeter and chased them through the neighborhood around Wilma Court and, along with two CCSO dogs, found and arrested them. This all occurred in about 1 hour’s time. The Chief was very proud of our department’s response and resolution of the crime successfully. He explained that the reverse 9-1-1 program was not used, partly because of the fast-moving nature of the call, partly because all resources needed to be focused on apprehending the criminals and not used to write the script for the call system, and partly because of a concern that citizens could get involved in a way that caused them to be in danger.
Captain Bartol has been accepted to attend the FBI’s National Academy in July and August. This is a prestigious institute that provides leadership skills and professional development; it is mostly paid for by the FBI.
Captain Bartol reported that there are now two locations for the digital speed signs in our neighborhood: Monroe about 44th Avenue and Washington near Rio Vista. He distributed the statistical information captured from them and was pleased to report that the traffic on both those streets was and remains to a large extent in compliance with the speed regulations posted. Both locations see traffic volume of about 1,000 vehicles per day. The average speed is less than 25, the posted speed. The digital speed signs work in stealth mode for awhile, to gather information, and then works in display mode to inform drivers of their speed in relation to the posted speed. They do NOT take photos nor issue tickets.
Chief Jordan reported that North Clackamas SD and the police department are doing some updating of training on active shooter scenarios, as is staff in the city of Milwaukie.
Finally, the Chief reported that sadly, we lost Jag, our tracking K-9 officer, in December, due to bone cancer. The Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation is working toward raising enough money so that the department can locate another tracking dog, purchase it and train it and its’ human officer, as well as make sure it has the appropriate equipment and housing.
City Liaison Gary Parkin sent his apologies – he was unable to attend.
Councilor Hedges reported that the city is investigating ways to be able to provide the Pilot in printed format without it costing the estimated $6000 per month for postage. There did not appear to be a big response to reading The Pilot on-line, and many people have complained about not getting the Pilot in the mail. The overall cost of printing and mailing the Pilot was $32,000 per year, and that charge was cut so as to be able to restore the police department’s training budget. But because of public demand the city would like to reinstate the Pilot, at least every quarter. Some ideas might be to hire paper distributors from the middle or high school and contribute money toward some project they need financing. Another idea is to use kiosks like the free rental ads or Oregonian or Clackamas Review boxes you see at the Safeway or Albertsons stores. Anyone with a brilliant notion should contact Councilor Hedges or Mr. Bill Monahan, City Manager.
Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of January 14th of $8024.15 in savings, $874.12 in checking. Donations from other NDAs in the amount of $600 for support of the Community Garden have been deposited and about $100 more is anticipated. The Community Garden has a positive balance of $541.
Minutes from December’s meeting Motion made by Linda Hedges to accept with amendments. Pat Rollison seconded; they were approved as written.
Parks/Campbell Community Garden City Report: Sarah Smith reported the garden has many plants growing under plastic already. There are 5 plots that are available for rent. She hopes to be able to donate 2000 lbs of produce to low income families this next year. The grant she wrote for beneficial insects was denied. She is attending a conference to learn more about organic farming and useful insects.
There will be a Homewood Park work party on Saturday January 26th. Ivy pulling and removal of branches that have come down in the rehab area (based on what instructions she gets from No. Clackamas Parks regarding this).
Grant Requests:
Darlene Albertson sent a motion by proxy to pay $1000 to the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation in support of the Police Department’s purchase of a new K-9 officer. Sarah Smith seconded the motion. It carried unanimously.
Representatives from Rowe Middle School (social worker Evan King and two young people) came to ask for a grant toward their Stop School-time Hunger fund. Linda Hedges moved to grant $500; Wally Bischoff seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
Boards and Commissions reports:
PSAC: Linda Hedges reported that the Officer of the Year dinner will be held in March – more information later. PSAC wants to have a pedestrian and crosswalk safety awareness campaign, but must do it without it costing anything. The City’s website will be used, and there may be brochures available at the Library, City Hall and elsewhere to promote both safe pedestrian walking and awareness of the law regarding drivers yielding to pedestrians crossing the street.
Linda reported that PSAC will be discussing the ending of funding for the WSMP project with 7 of the 10 original projects remaining to be completed.
Other Business: There was discussion about putting out a postcard to all households in our neighborhood that advises them when our NDA meetings occur and what the NDA does for them - an awareness effort. Three examples were displayed and a few modifications were suggested. The cost will be about $500. David Aschenbrenner moved and David Hedges seconded a motion to go forward with the postcard. The motion carried unanimously.
There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:35pm.
Next Meeting will be Monday February 11, 2013 at 7pm at the PSB.
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11:12 PM No comments:

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Thursday, January 10, 2013
Monthly Meeting Agenda, Jan. 14, 2013
Meeting Location: Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
Introductions and Welcome: Vice Chair Lars Campbell
Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information: Gary Parkin and Councilor Hedges
Previous Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges
Projects Updates: Transportation System Plan Update, Brett Kelver, Planning Dept.
New Neighborhood Items: New logo for HCNDA
Pending Grants: Rowe Middle School Ending School-time Hunger grant request
K-9 Officer Fund (Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation)
Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver & Linda Hedges
Next Month:
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
Introductions and Welcome: Vice Chair Lars Campbell
Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information: Gary Parkin and Councilor Hedges
Previous Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges
Projects Updates: Transportation System Plan Update, Brett Kelver, Planning Dept.
New Neighborhood Items: New logo for HCNDA
Pending Grants: Rowe Middle School Ending School-time Hunger grant request
K-9 Officer Fund (Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation)
Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver & Linda Hedges
Next Month:
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Friday, January 4, 2013
North Clackamas School District Budget Forums
Community invited to forums on $6 million budget gap
North Clackamas Schools will hold five community meetings
on the district’s budget challenges for the 2013-14 school year.
Meeting attendees will learn about the projected $6 million shortfall facing the school district, and
have the chance to offer input on their priorities for cuts and added revenue.
“After five years of budget challenges, we have few options left to close our forecasted $6 million
funding gap. None of these choices is ideal,” said Superintendent Matt Utterback. “However, I hold
out hope that the Legislature will soon take actions that allow us to begin reducing class sizes.”
Staff and community members will consider 12 options that include both revenue-raising strategies
and spending cuts. An on-line version of the hands-on budget exercise will be posted on the district
website in January.
Options include athletic/activities reductions; closing/consolidating schools/programs; eliminating
Outdoor School; eliminating outgoing transfers; increasing facility fees; open enrollment; professional
development cuts; reducing school days (subject to bargaining); eliminating textbook purchases;
reduction in force; selling property; and student fee increases.
Budget forums
Free childcare and Spanish/Russian/Vietnamese interpretation available at all meetings.
Milwaukie High
Jan. 9
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Clackamas HS (West)
Jan. 10
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Putnam HS
Jan. 14
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Happy Valley MS
Jan. 22
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Alder Creek MS
Jan. 23
6:30 to 8:30 p.m
Posted by Anonymous at
12:08 PM No comments:

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