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March for Mutts Poster
On March 5th Dave's Killer Bread will be sponsoring the North Clackamas Meals on Wheels Program and Friends Involved in Dog Outreach (FIDO) annual fundraiser for the provision of pet food to Meals on wheels recipients. The registration is $5 per person, with a dog food donation. There will be owner/dog costume and cutest puppy contests, pet rescue and adoption agencies, vendors, dog demos, Ask-A-Vet booth with $15 rabies vaccinations and $25 chipping, door prizes and more.
The beneficiaries of all gate receipts will be Meals on Wheels, which serves over 70,000 meals annually. Ani-meals will also be aided. This program provides dog and cat food to Meals on Wheels recipients so they don't share their badly needed nutritious meals with their beloved pets.
Please put this date on your calendar and bring yourself and/or your family down for a family fun-day. Bring your leashed pets too!
9am to noon, March 5th, at North Clackamas Park, 5440 SE Kellogg Creek Drive. Milwaukie. |
A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
March for Mutts Expo
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Labels: Get Involved
Thursday, February 17, 2011
HCNDA February 14 2011 Meeting Notes
Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairman; in attendance were Milwaukie Police Chief Bob Jordan, City Manager Bill Monahan, City liaison Pat DuVal, Councilor David Hedges and 9 neighbors.
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had little criminal activity in the past month. He reported that Council has given the go-ahead to seek a vendor to continue the photo radar van. There will be an opportunity for people to see the van at City Hall on Tuesday February 15th from 4-6pm. An officer will be there to answer questions about the van’s operation. The Chief also reported that the department will be piloting a portable speed display sign that can collect data as well as display the speed limit and the speed your car is going. This may lead to other signs being purchased within the city. The signs can be easily moved from one pole to another, and can be used in locations where the speed trailer could not be used. He also said that if the NDAs wish, if they decide to solely use the display signs in the future, he would be happy to assist in selling the speed trailer to another jurisdiction. Darlene Albertson made a motion and Sarah Smith seconded to support the speed display sign program. The motion passed unanimously.
The Chief reminded everyone of the Officer of the Year award dinner on March 24th at the American Legion Hall. This year the officer, reserve officer and cadet of the year will be honored. The officer of the year will also be put forward by the American Legion in national competition for national officer of the year recognition.
A neighbor brought up the speed limits on McLoughlin and Railroad. ODOT sets the speeds, and does take into account the concerns of nearby neighborhoods. The general consensus was that there could be better signage warning motorists of a change in speed limit. ODOT has determined that Railroad Avenue should have a 35mph speed limit on it, so that change may alleviate confusing change from 30mph to 40mph within one block near 37th.
City Manager’s Report Mr. Monahan talked about how he wants to make the NDAs the #1 communicator for city staff so they know what issues are important. He applauded our website and noted that we always have our agendas and minutes posted on both our website and the city’s in good time. He discussed making sure that the news media appropriately labels news as NOT in Milwaukie instead of in Milwaukie when it is really in unincorporated North Clackamas County. Ms Weaver asked him if he wanted to comment on Campbell’s possible school closure. There was a lot of discussion by neighbors strongly opposed to the school closing, and it was suggested that the NDA and possibly the NDA Leadership Team might want to write to the North Clackamas School Board rejecting the closure of a neighborhood school. It was pointed out that the closure of community-0based schools could interfere with the city’s goal to attract families to Milwaukie. Fears over what could take the school’s place if it does close were expressed. Mr. Monahan said that the school property must be used for community use, and it would also require a land use review before any new use could be made of the property, so there would be opportunity to oppose any potentially unwelcome use.
Planning Commission: Commissioner Chris Wilson said that the Commission has been tasked to go to each member’s own NDA to ask how word of important issues best can be communicated to citizens. This prompted a lengthy discussion about lack of communication between city staff and citizens. No ready answer was achieved, but Darlene Albertson made a motion and Linda Hedges seconded a motion to oppose discontinuation of the Pilot. Some discussion around this issue of better ways to achieve the same goal, with advocates stating social media and email being a good way to communicate and others stating not everyone in Milwaukie has a computer or is computer literate.
NOTE: There is a February 22nd 5-7pm Council study session meeting at the PSB regarding improving communication by the city.
Treasurer’s Report: the bank account is in good shape. A small amount was spent on administrative costs this month. There is about $12,000 in the checking account, and there is also money in a savings account.
City Liaison Report – Pat DuVal: Pat reported that there will be a volunteer recognition event on April 16th from 10-noon at the Masonic Lodge. She asked if there were any questions or suggestions she could take back to the city. There were none noted at this time.
