The Hectorcampbell NDA meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Community Room of the Public Safety Building: 3200 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, OR

Monday, November 22, 2010

Plowing and Sanding Routes

The City just sent out a new plowing and sanding map. The map below is just our neighborhood area, you can see the entire map HERE.

Red streets are plowed, blue streets are sanded. Milwaukie crews will remove snow only from primary arterials and collector streets because of limited resources and staffing levels.

If you get snowed in, use the time to take our neighborhood survey! If you see neighbors out playing in the snow, tell them about the survey; we need as many neighbors to contribute their concerns and opinions as possible. Tell your neighbors to Google "Hector Campbell Neighborhood" and they will find our website.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Be Prepared for Winter Weather!

Now is the time to prepare for the upcoming winter weather and other emergencies. Here are a few items to get you started:

Emergency Kit: Oregon Red Cross' Together We Prepare Oregon booklet (the link may load slowly) has a good list of supplies to stock in an emergency kit. Make getting prepared a family event: FEMA has a site just for kids to help them prepare for an emergency: FEMA Kids Get Ready... Get Set... If you are a senior or care for a senior or person with disabilities check out The Red Cross guide to Preparing for Disaster for People With Disabilities and Other Special Needs. The Clackamas County Department of Emergency Management's website has lots of links to other information. And the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation has a brochure with even more information!

Plowing and Sanding: The city’s street crew will plow the City’s primary arterial and collector streets in an effort to keep them safe and passable. The goal is to help our residents get to and from their places of business and to keep the City’s primary roads open to emergency response equipment. Due to limits of City’s resources and staffing levels, snow plowing will be limited to this route. Take a look at the City's plowing routes and sanding routes maps.

Flooding: The City of Milwaukie provides a sandbag site for Milwaukie citizens and businesses during the flood season. This site is a self-serve site located at the City’s Public Works Facility at 6101 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, Milwaukie, OR.
For more information, contact Public Works Front Counter 8 AM to 3:30 PM at 503-786-7600. Residents need to check in at front office when going to Johnson Creek Facility for sand bags; after hours contact 503-786-7500 to arrange pick up of sand bags. LINK

Utilities: Clackamas County has a information sheet that covers information about utilities in an emergency.

Sign up for Code Red: The City of Milwaukie has instituted the CodeRED Emergency Notification System - an ultra high-speed telephone communication service for emergency notifications. This system allows us to telephone all or targeted areas of the City in case of an emergency situation that requires immediate action. The system is capable of dialing 50,000 phone numbers per hour or about 1,000 numbers per minute. It then delivers our recorded message to a live person or an answering machine, making three attempts to connect to any number. (The number will show up as 9999119999 if you have caller ID screening.)It is important that residents and businesses have their phone number and address registered in Milwaukie's CodeRED system, especially if using unlisted numbers, cell phones or VOIP (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Those who do not register their address and phone number may not be notified with CodeRED in the case of an emergency. Registration is confidential, free, and easy. CLICK HERE to register.

Power Outages: The Red Cross has a good TIP SHEET on how to prepare for an outage, what to do during an outage, and what to do after an outage.

Help Your Neighbors: In an emergency, your first priority should be to take care of your self and your family, but once you are all set, check in on your neighbors who may not be as prepared or as able bodied.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Campbell PTA Newsletter

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Please participate in our survey!

If you haven't taken our neighborhood survey, please take it NOW! We want to hear from as many households in our neighborhood as possible. Here is a link to a previous post that tells about the survey and the Walk Safely Milwaukie program: So far we have gotten a lot of great comments on the survey, thanks to everyone who has taken the time to fill it out.

Please spread the word to your neighbors and have them fill out the survey too. If someone needs a printed copy of the survey they can contact Linda Hedges at 503-343-0022.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

November Meeting Notes

Meeting Notes
November 8, 2010, 7pm Public Safety Building

Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City Recorder Pat Du Val (City Liaison), and 10 neighbors

Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had an increase in domestic violence incidents, which he attributed to the economy placing strains on relationships. We have had a few larceny and burglary incidents, but in general our neighborhood is very quiet and has a very low crime rate. A neighbor asked what she should do when observing a suspicious activity near her home and he advised her to call either 911 or the non-emergency police number, 503-786-7500.

Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved by consensus.

Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner reported that a small amount of money was spent on administrative costs this month.

