A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Best wishes for the Holidays from the Hector Campbell Neighborhood Leadership Team. Please remember as the weather gets colder and the possibility of snow arrives, take a little time to look out for your neighbors. Also remember to check on the animals both domestic and wild. Remember it is the season of giving and sharing!
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David at
7:58 AM No comments:

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Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Operation Santa Claus
Santa's Fire Engine Parade will be in our neighborhood on Sunday December 9th!
The sleigh bells from Operation Santa Claus have been ringing for the citizens of Clackamas Fire District #1 since 1974. Click here for information on the fire districts website..
Firefighters recognized the need to provide toys and food baskets to families and individuals that were less fortunate, and not likely to experience the joys of the holiday season. Hence, Operation Santa Claus was formed.
Operation Santa Claus Is 100% Funded By Donations From Members Of The Community
During this month-long holiday toy and food drive, fire district volunteers and employees lead Santa’s fire engine parade down neighborhood streets to collect toys and non-perishable food items, which are used to fill hundreds of food baskets for needy families. Donated new toys bring a little extra Christmas cheer to children. Donated funds are used to purchase perishable items for food baskets, and help to cover miscellaneous expenses. Food collections barrels are set up at all Fire Stations.
Here is a link to the map

Firefighters recognized the need to provide toys and food baskets to families and individuals that were less fortunate, and not likely to experience the joys of the holiday season. Hence, Operation Santa Claus was formed.
Operation Santa Claus Is 100% Funded By Donations From Members Of The Community
During this month-long holiday toy and food drive, fire district volunteers and employees lead Santa’s fire engine parade down neighborhood streets to collect toys and non-perishable food items, which are used to fill hundreds of food baskets for needy families. Donated new toys bring a little extra Christmas cheer to children. Donated funds are used to purchase perishable items for food baskets, and help to cover miscellaneous expenses. Food collections barrels are set up at all Fire Stations.
Here is a link to the map
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Monday, December 3, 2012
Bonfire & Christmas Ships
The Milwaukie Winter Solstice event has been a cherished tradition for years. Come down to the Milwaukie Riverfront park and watch the Christmas Ship fleet cruise the Willammette River! Warm by bonfire, enjoy yummy treats (for sale) and listen to the carols.
Winter Solstice Bonfire and Christmas Ships
Saturday, December 15th
According to the Christmas Ship Schedule at 5:00PM both fleets will leave RiverPlace Marina (downtown Portland) headed to Lake Oswego. They will pass by Milwaukie around 5:30pm, subject to weather and river conditions. The ships will go as far as George Rogers Park and then turn back to Portland.
View The Christmas Ships around 5:30 p.m.
Purchase Hot Cocoa, Coffee, Hot Dogs & Desserts
Listen To the Dickens Carolers

Warm By The Bonfire
Due to parking restraints, please park on the east side of McLoughlin and walk to the event.
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Monday, November 19, 2012
Umbrella Parade and Christmas Tree Lighting!
Decorate an umbrella in the theme of your choice and join us for the Milwaukie Umbrella Parade and Tree Lighting on Saturday, December 1st, 2012!
Convene in the Waldorf School School parking lot by 3:30 p.m. (21st and Monroe).
Parade will march at 4:00pm
Tree Lighting will follow at City Hall around 4:30pm
The Milwaukie High School Marching band will lead the procession up Main Street and back to City Hall where the festivities will be capped with the Tree Lighting and refreshments. City Hall is located a 10722 SE Main Street. Santa Claus will join the festivities and treats will be served!
Convene in the Waldorf School School parking lot by 3:30 p.m. (21st and Monroe).
Parade will march at 4:00pm
Tree Lighting will follow at City Hall around 4:30pm
The Milwaukie High School Marching band will lead the procession up Main Street and back to City Hall where the festivities will be capped with the Tree Lighting and refreshments. City Hall is located a 10722 SE Main Street. Santa Claus will join the festivities and treats will be served!
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Thursday, November 1, 2012
HCNDA November 12th meeting agenda
Agenda November 12, 2012 Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan City Councilor Report: Councilor Dave Hedges Staff Liaison Information: Gary Parkin, Public Works Operations Director Past Meeting Minutes &Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges New Neighborhood Items: High Speed Passenger Rail - Mayor Ferguson Sewer Rates - Mayor Ferguson Street Speed Limits Projects Updates: Light Rail Monthly Meeting Mon, Oct. 17th 5:30pm - 8:00pm Beta St office of TriMet. Bike Lanes on Harrison St. Pending Grants: Clothing donation to Wichita Center Support for Winter Solstice carol singers Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith --- Work Party Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver and Linda Hedges Other: Winter Solstice and Christmas Ships Dec. 15th, 5 PM City Tree Lighting and Umbrella Parade Dec. 1st, 4 pm Next Month: Holiday Party? Please pass this information on to your neighbors. If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
Posted by Anonymous at
11:25 AM No comments:

