A Neighborhood District Association (NDA) links the neighborhood together to create a vibrant local democracy and a stronger community. Every person who lives in the City of Milwaukie belongs to one of the seven NDAs. They are powerful resources for all of us. They are the officially recognized voice of the neighborhood and the basic building blocks of democracy in Milwaukie.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
December 14 2009 Meeting Minutes
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner stated the balance has not changed since last month.
Police Report: Officer Squires distributed a crime statistics report and reported that the cold weather contributed to a low level of criminal activity over the past month. She reported that new Officer Eric Sharron has begun work and another two new officers Eric Gunderson and Zane Odom are in training. A grant to provide funding to combat gang activities will provide time for the SRO and two other officers to work on intelligence gathering and action in schools. She reported that because of the department’s pro-active stance on gang activity, most of it has been chased out. A query by a neighbor about the number of sex offender registrations that appear in the police log in the paper was advised that many offenders register in Milwaukie because it is easy to do there, but that they do not necessarily live inside the city. There are websites available to track the actual living location of sex offenders.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update: no projects are currently pending
School Alleyways: Mary Weaver has discussed the issue with the School District and will continue to pursue it after the new year. Action: Mary Weaver
Census 2010: Pam Wheldon, who works for the Census’ Partnership Program, distributed information about the census, and explained that they would like our association to become a partner in helping the US Census Bureau get out information about how to respond to it, and where to get help or questions answered. Paperwork will be reviewed, but it was felt that we could put information about the census on our website and also distribute it at meetings. The Census bureau is looking for an office in the Milwaukie area in which to locate an assistance office. The paper questionnaire for the census will be mailed out in late March, with a due date of April 1st. Those who do not return their census will receive a visit from the census staff. Some fraudulent activity has occurred and people are reminded never to give out their social security number, bank information or other confidential information to anyone purporting to be with the Census.
USS Ranger Support: A veterans organization is trying to bring the USS Ranger to the Portland area to be used as a monument/museum. They have asked organizations like ours to write letters of support. It was agreed by vote (proposed by Darlene Albertson, seconded by Linda hedges) that we would write a letter of support, as this will bring jobs and an additional tourist attraction to the city. Action: Linda Hedges
City Snow Plan: The City has posted on its front page of its website the routes that snowplows will cover during a snow event. Neighbors were reminded that they will not plow local streets, only the main streets. Lengthy discussion ensued over whether there was a way to make sure that elderly and disabled who need help during winter emergencies have a way to get help. The Milwaukie Senior Center will be called to see if there they have a plan that we could publicize that does this work. Action: Linda Hedges
Water Bills: Last month a question about the way water bills are calculated was raised, and Mr. Aschenbrenner was to discuss this with the City’s Finance Director. Mr. Palacios has resigned and left the city. Mr. Aschenbrenner has spoken with JoAnne Herrigal, the City’s Community Services Director, about this issue. City staff are writing a pamphlet that will explain the billing process, but it is not yet ready. A neighbor spoke about her concern over a disparity in sewer rates and the apparent inability to get a clear answer about the water and sewer bill or an adjustment where she could prove less usage after the annual rate for her household was set. Several neighbors did express an interest and concern over this issue. Some would like to go to a monthly meter reading and billing based on monthly usage. It was decided to place this item on February’s agenda and to try to get more information by then. Action: David Aschenbrenner
Milwaukie HS Senior Grad Party 2010 John Ellis represented the Grad Party and requested a donation again this year. He said that the budget has been cut by about 30% in recognition of how the economy is this year. The cost per student is about $100, but if they help do fundraising, they end up paying about $30 each. Fundraising includes concessions at school sports events and the fireworks stand near Albertson’s. Donations are vital to provide adequate funding. Donations could also include prizes as well as money. The actual donation is one that our association has committed to on an annual basis. A proposal and vote will be made at January’s meeting. Mr. Ellis advised that he is doing the paperwork for the city-wide grant request.
Milwaukie Daze: An email request was received from one of the organizers of this event. Mr. Aschenbrenner explained that Celebrate Milwaukie Inc. (the non-profit foundation that runs the Farmers Market) has agreed to hire an events coordinator to organize the event this year, so at this time it is not known how much, if any, money the NDAs will be requested to donate. He asked that we wait until later in the spring to further discuss this grant request. Milwaukie Daze will be held sometime around the end of July or beginning of August 2010.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith was not in attendance to report.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: David Hedges reported that discussions have begun over the Officer of the Year Dinner, and also there is the possibility that the committee will sponsor a city shredding and prescription disposal event later in the year.
Next Meeting will be 7pm on January 11, 2010 in the Public Safety Building