Light Rail monthly meetings are the 3rd Monday of the month at the Public Safety Building at 6pm. This next meeting will be about design issues relating to our station, such as lighting, artwork, garbage cans, fencing, etc. As an example of creative and utilitarian design, one neighbor reported on a YouTube video that showed a statue in a park of a goat that sucks up garbage placed in its mouth; Children were actually hunting for garbage to be able to “feed” it. (see a video of the Garbage Goat at Spokane's Riverfront Park at the bottom of this post!). A neighbor asked whether it was worth investigating making our station “closed” and was advised to bring the suggestion to the meeting. “Closed” design refers to creating a barrier that prevents non-ticket holding individuals from entering the station platform. Due to our station’s location and site position, it might be possible to initiate this into the design. It could be a crime deterrent.

Report on holding meetings at Campbell Elementary School Linda Hedges contacted Facilities at North Clackamas SD and was advised that since the custodian’s schedule at Campbell requires the school to be closed at 6pm, if we were to meet there we would have to pay for 2 ½ to 3 hours of overtime pay for the custodian (approximately $115 per meeting). Additionally, the heat is turned off at the school during the early afternoon which could make it quite uncomfortable during the winter months. Also, the school would be unavailable during school holidays and on Mondays that are official holidays. It was decided to continue to have our meetings at the Public Safety Building.

Hector Campbell PTA Linda Hedges moved and David Aschenbrenner seconded a motion that HCNDA annually join HCPTA as an organization. The cost is $10 per year. The motion passed unanimously. This is part of our NDA’s effort to create a closer connection between the PTA and NDA. Sarah Smith will also place a link to the PTA’s website from our website. Actions: David Aschenbrenner, Linda Hedges, Sarah Smith

Projects Update: no projects are currently pending

Parks Report: A work party needs to be scheduled for ivy pulling. Contact Sarah Smith if you would like to help.

Grant Requests: There was discussion about a previous request sent by email by the PTA to Linda Hedges, regarding assistance for a running track at the school. No grant request has been submitted, and it is not clear that the school district has cleared the project, nor how much money it would cost. There will be further discussion when and if the PTA applies for a grant or attends a meeting to discuss the project.

Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
School Safety Zones – City staff, in response to federal and state guidelines, has made changes to school zones around the city, reducing their size and installing better signage. No additional changes have been made to our zones from what was discussed at a previous meeting. No flashers will be installed on 47th by the school, but signage will be installed at the top and bottom of the zone indicating 20 mph from 7am-5pm school days. The flashers on Monroe will be removed.

Walk Safely Milwaukie Program Mary Weaver and David Hedges reported on the contentious discussion with Kenny Asher, Community Development Director, over his decision to minimize PSAC’s role in deciding which projects are funded under the new Walk Safely Milwaukie Program. Mary Weaver remarked that the program was written and taken to Council for approval without consultation with the NDAs, and that there are a number of concerns over the criteria to be used for project funding allocation. Under the current criteria, the NDA leadership will each have to spend many hours gathering data from which to prove or indicate the need for a project or community support for a project. It is likely that NDA Leadership will attend the November 16th Council meeting to discuss these ranking criteria, but to encourage the program to continue forward, as it will be beneficial in providing funding for various traffic safety and neighborhood livability projects throughout the city. (Refer also to September’s minutes for further discussion of this project)

Neighborhood Survey Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association: Neighborhood Survey has a brief survey we are asking all neighbors in our neighborhood boundaries to take to gather information and opinion about the livability of the neighborhood, what issues people have, and what traffic issues exist. The results of the survey will provide some of the data the NDA Leadership will use to write the Walk Safely Milwaukie Program report and to select projects to propose for funding. These projects will be brought to the regular meetings for a vote prior to the proposal bids being submitted.
Linda Hedges offered to prepare a half page flyer to take to the school to send home with children in their homework envelopes that invites parents to take the survey. Sarah Smith suggested we put the NDA meeting dates on the back of the flyer. Action: Linda Hedges