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Monday, October 29, 2012
Winter Preparedness Seminar
The Oregon Chapter of the American Red Cross will speak about winter preparedness on November 13th, 6:30-8pm, at the Milwaukie Center, 5440 SE Kellogg Dr. This is the next installment of talks as part of the Milwaukie Mayor’s Emergency Preparedness Speakers Series.
With winter quickly approaching, it seemed timely to have a presentation on how to prepare for winter weather and severe storms. Topics will include:
Preparing your home (including insulation for pipes, windows, doors, etc.)
Registration: http://www.emergemilwaukie7.doattend.com
With winter quickly approaching, it seemed timely to have a presentation on how to prepare for winter weather and severe storms. Topics will include:
Understanding TV/Radio weather warnings (Travelers Advisory, Winter Storm Watch, Winter Storm Warning)
Making a plan with your family
Conserving body heat
Signs of hypothermia
Maintaining heat within the home during a winter storm/power outage
Winterizing cars
Driving in rain, snow, and ice
Using safe sources of heat during a power outage
Important disaster kit supplies for the winter
Contacting power companies about outages
Feel free to invite others who may be interested!Registration: http://www.emergemilwaukie7.doattend.com
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Saturday, October 27, 2012
City and County Candidates Forum
Even if you have already voted or know who will vote for, this is a great opportunity to meet the candidates and hear from them directly. There will be some limited time for audience Q&A so you may also be able to submit a question. The main questions are being submitted by our seven neighborhood associations and Councilor Greg Chaimov moderating. This is not a debate. It is a forum.
Milwaukie City Council Candidates will speak from 7:00pm-8:00pm.
County Commission Candidates will speak from 8:00-9:00pm.
There will be some limited time for audience Q&A.
Milwaukie Candidates:
Position 1: Richard Cayo and Scott Churchill
Position 3: Scott Barbur and Mark Gamba
County Candidates:
Position 1, Chair: Charlotte Lehan and John Ludlow
Position 4: Jamie Damon and Tootie Smith
The City of Milwaukie Hosts City and County Candidates Forum
Monday, Oct. 29, 2012
Milwaukie High School
Black Box Theater
11300 S.E. 23rd Avenue
Milwaukie, Or. 97222
Milwaukie City Council Candidates will speak from 7:00pm-8:00pm.
County Commission Candidates will speak from 8:00-9:00pm.
There will be some limited time for audience Q&A.
Milwaukie Candidates:
Position 1: Richard Cayo and Scott Churchill
Position 3: Scott Barbur and Mark Gamba
County Candidates:
Position 1, Chair: Charlotte Lehan and John Ludlow
Position 4: Jamie Damon and Tootie Smith
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Thursday, October 25, 2012
Community invited to celebrate Milwaukie's history at local museum
In the spirit of celebrating Milwaukie’s history and the museum that chronicles it, Milwaukie Mayor Jeremy Ferguson and Milwaukie Rules blogger Mandy Zelinka Anderson have combined forces to put on an event to raise money for the Milwaukie Museum. On Saturday, Nov. 3, people are invited to enjoy coffee, doughnuts and the city’s rich history starting at noon at the museum. Longtime Milwaukie resident Bob Hatz will also be honored at the event. Born in 1918, Hatz grew up around Kellogg Lake and served on the city’s Citizen Utility Advisory Board from 1996 until 2012. A $5 per person donation is suggested. The Milwaukie Museum is at 3737 S.E. Adams St. in what was once the GeorgeWise family farmhouse, built in 1865. The museum, run by members of the Milwaukie Historical Society, is open Saturdays and Sundays from 1-5 p.m. and admission is free. -- Victoria Edwards OregonLive
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Wednesday, October 24, 2012
October 8th HCNDA Meeting Minutes
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner, NDA Chair, led the meeting. Present: Police Chief Robert Jordan, Milwaukie Police Department, Vice Chair Lars Campbell, Parks and Gardens Director Sarah Smith, Secretary-Treasurer Linda Hedges, Staff Liaison Gary Parkin, Grady Wheeler, City of Milwaukie PIO, PSAC Representative Mary Weaver, Bryan Dorr, representative from Ardenwald-Johnson Creek NDA, and 10 neighbors Milwaukie Police Update: Chief Jordan distributed the monthly property crime stats. He advised that Tri-Met’s contractor for Light Rail work on the Mailwell Drive area complied with the levels required under the noise variance and that no complaints were made by residents. The Chief provided information relating to a proposed foster shelter home on 27th near Milwaukie High School. There are a number of issues to consider before this shelter can be located in Milwaukie. The Chief has requested