A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Homewood Park Construction
In October the City of Milwaukie contracted with Structures in Landscape to develop Homewood Park. Construction has been delayed due to the snow and ice, however it is scheduled to start on Tuesday December 30th. Construction is expected to take about 3 weeks, but the time line is really dependant on the weather. The project includes some new lawn & irrigation, a play structure, picnic tables, garbage cans, bike racks, and new fencing.
A few of the existing native plants will need to be moved to make way for the play area; we have identified which ones need to move and located new places for them elsewhere in the park. Structures in Landscape is committed to re-using as many of these plants on site as possible.
During construction the park will be closed; this is for both safety and security. We ask all of the neighbors to help by keeping a look out for suspicious activity at night and on weekends.
Homewood Park is located between SE Home Avenue and Garrett Drive just south of Monroe Street. Below is a slide show of Homewood Park pictures.

Friday, December 12, 2008
A BUSY Weekend!
Operation Santa Claus: On Sunday December 14th the Fire station will be in our neighborhood collecting canned food and toys. For recorded parade information call 503-742-2941.
Neighborhood Food Fight: Saturday and Sunday (12/13 & 12/14) Milwaukie neighborhoods will be competing to see which one can collect the most canned food. The neighborhoods will give the food collected to Milwaukie High school for donation to the Oregon Food Bank. Last year students collected 130,000 cans of food--making Milwaukie High School the sixth largest donor to the Oregon Food Bank in the entire state! Collection barrels will be set up at the King Road Safeway and The Milwaukie Marketplace Albertsons both days. Show support for OUR neighborhood by filling the Hector Campbell NDA can with delicious & nutritious food. If you want to volunteer to help at the collection sites or need more information contact Linda Hedges at (503) 343-0022 or Ron Moseley at (503) 353-5830.

Summary of December Meeting
1. NDA/MHS Food Fight December 13 and 14 Safeway and Albertsons
Milwaukie HS and Milwaukie neighborhoods collect food for Oregon Food Bank. Which neighborhood can collect the most items?
2. http://www.sellwoodbridge.org/
3. Operation Santa Dec 14th 6-9pm in neighborhoods. See CCFD1 website.
4. Grant request approved for $500 to the MHS 2009 Graduation party
5. Park upgrades and play structure should be completed by the end of January. A request for approval to remove the maple tree sited in front of the Home Avenue entrance to the park will be submitted to the city.
6. Light Rail Project Citizens Advisory Committee reviewing reports and financing.
7. Mayor Jim Bernard ‘s position to be filled by vote of Council.
8. Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Traffic Management project funding 5 projects. New positions appointed in department. Local stores experiencing rise in shoplifting. Shoppers – be aware!
9. New oval HCNDA Logo adopted.
10. Winter Solstice gathering Friday December 12th at Riverfront Park
11. Farewell for Jim Bernard 5-7 Friday December 19th at the Masonic Lodge.

Thursday, December 4, 2008
December 8th Neighborhood Meeting
I am working on the agenda for the meeting.
Any topics I should put on the agenda?
The meeting is at 7 PM at the Milwaukie Public Safety Building on December 8th.
Hope to see you at the meeting!
David Aschenbrenner
Chair, Hector Campbell NDA

Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Rain! Is it time for a new umbrella?

November Neighborhood Meeting Notes
Click HERE for the complete notes
Police and Fire Reports: Officer Ron Glenn advised on use of Homewood Park, concealed and non-concealed weapons
Principal Mark Pinder, Milwaukie HS, spoke about goals, programs, levy
Grant Requests: Hector Campbell School reader board proposal deferred
Homewood Park: project bid to go to City Council for approval. Work set to begin later this winter. $5k grant proposal to city approved.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Neighborhood Traffic Management Program considering projects to increase crossing safety on Washington Street by the High School, on Oak and 224, on 43rd and King Road and at 35th and Sellwood. Sex offender registration high at Milwaukie due to longer registration hours. Most registrants do not live within city. New captain’s position at MPD open for internal applications
Other Issues and Information
1. New HCNDA Logo-- see website for proposed logo designs
2. Flashing Lights on Railroad Avenue – city engineer reviewing
3. Meeting on proposed Balfour Street Residential Treatment Facility November 11th at 6:30 at Ardenwald Elementary School
4. City Council to decide next Tuesday on filling mayoral position

Monday, November 10, 2008
We need a new Logo

Ardenwald NDA to meet about Balfour House
Tuesday, November 11th at 6:30 pm in the Ardenwald Elementary School cafeteria (8950 SE 36th Ave).
· ColumbiaCare intends to build an 8,500 ft², 15 bed lock down facility at 2808 SE Balfour Street to house people from the Oregon State Hospital found guilty except for insanity of crimes such as assault, arson, child molestation, rape, and even murder.
· Jennifer Jones, Executive Asst. of ColumbiaCare will be in attendance to answer questions. This will be our best chance to make certain they understand the neighborhood’s objections to this complex. Your attendance is vitally important. Together we can protect our community!
· Clackamas Co Commissioner Peterson, Cindy Becker- DHS, Rep Carolyn Tomei, Mary Claire Buckley- PSRB, and several state officials will also be in attendance.
· This Q&A session will take place during the Ardenwald/Johnson Creek Neighborhood Association meeting Tuesday, November 11th at 6:30 pm in the Ardenwald Elementary School cafeteria (8950 SE 36th Ave).
· Visit www.Ardenwald.org/balfour.html for more information. Also, please visit www.ipetitions.com/petition/treatmentfacilities and sign the online petition.
While this proposed facility is not in the Hector Campbell Neighborhood, Milwaukie neighborhoods need to stand together on this important issue; the Ardenwald Neighborhood needs our help. Only by standing together will this fight be won!