Other Information:

a) Land Use Review Committee: Sarah Smith, David Aschenbrenner and Mary Weaver attended the city’s Land Use Review Board training this past week. Anyone else interested in serving on the NDA’s Land Use board is encouraged to contact Mary Weaver. This board is informed when any property use application is submitted to the Planning Commission, and the NDA Land Use Committee has 2 weeks during which to comment on the project. Here is a link to the slide presentation from the training:

b) NDA Leadership Team Changes: NDA officers have begun to meet monthly rather than bi-monthly, and quarterly will meet with Council to increase the dialogue between the NDAs and Council and to assure better communication so that neighborhood issues are brought directly to the Council members.

c) Sandwich Boards: As a method of advertising for our monthly meetings, the use of sandwich boards placed at 3 or 4 locations around the neighborhood will be pursued. David Hedges offered to investigate the cost of purchasing corrugated plastic to use on sandwich boards. Linda Hedges moved and Wally Bischoff seconded a motion to spend up to $100 on signage. The motion carried unanimously. Action: David Hedges

d) Fill a Stocking Program: Linda Hedges mentioned this program that is being sponsored by the Milwaukie Rotarians. For more information refer to the Community Connections page on the city’s website.

e) Wichita Family Center: Willie Gentile and Teresa Chriss reported on their discussion with the woman at the Center who runs the family support section. They are in desperate need for donation of new underwear and socks for the children who come into the Center. Teresa Chriss moved and David Aschenbrenner seconded to spend up to $200 purchasing new underwear and socks to donate to the Center. The motion passed unanimously. Action: Linda Hedges, Willie Gentile, Teresa Chriss

f) Emergency Preparedness: Linda Hedges provided handouts on 72 hour kits, how to turn off utilities, and other preparedness information and reminded everyone to have their 72 hour kits ready.

g) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: and monthly in the NDA’s email messages, if you want to be included on our neighborhood email list, send us a message at .

Video of Garbage Sucking Goat at Riverfront Park in Spokane WA

Friday, November 5, 2010

Neighborhood Survey

Link to Survey Page: NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY Please take it now!

The City of Milwaukie and the Public Safety Advisory Committee (PSAC) are overseeing a new grant program, The Walk Safely Milwaukie Program, funded by state vehicle gas taxes. The program is designed to improve livability in our neighborhoods so that walking and biking can be enjoyed more easily and more safely.

Your NDA Leadership Team is seeking your concerns about vehicle and pedestrian safety, and your ideas about neighborhood improvement. Think along the lines of paths for pedestrians, traffic circles or islands that slow traffic, signage, or benches in places where it would be nice to stop and enjoy a quiet spot as you walk to the store.

The results of the survey will inform the NDA Leadership in deciding what projects we can propose to be funded this coming year. We will be asking again in the future for more input since the program is planned as a 3 year pilot, with increased funding in years two and three. Please take the brief survey and help us decide how to improve our neighborhood!

Link to Survey Page: NEIGHBORHOOD SURVEY Please take it now!

Please tell your neighbors about the survey, if they don't have computer access have them call NDA Secretary, Linda Hedges: 503-343-0022, she will mail a paper copy of the survey.

Agenda for November 8, 2010 meeting

7:00pm, November 8, 2010
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot

1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson

2) Milwaukie Police Update

3) Information: a) Minutes from previous meeting b) Treasurer’s Report c) Light Rail monthly meeting - November 15th Design Workshop

4) Grants

5) Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver and David Hedges
a) School Safety Zones changes b) Walk Safely Milwaukie Program c) Neighborhood Survey

6) Parks Report: Sarah Smith

7) Other Information and Comments:
a) NDA Leadership Team changes

b) Clackamas FD1 Newsletter:

Next Meeting will be at 7pm, Monday, December 13, 2010 at the Public Safety Bldg.
Members of the HCNDA are those who live in, own property in, work in, or represent a business or nonprofit organization within the Hector Campbell NDA boundaries. Only members are entitled to make motions and to vote. Others are welcome to attend and to contribute to discussion. Find your appropriate neighborhood at

Design of Milwaukie Light Rail Station

Many of the components that will determine the look and feel of the light rail alignment that travels through Milwaukie - landscaping, wall treatments, details of the Downtown station design – will be on review for comment at a Design Workshop to be held Monday, Nov. 15th, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Public Safety Builidng, 3200 SE Harrison St.

The City will host this Workshop and design consultants and staff from TriMet and the City will describe the alignments details and engage attendees on specific elements. Input received will help kick-start the final design process that’s about to get underway.

To learn more about the Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail line visit the City's website.