Help Available During Winter Storms
Neighbors are encouraged to keep an eye out for each other if and when we have snow like we did last winter. If you know of someone who can't easily get around, who might not have power, or who might need help, knock on their door and see if they're ok.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009
November 9 2009 HCNDA Meeting Notes
Minutes: The minutes from the previous meeting were approved. Motion by David Aschenbrenner, seconded by Pat Rolison.
Treasurer’s Report: David Aschenbrenner provided a written report on the accounts and said he is getting together all documentation and assuring everything is in order. Mr. Aschenbrenner was asked whether all the accounting was done for the National Night Out event. Sarah Smith reported that a check was written to Dave Mills for the hot dogs and bbq costs, and that appeared to be all the costs outstanding for that project. The cancelled check will provide receipt for that cost. . The current account stands at about $10,000, with all grants paid and with an additional $389 in the administrative fund, $5331 in the Homewood Park fund and $500 in a fund for signage at Homewood Park. A motion was made by David Aschenbrenner to move $73.01 held in a Minthorn Park fund to the administrative fund. The motion was seconded by Sarah Smith and passed.
Police Report: Officer Truong distributed stats for the past month for our neighborhood. Larceny was up overall in the city but our neighborhood is still a low crime area, i.e., we had 2 larcenies and 6 burglaries during October. Officer Truong also explained how officers respond to certain kinds of calls. He reported that two new officers had been hired, Eric Sharron and Eric Gunderson, and that Officer Dan Cloyes has been assigned as School Resources Officer.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update:
Neighborhood Food Fight The food drive was cancelled due to low response for staffing support, but neighbors were encouraged to find barrels in banks and local stores to still support the Oregon Food Bank.
School Alleyways: Mary Weaver has discussed the issue of deteriorating fencing along pathways leading to Hector Campbell School with Principal Long, Code Compliance Officer Sayers and with an official at No. Clackamas SD. It appears to be that property owners are responsible for maintaining their properties along the alleyways, but that there is no ordinance to compel that fencing should be repaired if they are in an unsafe state. Mary will continue to follow this issue up with both the school district and code compliance. Linda Hedges advised that there is also a real issue with dog excrement all over the playground. The poor signage regarding prohibition of dogs on the school grounds may be part of the problem. This will be raised with the School District. Action: Mary Weaver
Transportation Safety Projects: Linda Hedges has completed and submitted to City Engineering the required paperwork requesting funding for three different projects in our neighborhood: a) Stop signs at 44th and Jackson; b) Children playing signs on Home Avenue near Homewood Park; and c) a pathway on the east side of Home Avenue from Guido Bocci to Hunter Court.
Grants: The agenda item regarding funding for the Umbrella Parade was cancelled since Celebrate Milwaukie Inc. has offered to support this event this year. Milwaukie Daze will require funding and this will be a grant funding item on the December agenda, once an official request has been made at the November NDA Leadership Team meeting.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith reported that she has a meeting at the end of the month with the Natural Areas Resource Technician at North Clackamas Parks and Recreation and will discuss how they might be able to assist us in maintaining the natural areas of Homewood Park.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
Mary Weaver reported that the Ukrainian Church on Stanley is planning a fall festival on November 21st. The police department will be assuring that parking issues do not arise again as they did when the church’s dedication occurred. The church has invited the public to attend.
The question was raised about whether LoCom (the 911 dispatch unit) can trace where cell phone calls are being generated from, as a safety issue. Officer Truong advised that LoCom can identify them to within a very close proximity. New cell phones have better GPS chips that allow a closer pinpointing of the caller. Mary Weaver felt it should be something the public is aware of since so many people have given up their landlines and use their cell phones for every call. Officer Truong noted that your location should be the first thing a caller gives to the 911 dispatcher when calling for help.
Linda Hedges asked whether PSAC could more thoroughly investigate whether there is a plan that can be made public for an emergency refuge for the neighborhoods. Darrin Smith noted that the communication system that provides phone calls to those who have previously registered is the best way for the city to let citizens know when something has happened and what action to take. It is still unclear who is supposed to take what action in the case of emergencies: the County, the American Red Cross, or the city. Referred to PSAC. Action: Mary Weaver, David Hedges
Mary Weaver raised the issue of what information is available on our water bill and how to interpret it. One neighbor asked if historic information could be listed in order to better compare usage from one year to the next (this has already been raised with the Finance Director who will try to do so if it can be done without adding cost to issuing the water bills). David Aschenbrenner will pursue this with the Finance Director. Action: David Aschenbrenner
The on-going sewer negotiations between the City of Milwaukie and Clackamas County were discussed. The City has asked for citizens and groups to contact the County to let them know of our concern over their proposed price hike. A letter to the County will be drafted to distribute to other NDA chairs in regard to this issue. Whether or not they co-sign, we will send a letter to the County reiterating our support for the City of Milwaukie’s Manager, Mayor and Council over their position on this matter. Action: Linda Hedges, Mary Weaver