Light Rail monthly meetings - the March 7th open house meeting at the MHS 6:30pm will concentrate on finalization of design details. Sarah Smith asked for there to be corrections made by the city on the final art for light rail allocations. Artwork extends to the design of such parts of the station and station areas as the concrete retaining walls.
Parks Report: There will be a work party at Homewood Park in March to pull ivy. Date and time will be announced later.
Grant Requests: Chris Wilson proposed a $500 award to the MHS Grad Party. Since we have previously approved this project, a motion was made by Linda Hedges and seconded by Sarah Smith to award this amount. The motion was unanimously approved.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that the Officer of the Year Award Dinner is March 10, 2011. The Public Safety Advisory committee and the American Legion will honor the officer, reserve and cadet police officer of the year, selected by their peers. Citizens are invited to attend. Ticket prices are $17 each and can be purchased from Mary Weaver, David Hedges, PSAC representatives from other NDAs or on the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation’s website at www.milwaukiepsf.org.
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program The final report was passed around. It is due February 15th. About 15 projects were identified: a) Pathway from Wilma Court to Hunter Court on the east right of way of Home Avenue; b) lighted crosswalk across 42nd Avenue at Adams or Franklin; c) speed display signs. Anyone who wishes to read a copy of the report http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/communitydevelopment/walk-safely-neighborhood-reports
Other Information
a) Johnson Creek Watershed Council will hold a clean-up day for Johnson Creek on March 5th.
b) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
c) HCNDA GREETING CARDS were distributed and neighbors asked to write one or hand one to a neighbor in our area who might not have previously attended a meeting. A handwritten note will be a very nice way to welcome someone to the neighborhood and invite them along to our meetings.
d) Mr. Aschenbrenner said that this will probably be his last year on the Budget Committee. Budget work will commence soon for this coming year, so anyone who would like to comment or ask questions can contact him about it.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on Monday, March 14, 2011 at the Public Safety Building.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges February 15, 2011
Approved: Mary Weaver
Police Report: Chief Jordan reported that the city has had little criminal activity in the past month. He reported that Council has given the go-ahead to seek a vendor to continue the photo radar van. There will be an opportunity for people to see the van at City Hall on Tuesday February 15th from 4-6pm. An officer will be there to answer questions about the van’s operation. The Chief also reported that the department will be piloting a portable speed display sign that can collect data as well as display the speed limit and the speed your car is going. This may lead to other signs being purchased within the city. The signs can be easily moved from one pole to another, and can be used in locations where the speed trailer could not be used. He also said that if the NDAs wish, if they decide to solely use the display signs in the future, he would be happy to assist in selling the speed trailer to another jurisdiction. Darlene Albertson made a motion and Sarah Smith seconded to support the speed display sign program. The motion passed unanimously.
The Chief reminded everyone of the Officer of the Year award dinner on March 24th at the American Legion Hall. This year the officer, reserve officer and cadet of the year will be honored. The officer of the year will also be put forward by the American Legion in national competition for national officer of the year recognition.
A neighbor brought up the speed limits on McLoughlin and Railroad. ODOT sets the speeds, and does take into account the concerns of nearby neighborhoods. The general consensus was that there could be better signage warning motorists of a change in speed limit. ODOT has determined that Railroad Avenue should have a 35mph speed limit on it, so that change may alleviate confusing change from 30mph to 40mph within one block near 37th.
City Manager’s Report Mr. Monahan talked about how he wants to make the NDAs the #1 communicator for city staff so they know what issues are important. He applauded our website and noted that we always have our agendas and minutes posted on both our website and the city’s in good time. He discussed making sure that the news media appropriately labels news as NOT in Milwaukie instead of in Milwaukie when it is really in unincorporated North Clackamas County. Ms Weaver asked him if he wanted to comment on Campbell’s possible school closure. There was a lot of discussion by neighbors strongly opposed to the school closing, and it was suggested that the NDA and possibly the NDA Leadership Team might want to write to the North Clackamas School Board rejecting the closure of a neighborhood school. It was pointed out that the closure of community-0based schools could interfere with the city’s goal to attract families to Milwaukie. Fears over what could take the school’s place if it does close were expressed. Mr. Monahan said that the school property must be used for community use, and it would also require a land use review before any new use could be made of the property, so there would be opportunity to oppose any potentially unwelcome use.
Planning Commission: Commissioner Chris Wilson said that the Commission has been tasked to go to each member’s own NDA to ask how word of important issues best can be communicated to citizens. This prompted a lengthy discussion about lack of communication between city staff and citizens. No ready answer was achieved, but Darlene Albertson made a motion and Linda Hedges seconded a motion to oppose discontinuation of the Pilot. Some discussion around this issue of better ways to achieve the same goal, with advocates stating social media and email being a good way to communicate and others stating not everyone in Milwaukie has a computer or is computer literate.