Friday, November 7, 2008
Sunrise Project, I 205 to Rock Creek Junction

Milwaukie Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive, Milwaukie, OR 97222
Thursday, November 13, 2008, 6:00p.m. – 9:00p.m.
Clackamas High School, 14486 SE 122nd Avenue, Clackamas, OR 97015
Please attend one of the public hearings to learn more about the project and share your comments. Oral and written comments will be received at any time during both events.
If you are not able to give your comments in-person at one of the hearings, there are several options you have to comment:
Online: www.sunrise-project.org Email: Fax: 503-230-4877

2008 Toy Drive At Ledding Library

Monday, October 27, 2008
Work Party at Homewood Park

Saturday November 8th, 9am to 12noon.

Secure Residential Treatment Facility Proposed for Ardenwald Neighborhood
The Ardenwald NDA has lots of information on their website, you are encouraged to learn more and help with their fight by signing their on-line petition. This facility is not appropriate for ANY Milwaukie neighborhood.

October Meeting Minutes
Joe Sandfort from the Milwaukie Ledding Library stopped in to update us on library events and to tell us about the Library District Levy on the November ballot.
Sgt Robbie Graves from the police department reported that the department has purchased a German Shepherd, Jag, which will start training in November. Equipment has been purchased for the K-9 unit. Sargent Graves also contributed to a lively discussion on off-leash dogs in the city. Neighbors requested additional patrols on Home Avenue and around Campbell School.
Curtis Long, the new principal of Campbell School, introduced himself and invited neighbors to attend Friday morning open assemblies where the students are recognized for activities and there is an opportunity for neighbors to ask questions and see what is going on at the school. Last Friday of the month he is holding a coffee hour, which is also open to neighbors as well as parents. There are just over 300 students this year. This year’s goal is to make a better connection with the community.
Click here for Complete meeting minutes. Our next meeting will be at 7pm November 10th. If you have issues you want to have on the agenda, please contact

Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What can we do for you?
So I am asking you what do you want to hear about at the meetings? Whom do you want to see at the meeting to ask questions of or what concerns do you have about our neighborhood or city?
This is your neighborhood and your city. What can we do to help you?
David Aschenbrenner
Chair, Hector Campbell NDA

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Clackamas County Board of Commissioners to Meet about Balfour House
There will be a discussion item on the Board's Agenda during which time Cindy Becker, the Director of the Department of Human Services, will provide the Board with an update as well as additional information and education about the project. Individuals from the State and the provider will also be in attendance to provide information.
Please attend this meeting and be prepared to share your opinions with the various agencies. All Milwaukie neighborhoods should participate in this issue.
September 25th, 10:00 am
For more information see the Ardenwald Neighborhood Website.

Construction Alert!

Traffic may enter from Hwy 224 onto Oak, but there will be delays. Detours will be in place routing traffic to 37th. Most driveways on Oak Street will be closed during this time.
We would appreciate you refraining from activity that would allow any water to run into the street (sprinklers, hoses, etc.) on the days of work.
For more information contact , Engineer Division, Phone: (503) 786-7602

