The Hectorcampbell NDA meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Community Room of the Public Safety Building: 3200 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, OR

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

December 14 2009 Meeting Minutes

Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Pat Duval, City Staff Liaison, Milwaukie Police Officer Crystal Squires, Pam Wheldon of the Census Partnership Program, and 8 other neighbors

Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.

Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance has not changed since last month.

Police Report: Officer Squires distributed a crime statistics report and reported that the cold weather contributed to a low level of criminal activity over the past month. She reported that new Officer Eric Sharron has begun work and another two new officers Eric Gunderson and Zane Odom are in training. A grant to provide funding to combat gang activities will provide time for the SRO and two other officers to work on intelligence gathering and action in schools. She reported that because of the department’s pro-active stance on gang activity, most of it has been chased out. A query by a neighbor about the number of sex offender registrations that appear in the police log in the paper was advised that many offenders register in Milwaukie because it is easy to do there, but that they do not necessarily live inside the city. There are websites available to track the actual living location of sex offenders.

Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].

Projects Update: no projects are currently pending

School Alleyways: Mary Weaver has discussed the issue with the School District and will continue to pursue it after the new year. Action: Mary Weaver

Census 2010: Pam Wheldon, who works for the Census’ Partnership Program, distributed information about the census, and explained that they would like our association to become a partner in helping the US Census Bureau get out information about how to respond to it, and where to get help or questions answered. Paperwork will be reviewed, but it was felt that we could put information about the census on our website and also distribute it at meetings. The Census bureau is looking for an office in the Milwaukie area in which to locate an assistance office. The paper questionnaire for the census will be mailed out in late March, with a due date of April 1st. Those who do not return their census will receive a visit from the census staff. Some fraudulent activity has occurred and people are reminded never to give out their social security number, bank information or other confidential information to anyone purporting to be with the Census.

USS Ranger Support: A veterans organization is trying to bring the USS Ranger to the Portland area to be used as a monument/museum. They have asked organizations like ours to write letters of support. It was agreed by vote (proposed by Darlene Albertson, seconded by Linda hedges) that we would write a letter of support, as this will bring jobs and an additional tourist attraction to the city. Action: Linda Hedges

City Snow Plan: The City has posted on its front page of its website the routes that snowplows will cover during a snow event. Neighbors were reminded that they will not plow local streets, only the main streets. Lengthy discussion ensued over whether there was a way to make sure that elderly and disabled who need help during winter emergencies have a way to get help. The Milwaukie Senior Center will be called to see if there they have a plan that we could publicize that does this work. Action: Linda Hedges

Water Bills: Last month a question about the way water bills are calculated was raised, and Mr. Aschenbrenner was to discuss this with the City’s Finance Director. Mr. Palacios has resigned and left the city. Mr. Aschenbrenner has spoken with JoAnne Herrigal, the City’s Community Services Director, about this issue. City staff are writing a pamphlet that will explain the billing process, but it is not yet ready. A neighbor spoke about her concern over a disparity in sewer rates and the apparent inability to get a clear answer about the water and sewer bill or an adjustment where she could prove less usage after the annual rate for her household was set. Several neighbors did express an interest and concern over this issue. Some would like to go to a monthly meter reading and billing based on monthly usage. It was decided to place this item on February’s agenda and to try to get more information by then. Action: David Aschenbrenner

Milwaukie HS Senior Grad Party 2010 John Ellis represented the Grad Party and requested a donation again this year. He said that the budget has been cut by about 30% in recognition of how the economy is this year. The cost per student is about $100, but if they help do fundraising, they end up paying about $30 each. Fundraising includes concessions at school sports events and the fireworks stand near Albertson’s. Donations are vital to provide adequate funding. Donations could also include prizes as well as money. The actual donation is one that our association has committed to on an annual basis. A proposal and vote will be made at January’s meeting. Mr. Ellis advised that he is doing the paperwork for the city-wide grant request.

Milwaukie Daze: An email request was received from one of the organizers of this event. Mr. Aschenbrenner explained that Celebrate Milwaukie Inc. (the non-profit foundation that runs the Farmers Market) has agreed to hire an events coordinator to organize the event this year, so at this time it is not known how much, if any, money the NDAs will be requested to donate. He asked that we wait until later in the spring to further discuss this grant request. Milwaukie Daze will be held sometime around the end of July or beginning of August 2010.

Parks Report: Sarah Smith was not in attendance to report.

Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: David Hedges reported that discussions have begun over the Officer of the Year Dinner, and also there is the possibility that the committee will sponsor a city shredding and prescription disposal event later in the year.

Next Meeting will be 7pm on January 11, 2010 in the Public Safety Building

Help Available During Winter Storms

Neighbors who are 60 or older who need assistance getting food or other items during winter snow events can contact the Milwaukie Center at 503-653-8100. Check out their website at to find a list of their assistance services.

Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye out for each other if and when we have snow like we did last winter. If you know of someone who can't easily get around, who might not have power, or who might need help, knock on their door and see if they're ok.