A neighbor has asked Mary Weaver to investigate when the city cleans the streets, as she feels that they have not done it enough on her street. This was discussed, and Mary Weaver will discuss it further with Public Works as to what policies and priorities the city has, and what it expects neighbors to do regarding leaves and street cleanliness. Action: Mary Weaver
Next Meeting will be 7pm on December 14th.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
October 12 2009 Meeting Notes
Minutes from Previous Meeting: Approved
Treasurer’s Report: There is a healthy balance in our account, but a considerable amount of it is earmarked for programs already. More discussion was postponed until the Treasurer can attend a meeting.
Projects Update:
Railroad Avenue School Zone: There are new signs showing a walking pedestrian at either end of the former school zone. ODOT has been requested by city staff to change the speed zone on Railroad Avenue to 30mph for its entire length. A traffic usage study will likely determine the actual final speed limit.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith was not in attendance to make a report. Mary Weaver reported that the Nature Resources specialist at North Clackamas Parks and Recreation had contacted her to see if there were ways they could help us at Homewood Park. He was referred to Sarah Smith for further discussion.
Citizens Utility Advisory Board Report: Beth Kelland reported on the on-going wastewater treatment issue between Clackamas County Sewer District #1 and the City of Milwaukie. Milwaukie citizens should know that the city staff and council have been working extremely hard to protect the city’s ratepayers from exploitation by the county and CCSD#1. The letter Clackamas County Commission Board Chair Lynn Petersen sent out earlier to Milwaukie’s citizens implies that the city has been unreasonable in requiring appropriate documentation to be presented prior to work being carried out at the Kellogg Plant, and that the rate the CCSD#1 wants to charge is based on fair calculation. However, Mrs. Kelland explained how this rate was arrived at, which requires city users to pay for east county development, and the actions that the county is trying to take to force the city to accept work at the Kellogg plant but work designed to increase user capacity. This does not work toward the city’s goal to close the Kellogg plant within the next 20 years. More information about this issue can be found on the city’s website under “Presentation Outlines Sewer Rate and Kellogg Treatment Plant Negotiations” on http://www.cityofmilwaukie.org/.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
Transportation Safety projects Last year’s proposal to install a sidewalk along a portion of Home Avenue near Hunter Court and Guido Bocci Court was considered by City Engineering to be too expensive for this funding. Neighbors do not feel it is necessary for it to be a sidewalk; an asphalt or gravel path would be sufficient.
There was also a request for stop signage at 44th and Jackson Streets. These two proposals will be brought to PSAC for consideration.
The Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation spent $1050 to purchase body armor for Jag the K-9 dog.
Police Report: Officer Truong reported that there have been a few false alarms at the school, and a fight between two young women, small numbers of theft from vehicles and very little other crime in our neighborhood. The arrest of a young man with a gun at the high school was a person from out of state with no affiliation to the school, and the gun he had was a modified pellet gun that looked exactly like a regular gun. Chief Jordan spoke about this incident and said that State Rep. Carolyn Tomei had spoken with him about information relating to the use of pellet guns in criminal ways because she is considering drafting legislation designed to limit the use of pellet guns in this state. Chief Jordan also spoke about the effects of the recent Appellate Court ruling on the “implied consent” law for drunk driving and how it could affect the enforcement against drunk driving in the state.
Officer Truong asked that if you see graffiti to call the police department on its’ non-emergency phone number (503-786-7400) to report it so it can be photographed and documented before it is cleaned up. Code Compliance may be in a position to make referrals to organizations that can assist with cleanup.
Chief Jordan responded to a query about whether there will be sufficient officers to cover the light rail platform area by describing the increase in the number of officers by Tri-Met, our participation in the Tri-met staffing (currently 3 officers for transit policing) and his cooperation with other police chiefs with jurisdictions along the light rail lines to share information and strategy.
The department will be going from 12 hour shifts to 4 – 10 hour shifts per week in January. He will need to make sure that this scheduling pattern does not result in increased overtime costs.
The Chief also reported that he still hopes to acquire another K-9 officer and dog in the future, with training in drug-sniffing, but another dog trained for search and rescue may also be valuable.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at .
The Milwaukie Farmer’s Market has just two more Sundays to operate. A pumpkin carving contest will be held on October 24th.
Remember to rake the leaves away from storm drains and gutters along your street.
Milwaukie Light Rail Station Design meeting group met and proposed a two platform design and strongly supported the location of a service building adjacent to the east side platform. Photos of the design were available for viewing, along with photos of suggested platform design (the group proposed a traditional design with historical references), stormwater drainage planting, platform art and barrier designs.
Neighborhood Food Fight Non-perishable food can be brought to November 9th’s NDA meeting. The November 14th food fight will be at Albertson’s at Milwaukie Marketplace from 8am-5pm. [note: this may be cancelled – but food can still be donated and will be taken to The Oregon Food Bank]
Next Meeting will be 7pm on November 9th.