Saturday, September 20, 2008
Volunteer Opportunities

Monday, September 15, 2008
Monthly meeting notes 9/8/2008
Public Safety Building, 7pm
Presiding: David Aschenbrenner, Chairperson
Introductions and welcome
Greg Chaimov, City Councilor attended, and Pat Duval represented the City.
Seven neighbors were in attendance. Carla Bantz attended, representing MHS Graduation Party.
Police and Fire Reports
Representatives from neither the fire department nor police department were able to attend.
Grant Requests:
Carla Bantz, representing the 2009 Milwaukie HS Graduation party, explained how the party is operated, and asked that we consider providing some sort of financial support. She was advised of the multi-neighborhood association grant process and asked to contact Beth Ragel to complete the necessary paperwork.
The Chairman explained that the HCNDA Leadership Team has proposed guidelines to guide how we distribute the money we have available each year for grants. A motion for acceptance of the guidelines was proposed by John Ellis and seconded by Mrs Rolison. The motion unanimously passed.
Project Reports:
a. Street Maintenance Program
i. King Road project has been completed, on time and with some cost savings.
ii. Overlays on 42nd and some other areas are underway
b. 37th and Railroad Avenue
Pedestrian improvements are being constructed, which are in line with proposed Quiet Zone changes to this crossing.
c. Harmony Road.
The Railroad has said that any road change must be elevated. All the proposed designs were rejected by Linwood Neighborhood Association. Discussion is on-going with the county.
d. Sewage Treatment Plant
Residents and Leadership of Milwaukie are of the clear opinion that the Kellogg Treatment Plant should be removed. However, the cities of Oregon City, West Linn and Gladstone, the Sewer District and County officials have not included this in their proposal. City of Milwaukie has asked them to reconsider their proposal.
Parks Report:
Sarah Smith was unable to attend to report.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Mary Weaver was on vacation, so David Hedges, an at-large PSAC representative who lives in HCNDA area, reported. The new Chief of Police, Robert Jordan, has advised that he intends to purchase a second and possibly a third K-9 dog. Jag, the first K-9 officer, has been purchased and he and Officer Truong will be going through training in October and should be operational by November. Members from PSAC have created a 501c non-profit to continue fund-raising for the upkeep of the dogs. The Chief is undecided as to whether a School Resource Officer will be provided at MHS.
Leaving advertising on a door is both an offense against a city ordinance and a security issue, and all companies selling door-to-door must apply for and receive a city license, by city ordinance It was advised that anyone trying to sell something door-to-door should be asked to show their Milwaukie business license, which they must carry with them. If they are unable to do so, it is unadvisable to deal with them. If sales information is left on printed material on your doorstep, please collect this information and provide it to Mary Weaver so that her on-going work with the Code Enforcement Officer to catch offenders can continue.
September 8-21st the police department will be participating in a blitz on seatbelts and child safety. Officers will be spending additional time checking for the wearing of seatbelts and that childrens car seats are being used and installed properly.
Councilor Chaimov
Attendees were asked what issues we would particularly like to have raised to Council. Support for The Quiet Zone in next year’s budget, and persistence in dealing with the Railroad over this issue was requested by one neighbor. One neighbor complained about the traffic calming measures on Washington Street from downtown to 224 (large raised concrete planters in the center of the street) and asked whether property owners had signed off on them because of the difficulty some must incur in using the area in front of their properties.
Other Issues and Information
1. Land Use Committee
The Chairman advised that some NDA’s have a separate committee for this purpose, but since little planning permission activity goes on in our neighborhood, and because of the tight turn-around time usually provided for any such decisions, the Leadership Team will consider matters should any issues arise. Any other HCNDA members interested are most welcome to be included.
2. New HCNDA Logo
Four designs were presented to replace the current logo, so as to represent more of our neighborhood than just Hector Campbell’s tenure as a schoolmaster. The dogwood, the City’s symbol, the Bing cherry, and fir cones, representing Homewood Park, have been incorporated. Two of the designs were particularly liked, with minor changes suggested to each. It was suggested that samples of the proposed logo used on letterhead would be helpful to make a decision.
3. Mike Swanson, the City Manager, has a weekly message on-line on the city’s website.
4. The Planning Commission’s information has now been added to the City’s website.
Upcoming Events:
The Poetry Series at the Pond House, 7pm September 10th
Next meeting - October 13, 2008, Public Safety Building, 7:00pm
Click here for a printable version of these notes.

Friday, August 29, 2008
King Road Party
Friday September 5th at 12 noon. Click the poster below to read all of the details:

Saturday, August 23, 2008
Clackamas Fire Distric #1 wants your input

Friday, August 22, 2008
Meeting Update
David Aschenbrenner

Friday, August 15, 2008
September Meeting Agenda
Summer is coming to an end, it's time to get back to our regular meeting schedule!
Our first meeting of the fall season is September 8th (a week late due to the Labor Day holiday) 7:00pm (edited 8/22 to correct time!) in the Public Safety Building's Community Room. A few agenda highlights:
- an update on the Street Maintenance Program, including info on King Road, Railroad Avenue, and Harmony Road
- an update on Homewood Park
- discussion of how we want to spend our neighborhood grant money
- public safety update, with visits from the Fire & Police Departments (if their schedule allows it)
- new neighborhood logo
For a complete agenda click: Printable Agenda

Thursday, August 14, 2008
Overland Park Johnson Creek Clean up

8am to 5pm

Monday, July 21, 2008
Milwaukie Daze

- 10:30am: Parade
- 12:30 - 2pm: Family Field Games and food vendors at Waldorf School
- 12:30 - 2pm: Poetry Picnic and children's activities at Scott Park (by the Library)
- 6pm - dusk: Live music on the riverfront

Friday, July 18, 2008
King Road Construction Project
The $800,000 project is being funded through the Street Surface Maintenance Program Council implemented in January of ’07.The project covers three-quarters of a mile and will include a complete reconstruction of King Road from the sub base up, from curb to curb. Water quality upgrades to the existing storm system are also associated with the project.
The contractor, Knife River, will maintain at least one open lane during construction. Delays through this area are expected and motorists, bicyclists, and pedestrians are encouraged to consider alternate routes during construction.The project is expected to be completed by Sept. 1, 2008.
Contact Information:Grady Wheeler, Information Coordinator: 503.786.7503

Monday, July 7, 2008
Light Rail Tour with Carolyn Tomei
Thursday, July 10 Depart at 5:30 Bus pick up at the Southgate Theater parking lot in downtown Milwaukie.
Ride the new Interstate route, which passes through communities and school zones similar to the proposed Milwaukie route.
I would love to have you join us, or send this email on to others who might be interested. Please RSVP to to save your place.
Sincerely,Carolyn TomeiState RepresentativeHouse District 41503-653-5180

