As the chair of the Hector Campbell Neighborhood Assn. I put the agenda together for the monthly meeting. So as I sit here thinking about the next meeting [Oct. 13th] I am tring to come up with guest and topics that might be interesting and helpful to the neighborhood.
So I am asking you what do you want to hear about at the meetings? Whom do you want to see at the meeting to ask questions of or what concerns do you have about our neighborhood or city?
This is your neighborhood and your city. What can we do to help you?
David Aschenbrenner
Chair, Hector Campbell NDA
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
What can we do for you?
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Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Clackamas County Board of Commissioners to Meet about Balfour House
The city of Milwaukie is being forced to sell the Balfour Street Property to Columbia Care, which will proceed with their plan to construct a 15 bed facility for the criminally insane.
There will be a discussion item on the Board's Agenda during which time Cindy Becker, the Director of the Department of Human Services, will provide the Board with an update as well as additional information and education about the project. Individuals from the State and the provider will also be in attendance to provide information.
Please attend this meeting and be prepared to share your opinions with the various agencies. All Milwaukie neighborhoods should participate in this issue.
For more information see the Ardenwald Neighborhood Website.
There will be a discussion item on the Board's Agenda during which time Cindy Becker, the Director of the Department of Human Services, will provide the Board with an update as well as additional information and education about the project. Individuals from the State and the provider will also be in attendance to provide information.
Please attend this meeting and be prepared to share your opinions with the various agencies. All Milwaukie neighborhoods should participate in this issue.
County Commissioners Meeting
September 25th, 10:00 am
September 25th, 10:00 am
2051 Kaen Road, Oregon City, 97045
For more information see the Ardenwald Neighborhood Website.
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10:15 AM 1 comment:

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Construction Alert!