Thursday, September 17, 2009
September 14, 2009 Meeting notes
Police Report: Officer Wells introduced himself as a Milwaukie officer attached to the Metro Transit Police. He handles a K-9 bomb dog and often assists other departments. He distributed crime stats for the month of August. The Photo Radar Van and insurance for Jag the Police Dog were discussed but Officer Wells did not have current information about those areas. A request was made by one neighbor for more police presence on Home Avenue due to speeding.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available on: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/ and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update:
Railroad Avenue School Zone: The School Zone signage has been removed from Railroad Avenue and has been relocated on Home Avenue. The Engineering Department has not responded to Ms. Weaver’s requests for information about the proposed signage (about Kids at Play) for Railroad, although Mr. Aschenbrenner had spoken with Katie Mangle, who said some signs were on order.Action: M Weaver
National Night Out – August Meeting About 60 adults and children attended the picnic at Homewood Park. If we do it again next year some things might need to be changed, but it was agreed it was successful in bringing people together who did not usually attend the meetings.
Neighborhood Food Fight There will be another event this year to gather food for the Oregon Food Bank while providing information to people about the Neighborhood Associations. Linda Hedges is chairing the project. Tentatively it will be held on Saturday, November 14th, from 8am to 5pm at Albertson’s. Safeway has declined to participate this year. Non-perishable food brought to November’s meeting will be collected and included. More information will be available in October.
South Ardenwald Development David Aschenbrenner reported that this project has died due to lack of interest within the Ardenwald neighborhood. It had been proposed that the development of a master plan for the area around Providence Milwaukie Hospital and Hillside Park would aid the county in future development for affordable housing and other amenities and would provide the local neighborhood a voice in the direction of the development. However, no further work will be done on it unless there is more interest. There is still on-going discussion at the county level over the density of housing units that would be replaced at Hillside Park. It is currently zoned R3, which is higher than other neighborhoods.
Parks Report: Sarah Smith was not in attendance to make a report.
Mr. Aschenbrenner was asked about the status of park signage for Triangle Park (37th and Monroe). He said there are some hoops to jump through with the city regarding signing and that has not yet been done.
Linda Hedges asked who is responsible for replacement of trail boundary boards, and Mr. Aschenbrenner stated he thought that the city parks department was taking care of that.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report:
CERT Training Mary Weaver reported that CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) training will take place again on Saturday, October 10th. Those interested should contact Beth Ragel at Community Services at City Hall. The training is free, but if you sign up you must attend as the trainers have to be paid for by CCFD#1.
Door Hanger Survey David Hedges and Mary Weaver reported on the on-going investigation by PSAC into whether or not citizens and businesses prefer to maintain the current ordinance against any door hangers, or to have an ordinance similar to Troutdale’s which makes it possible to use door hangers unless a homeowner opts out by placing a sign on their property, and makes infractions a Class A misdemeanor punishable with large fines. PSAC will report back to the City Council once they have finalized their investigation.
Safe Routes to School is a grant-funded program that helps make improvements to give better safety and security to children along the route to school. These improvements might include bike racks, sidewalks, signage or other projects. So far none have been applied for within Milwaukie. It is a federally and state-funded project. If anyone has an interest in a particular project they should contact PSAC.
Transportation Safety projects It is time for neighborhoods to propose projects that might be funded by the city under this program. It is unclear whether or not there is funding for it this year, but neighborhoods should still make proposals. Last year’s proposal to install a sidewalk along a portion of Home Avenue near Hunter Court and Guido Bocci Court was considered by City Engineering to be too expensive for this funding. Further discussion about the safety of walking or bicycling along the length of Home Avenue from Railroad Avenue up to King Road ensued. Linda Hedges suggested we might consider proposing a long-term plan of improvement for Home Avenue that uses Sustainable Street Design, including traffic-calming measures such as plant islands, narrowed lanes with curbs and bioswales, and roundabouts. No action to be taken at this time.
There was a discussion regarding the right-of-ways and responsibilities for maintenance of them between 48th Avenue and Campbell school grounds. Some broken fencing and shrub overhang is making it dangerous for children to walk through them. Mary Weaver will contact the principal, Curtis Long, to discuss what if anything can be done about it. Code Enforcement Officer says it is not the city’s responsibility. Action: Mary Weaver
The Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation is purchasing body armour for Jag the K-9 dog.
Election of Vice Chair Vice Chairman Jeff Loudon has resigned due to personal reasons. It was proposed and unanimously agreed that we will not refill the position at this time.
The Treasurer reported that we are in good shape with our budget at this time.
The Milwaukie Poetry Series is in its’ third season. It meets at 7pm at Ledding Library Pond House once monthly from September 9th to June 9th.
Milwaukie Light Rail Station Design meeting is scheduled for Monday October 5th 6:30-8:30pm at Bridge City Community Church. It’s very important to attend this meeting.
The church building on 40th and Llewellyn has been purchased by a Romanian church community, who are fixing it up to use for services.
A new Hawaiian restaurant called Ohana has replaced Hartwell’s and Latitude on north Main Street.
Milwaukie Historical Museum has a need for volunteers and will also be undergoing some repairs to the exterior stairway.
New Century Players has begun a new season. The Berkman House, where their administration offices is located next to the Milwaukie Museum, will be getting a new roof. They generally hold their plays at Putnam HS but will be encouraged to investigate holding some at the newly-renovated Milwaukie HS Auditorium.
The railroad has been replacing ties and repacking gravel along the crossings between Harrison and Harmony Road. Some closures have occurred over the week-end.
Updating of the NDA’s website needs to be discussed. Action: Mary Weaver to contact Sarah Smith
Next Meeting will be 7pm on October 12th.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
August National Night Out Picnic
August 4, 6-8pm
Homewood Park
National Night Out
Nearly 60 neighbors and their children attended the picnic at Homewood Park to celebrate National Night Out. We enjoyed hot dogs, chips, and potluck salads and desserts.
Councilors Deborah Barnes and Greg Chaimov also attended, as did Pat Duval, our NDA’s city staff liaison.
Notes about National Night Out and the Neighborhood Association were distributed, and a survey regarding door hangers was completed by many who attended. Those interested in obtaining a copy of the notes or the survey can obtain one by emailing Mary Weaver at .
Winners of the door prizes were: Kristen Perin, $50 Safeway gift card; and Grant Louden, Mary Aschenbrenner, Chris Wilson and Tom Larkins, Papa Murphy’s pizza.
Special thanks to Dave Mills, caterer, and to Safeway and Papa Murphy’s pizza for their support, and to Jeff Loudon, who organized the evening.
Our next meeting will be at the regularly scheduled time and date, Monday, September 14, 7pm, at the Public Safety Building.