that ODOT re-examine our previous request to adjust the pedestrian crossing times on 99E downtown and on Hwy 224 to allow sufficient time to cross safely. A candle light vigil for survivors of domestic violence will be held on Friday night the 11th 6-8pm at Scott Park. City Liaison Gary Parkin explained that the “sharrow” (shared streets between bikes and vehicles) markings on Monroe have been put off until spring. He said the Quiet Zone work on Harrison is completed. The same work will be done at Oak and 37th. City Public Works staff has installed a rain garden storm water treatment system on Harrison. During discussion over how to slow traffic enough to make cyclists safe on the streets Sarah Smith suggested the use of street murals of large dogwood blooms as a traffic calming measure. Harrison Street Bike Lanes A number of residents from along Harrison between 37th and 42nd attended to discuss proposed city plans to install bike lanes along both sides of Harrison that would eliminate on-street parking. Grady Wheeler, City PIO, recorded their objections, as well as general agreement from most that it seemed unnecessary and undesirable to have bike lanes on Harrison. There is a bike lane on Monroe and due to the higher speed of traffic on Harrison it seemed a better idea to push cyclists onto King Road or Monroe for that commute. Grady will take back 4 options to study more and present at a later date. 1. No bike lanes on Harrison. 2. Bike lanes on one side 3. Bike lanes on both sides and 4. Use King Road from 42nd to 32nd as a bike route. Treasurer’s Report – Linda Hedges reported that we have a balance as of October 9th of $8023.23 in savings, $1777.50 in checking. The Community Garden has a balance of $63.78. Minutes from September’s meeting Motion made by Linda Hedges to accept as written, Lars Campbell seconded; they were approved. Coal Train Discussion A motion was proposed by David Aschenbrenner and seconded by Sarah Smith to send to the Council the following statement: “The Hector Campbell NDA is concerned about the topic of coal trains and their impact on our community and the overall global impact. We support the letters from Governor Kitzhaber and Senator Merkley requesting a full length from source to port comprehensive environmental impact study of the coal train lines and to not grant any permits until the study is done. We urge the Mayor and Council to directly contact Governor Kitzhaber and Senator Merkley to express their support and ask to be kept in the communication loop. We further encourage the Milwaukie City Council to take the same position.” The motion carried unanimously. The Chair will submit this letter to City Council immediately. Parks/Campbell Community Garden City Report: Sarah Smith reported the garden in the last week has donated over 600 pounds of produce to low-income recipients. She has gone to the other NDAs to seek financial support for the next phase of the garden, which will include materials to build a secure shed. Linda Hedges reported she has included Campbell Community Garden and Milwaukie Open Ground Community Garden in a grant request to help pay for rain barrels and sheds and heavy duty tools. There will be a Homewood Park work party on Saturday November 3rd at 9am. Grant Requests: Davis Graveyard grant: John Ellis moved and Sarah Smith seconded to award $100. Passed. American Legion AED grant: Linda Hedges moved and Lars Campbell seconded to award $500. Passed. Boards and Commissions reports: PSAC: Mary Weaver reported that there had been discussion about the previously mentioned New Visions foster shelter home. There was some discussion about the issue of skinny streets and/or reducing speed limits on some residential streets to 20mph. This was referred to the Leadership group and PSAC to consider for city-wide investigation. Mr. Parkin was asked to look into the issue as well. There is a Health and Safety Fair at New Hope Church Oct 20th from 10-2. The Great Shake-Out will occur on October 18th at 10:18am. This is for earthquake awareness. Mary encouraged everyone to participate if possible as a reminder of what to do when an earthquake comes and that we very well may experience a big earthquake sometime in our lifetime. The Farmer’s Market will continue through the 28th, and on the 28th there will be a Pumpkin Carving Contest. There is also a Scarecrow contest – see information in the Milwaukie website. There is a Candidates Forum at MHS Black Box Theatre on Oct. 29th 7-9pm. Both Milwaukie City Council candidates and County Commission candidates will be questioned. There was no further business. The meeting was adjourned at about 8:45pm. Next Meeting will be Monday November 12th at 7pm at the Milwaukie PSB Community Room. That is Veteran’s Day but we will meet anyway.
Posted by Anonymous at
10:37 AM No comments:

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Wednesday, October 3, 2012
October NDA Meeting Agenda
OK here is the agenda for the meeting.
Agenda 10/8/2012
Meeting Location:
Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner
Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information: Gary Parkin
Past Meeting Minutes &Treasurer’s Report: Linda
New Neighborhood Items:
Coal Trains, Discussion and Motion
High Speed Passenger Rail
Street Speed Limits
Projects Updates:
Light Rail Monthly Meeting Mon, Oct. 17th 5:30pm - 8:00pm Beta St office of TriMet.
Bike Lanes on Harrison St.
Pending Grants:
Davis Graveyard Request
Parks & Garden Report: Sarah
Work Party
Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver
Next Month:
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.
If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, Please send an e-mail to
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David at
2:50 PM No comments:

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Thursday, August 23, 2012
OK Hector Campbell NDA,
The September meeting is coming fast and I am looking for information from you as to what should be the neighborhood priorities for the next few months.
Monroe and Harrison Streets have been repaved and yes there is some finish work to be done. The Coal Train debate is on a lot of peoples minds and the Community Garden is going well. We had a good turn out at the Annual Picnic. Thanks to all who helped to put it together and clean up afterwords.
So now it is your turn, what is the next item for our neighborhood?
David Aschenbrenner
Hector Campbell NDA Chair
The September meeting is coming fast and I am looking for information from you as to what should be the neighborhood priorities for the next few months.
Monroe and Harrison Streets have been repaved and yes there is some finish work to be done. The Coal Train debate is on a lot of peoples minds and the Community Garden is going well. We had a good turn out at the Annual Picnic. Thanks to all who helped to put it together and clean up afterwords.
So now it is your turn, what is the next item for our neighborhood?
David Aschenbrenner
Hector Campbell NDA Chair
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David at
7:18 AM No comments:

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Wednesday, August 1, 2012
Neighborhood Picnic, Please RSVP!