Weather permitting, the contractor will work overnight from 7:00 pm on 9/25 to 8:00 am on 9/26
Traffic may enter from Hwy 224 onto Oak, but there will be delays. Detours will be in place routing traffic to 37th. Most driveways on Oak Street will be closed during this time.
We would appreciate you refraining from activity that would allow any water to run into the street (sprinklers, hoses, etc.) on the days of work.
For more information contact , Engineer Division, Phone: (503) 786-7602
Traffic may enter from Hwy 224 onto Oak, but there will be delays. Detours will be in place routing traffic to 37th. Most driveways on Oak Street will be closed during this time.
We would appreciate you refraining from activity that would allow any water to run into the street (sprinklers, hoses, etc.) on the days of work.
For more information contact , Engineer Division, Phone: (503) 786-7602
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Saturday, September 20, 2008
Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are needed for the events. If you can help please contact or contact , City Program Coordinator, at (503) 786-7568.
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Monday, September 15, 2008
Monthly meeting notes 9/8/2008
September 8, 2008 Meeting Notes
Public Safety Building, 7pm
Presiding: David Aschenbrenner, Chairperson
Introductions and welcome
Greg Chaimov, City Councilor attended, and Pat Duval represented the City.
Seven neighbors were in attendance. Carla Bantz attended, representing MHS Graduation Party.
Police and Fire Reports
Representatives from neither the fire department nor police department were able to attend.
Grant Requests:
Carla Bantz, representing the 2009 Milwaukie HS Graduation party, explained how the party is operated, and asked that we consider providing some sort of financial support. She was advised of the multi-neighborhood association grant process and asked to contact Beth Ragel to complete the necessary paperwork.
The Chairman explained that the HCNDA Leadership Team has proposed guidelines to guide how we distribute the money we have available each year for grants. A motion for acceptance of the guidelines was proposed by John Ellis and seconded by Mrs Rolison. The motion unanimously passed.
Project Reports:
a. Street Maintenance Program
i. King Road project has been completed, on time and with some cost savings.
ii. Overlays on 42nd and some other areas are underway
b. 37th and Railroad Avenue
Pedestrian improvements are being constructed, which are in line with proposed Quiet Zone changes to this crossing.
c. Harmony Road.
The Railroad has said that any road change must be elevated. All the proposed designs were rejected by Linwood Neighborhood Association. Discussion is on-going with the county.
d. Sewage Treatment Plant
Residents and Leadership of Milwaukie are of the clear opinion that the Kellogg Treatment Plant should be removed. However, the cities of Oregon City, West Linn and Gladstone, the Sewer District and County officials have not included this in their proposal. City of Milwaukie has asked them to reconsider their proposal.
Parks Report:
Sarah Smith was unable to attend to report.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Mary Weaver was on vacation, so David Hedges, an at-large PSAC representative who lives in HCNDA area, reported. The new Chief of Police, Robert Jordan, has advised that he intends to purchase a second and possibly a third K-9 dog. Jag, the first K-9 officer, has been purchased and he and Officer Truong will be going through training in October and should be operational by November. Members from PSAC have created a 501c non-profit to continue fund-raising for the upkeep of the dogs. The Chief is undecided as to whether a School Resource Officer will be provided at MHS.
Leaving advertising on a door is both an offense against a city ordinance and a security issue, and all companies selling door-to-door must apply for and receive a city license, by city ordinance It was advised that anyone trying to sell something door-to-door should be asked to show their Milwaukie business license, which they must carry with them. If they are unable to do so, it is unadvisable to deal with them. If sales information is left on printed material on your doorstep, please collect this information and provide it to Mary Weaver so that her on-going work with the Code Enforcement Officer to catch offenders can continue.
September 8-21st the police department will be participating in a blitz on seatbelts and child safety. Officers will be spending additional time checking for the wearing of seatbelts and that childrens car seats are being used and installed properly.
Councilor Chaimov
Attendees were asked what issues we would particularly like to have raised to Council. Support for The Quiet Zone in next year’s budget, and persistence in dealing with the Railroad over this issue was requested by one neighbor. One neighbor complained about the traffic calming measures on Washington Street from downtown to 224 (large raised concrete planters in the center of the street) and asked whether property owners had signed off on them because of the difficulty some must incur in using the area in front of their properties.
Other Issues and Information
1. Land Use Committee
The Chairman advised that some NDA’s have a separate committee for this purpose, but since little planning permission activity goes on in our neighborhood, and because of the tight turn-around time usually provided for any such decisions, the Leadership Team will consider matters should any issues arise. Any other HCNDA members interested are most welcome to be included.
2. New HCNDA Logo
Four designs were presented to replace the current logo, so as to represent more of our neighborhood than just Hector Campbell’s tenure as a schoolmaster. The dogwood, the City’s symbol, the Bing cherry, and fir cones, representing Homewood Park, have been incorporated. Two of the designs were particularly liked, with minor changes suggested to each. It was suggested that samples of the proposed logo used on letterhead would be helpful to make a decision.
3. Mike Swanson, the City Manager, has a weekly message on-line on the city’s website.
4. The Planning Commission’s information has now been added to the City’s website.
Upcoming Events:
The Poetry Series at the Pond House, 7pm September 10th
Next meeting - October 13, 2008, Public Safety Building, 7:00pm
Click here for a printable version of these notes.
Public Safety Building, 7pm
Presiding: David Aschenbrenner, Chairperson
Introductions and welcome
Greg Chaimov, City Councilor attended, and Pat Duval represented the City.
Seven neighbors were in attendance. Carla Bantz attended, representing MHS Graduation Party.
Police and Fire Reports
Representatives from neither the fire department nor police department were able to attend.
Grant Requests:
Carla Bantz, representing the 2009 Milwaukie HS Graduation party, explained how the party is operated, and asked that we consider providing some sort of financial support. She was advised of the multi-neighborhood association grant process and asked to contact Beth Ragel to complete the necessary paperwork.
The Chairman explained that the HCNDA Leadership Team has proposed guidelines to guide how we distribute the money we have available each year for grants. A motion for acceptance of the guidelines was proposed by John Ellis and seconded by Mrs Rolison. The motion unanimously passed.
Project Reports:
a. Street Maintenance Program
i. King Road project has been completed, on time and with some cost savings.
ii. Overlays on 42nd and some other areas are underway
b. 37th and Railroad Avenue
Pedestrian improvements are being constructed, which are in line with proposed Quiet Zone changes to this crossing.
c. Harmony Road.
The Railroad has said that any road change must be elevated. All the proposed designs were rejected by Linwood Neighborhood Association. Discussion is on-going with the county.
d. Sewage Treatment Plant
Residents and Leadership of Milwaukie are of the clear opinion that the Kellogg Treatment Plant should be removed. However, the cities of Oregon City, West Linn and Gladstone, the Sewer District and County officials have not included this in their proposal. City of Milwaukie has asked them to reconsider their proposal.
Parks Report:
Sarah Smith was unable to attend to report.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report
Mary Weaver was on vacation, so David Hedges, an at-large PSAC representative who lives in HCNDA area, reported. The new Chief of Police, Robert Jordan, has advised that he intends to purchase a second and possibly a third K-9 dog. Jag, the first K-9 officer, has been purchased and he and Officer Truong will be going through training in October and should be operational by November. Members from PSAC have created a 501c non-profit to continue fund-raising for the upkeep of the dogs. The Chief is undecided as to whether a School Resource Officer will be provided at MHS.
Leaving advertising on a door is both an offense against a city ordinance and a security issue, and all companies selling door-to-door must apply for and receive a city license, by city ordinance It was advised that anyone trying to sell something door-to-door should be asked to show their Milwaukie business license, which they must carry with them. If they are unable to do so, it is unadvisable to deal with them. If sales information is left on printed material on your doorstep, please collect this information and provide it to Mary Weaver so that her on-going work with the Code Enforcement Officer to catch offenders can continue.
September 8-21st the police department will be participating in a blitz on seatbelts and child safety. Officers will be spending additional time checking for the wearing of seatbelts and that childrens car seats are being used and installed properly.
Councilor Chaimov
Attendees were asked what issues we would particularly like to have raised to Council. Support for The Quiet Zone in next year’s budget, and persistence in dealing with the Railroad over this issue was requested by one neighbor. One neighbor complained about the traffic calming measures on Washington Street from downtown to 224 (large raised concrete planters in the center of the street) and asked whether property owners had signed off on them because of the difficulty some must incur in using the area in front of their properties.
Other Issues and Information
1. Land Use Committee
The Chairman advised that some NDA’s have a separate committee for this purpose, but since little planning permission activity goes on in our neighborhood, and because of the tight turn-around time usually provided for any such decisions, the Leadership Team will consider matters should any issues arise. Any other HCNDA members interested are most welcome to be included.
2. New HCNDA Logo
Four designs were presented to replace the current logo, so as to represent more of our neighborhood than just Hector Campbell’s tenure as a schoolmaster. The dogwood, the City’s symbol, the Bing cherry, and fir cones, representing Homewood Park, have been incorporated. Two of the designs were particularly liked, with minor changes suggested to each. It was suggested that samples of the proposed logo used on letterhead would be helpful to make a decision.
3. Mike Swanson, the City Manager, has a weekly message on-line on the city’s website.
4. The Planning Commission’s information has now been added to the City’s website.
Upcoming Events:
The Poetry Series at the Pond House, 7pm September 10th
Next meeting - October 13, 2008, Public Safety Building, 7:00pm
Click here for a printable version of these notes.
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8:47 AM No comments:

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