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Meeting minutes July 13 2009
Previous Meeting’s Minutes: David Aschenbrenner moved and W. Bischoff seconded that the previous meeting’s minutes should be approved as written. The motion carried unanimously.
Police Report: Officer Crystal Squires, one of the department’s newest officers, introduced herself and said that there are 2 other new officers going through training at the moment. She said that Jag the K-9 officer, and Officer Huston have completed training and that Jag has already begun to perform well.
Clackamas County FD #1 did not attend. Their latest newsletter is available here: http://www.clackamasfire.com/documents/communitynewsletters/200904.pdf and monthly in the NDA’s email at [email protected].
Projects Update:
Railroad Avenue School Zone: Mary Weaver reported that Gary Parkin, the City Engineer, had replied to our letter that the request for a change to a lower speed limit on Railroad Avenue has been requested of Oregon Department of Transportation, and that the school zone signs will come down before school begins in September, and will be replaced with some other warning signs. The lights on Monroe at Garrett may or may not be moved to Home and Park; this action is waiting funding for implementation of new technology for the lighting system, as the current system is obsolete.
First Aid/CPR The idea for the PTA to sponsor a pediatric First Aid/CPR class in the neighborhood was tabled since Mr. Agoun was not there to report. (This will not be raised again unless the PTA does so).
National Night Out – August Meeting Jeff Louden reported on the tasks completed to date, and broke down the potential budget costs, which fit within the $500 voted for the project. Jeff will continue to contact suppliers and local businesses. Neighbors were requested to bring potluck (preferably commercially prepared) food to the event, which will be from 6-8pm at Homewood Park. Hot dogs and chips will be supplied. Neighbors should bring their own non-alcoholic beverages and folding chairs.
Further information will be in the Pilot article for August and on the NDA’s website.
Action: Jeff Louden, Mary Weaver
Grants: Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery: The $100 that we had donated to a memorial headstone fund for Madalaine Bohl at Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery was in excess of their requirements. Following discussion, a motion was made by David Aschenbrenner, seconded by W. Bischoff, to contribute an additional $100 from the administrative fund to purchase a lifetime membership for the NDA at the Milwaukie Pioneer Cemetery. The motion carried unanimously. It was also suggested that the Chairperson write to Mrs. Macken-Hambright, the Board Chair at MPC, to suggest that they prepare a city-wide grant request and bring it to all NDA’s for their support for the cemetery so that sufficient funds can be found to do expensive excavation and headstone restoration work. Action: Mary Weaver
Parks Report: Sarah Smith reported that the irrigation system has been watering the lawns and appears to be doing well for the plants and grass. She had a work party with a group from Grace Pointe Church on June 28th, which was for a service work day. There needs to be another work party soon to continue to pull ivy and blackberries and to continue staining the fencing along the trail. The broken boards on the trail have been repaired by the parks department. Many young families continue to use the play area, and there has been little problem with unwanted behavior in the park.
A neighbor queried whether or not Milwaukie has a youth center, where teenagers who otherwise might hang around in the park, could go to have fun and do social activities. There is no current such center, although discussion has been made from time to time. Some local church groups may run their own activities, but the closest is Sellwood’s Boys and Girl’s Club. It was agreed that there certainly does need to be somewhere that teens can go to have fun without getting into trouble.
Public Safety Advisory Committee Report: Mary Weaver reported that there was a new Chairman for the PSAC – David Hedges. She said that the minutes for the previous meeting had not yet been distributed. During Milwaukie Daze there will be a 9K race for the K-9 fund organized by the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation and members of PSAC that involves walking the parade route and then continuing the remaining length of the 9K. Dogs can bring their owner. Sponsors are requested and those entering the race will receive a bandana and doggy patch (for the dog) and t-shirts for the human participants. There is a registration fee. Contact Susannah Pai at or look on the Milwaukie Public Safety Foundation’s website: www.milwaukiepsf.org.
CERT (Citizen Emergency Response Team) training took place Saturday June 27th. Jeff Louden, Linda Hedges and Mary Anne Richardson attended from our neighborhood. The training is to prepare citizens to aid themselves, their families and neighbors in the event of a disastrous incident. A list of suggested supplies and actions was distributed so that neighbors can prepare emergency kits for themselves. It was reported that as this was a very introductory training, a suggestion for additional and continual training should occur, and an organizational infrastructure should be created so that there is sufficient training and supplies and intra-agency cooperation with the Red Cross, the city’s emergency management team, and others, so there would not be confusion at the time of an event. Linda Hedges will write to CCFD#1, who does the training, to suggest that this occur and offer our support.
Action: Linda Hedges
Sarah Smith asked if we intended to participate as a neighborhood organization in the Milwaukie Daze Parade, but it was decided at the last meeting that we did not intend to have an entry this year.
A neighbor had asked whether it was possible to have historical usage data printed on our water bills. Chairman Weaver has discussed this with City Finance Director Ignacio Palacios, who stated he had not previously thought about this, and that it would add a cost to printing the water bills which was not currently in the budget. Chairman Weaver will recontact him to let him know that this data would be seen as a benefit by neighbors and to ask him to consider it for next year. Action: Mary Weaver
Chairman Weaver has prepared a form for project planning and summary for any projects that we do. This form will assure that all appropriate and necessary permits and notifications are done, and will provide an important record if the project is done another time.
The Mayor and Council will be considering in work session a request by a business owner to consider rescinding the ordinance prohibiting door hangers. The Chair will write to the Mayor and Council reiterating our opposition to the use of door hangers within the city. Action: Mary Weaver
Prepared by: Linda M Hedges
Approved: Mary Weaver

