July 12, 2010, 7pm
Public Safety Building
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, Officer Laurie Noll, Pat Du Val, Interim City Manager and our city liaison, Dr. Andrew Axer Facility Administrator for the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility and 6 neighbors
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the department has recently sworn in a new officer, Jake Heimbigner, a former Milwaukie reserve officer for 13 years. They have also recently hired two new records clerks, Lisa Van Atta and Jerella Sorenson. He responded to a question about a white van seen driving around with “Volunteer Communications” on its side. It is one of the ham operators in the area. He further went on to describe the ham operator relationship in assisting police during an emergency. A neighbor asked if there is an emergency notification system for the deaf, like Code Red, and the answer was that there is not, although Code Red does have the ability to register both a landline and cell phone numbers, so the message could go to both home and to her cell phone.
Dr. Andrew Axer, the Facility Administrator for the Johnson Creek Secure Treatment Facility on Balfour Street, had come to advise of an incident that occurred two weeks ago at the facility where a client had attempted to get over the fence, but thanks to their security system had been caught before escaping. Because Dr. Axer felt that there had been no escape and was more concerned over the client’s treatment, he had failed to notify the police as he should have. Chief Jordan explained why he felt this had been a breach of the agreement with the city, and Dr. Axer explained in detail what had happened, and further that later that day the PSRB had been notified, and further review by them resulted in revocation of that client’s stay at the treatment facility and his return to the State mental Hospital. Dr. Axer apologized and promised that this sort of breach would not happen again.
A neighbor thanked Dr. Axer for his openness and willingness to accept responsibility and to apologize for the breach and his undertaking to assure no further such errors.
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that officers have signed the necessary forms at Key Bank, and that the city has transferred all of our outstanding funds into our account there. There is a checking account and a savings account, and most of the money will be in the savings account. Mr Aschenbrenner has on-line statement access and will track the account in that way. There is about
$22k in our two accounts, much of which has been saved for a pathway project. Linda Hedges is to call Key Bank about getting the debit cards. Action: Linda Hedges
City Budget: David Aschenbrenner reported that City Council approved the proposed 2010-11 budget this week. The current negotiations with the employee unions and sewer rate negotiations with Clackamas County may still impact the budget.
Light Rail monthly meetings have been moved to the Public Safety Building. The meetings are the third Monday of the month at 6pm. Design details are being discussed currently, such as what the fencing, lights and plantings will look like. Tri-Met’s proposal is still with the Federal Government for approval, and should be approved by Fall.
Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at
[email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
New Officer Position: David Aschenbrenner made a motion and Pat Rolleson seconded that we create a new officer’s position of Parks Coordinator. The motion passed unanimously. David Aschenbrenner nominated Sarah Smith and Linda Hedges seconded the vote. The motion passed unanimously.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith asked Linda Hedges whether anyone had responded to her report of vandalism in the park. Police Chief Jordan had replied, and said his officers would be by there as often as possible, and that he himself walks through the park daily. There has been no response by Community Services, but it was determined that North Clackamas Parks actually manages the park, and the vandalism should have been reported to them. Sarah said that she would get a quote on finding a way to reinforce the trail markers against further damage. Action: Sarah Smith
Grant Requests: No new requests at this time. The new grant request form has been distributed around the NDAs for their adaptation to their own use. The new form will be put on our website by Sarah. Action: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges mentioned that there is a larger pot of money available this year for the Traffic safety Program, due to increased gas tax rebates. Our concerns over the Home Avenue pathway and Monroe Bike Boulevard traffic issues will be raised with PSAC. A question was raised about how high the foliage planted in the Washington Street traffic dividers should be allowed to grow, as it could block the sightline of drivers and create a hazard for pedestrians or pets. This will also be raised at the next PSAC meeting.
August Meeting and Neighborhood Picnic: In place of our usual August meeting we are planning a picnic at Homewood Park on Monday August 9th. Chief Jordan reported that fingerprint kits, made available by the FBI, will be available at the park, and officers will take children’s fingerprints that night. Parents can then take the kit home to keep “in case”. Postcards will be mailed out the last week of July to remind neighbors of the picnic, with an RSVP requested. Those who RSVP will be entered into a drawing for raffle prizes. The cost of printing the postcards was only $119. It was decided not to order a porta-potty as most people live close enough they can go home if necessary.
Actions: Linda Hedges, David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith
a) CERT (Citizens Emergency Response Team) training will be held at the Beavercreek Fire Station on September 11th The cost is $25 which includes the training manual which needs to be paid and manual read prior to training. Contact Linda Hedges 503-343-0022.
b) The Farmers Market continues on Sundays 9:30-2pm each week.
c) Citizens Police Academy scheduled to begin in September. A commitment to one night a week for 13 weeks is required, along with approval by the Chief. Apply at the Police Department.
d) Logo discussion – there was some discussion over whether or not to keep the logo, which some dislike. Lars Campbell mentioned his wife is a graphic designer, and he was asked if she might spend a little time considering what could be done with the logo.
e) Signs will be made for the Milwaukie Daze Parade. These signs will not include the logo, so they can be used for a longer period of time.
Next Meeting will be 6pm-8pm on August 9th, 2010. Picnic at Homewood Park
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges July 14, 2010 Approved: Mary Weaver