Light Rail Hearing
On July 14th and July 15th Milwaukie City Council will hold public hearings to gather input before passing along its recommended light rail alignment to the rest of the region.
The hearings will be held in City Hall’s Council Chambers and will begin at 7 p.m.
City Council will base its recommendation on the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) forwarded by the project’s steering committee, which is comprised of elected officials from Portland City Council, Milwaukie City Council, Oregon City Commission, Multnomah County Commission, Clackamas County Commission, executives from TriMet and the Oregon Department of Transportation, and the Citizen Advisory Committee chair.
The LPA enters Milwaukie’s North Industrial Area next to the Tillamook Branch railroad, continues next to those tracks through Downtown near the Portland Waldorf School and behind Milwaukie Lumber, crosses Lake Road and Kellogg Lake and then extends south to Park Avenue along McLoughlin Boulevard into Oak Grove.
The LPA features the single station at Lake Road, which was recommended by City Council on June 3rd.
City staff hopes that you will share your thoughts with your City Council and help form its recommendation.

Sunday, June 22, 2008
Homewood Park Work Party
Sunday June 29th
9am to 12 noon

Please come help neighborhood volunteers at our neighborhood park. We will be working on invasive ivy removal and will be watering plants.
Wear work gloves and bring a wheel barrow if you have one. Refreshments will be provided.
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Ave between Monroe and Ada Lane. Please walk to the park or Park on Home Avenue (please do NOT park on the Garrett Drive end of the park).

Wednesday, June 18, 2008
June 9 2008 HCNDA Meeting Notes Summary
Clackamas FD 1 will be transferring most firefighters to other stations within the district on July 1st. The local station will also be going to a 4 man crew in November thanks to federal funding.
Officer Ron Glenn from Milwaukie PD reported that it has been very quiet lately and very little criminal activity has occurred.
The HCNDA leadership team has proposed that in future we should annually support Meals on Wheels, the Milwaukie Museum and the K-9 program with a small grant which will be issued in September or October each year. The remainder of our neighborhood grant funds will be dedicated to projects inside our neighborhood.
The Milwaukie Daze Parade was awarded $400 for expenses.
Light Rail, Tri-Met and South Downtown Development:
Kenny Asher from Community Development outlined the process the Light Rail project has followed up until now, and advised that the decision on a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) will be decided during June and July. The environmental impact study has been done and is available to read on-line and to comment on until June 23rd at http://www.metro-region.org/index.cfm/go/by.web/id/223.
Tri-Met has pulled out of an agreement to purchase and renovate the old Southgate Theater location as a bus layover location due to rising costs that were not in their budget.
Kenny Asher advised that the City is working with a planning and architecture firm headed by Christopher Alexander, an internationally renown architect, to examine the direction development in the south downtown area should go.
Street Maintenance Program:
Street improvements will be on-going in July at 37th and Railroad, Washington Street between 99E and 224 June 16-20th. The King Road resurfacing project
will begin in July and it is likely this project will continue for several weeks, with lane closures.
Parks Report:
There will be a work party on Sunday June 29th, 9-noon.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Chief Kanzler is retiring in July and Robert Jordan, the former Special Agent in Charge for the Portland FBI Field Office will begin July 1st as the new Chief.
The Farmers Market is being held downtown each Sunday.
The City Clean-up Day will be June 14th at locations at the old Southgate Theater site and at 60th and Johnson Creek Boulevard.
City Hall’s 70th anniversary celebration, 11:30am-1:30pm Friday July 11th.
Milwaukie Festival Daze parade, games and events and fireworks, Saturday July 16th. Call 503-786-7568 for more information or go to the City’s website.
Next meeting is September 8, 2008

Monday, June 9, 2008
Warning: Washington Street Construction

Additionally, construction will start on King Rd (43rd to Hollywood) in early July, and take several weeks.
Please direct any questions to Brenda Schleining at (503) 786-7602.

Sunday, June 8, 2008
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner
Guest: Kenny Asher, Community Development Director
Information:a) South Downtown Development Program b) Light Rail in Milwaukie
Clackamas Fire Dist. And Milwaukie Police a) Police Update b) Fire Safety Update
Projects Updates: a) Street Maintenance Program i) King Road ii) 37th and Railroad iii) Overlays in our Neighborhood
Grants: a) Milwaukie Parade b) Discussion on Grant Program
Parks Report: Sarah a) Work parties
Public Safety Update: Mary
Other Information and Comments:
Next Meeting will be in September, We will post updates on the web site and send out e mails as needed.
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, Please send an e-mail to

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Saturday June 14th 2008
8:00am to 1:00pm
Collection Sites:
9600 SE Main St (Formerly Southgate Theater)
64th and Jonson Creek Blvd, (Crosswhite Industrial Complex)
Milwaukie City residents are welcome to drop off one load at one of the collection sites with their coupon (published in the June Pilot) and proof of residency such as Milwaukie water bill or current ID. This event is FREE but only one load will be accepted per household with the coupon.
Click here for the flier with all of the details
Curbside service for seniors and disabled residents is available on a limited basis.
For further information or if you need curbside assistance, please call Beth Ragel at (503) 786-7568. See the Milwaukie Pilot for further details or http://www.cityofmilwaukie.org/