Wednesday, July 8, 2009
July Meeting Agenda
7:00pm at the Milwaukie Public Safety Building
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson
2) Information: a) Approval of minutes from previous meeting
3) Milwaukie Police and Clackamas Fire District #1 a)Police Update; b)Fire Safety Update – refer to HCNDA email
4) Projects Updates:
a) Railroad Avenue School Zone i. Response from Gary Parkin, City Engineering; ii. Officer Glenn investigation into the compliance of the zone as a school zone
b) National Night Out at Homewood Park (August meeting) – full report and information
note that if the picnic gets cancelled for any reason, the next meeting will be September 11th
c) Report: PTA Pediatric CPR class – Tony Agoun
5) Grants: Madalaine Bohl cemetery marker
6) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
7) Public Safety Update: Mary Weaver
a) CERT training June 27 at JCB
8) Other Information and Comments:
a) Query about historical use data display on water bills
b) Project planning and reporting forms
Next Meeting will be a picnic held on TUESDAY AUGUST 4th, 2009 , at Homewood Park for National Night Out
We will post updates on the website and send out e mails as needed. Please pass this information on to your neighbors.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Main Street Milwaukie Retail Survey

Monday, July 6, 2009
Get Involved: Light Rail Planning Meetings
Park Ave Station and Park & Ride Workshop
Help shape the future Park Avenue MAX station in Oak Grove. This interactive workshop will present design concepts based on previous community input.
Wednesday, July 15, 6:30–8:30 p.m.
Rose Villa 13505 SE River Rd. Oak Grove
Monthly Milwaukie Meeting
Regularly scheduled Milwaukie meetings regarding the project occur the third Monday of each month. Additional Milwaukie meetings occur periodically.
Monday, July 20, 6–9 p.m.
Bridge City Church 2816 SE Harrison, Milwaukie
This location is served by the 28-Linwood, the 31-King Rd, the 75-39th Ave/Lombard and the 152-Milwaukie.Plan your trip on TriMet.
For more information call 503-962-2150, or visit Trimet.org/pm

