The Hectorcampbell NDA meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Community Room of the Public Safety Building: 3200 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, OR

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Homewood Park Work Day

Please help your neighbors clear invasive English Ivy from the natural area of Homewood Park

Saturday January 26th
9am to 12noon

Dress for the weather, and wear work gloves. If you have a wheel barrow, please bring it.

Refreshments will be provided.

Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
Questions? Contact Sarah Smith at 503-653-0015.
Oregon Grape at Homewood Park

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Meeting notes, January 14, 2013

Meeting Notes

7:00pm, January 14, 2013 Public Safety Building Community Room

Introductions and Welcome: Lars Campbell, NDA Vice Chair, led the meeting. Present: Captain Steve Bartol and Chief Bob Jordan, Milwaukie Police Department, City Councilor David Hedges, Chair David Aschenbrenner (arrived late), Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Secretary-Treasurer Linda Hedges, Evan Smith, Social Worker at Rowe Middle School, a Rowe parent and 2 students, and 4 neighbors. Apologies sent: Gary Parkin, City Liaison, and Mary Weaver, PSAC representative.

Introductions: Lars Campbell explained that Chair Aschenbrenner will be attending evening classes during the next few months and that Vice Chair Campbell will be running the NDA meetings. Those present introduced themselves.

Milwaukie Police Update: Chief Jordan discussed the statistical report. He reported a new records person has been hired and this will help in provision of the statistical report in future.

He described an incident that occurred in the neighborhood last week where two thieves stole a package from a house the other side of 224 and Oak and escaped in a stolen Toyota pickup truck. A good description was given to police and shortly afterward a Milwaukie officer located the vehicle and chased it briefly. The chase was called off due to its location on Linwood Avenue in the mid-afternoon and it being dangerous because of the school letting out. However, Milwaukie Police followed the suspects, set up a perimeter and chased them through the neighborhood around Wilma Court and, along with two CCSO dogs, found and arrested them. This all occurred in about 1 hour’s time. The Chief was very proud of our department’s response and resolution of the crime successfully. He explained that the reverse 9-1-1 program was not used, partly because of the fast-moving nature of the call, partly because all resources needed to be focused on apprehending the criminals and not used to write the script for the call system, and partly because of a concern that citizens could get involved in a way that caused them to be in danger.

Captain Bartol has been accepted to attend the FBI’s National Academy in July and August. This is a prestigious institute that provides leadership skills and professional development; it is mostly paid for by the FBI.

Captain Bartol reported that there are now two locations for the digital speed signs in our neighborhood: Monroe about 44th Avenue and Washington near Rio Vista. He distributed the statistical information captured from them and was pleased to report that the traffic on both those streets was and remains to a large extent in compliance with the speed regulations posted. Both locations see traffic volume of about 1,000 vehicles per day. The average speed is less than 25, the posted speed. The digital speed signs work in stealth mode for awhile, to gather information, and then works in display mode to inform drivers of their speed in relation to the posted speed. They do NOT take photos nor issue tickets.

Chief Jordan reported that North Clackamas SD and the police department are doing some updating of training on active shooter scenarios, as is staff in the city of Milwaukie.

Finally, the Chief reported that sadly, we lost Jag, our tracking K-9 officer, in December, due to bone cancer. The Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation is working toward raising enough money so that the department can locate another tracking dog, purchase it and train it and its’ human officer, as well as make sure it has the appropriate equipment and housing.

City Liaison Gary Parkin sent his apologies – he was unable to attend.

Councilor Hedges reported that the city is investigating ways to be able to provide the Pilot in printed format without it costing the estimated $6000 per month for postage. There did not appear to be a big response to reading The Pilot on-line, and many people have complained about not getting the Pilot in the mail. The overall cost of printing and mailing the Pilot was $32,000 per year, and that charge was cut so as to be able to restore the police department’s training budget. But because of public demand the city would like to reinstate the Pilot, at least every quarter. Some ideas might be to hire paper distributors from the middle or high school and contribute money toward some project they need financing. Another idea is to use kiosks like the free rental ads or Oregonian or Clackamas Review boxes you see at the Safeway or Albertsons stores. Anyone with a brilliant notion should contact Councilor Hedges or Mr. Bill Monahan, City Manager.

Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of January 14th of $8024.15 in savings, $874.12 in checking. Donations from other NDAs in the amount of $600 for support of the Community Garden have been deposited and about $100 more is anticipated. The Community Garden has a positive balance of $541.

Minutes from December’s meeting Motion made by Linda Hedges to accept with amendments. Pat Rollison seconded; they were approved as written.

Parks/Campbell Community Garden City Report: Sarah Smith reported the garden has many plants growing under plastic already. There are 5 plots that are available for rent. She hopes to be able to donate 2000 lbs of produce to low income families this next year. The grant she wrote for beneficial insects was denied. She is attending a conference to learn more about organic farming and useful insects.

There will be a Homewood Park work party on Saturday January 26th. Ivy pulling and removal of branches that have come down in the rehab area (based on what instructions she gets from No. Clackamas Parks regarding this).

Grant Requests:
Darlene Albertson sent a motion by proxy to pay $1000 to the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation in support of the Police Department’s purchase of a new K-9 officer. Sarah Smith seconded the motion. It carried unanimously.

Representatives from Rowe Middle School (social worker Evan King and two young people) came to ask for a grant toward their Stop School-time Hunger fund. Linda Hedges moved to grant $500; Wally Bischoff seconded. The vote passed unanimously.
Boards and Commissions reports:

PSAC: Linda Hedges reported that the Officer of the Year dinner will be held in March – more information later. PSAC wants to have a pedestrian and crosswalk safety awareness campaign, but must do it without it costing anything. The City’s website will be used, and there may be brochures available at the Library, City Hall and elsewhere to promote both safe pedestrian walking and awareness of the law regarding drivers yielding to pedestrians crossing the street.

Linda reported that PSAC will be discussing the ending of funding for the WSMP project with 7 of the 10 original projects remaining to be completed.

Other Business: There was discussion about putting out a postcard to all households in our neighborhood that advises them when our NDA meetings occur and what the NDA does for them - an awareness effort. Three examples were displayed and a few modifications were suggested. The cost will be about $500. David Aschenbrenner moved and David Hedges seconded a motion to go forward with the postcard. The motion carried unanimously.

There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:35pm.

Next Meeting will be Monday February 11, 2013 at 7pm at the PSB.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Monthly Meeting Agenda, Jan. 14, 2013

Meeting Location: Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot

Introductions and Welcome: Vice Chair Lars Campbell

Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan

City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information: Gary Parkin and Councilor Hedges

Previous Meeting Minutes & Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges

Projects Updates: Transportation System Plan Update, Brett Kelver, Planning Dept.

New Neighborhood Items: New logo for HCNDA

Pending Grants: Rowe Middle School Ending School-time Hunger grant request

K-9 Officer Fund (Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation)

Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith

Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver & Linda Hedges

Next Month:

Friday, January 4, 2013

North Clackamas School District Budget Forums

Community invited to forums on $6 million budget gap
North Clackamas Schools will hold five community meetings
on the district’s budget challenges for the 2013-14 school year.
Meeting attendees will learn about the projected $6 million shortfall facing the school district, and
have the chance to offer input on their priorities for cuts and added revenue.
“After five years of budget challenges, we have few options left to close our forecasted $6 million
funding gap. None of these choices is ideal,” said Superintendent Matt Utterback. “However, I hold
out hope that the Legislature will soon take actions that allow us to begin reducing class sizes.”
Staff and community members will consider 12 options that include both revenue-raising strategies
and spending cuts. An on-line version of the hands-on budget exercise will be posted on the district
website in January.
Options include athletic/activities reductions; closing/consolidating schools/programs; eliminating
Outdoor School; eliminating outgoing transfers; increasing facility fees; open enrollment; professional
development cuts; reducing school days (subject to bargaining); eliminating textbook purchases;
reduction in force; selling property; and student fee increases.
Budget forums
Free childcare and Spanish/Russian/Vietnamese interpretation available at all meetings.
Milwaukie High
Jan. 9
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Clackamas HS (West)
Jan. 10
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Putnam HS
Jan. 14
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Happy Valley MS
Jan. 22
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Alder Creek MS
Jan. 23
6:30 to 8:30 p.m