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Auditions Tryouts
Auditions for LAUNDRY & BOURBON and LONE STAR are coming up next week.
Let's make the directors' choices difficult by flooding them with enthusiastic actors. LONE STAR will be directed by our beloved Gordon Mouser and LAUNDRY & BOURBON will be directed by the one and only Steve Quinn.
Needed: Three men and three women (ages late 20s to 40s or thereabouts).
Date: Wednesday, 4 June 2008 Time: 6.30 to 9 PM Where: Rex Putnam High School Black Box Theatre4950 SE Roethe Road Milwaukie, OR 97267
Performances: July 17, 18, 19, 24, 25 and 26, 2008 at 7:30 PM July 19 and 26, 2008 at 2 PM
On the Internet: http://www.newcenturyplayers.com/

Friday, May 30, 2008
Support Milwaukie Riverfront Park!

Come to a photo shoot at Milwaukie Riverfront Park !
Meet near the Jefferson St Boat Ramp; It's just short walk from the Farmer's Market (9:30 to 2....)
We need a large group of people for a photo at the Park to illustrate the community's enthusiasm for the parks' development. We will use the photo in a presentation to the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department on June 11 to justify a grant we've requested for $450,000 for Phase 1 of the park development.
No need to RSVP - just bring your friends, kids, parents, dogs, kayaks, and bikes (bike garb encouraged!) and meet us at the Riverfront at 11:30.
Thanks, Milwaukie!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
City Staff Recommendations on Light Rail Station Locations
The recommendation can be found in the information packet for the meeting...it is a big file and will be slow to load...be patient! Once the document has loaded, look for section 5B Staff recommendation. City Council Regular Session Information packet For June 3, 2008
If you have trouble downloading the packet from the Cities site, send an email to and we can email it to you as a PDF.

Friday, May 23, 2008
Summer Meetings
As Chair of the Hector Campbell NDA I am always looking for topics and guest for the monthly meeting. If you have any ideas please drop me a line.
David Aschenbrenner
Chair, Hector Campbell NDA

Saturday, May 17, 2008
Summary May 12 HCNDA Meeting Notes
Public Safety Building, 7pm
Officer Elections
The current board of officers was elected for an additional year of service.
David Aschenbrenner: Chair; Mary Weaver: Vice-Chair
Sarah Smith: Treasurer; Linda Hedges: Secretary
Police and Fire Reports
Officers William Conway and Ryan Wilcox from Clackamas FD#1 attended.
* 18 new firefighters have been hired;
* 2 new stations will be open soon
*Seniors or disabled persons who need smoke alarms can have them installed for free by calling the Fire District offices.
Officer Danny Hill from Milwaukie PD attended.
*The K-9 dog to be purchased in July; training for Officer Truong soon
*Some new Dodge chargers have been purchased for patrol.
* Chief Larry Kanzler to retire in July; expressed interest in the replacement candidate being retired FBI SAC Robert Jordan Portland, Oregon Field Office,.
*The Mongol motorcycle gang has not been any problem so far.
Neighborhood Grants Awarded:
* Milwaukie HS Graduation Party - $1,000
* Milwaukie Center’s Meals on Wheels program - $1,000
* New Century Players - $1,000
Light Rail:
Light Rail SDEIS began May 9th, for 45 days.
Meeting for comment on Wednesday, May 28th at MHS 6-8pm.
2008-09 Budget
* Quiet Zone, ($310,000) not in budget
* Refurbishment of City Hall garage for use as Municipal court ($900,000) not in budget
* Expansion of Johnson Creek facilities for staff work space not funded
* Neighborhood Grant funding is still in the budget
* Improvements to the 37th Street and Oak Street railroad crossings funded
Tri-Met Southgate Park and Ride
Tri-Met pulled out of agreement to purchase old Southgate Theater location as bus layover due to rising costs not in their budget. Further discussion on-going
Parks Report:
Work party at Homewood Park Sunday May 4th, noon-3 had 5 people attend. North Clackamas Parks has begun mowing the grass and picking up yard debris picked up by our volunteers.
Sarah Smith has the draft proposal ready for the parks work.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Local emergency response preparedness for ethanol fire considered adequate.
The Farmers Market began Sunday May 11th.
The City Clean-up Day will be June 14th at locations at the old Southgate Theater site and at 60th and Johnson Creek Boulevard. Coupon on front page of the June Pilot can be used for one free load of large “junk” items.
Next meeting - June 9, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008
May Meeting Agenda
Meeting Location: Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
- Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner
a) Election of Officers - Guest:
- Information:
- Clackamas Fire Dist. And Milwaukie Police
a) Police Update
b) Fire Safety Update - Projects Updates:
a) Street Maintenance Program
i) King Road
ii) Overlays in our Neighborhood - Grants:
a) Police K9 Program
i) Vote on $500.00 Grant - Parks Report: Sarah
a) Work parties - Public Safety Update:
- Other Information and Comments:
a) Farmers Market Opens Sunday May 11th
b) Provide Kidspace at meetings - Next Meeting: June 9th
We will have cookies and lemonade and a table set up for kids with coloring stuff or space to work on homework. If you can't make it to the meeting, but have a question for us, send us an email:

