- Raffle prizes and picnic sponsorship: someone to coordinate with local businesses to provide raffle prizes for picnic attendees, and/or donate food for the picnic
- Activity planning: Coordinate games or activities for kids (face painting, story telling, etc.) and arrange information stations for the adults.
- Menu: Plan and shop for the meal, and secure serving pieces, plates, cups, etc.
- Picnic Set-up: Set up tables, chairs, and garbage cans (from the city truck parked on-site)
- Cooking: Cook the hot item on the grill, set-up and refresh buffet
- Picnic Tear-down: Clean up after the picnic, return tables, chairs, etc to the city truck.
And please encourage a neighbor to team up with you on our volunteer committee! The list of tasks above looks long, but with a few people helping with each part, it's not that much to do.