from 6 to 8pm
Please join your neighbors at the fourth annual Hector Campbell Neighborhood Picnic.
This year we will be gathering on the upper field of Campbell Elementary School, next to the brand new Campbell Community Garden!
Your neighborhood leadership team as well as other neighborhood volunteers are planning a hot dog dinner with chips, salad, fruit, soft drinks, and something sweet for dessert. RSVP's will help with planning how much food to prepare; those who RSVP will be entered in a drawing for prizes (you must be present to win!) Call Linda at 343-0022 or email
There will be fun for the whole family:
- Face painting for the kids
- Support your local business table with info about business's in OUR neighborhood
- Gardening information and tours of the community garden
- Drawings for "door" prizes (you must RSVP to be entered!)
- Home grown fruit & veggie contest (more on this below)
- Meet and catch up with your neighbors!
- Prettiest and/or most delicious looking
- Most unusual ( rare, unknown variety of edible, or just weird looking)
- Open category (our judges just might make up a category to fit items brought for display!)
Parking: We encourage walking to the picnic, but if you need to drive, please park in the school parking lot on SE 47th. There is limited parking at 47th and Adams Street, but please save those spaces for those who can't walk up the hill from the parking lot.
Neighborhood Businesses: We want to show you off to our neighborhood! If you want to display your brochures or business cards on our "Neighborhood Business Table" contact Sarah Smith: 503-653-0015
Monthly Meeting: Remember, this picnic is being held in lieu of our regular meeting! Our next meeting will be Monday September 10th, 7pm at the Public Safety Building.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
Monroe Street Construction
The construction of Monroe Street is underway. The project is just repaving the street. No sidewalks or curbs are being added. The money comes from the street maintenance program and can only be used for street maintenance. So use care and try to avoid the construction area if possible. We will have lots of big trucks in the neighborhood for the next few weeks.
Drive, bike and walk with care and follow the instructions of the flaggers or other construction crew people.
Harrison Street construction will start after Monroe Street is done. So more detours and big truck to come all summer long.
Fore more information visit the City of Milwaukie web site http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/projects
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David at
3:19 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Save the Date! 4th Annual Neighborhood Picnic
Instead of our regular monthly meeting, we will have a picnic on Monday August 13th from 6pm to 8pm.
This year the picnic will be held on the Campbell School Field, next to our new community garden.
Watch your mailbox for a postcard invitation with instructions on how to RSVP, party details, and learn about a chance to win a prize.
We will post details here on our website soon. If you can volunteer a bit to help us set up tables or clean up after the picnic contact Linda at 503-343-0022
This year the picnic will be held on the Campbell School Field, next to our new community garden.
Watch your mailbox for a postcard invitation with instructions on how to RSVP, party details, and learn about a chance to win a prize.
We will post details here on our website soon. If you can volunteer a bit to help us set up tables or clean up after the picnic contact Linda at 503-343-0022
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Wednesday, July 11, 2012
The Annual Hector Campbell NDA Picnic is coming!
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David at
7:16 PM No comments:

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Monday, July 9, 2012
Just a reminder about the July Hector Campbell NDA meeting tonight. 7 PM at the Public Safety Building, 32nd and Harrison St.
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David at
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Wednesday, July 4, 2012
July Meeting Agenda
Agenda 7/9/2012
Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot Click for a map
1) Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner
2) Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
3) City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information
4) Past Meeting Minutes &Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges
5) Planning for August NDA Picnic
6) New Neighborhood Items:
7) Projects Updates:
a) Light Rail Monthly Meeting
b) Street Paving
8) Pending Grants:
a) Campbell Garden Multi-NDA
9) Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith
10)Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver and Linda Hedges
11) Any Other Business
Next Month: Neighborhood Picnic Aug 13th Campbell School Upper Field 6 PM
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.
If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, please send an e-mail to
Milwaukie Public Safety Building 7 PM
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot Click for a map
1) Introductions and Welcome: David Aschenbrenner
2) Public Safety: Police Chief Jordan
3) City Councilor & Staff Liaison Information
4) Past Meeting Minutes &Treasurer’s Report: Linda Hedges
5) Planning for August NDA Picnic
6) New Neighborhood Items:
7) Projects Updates:
a) Light Rail Monthly Meeting
b) Street Paving
8) Pending Grants:
a) Campbell Garden Multi-NDA
9) Parks & Garden Report: Sarah Smith
10)Public Safety Advisory Committee: Mary Weaver and Linda Hedges
11) Any Other Business
Next Month: Neighborhood Picnic Aug 13th Campbell School Upper Field 6 PM
Please pass this information on to your neighbors.
If you cannot make the meeting and you have questions, please send an e-mail to
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Monday, June 18, 2012
Grand Tomato Planting Party
Friday June 22nd, 4:00pm
Rather than a traditional ground breaking ceremony in the April rain, we decided to celebrate the opening of Campbell Community Garden with a Tomato Planting Party. Please join us in the garden for tours, refreshments, and help us get our produce donation program going by planting a tomato plant in one of our community plots.
Parking is available in the Campbell Elementary parking lot at 11326 SE 47th Avenue, Milwaukie 97222. The garden is located at the upper NE corner of the school grounds.
Thank you to Hansen Family Farm for donating tomato plants for our Grand Tomato Planting Party!
Friday June 22nd, 4:00pm
Rather than a traditional ground breaking ceremony in the April rain, we decided to celebrate the opening of Campbell Community Garden with a Tomato Planting Party. Please join us in the garden for tours, refreshments, and help us get our produce donation program going by planting a tomato plant in one of our community plots.
Parking is available in the Campbell Elementary parking lot at 11326 SE 47th Avenue, Milwaukie 97222. The garden is located at the upper NE corner of the school grounds.
Thank you to Hansen Family Farm for donating tomato plants for our Grand Tomato Planting Party!
Thank You Sarah for all you do!
Posted by
David at
7:44 PM 1 comment:

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Friday, June 15, 2012
Good meeting on Monday. Like always you can post any concerns or questions on this blog. We want to hear from our neighbors.
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David at
9:02 PM No comments:

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Thursday, June 7, 2012
Agenda, June 11, 2012 Meeting
Hector Campbell Neighborhood Association Meeting Agenda
June 11, 2012, 7PM
Milwaukie Public Safety Facility
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Public Safety Information
June 11, 2012, 7PM
Milwaukie Public Safety Facility
1. Welcome and Introductions
2. Public Safety Information
3. Reports:
- a. Secretary / Treasurer
- b. Parks and Garden
i. Grand Opening of Campbell Garden ii. Community Feedback - c. Public Safety Advisory
i. Term Limits (link to video of City Council work session) - d. Summer Picnic
4. City Liaison Information
5. Projects Updates
- a. Street Paving International Way, Monroe, Harrison
- b. Light Rail
- c. Walk Safely Milwaukie Program
- d. Baseball
6. Grants:
- a. City Wide Grant for Campbell Community Garden
7. Other Information:
- a. Farmers Market
- b. Milwaukie Daze
- c. Water and Sewer Rates Link to video
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Monday, May 28, 2012
So it has been a few weeks sense the last post, so what has been happen in the neighborhood?
The Campbell Community Garden is about done and there are still some garden beds left to rent, check it out at http://www.campbellgarden.org/
The city wide clean up day is June 2nd see the city website for more info http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/communityservices/junk-collection-day-2012
The construction season is starting and our neighborhood will see some projects this summer. Monroe Street and Harrison Street will be re-constructed and also International Way. More info to come.
So that is it for now, check back later for more info on your Hector Campbell Neighborhood.
The Campbell Community Garden is about done and there are still some garden beds left to rent, check it out at http://www.campbellgarden.org/
The city wide clean up day is June 2nd see the city website for more info http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/communityservices/junk-collection-day-2012
The construction season is starting and our neighborhood will see some projects this summer. Monroe Street and Harrison Street will be re-constructed and also International Way. More info to come.
So that is it for now, check back later for more info on your Hector Campbell Neighborhood.
Posted by
David at
8:03 AM No comments:

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Friday, April 13, 2012
Nominations Open for 2012 NDA Officers
A new process will be used this year to nominate and to vote on officers for the Campbell NDA. We have multiple candidates and use of this new process and a written voting ballot seem fairer and allow people’s votes to remain private. A nominating ballot is shown below. Anyone who is a resident, business owner or representative for an organization that is located in Hector Campbell’s neighborhood boundaries may nominate a candidate for any office. www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/communityservices/neighborhoods-program Nominating ballots may be emailed to Secretary Linda Hedges at [email protected], mailed to NDA Chair Mary Weaver at PO Box 22186, Milwaukie, 97269, or phone 503-343-0022 (Linda Hedges) for a ballot pick-up. Nominations will be closed the evening of May 13th. All nominations will be compiled onto a voting ballot. The meeting on May 14th, 7pm at the Milwaukie Public Safety Building, 3200 SE Harrison, will be a regular meeting, with elections held near the end. An initial ballot for Chair will be distributed and a vote made. Ballots will be counted by our city liaison and the person with the majority of votes will be elected. Those who were nominated for Chair but not elected can, if they wish, roll their name into the Vice Chair ballot as a write-in candidate (if not having already been nominated for the Vice Chair position on the nominating ballot). Again, a written ballot will be taken and votes counted and Vice chair elected by majority vote. Nominations are also for the positions of Secretary, Treasurer, Park and Garden Director, Public Safety Advisory Committee representative and Land Use Committee (we need several people). The post of Secretary and Treasurer may be combined and held by one individual. You must be present on May 14th to vote.
Current officers are:
Chair: Mary Weaver
(temporary) Co-Chair: Linda Hedges
Vice Chair: currently unfilled
Secretary: Linda Hedges
Treasurer: David Aschenbrenner
Parks and Garden Director: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Rep: Mary Weaver (who is term limited)
Each position serves for one year, from June 1 through May 31 the following year, except for PSAC rep, who serves for a two-year term, July through June, up to a total of three terms. City Council affirms the PSAC rep position.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOMINATING BALLOT FOR HECTOR CAMPBELL NDA 2012-13
CHAIR: ____________________________________________________
VICE CHAIR: ____________________________________________________
SECRETARY: ____________________________________________________
TREASURER: ____________________________________________________
PARKS AND GARDEN DIRECTOR: ___________________________________________
LAND USE COMMITTEE MEMBER______________________________________________
Current officers are:
Chair: Mary Weaver
(temporary) Co-Chair: Linda Hedges
Vice Chair: currently unfilled
Secretary: Linda Hedges
Treasurer: David Aschenbrenner
Parks and Garden Director: Sarah Smith
Public Safety Advisory Rep: Mary Weaver (who is term limited)
Each position serves for one year, from June 1 through May 31 the following year, except for PSAC rep, who serves for a two-year term, July through June, up to a total of three terms. City Council affirms the PSAC rep position.
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NOMINATING BALLOT FOR HECTOR CAMPBELL NDA 2012-13
CHAIR: ____________________________________________________
VICE CHAIR: ____________________________________________________
SECRETARY: ____________________________________________________
TREASURER: ____________________________________________________
PARKS AND GARDEN DIRECTOR: ___________________________________________
LAND USE COMMITTEE MEMBER______________________________________________
Posted by Anonymous at
11:19 AM No comments:

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Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Homewood Park