Ledding Library Plant Sale

There will be perennials, annuals (plus vegetable starts, herbs, raspberries), trees & shrubs, houseplants, stepping stones, bird and bee houses, gardening books, garden art and more.
And don't forget our raffle - $1.00 a ticket (or 6/$5 or 12/$10) - with these fabulous prizes: $20 gift certificate to Albertson's; $25 gift certificate to McGraths; $50 gift certificate to QFC; goodies baskets from Starbucks and Cindy's Hallmark; Hanging baskets from Rite-Aid and Home Depot; a flat of flowers from Kasch's; $25 gift certificate to A Piece of Cake; 10 - $5 gift certificates to Mike's Drive-In; Krispy Kreme gift certificates; 2 - 1 month passes to Nelson's Nautilus (value $69 each). You don't need to be present to win.

Friday, April 25, 2008
Help at Homewood Park

Bring a shovel or trowel and a wheel barrow if you have one.
Please RSVP by leaving a comment at the bottom of this post (you don't need an account, just leave your first name!) or call Sarah at 503-313-0638. RSVP's will give us an idea of how many drinks etc. to prepare.
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue, Between SE Monroe St and SE Ada Lane. Please walk to the park or if you drive, please park on Home Avenue.

Friday, April 18, 2008
Light Rail in Milwaukie, Two Meetings
With Milwaukie staff beginning to formulate its recommendation for downtown station locations, staff is scheduling another meeting for Monday, April 28th, in the Milwaukie High School Commons at 6 p.m. to get a better sense of which locations residents prefer.
More than 75 residents attended a meeting at the High School in March and staff gathered a lot of good input, but staff is hoping to hear more from the community about preferences between the potential stations located where the alignment intersects Harrison Street, Monroe Street, Washington Street and Lake Road. Staff is also interested in hearing more on the question of “one downtown station or two.”
This will be the last public meeting residents will have the opportunity to talk with staff about station locations before it presents a recommendation to City Council. New materials are being prepared for the April 28th meeting to help people visualize how these stations would sit along the alignment near the locations noted above. The meeting will have a “listening post” format where staff will try to answer simple questions, but will mostly be taking notes and listening. The meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and will last long enough to provide everyone an opportunity to speak.
Contact Information: , Information Coordinator: 503.786.7503
Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting
When: Thursday, April 24
Time: 6-8pm
Where: SMILE Station, 8210 SE 13th Avenue, Portland
If you have any questions or concerns please contact: , Administrative Specialist, Metro Planning 503-797-1756
The city of Milwaukie has just updated/added to thier list of light rail questions and answers.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Trolley Trail

Saturday, April 12, 2008
Native Plant Sale

9am to 3pm at Seth Lewelling Environmental Magnet School
5325 SE Logus Road, Milwaukie
Hardy, native plants supplied by Bosky Dell Native Nursery. Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions and offer gardening advice. The sale will be held in the multi-purpose room.
Proceeds benefit the 4H wildlife steward project at Seth Lewelling Environmental Magnet School.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008
A Request from Councilor Chaimov

Hector Campbell Neighborhood Meeting Agenda
Hector Campbell NDA
Agenda 4/14/08 7 PM
Meeting Location: Milwaukie Public Safety Building
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver
2) Guest:
a) Milwaukie High Graduation Party
3) Information:
a) Neighborhood Web hectorcampbellnda.org
b) Neighborhood Outreach Meeting Follow up
c) Neighborhood Email
4) Clackamas Fire Dist. And Milwaukie Police
a) Police Update
b) Fire Safety Update
5) Projects Updates:
6) Grants:
a) Police K9 Program
7) Parks Report: Sarah
a) Work parties
8) Public Safety Update: Mary, David
9) Other Information and Comments:
a) Farmers Market Opens Sunday May 11
i) Volunteers needed for Community Booth
10) Next Month: May 12th Meeting
a) Street Maintenance Program
b) City Budget
c) Light Rail
d) Election of Officers
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.
If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, Please send an e-mail to