Saturday, June 13, 2009
June 8, 2009 Meeting notes

Monday, June 8, 2009
June 8, 2009 Meeting Agenda
1) Introductions and Welcome: Mary Weaver, Chairperson
2) Guest:
3) Information:
a) Approval of minutes from previous meeting
b) Mayoral election outcome
4) Milwaukie Police and Clackamas Fire District #1
a) Police Update
b) Fire Safety Update – refer to HCNDA email
5) Projects Updates:
a) Railroad Avenue School Zone
i. Letter of confirmation to Gary Parkin
ii. Officer Glenn investigation into the compliance of the zone as a school zone
b) National Night Out at Homewood Park (August meeting)
c) Report: PTA Pediatric CPR class – Tony Agoun
6) Grants:
a) Madalaine Bohl memorial
b) Homewood Park
7) Parks Report: Sarah Smith
8) Public Safety Update: Mary Weaver
a) CERT training June 27 at JCB
9) Other Information and Comments:
Next Meeting will be July 13, 2009

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sites for collection will be the former Southgate Theater lot at 9600 SE Main St. and at the Crosswhite Industrial Park at 64th & Johnson Creek Blvd.
The purpose of this event is to help residents get rid of “bulky” waste items--not household garbage or hazardous materials. There is no cost to drop off one load of waste, however you will need ID AND a coupon from the May Pilot.
Volunteers are needed to help people unload their stuff. After you drop-off your load, why not stay for a couple of hours and help out! Give a call at (503) 786-7568 and get on the volunteer list.
Click here for more information on the cities website.

May Meeting Highlights
Wendy Hemmen Told us about her job as Milwaukie's Light Rail Design Coordinator; she updated us on the project and invited us to attend the monthly light rail meetings. Officer Glenn told us that crime-wise out neighborhood was pretty quiet; some neighbors asked him about the school zone on RR Avenue; we all wondered if a school zone was necessary on RR Ave. We talked about the Counties plan to redevelop the Hillside Park/ Hillside Manor in the South Ardenwald area; we decided it would be good to have someone from the Ardenwald come to one of our meetings to update us on the project as well as share their neighborhoods concerns about the project with us.
We voted on our neighborhood's leadership for the next year:
Chair Person: Mary Weaver
Vice Chair: Jeff Louden
Secretary: Linda Hedges
Treasurer: David Aschenbrenner
We entertained the idea of taking the summer off from meetings, however with Light Rail and the Hillside Manor/South Ardenwald re-development issues, we decided we best plan to meet every month. Our August meeting will be held the week of National Night Out, in Homewood Park.
Click here for the complete meeting minutes.

Friday, April 10, 2009
Homewood Park Grand Opening!
Join the neighborhood volunteers, Milwaukie, Metro, and North Clackamas Parks officials, in celebrating the opening of Homewood Park!
Here is a link to a map; if you live close enough, please walk to the park, parking is on street and is limited.

Sunday, April 5, 2009
Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project Community Forum

Tuesday, April 7, 6-7:30 p.m. Llewellyn Elementary School Cafetorium (6301 SE 14th Ave, Portland OR 97202)
The Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project includes new light rail tracks parallel to existing railroad tracks. Freight trains on the railroad tracks are required to blow their horns as they approach street crossings. The Project is exploring how these requirements may apply to light rail trains, including a number of options to minimize train horn noise through use of wayside horns, waivers, or the creation of "Quiet Zones." TriMet is engaging the services of Rail Control Limited (RCL), a firm that specializes in helping communities minimize train horn noise.
Please join TriMet, RCL and the cities of Milwaukie and Portland at this community forum to learn more about options for minimizing train horn noise.
Questions or comments? Please call 503-962-2150 or visit the Portland-Milwaukie Light Rail Project website at trimet.org/pm

Friday, March 20, 2009
Homewood Park is OPEN!

Our neighborhood play structure is ready for PLAY TIME!