NOTE: There is a February 22nd 5-7pm Council study session meeting at the PSB regarding improving communication by the city.
Treasurer’s Report: the bank account is in good shape. A small amount was spent on administrative costs this month. There is about $12,000 in the checking account, and there is also money in a savings account.
City Liaison Report – Pat DuVal: Pat reported that there will be a volunteer recognition event on April 16th from 10-noon at the Masonic Lodge. She asked if there were any questions or suggestions she could take back to the city. There were none noted at this time.
Light Rail monthly meetings - the March 7th open house meeting at the MHS 6:30pm will concentrate on finalization of design details. Sarah Smith asked for there to be corrections made by the city on the final art for light rail allocations. Artwork extends to the design of such parts of the station and station areas as the concrete retaining walls.
Parks Report: There will be a work party at Homewood Park in March to pull ivy. Date and time will be announced later.
Grant Requests: Chris Wilson proposed a $500 award to the MHS Grad Party. Since we have previously approved this project, a motion was made by Linda Hedges and seconded by Sarah Smith to award this amount. The motion was unanimously approved.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that the Officer of the Year Award Dinner is March 10, 2011. The Public Safety Advisory committee and the American Legion will honor the officer, reserve and cadet police officer of the year, selected by their peers. Citizens are invited to attend. Ticket prices are $17 each and can be purchased from Mary Weaver, David Hedges, PSAC representatives from other NDAs or on the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation’s website at www.milwaukiepsf.org.
Walk Safely Milwaukie Program The final report was passed around. It is due February 15th. About 15 projects were identified: a) Pathway from Wilma Court to Hunter Court on the east right of way of Home Avenue; b) lighted crosswalk across 42nd Avenue at Adams or Franklin; c) speed display signs. Anyone who wishes to read a copy of the report http://www.ci.milwaukie.or.us/communitydevelopment/walk-safely-neighborhood-reports
Other Information
a) Johnson Creek Watershed Council will hold a clean-up day for Johnson Creek on March 5th.
b) Clackamas County FD #1 Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
c) HCNDA GREETING CARDS were distributed and neighbors asked to write one or hand one to a neighbor in our area who might not have previously attended a meeting. A handwritten note will be a very nice way to welcome someone to the neighborhood and invite them along to our meetings.
d) Mr. Aschenbrenner said that this will probably be his last year on the Budget Committee. Budget work will commence soon for this coming year, so anyone who would like to comment or ask questions can contact him about it.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on Monday, March 14, 2011 at the Public Safety Building.
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges February 15, 2011
Approved: Mary Weaver
Posted by Anonymous at
10:29 PM No comments:

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011
HCNDA February 14 meeting agenda
7:00pm, February 14, 2011
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson
2) Milwaukie Police Update
3) Information:
a) Minutes from previous meeting
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) City Liaison Pat DuVal report/comments
d) Walk Safely Milwaukie Report
4) Bill Monahan, City Manager
5) Library Board
6) Grants report
7) Public Safety Advisory Comm. Report: Mary Weaver
8) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
9) Other Information and Comments:
a) Light Rail monthly meeting
b) Clackamas FD1 Newsletter: www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the HCNDA’s email at [email protected].
Next Meeting will be at 7pm, Monday, March 14, 2011 at the Public Safety Bldg.
Members of the HCNDA are those who live in, own property in, work in, or represent a business or nonprofit organization within the Hector Campbell NDA boundaries. Only members are entitled to make motions and to vote. Others are welcome to attend and to contribute to discussion. Find your appropriate neighborhood at http://www.cityofmilwaukie.org/nda/ndamap.html
7:00pm, February 14, 2011
Milwaukie Public Safety Building
Building Entrance, South End of Parking Lot
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson
2) Milwaukie Police Update
3) Information:
a) Minutes from previous meeting
b) Treasurer’s Report
c) City Liaison Pat DuVal report/comments
d) Walk Safely Milwaukie Report
4) Bill Monahan, City Manager
5) Library Board
6) Grants report
7) Public Safety Advisory Comm. Report: Mary Weaver
8) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
9) Other Information and Comments:
a) Light Rail monthly meeting
b) Clackamas FD1 Newsletter: www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the HCNDA’s email at [email protected].
Next Meeting will be at 7pm, Monday, March 14, 2011 at the Public Safety Bldg.
Members of the HCNDA are those who live in, own property in, work in, or represent a business or nonprofit organization within the Hector Campbell NDA boundaries. Only members are entitled to make motions and to vote. Others are welcome to attend and to contribute to discussion. Find your appropriate neighborhood at http://www.cityofmilwaukie.org/nda/ndamap.html
Posted by Anonymous at
1:26 PM No comments:

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