Wastewater Update
our growing wastewater treatment dilemma. Talks have been better than civil
and, I believe, productive as leaders from Happy Valley, Lake O., West Linn, Damascus, Oregon City, Milwaukie, CCSD#1, Gladstone, and even Oak Lodge learn enough information at each meeting about the pluses of consolidation to justify attending the next week. That's how it's set
up: the meeting agenda is sent out ahead of time; we discuss it & receive a more detailed description at the meeting; comments from 'audience' members in attendance are heard toward the end; then we answer as a group the question of whether coming together again is
worth the trouble. Always, the answer is "yes", and we make plans to attend the next week . . .
All representatives at these meetings concur that a regional approach to sewage treatment MAY be in the best interest of the different cities / unincorporated areas represented. CERTAINLY a few locations will really be in financial trouble if they are left to "go it alone"
when it comes to wastewater treatment; ironically, this is especially true for CCSD #1.
Other areas have interests beyond the financial. Both West Linn and Oregon City, for example, cite environmental concerns among their greatest interests. They want a better, cleaner plant than the one they have now, even if consolidation does not necessarily save them money in the short-term. Oak Lodge has continued interest in regional developments, but remains skeptical about whether or not their desire for local control can be
met with a regional approach. It remains to be seen whether the financial blockades preventing Oak Lodge from actually implementing their favored master plan are enough incentive to keep them at the table. For their sake, I hope so.
As for the sake of the rest of the county, I am told that with the magnitude of such a large consolidation project, neither Oak Lodge nor Lake Oswego are needed in order to achieve a regional wastewater solution (meaning, their participation or lack thereof will not
significantly impact rates for the rest of us).
Still, I'm all for efficiency, and it would be nice to give waterfront space
back to these areas if they choose to join in the fun.
So we come to the table each Thursday in April (or that's the plan so far).
I've attached the meeting packet for this coming Thursday. Of particular interest in THIS packet are the "wish lists" for each represented community.
These will be key in the equity and governance discussions we have left. (We saved the tough stuff for last.) Wish this committee bon chance as we engage in what will likely be some heated conversations; your future rates and much, much more depend on our success.
Charmaine Coleman
Meetings are planned on Thursday evenings from 5:00 to 7:00 pm at the Clackamas County Sunnybrook Service Center (unless otherwise indicated). Please check the calendar to confirm the next meeting and location.
Past meetings are audio recorded and streamed online. Meeting recordings, agenda and other supporting documents can be found here.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Milwaukie Police K9 Unit Fundraising

In an effort to help raise the money necessary to restart the program, Purdy’s Car Wash, 3075 SE Harrison in Milwaukie is hosting a fund raising car wash. On March 29 from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Purdy’s will donate $5.00 for every car washed to the Milwaukie Police K9 Program.
Check out the March 26th Clackamas Review for an article on Oregon City's Canine Unit and about Milwaukies fundraising effort.

Monday, March 17, 2008
Homewood Park Work Party

Sunday, March 16, 2008
What Would Bring You to a Meeting?

Hector Campbell Carnival Big Success
Photos coming soon!

Saturday, March 15, 2008
March Meeting Notes
Police and Fire Department Updates
Officer Glenn advised that he had not heard from Supt Naso about the issue of the school district needing to provide the police department with written authority to act as their agent so as to deal with crime and trespassers on school property. Mr. Naso did take away the necessary form from the last meeting, and although he agreed to report back to the association about his decision at the next meeting, he did not attend nor did he phone either Officer Glenn or Chair Aschenbrenner. This did upset several neighbors.
NOTE: Following the meeting Mr. Aschenbrenner emailed Mr. Naso. He advised by return email that he had unintentionally missed the meeting due to a calendar mistake, and that the necessary paperwork had been provided to the Police Department. Chief Kanzler confirmed that the paperwork has been received to authorize the Police Department to act as agent for the North Clackamas School District.
Light Rail Process Update
Karen Withlow and Brian Mawberg from Metro attended. They reported that the alignment for the proposed light rail extension from downtown will run from near PSU, across the river (crossing location under discussion), through SE following Union Pacific tracks, down 17th, McLoughlin, to Tacoma, along existing railroad tracks through Milwaukie to either Lake Road or Park Avenue. Some of this alignment is still under discussion. Meetings are being held March 12th (at Rose Villa) and March 19th (at Milwaukie HS Commons) regarding the various proposed stations. An environmental impact document (SDEIS) will be released in April. A review will follow. The Citizens Advisory Committee meets often to advise Metro during this process. Following these meetings and discussions the Steering Committee will make the final decision on alignment and station locations. Local government officials will have an opportunity for approval. Metro will make the final decisions. Metro’s website has full reports and maps. http://www.metro-region.org/index.cfm/go/by.web/id=223. A link will also be provided on our own website.
Linda Hedges reported on the Light Rail Safety and Security committee’s proposals, which can also be found on the Metro website.
No current applications are being considered.
Hector Campbell Carnival
March 15th -- “It’s a World O’ Wheels” will have rides, booths and cars, trucks and equipment from a variety of representatives. The Neighborhood Association will have a table/booth. A request has been approved to limit traffic to one way traffic and parallel parking on 37th for the event. Mary Weaver queried an ad that stated there would be a Monster Truck car crushing, but it is believed this will not be more than possibly one truck.
Parks Report:
There may be a work party on Sunday March 30th for Homewood Park.
North Clackamas Parks has agreed to take over the lawn mowing at Homewood Park. All neighbors are invited to help.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Mary Weaver reported that the management of the funding for the K-9 unit is still under discussion and fundraising is ongoing. Mr. Aschenbrenner commented that if neighbors are interested in the NDA supporting the fund they should make a proposal for it. NOTE: Officer Truong advises he currently has raised about $22,500. A fundraising raffle will be run on March 31st. Tickets can be obtained at the Police Department.
Mary Weaver clarified the new law (approved by Legislature for January 08 implementation) that where there is a handicapped parking space adjacent to striped lines on the right, only a van or car with a wheelchair user and handicap parking permit can park in that zone. If the striped area is on the left of the handicap parking space, anyone with a handicap permit can use the space. Neighbors with complaints about this new law were urged to write to their state legislator. (See end of minutes for representatives’ contact information)
Projects Update
The replacement of the Railroad Avenue school zone with a flashing light is still being examined. The Public Safety Committee was advised that the City will not be adding any new lights due to the cost of running them ($2,000 per annum), and it is possible that some existing ones may be removed. Mr. Aschenbrenner will contact the PTA regarding the possibility of joint funding for a light on Railroad Avenue. Action: David Aschenbrenner
Sarah Smith reported the NDA’s website is http://hectorcampbellnda.org/ and email address is . The website will include important information, meeting dates, agendas, and important links. They are now up and running. Comments are solicited from neighbors on how these can be improved. A poster will be put up on the Safeway community board advertising our meetings.
Other Information
Nominations for election of NDA officers in May should be put forward at the April meeting.
Farmers Market will begin again on Mother’s Day (May 11)
A new Finance Director for the City has been hired. He is Ignacio Palacios, formerly an accountant with the audit firm used by the city.
Next meeting - April 14th, 7pm