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David at
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Friday, January 27, 2012
Transportation in unincorporated Clackamas County
You are invited to help plan the future of transportation in unincorporated Clackamas County by attending one of three public workshops next week. The workshops are a key part of the County’s Transportation System Plan (TSP) update process. Scroll down to see a video about the project.
Each workshop will include the same general content, with a focus on the needs and issues of that region of the County. People are encouraged to attend the workshop in their region.
Northwest (urban, unincorporated areas) – Monday, Jan. 30, 6-8 pm; Milwaukie Elementary School, 11250 SE 27th Ave., Milwaukie
East – Wednesday, Feb. 1, 6-8 pm; Eagle Creek Elementary School, 30391 SE Highway 211, Eagle Creek
South – Thursday, Feb. 2, 6-8 pm; Molalla River Middle School, 318 Leroy St., Molalla
If you would like to participate but can’t attend a workshop, an online workshop is available at http://www.clackamascountytsp.com/ through February 5.
A Public Advisory Committee (PAC) of residents from throughout Clackamas County and a Technical Advisory Committee are integral parts of the review process. The next PAC meeting, which the public is welcome to attend, will be held from 6-9 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Room 115 of the County’s Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City.
More information about the project, information on upcoming meetings and opportunities for input are available on the project website at http://www.clackamascountytsp.com/.
Each workshop will include the same general content, with a focus on the needs and issues of that region of the County. People are encouraged to attend the workshop in their region.
Northwest (urban, unincorporated areas) – Monday, Jan. 30, 6-8 pm; Milwaukie Elementary School, 11250 SE 27th Ave., Milwaukie
East – Wednesday, Feb. 1, 6-8 pm; Eagle Creek Elementary School, 30391 SE Highway 211, Eagle Creek
South – Thursday, Feb. 2, 6-8 pm; Molalla River Middle School, 318 Leroy St., Molalla
If you would like to participate but can’t attend a workshop, an online workshop is available at http://www.clackamascountytsp.com/ through February 5.
A Public Advisory Committee (PAC) of residents from throughout Clackamas County and a Technical Advisory Committee are integral parts of the review process. The next PAC meeting, which the public is welcome to attend, will be held from 6-9 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 7, in Room 115 of the County’s Development Services Building, 150 Beavercreek Rd., Oregon City.
More information about the project, information on upcoming meetings and opportunities for input are available on the project website at http://www.clackamascountytsp.com/.
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Labels: County Events, Get Involved, Traffic, Transportation
Sunday, January 22, 2012
Homewood Park Planting Day
Saturday February 11th
9am to Noon
Thanks to the volunteers who have helped out at our winter work days, we have some ivy-free spots to re-plant with native shrubs and groundcovers!
We will spend the first hour of the work day on a quick ivy pulling blitz, and then move onto the fun part: planting plants, including: Ocean Spray, Indian Plum, Wood Violet, Oregon Grape, and Pacific Waterleaf.
Please dress fort he weather and wear work gloves. Refreshments will be provided. For more information on the park or the work party, contact Sarah Smith, Hector Campbell NDA Parks Coordinator 503-313-0638 or
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
9am to Noon
Thanks to the volunteers who have helped out at our winter work days, we have some ivy-free spots to re-plant with native shrubs and groundcovers!
We will spend the first hour of the work day on a quick ivy pulling blitz, and then move onto the fun part: planting plants, including: Ocean Spray, Indian Plum, Wood Violet, Oregon Grape, and Pacific Waterleaf.
![]() |
Pacific Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum tenuipes |
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
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Labels: Homewood Park, Volunteering
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
It's Snowing! How will I get to work...school....coffee shop...?
Q: In the event of a winter storm, which streets will city crews plow?
A: The City’s streets crew will plow the City’s primary arterial and collector streets in an effort to keep them safe and passable. Here is a link to the route: http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/plowsand.pdf
Q: Why those streets?
A: The goal is to help our residents get to and from their places of business and to keep the City’s primary roads open to emergency response equipment.
Q: What are residents responsible for when it comes to snow removal?
A: To aid the effort the City asks that vehicles along the route be parked off of the right of way to avoid possible damage from plowing the snow to the edge of the roadway. Property owners are responsible for removing any snow that might pile up in front of driveway approaches and on sidewalks from the plowing.
Due to limits of City resources and staffing levels, snow plowing will be limited to this route.
For the plowing and sanding routes, click HERE
A: The City’s streets crew will plow the City’s primary arterial and collector streets in an effort to keep them safe and passable. Here is a link to the route: http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/sites/default/files/fileattachments/plowsand.pdf
Q: Why those streets?
A: The goal is to help our residents get to and from their places of business and to keep the City’s primary roads open to emergency response equipment.
Q: What are residents responsible for when it comes to snow removal?
A: To aid the effort the City asks that vehicles along the route be parked off of the right of way to avoid possible damage from plowing the snow to the edge of the roadway. Property owners are responsible for removing any snow that might pile up in front of driveway approaches and on sidewalks from the plowing.
Due to limits of City resources and staffing levels, snow plowing will be limited to this route.
For the plowing and sanding routes, click HERE
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Friday, January 13, 2012
Homewood Park Work Day
Saturday, January 14th 9am to noon
Please help pull ivy to get ground cleared for planting new native plants (on Feb. 11th!)
While the weather forecast looks cold, it will probably be dry, so dress for the chill. We will have hot cocoa, tea, and coffee. If the weather is really crummy, we will just work for an hour or so.
For more information on the park or the work party, contact Sarah Smith, Hector Campbell NDA Parks Coordinator 503-313-0638 or [email protected]
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
Please help pull ivy to get ground cleared for planting new native plants (on Feb. 11th!)
While the weather forecast looks cold, it will probably be dry, so dress for the chill. We will have hot cocoa, tea, and coffee. If the weather is really crummy, we will just work for an hour or so.
For more information on the park or the work party, contact Sarah Smith, Hector Campbell NDA Parks Coordinator 503-313-0638 or [email protected]
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park.
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6:39 PM No comments:

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Labels: Homewood Park, Volunteering
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