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Homewood Park Planting Day

Volunteers should dress for the weather and wear work gloves. Some tools will be provided, however if you have a favorite shovel bring it along. Coffee, Cocoa, Cookies, and Lunch will be provided; please RSVP so we will know how much food to bring. (RSVP by Leaving a comment at the end of this post or send us an )
Homewood Park is located on SE Home Avenue (between Monroe & Ada Lane) in Milwaukie’s Hector Campbell Neighborhood. The parking is on-street on Home Ave; if you live close by, please walk to the park. contact Sarah Smith 503-653-0015 /

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
February Meeting Notes
- Linda Hedges told us about Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) training. The Fire Department would like to have a team trained in each neighborhood. If you want to sign up for training contact our neighborhood secretary , for more information check out the Clackamas County Fire Dist. 1 website.
- The Lewelling Neighborhood is working on starting a Community Garden! For more information see the February issue of the Milwaukie Pilot (page 5) or contact 503-545-6880
- Milwaukie Light Rail: Soon TriMet and Metro will begin work on Preliminary Engineering (PE) and the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) for Portland to Milwaukie Light Rail. An Open House explaining these processes will be held Wednesday, March 4th from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. in Fellowship Hall at Rose Villa, located at 13505 SE River Road. More information is available on Tri Mets Website.
- Waste Water Master Plan Open House: Wednesday February 25th 6 to 7:30pm at the public safety building. http://www.cityofmilwaukie.org/news/2009/wastewaterflyer.pdf
- Jeff Louden from the Hector Campbell PTA told us about plans for the 2009 Campbell Carnival. He asked us to contribute $500 towards the event; we will be voting on this at our March meeting.
- Homewood Park is nearing completion. Last month several neighborhood volunteers helped spread wood chips on the trail. The next work party is scheduled for February 28th.
Our next meeting is Monday March 9th

Saturday, January 24, 2009
City Council Meeting about Kellogg Treatment Plant
If there was ever a time when our riverfront needed your voice...it is now. On Tuesday, February 3rd, the City Council will be discussing our position on the need to set a clear date on the removal of the Kellogg Treatment Plant. We need to hear from our citizens who believe it is time to send a message that Milwaukie has shared the burden in the region regarding wastewater treatment for a long time and that we need to get more than an increase in our utility bills when we sit at the regional table. There are those who think Milwaukie’s past investment in the plant and how much our residents have paid in the treatment costs should not be included in a new IGA with the County. There are those that believe the treatment plant should stay...if not be expanded. There are those who believe we should just accept that someday there will be another taskforce established to talk about the removal of Kellogg. It’s not enough anymore and I urge, no, I implore each of you to help us spread the word so that the voices of Milwaukie residents are heard. We are good community partners and have been for decades on this issue. We need to continue to explore new options so that the burden is not primarily on the backs of Milwaukie residents. We want to work in tandem with our regional partners but we ask that our concerns are addressed as well.You can make a difference Tuesday, February 3rd at the City Council meeting.
Deborah Barnes
Milwaukie City Council President

Thursday, January 15, 2009
Volunteers Needed This Saturday

January Meeting Notes
Our new interim Mayor, Jeremy Ferguson, stopped in to introduce himself and to find out what our concerns are. Jeremy used to live in the Hector Campbell Neighborhood, but now lives in the Lewelling Neighborhood.
- There was a lively discussion about the school zone on Rail Road Avenue and the neighborhoods desire to replace the day long speed restriction with yellow-flashing lights.
- The proposed Secure Residential Treatment Facility (for people from the Oregon State Hospital found guilty except for insanity of violent crimes) on Balfour Street in the Ardenwald Neighborhood was also mentioned as a neighborhood concern; we do not think that type of facility should be allowed in ANY Milwaukie neighborhood.
Sarah Smith updated us on the progress at Homewood Park: the contractor is moving along quickly now that the weather as improved. Two work parties were announced, one this Saturday to move wood chips onto the trail and another on February 28th for planting and ivy pulling.
Linda Hedges reported on the Neighborhood Food Fight: The Neighborhood Food Fight was able to collect 948 items of food, and $2300.45 was donated, which was matched by Providence Milwaukie Hospital.
For the complete notes click on the link below:Hector Campbell NDA January Meeting Notes

Monday, January 12, 2009
Homewood Park Update
Excavation for the play structure began on Friday (1/9/08). The contractor is installing drain pipe to keep the play area from turning into a swamp in the rain, a concrete curb to retain the wood chips, and finally the play structure (not yet delivered from the manufacturer).
A few park neighbors told us they would like to have the Big Leaf Maple near the Home avenue park entrance removed. Removing the tree would nicely open up the view to the park entrances from the street, so we submitted an application for a tree removal permit. Milwaukie's code requires a permit to remove trees in the right of way (generally, the space between the street and an individual property), The cities planning department reviewed our application and reviewed the Homewood Park Master Plan. They considered comments from people during the two weeks the notice was posted on the tree, and visited the site. On January 2, 2009 they decided to deny our request to remove the tree.
Save the date: February 28th Planting Party. We will plant sword ferns and Oregon grape along the trail and continue working on removing ivy. Check back for more info.