Monday, March 3, 2008
March 2008 Meeting Agenda
- Introductions & Welcome, David Aschnebrenner
- Guest:
A) Metro Staff, Light Rail Process Update
B) Ron Naso, School Facilities Update - Information
A) Neighborhood Web Site http://hectorcampbellnda.org/
B) Neighborhood Outreach, encouraging our neighbors to participate
C) Neighborhood Email
- Clackamas Fire District & Milwaukie Police Department
A) Police Update
B) Fire Safety Update - Project Updates
A) Campbell School Carnival
- Grants:
- Parks Report
A) Work Parties - Public Safety Committee Update
- Other Information & Comments
- Next Meeting, April 14, 2008, the second Monday of the Month

Sunday, March 2, 2008
Campbell Carnival
Come check out this fun carnival at Hector Campbell Elementary School on Saturday March 15th and see the more than 100 vehicles on display--including heavy construction machinery, tractors, monster trucks, classic cars, armored vehicles, motorcycles and more!
In addition there will be BINGO, a cakewalk, a prize both, drawings and raffles, inflatable rides, and great food at the Carnival Kitchen with proceeds going to support the Campbell PTA.
Our Neighborhood Association will have a table set up with information about neighborhood happenings, volunteer opportunities, & meeting information. Stop by, introduce yourself, and share your thoughts on our neighborhood.
In addition to the food, games, and vehicles, the Portland-based band Rockopolis will keep everyone entertained.
Admission to this event is FREE for the whole community.
For more information contact

Milwaukie Center Nutrition Program
Did you know that Milwaukie Center Nutrition Program is expected to provide more than 77,000 meals for older adults and people with disabilities this year? Did you know that only 1/2 of the cost to provide the meals is provided through federal funds? The other half of the needed money has to be fund-raised. Join the Milwaukie Center during this full month of fund-raising and awareness building for Meals on Wheels.
- Buy a "Meal Ticket" at Milwaukie Center, Clackamas Federal Credit Union, or Columbia State Bank
- Donate at Bob's Red Mill -- They are MATCHING donations!
- Shop at New Season's Happy Valley Store, March 6-9th
Dine at the following restaurants in March and mention the "March for Meals" campaign:
- Clackamas Claim Jumper, Tuesday & Thursday nights in March
- The Bomber, Tuesday nights in March
- Sweet Tomatoes, March 14-30th
- Noodles at the Town Center, Wednesdays in March
Call 503-653-8100 or 503-654-3030 to find out how you can help.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
February Meeting Summary
Officer Glenn advised Supt Naso about the issue of the school district needing to provide the police department with written authority to act as their agency so as to deal with crime and trespassers on school property.
Jeff Louden from the Hector Campbell PTA reported that the March 15th carnival “It’s a World O’ Wheels” will have rides, booths and cars, trucks and equipment from a variety of representatives. Our NDA will have a table set up with information about us.
March 10, 2008 will be our next meeting. Beth Cohen from Metro, Light Rail Project, will attend to report.
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Agenda February 11, 2008
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner
2) Guest: Tim Salyers, Code Enforcement
Shopping Carts
3) Information:
a) Neighborhood Blog
b) Neighborhood Outreach
c) Neighborhood Email
4) Clackamas Fire Dist. And Milwaukie Police
a) Crime Stats
b) Fire Safety
5) Projects Updates:
6) Grants:
a) Campbell School Carnival
7) Parks Report: Sarah
a) Work parties
8) Public Safety Update:
9) Other Information and Comments:
10) Next Month: Beth Cohen, Metro, Light Rail Update
Friday, February 8, 2008
January 14, 2008 Meeting
New Interim Councilor Greg Chaimov introduced himself and asked for any issues that people might wish him to work on.
Gavin Hales attended to report that there will be an updated Transportation Issues section in the City of Milwaukie’s website. It includes important links and meeting dates and should make it easier to find information and to communicate with Gavin.
The Neighbors approved a donation of $500 for the Campbell School PTA's spring fundraising carnival.
The complete meeting minutes are available on the City's website.