The Hectorcampbell NDA meets the second Monday of every month at 6:30pm in the Community Room of the Public Safety Building: 3200 SE Harrison Street, Milwaukie, OR

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

April Meeting Agenda

Monthly Meeting
Meeting Location: Public Safety Building 6:30 PM
32th and Harrison St

Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, Chair    5 Min

Items to add to the agenda:                            

Public Safety:                                                               5 Min

Public Safety Advisory Committee: Heather Ray        20 Min
          SAFE Project Sidewalk Discussion
City Staff: Friday Memo                                               Sent via Email
Grant Request:             none at this time                                               

Past Meeting Minutes and Treasurer’s Report:         5 Min

New Neighborhood Items:                                          5 Min
Projects Update:
          42nd Ave paving still on track for this Summer
Land Use Projects:
Corinn DeWaard SE Harrison church                          5 Min
Historic House at 42nd and Railroad                           5 Min

Parks & Garden Report:                                               5 Min
          Sarah Smith                   

Please pass this information on to your neighbors.

If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, Please send an e-mail to [email protected]

March Monthly Meeting Notes

March 13, 2017 Meeting notes
Milwaukie Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison 6:30pm

Neighbors present: Chair David Aschenbrenner, Sarah Smith, Linda Hedges, Wally Bischoff, Melanie Bocek, Shirley Geiter, Steve & Bonnie Rand, Darlene Anderson, Ruby Inman, Darin Smith, B Heather Ray. Guests Mark Dane and two others from Railroad/42nd Subdivision development project.

Police report: Captain Rash joined us and reported that there is the potential for more crime in the neighborhoods, such as thefts from cars and mailboxes, ID theft using materials from recycling bins, opportunistic crime by meth users. Please be careful about locking vehicles, doors to sheds, not leaving valuables in plain sight, shredding correspondence. Captain Rash reminded everyone to report any suspicious activity that they see because it could be related to these opportunistic crimes.  Non-emergency police number is 503-7867500.The Department is sponsoring the annual Prescription Drug Turn In and Shred Day 10am-2pm on April 29th. Tuesday March 14th is the Officer and Cadet of the year dinner.  The 100th anniversary of the police department will also be celebrated at the dinner. 23 officers from Milwaukie PD and Gladstone partnered again this year to raise funds for Special Olympics by participating in the Polar Plunge, a quick dip in the Columbia River in January. They raised $7700, the most for a law enforcement team in Oregon. He also encouraged people to think about participating in the 9K for K9 fundraiser for Milwaukie PD’s K9 program on July 8th, at Milwaukie MarketPlace. For more information go to  

Milwaukie Friday Memo: Forwarded by email to our email list.

Past meeting notes and treasurers report: Linda Hedges requested approval for previous month’s minutes; approved. Checking and savings $7548.32 with $1658.19 in CCG account, $1000
committed to bench project, $500 MHS Grad Party (on condition of work party). Balance available $5389.13.

Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith reported all the plots are rented and there is a waiting list. 19 pounds of produce has already been donated to Esther’s Pantry. Mason bees are hatching and she had some to provide to gardeners at the meeting. She said the new rainwater tank was about half full (it’s a 275 gallon tank.) A pop up canopy has been purchased for use during classes or poor weather.

Public Safety Report: Heather Ray discussed the Safe Access for Everyone (SAFE) project and distributed a list of the projects determined by work parties that are high priority on the many projects around town that should be covered by the new funding. She said that the federal government has mandated that all sidewalk projects previously installed by the city must now have the standard ADA ramps and other work in currently approved designs. She asked neighbors to prioritize the projects on the “high priority” list. There were four that the group at large felt should have highest listing, which were the pedestrian-activated crosswalk at King and Home Avenue, 42nd Avenue sidewalk infill, Harvey Street sidewalk infill and Stanley Avenue from King Road to Railroad sidewalk infill. Home Avenue sidewalk infill received medium support but only as infill on one side or the other as it corresponds to available right of way, not both sides of the road. The projects list is attached and neighbors are asked to complete their list of priorities and send it to Heather Ray.

Land Use:  Mark Dane, a developer, and his partner and the property broker came to speak with the neighborhood prior to the application process on their plan to purchase and develop the property on the northeast corner of 42nd and Railroad.  They presented plot plans for a 37 lot development and explained how they are complying with city staff recommendations for the number of houses, easements, driveways and street access, road size, etc. They said they will remove the existing building in as sustainable a way as possible and Aschenbrenner asked that they retain a couple small items to donate to the Milwaukie Museum. They anticipate being able to recycle a considerable amount of the existing wood from the house and outbuildings. Also, they plan to keep as many trees as they can and will plant sunset maples in the planting strips once the houses are built. They plan to build single family, two story houses, approximately 2000 sq ft on R5 plots, which will require a zoning change. sSeveral variances will be required. Following discussion the NDA voted unanimously to preliminarily support the project as indicated by plans
provided at the NDA meeting on March 13, 2017. Sarah Smith moved, Steve Rand seconded, unanimous approval. Action: D Aschenbrenner to report support for project to Mark Dane and to City staff.

Grant Request:  Rowe Middle School’s Food for Success program submitted a request for $1000 to support this year’s healthy snacks for middle schoolers. Shirley Geiter made a motion to grant them $500, Darin Smith seconded, passed unanimously.

Grant Request:  MHS Grad Party.  Still waiting to hear back from Yvonne McVey regarding a work party of students to earn the $500 set aside. Action: LH to create list of suggested projects for them to do at Homewood Park and contact with NCPRD for the work to be done, email to Ms. McVey.

Neighborhood News: A list of properties in the neighborhood that have been foreclosed and their disposition was attached to the agenda.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm The next meeting will be held Monday April 10th, 6:30pm.

Draft minutes dated 3/14/17 Linda Hedges, Secretary/Treasurer