Timothy Dahl, Battalion Chief with Clackamas County Fire District #1 is working on updating the districts Strategic Plan; an important part of this process is citizen input. This plan will be the road map for the fire districts services for the next ten years! Don't miss this opportunity to participate; please take a short 1o minute survey (there is also a link on the top of the page at http://www.clackamasfire.com/ ) If you prefer to take the survey on paper, copies are available at the fire station. PLEASE COMPLETE THE SURVEY ASAP.
The Clackamas Fire District #1 Board of Directors is conducting a workshop to discuss strategic planning on the evening of September 8, at our Mt. Scott Community Fire Station #5. Attend if you can. You’ll get a chance to talk if you want. (Their regular meetings are on the 3rd Monday of each month at the same location, 7:00 p.m. – they would appreciate your input at any of these).
The Fire District is planning to convene a community me

eting on the evening of August 28 (only a week away!) If you are able to send a representative, please email ; include your preferred contact information and he will be in touch soon.
Please take a moment to test your smoke alarms!
For more information contact Timothy Dahl (503) 742-2770